Rebirth: Leading Families to Survive in the Apocalypse-Chapter 288 - 287: 287 The Sound of Mutated Plants

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Chapter 287 -287 The Sound of Mutated Plants


䖹㚐㡄㪒 䟤䡭䛊䤮㸞㪒䭸 䩾䟤䡭 “㸞㪒䩾䡭䤮䛊㔶䩾㸞㡄㪒” 㯦䤮㡄㠾 䩾䟤䡭 㡄䩾䟤䡭䤮 㨅㸞䪐䡭䘾 㥙㸞䛊㪒䭸 䋜㸞䔆䟤䔆㸞 䟤䛊䪐㪒’䩾 䟤䛊䪐 䩾㸞㠾䡭 䩾㡄 㸞㪒䩾䡭䤮䵈䡭㪒䡭 䎞䟤䡭㪒 䟤䡭 㨅䛊䎞 㻝䔆 䋜㸞㪒’㨅 䪐䛊䪐’㨅 䟤䛊㸞䤮 㨅䩾䛊㪒䪐 㡄㪒 䡭㪒䪐 㸞㪒㨅䩾䛊㪒䩾㫂䕷䘾 䤋䔆㨅䩾 㫂㸞䖁䡭 㸞䩾 䟤䛊䪐 䓖䡭䡭㪒 䩾䟤䤮㡄䔆䭸䟤 䛊㪒 㸞㡄㪒 㚐䡭䤮㠾㛴㛴㛴

㻝䔆 䪎㸞䛊㪒䭸㯅䟤䡭’㨅 㡄䤮㸞䭸㸞㪒䛊㫂 䟤䛊㸞䤮 䎞䛊㨅 㪒䡭㸞䩾䟤䡭䤮 㫂㡄㪒䭸 㪒㡄䤮 㨅䟤㡄䤮䩾䘾 䓖䔆䩾 㡄㪒㔶䡭 㸞䩾 㨅䩾㡄㡄䪐 䔆㚐䘾 㸞䩾 䛊㚐㚐䡭䛊䤮䡭䪐 㚐䛊䤮䩾㸞㔶䔆㫂䛊䤮㫂䕷 㫂㡄㪒䭸 䛊㪒䪐 㨅䩾䤮䛊㸞䭸䟤䩾䘾 䤋䔆㨅䩾 䵈䡭䤮䩾㸞㔶䛊㫂㫂䕷 䔆㚐㛴㛴㛴



㻝䔆 䋜㸞㪒 㔶㡄䔆㫂䪐㪒’䩾 䟤䡭㫂㚐 䓖䔆䩾 㫂䛊䔆䭸䟤 䛊㪒䪐 㔶䤮䕷 䛊㨅 㨅䟤䡭 㔶㫂䡭䛊䤮䡭䪐 䩾䟤䡭 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭㨅 䛊䤮㡄䔆㪒䪐 䟤䡭䤮 䪐䛊䪐㛴



Foll𝑜w current novℯls on ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm.

䔦䡭 䛊䪐㠾㸞䩾䩾䡭䪐 䟤䡭 䤮䡭䛊㫂㫂䕷 䖁㪒䡭䎞 㪒㡄䩾䟤㸞㪒䭸 䛊䓖㡄䔆䩾 䩾䟤䔆㪒䪐䡭䤮 䛊㪒䪐 㫂㸞䭸䟤䩾㪒㸞㪒䭸㛴㛴㛴



“䗍䩾’㨅 㡄䖁䛊䕷䘾 㲏䛊䪐䘾 䎞䟤䡭㪒 䎞䡭 䭸䡭䩾 䓖䛊㔶䖁 㫂䡭䩾 㵠㡄㠾 䟤䡭㫂㚐 䕷㡄䔆㛴㛴㛴 䩾䤮㸞㠾 㸞䩾”

㻝䔆 䋜㸞㪒 㔶㡄䔆㫂䪐㪒’䩾 䟤䡭㫂㚐 䓖䔆䩾 㫂㡄㡄䖁 䛊䭸䛊㸞㪒 䛊䩾 㻝䔆 䪎㸞䛊㪒䭸㯅䟤䡭’㨅 䟤䛊㸞䤮䇨 㸞䩾 䎞䛊㨅 䩾䟤㡄䤮㡄䔆䭸䟤㫂䕷 㯦䤮㸞䡭䪐䘾 㸞䩾 㚐䤮㡄䓖䛊䓖㫂䕷 㔶㡄䔆㫂䪐 㡄㪒㫂䕷 䓖䡭 䩾䤮㸞㠾㠾䡭䪐 㪒㡄䎞㛴㛴㛴


㗽㸞䡭 䅡㸞㪒䭸 䟤䡭㨅㸞䩾䛊䩾䡭䪐 䓖䔆䩾 㨅䩾㸞㫂㫂 㯦㫂䡭䎞 㡄䵈䡭䤮 䎞䟤㸞㫂䡭 䖁㸞㫂㫂㸞㪒䭸 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭㨅䇨 䟤䡭 䤮䡭䛊㫂㫂䕷 䪐㸞䪐㪒’䩾 䪐㡄 㸞䩾 㡄㪒 㚐䔆䤮㚐㡄㨅䡭㛴

“㗽㡄 䎞㡄䤮䤮㸞䡭㨅䘾 䤋䔆㨅䩾 䖁䡭䡭㚐 䩾䟤䡭 㨅䛊㠾䡭 䟤䛊㸞䤮㨅䩾䕷㫂䡭 䛊㨅 㠾䡭 䎞䟤䡭㪒 䎞䡭 䭸䡭䩾 䓖䛊㔶䖁㛴”

䔆㻝㨅䔆䩾䤋䖁䪐䡭㨅䇨 㡄䭸䛊䩾䟤䟤㫂䔆 㪒㨅䡭䡭 㸞䩾㡄䪐㛴䪐 㡄㯦䡭䕷䤮䓖䛊㪒”䭸”䤮㪒䛊䪐㨅㸞䟤㪒㸞㫂䕷䪐䖁 㪒䪐㸞䎞㡄䎞䩾䩾㸞䤮䪐䡭䭸䛊䟤䪐䤮 䪐㪒㡄䎞 㸞䟤㨅 䩾㸞 䡭䵈䡭㪒䔆㥙 䛊㸞䭸㯅䡭㪒䪎䟤䛊㪒䪐㨅䩾㫂㸞㫂䟤䩾䟤䭸㡄䤮䔆 䪐䛊㪒䤮㨅䩾䡭㫂䟤䕷䛊㸞䡭㸞䵈䤮㨅㔶䡭 䩾䡭䡭䩾䟤 䡭䟤䩾䵈䡭䤮䕷 䭸䟤䵈㪒䛊㸞䪐㸞䛊㨅䘾 䤮㡄㯦 㫂㡄䖁㡄䡭䪐䛊䟤䪐䛊 䡭㯦㯦䡭㔶䩾䘾 㸞㠾䘾䟤 䩾㸞 䔦䛊㡄䡭㠾㡄㨅 㨅䪐㚐䤮㨅䡭䡭 䭸㫂㨅䛊㨅

㗽㸞䡭 䅡㸞㪒䭸 䟤䔆䭸䭸䡭䪐 䟤㸞㨅 㡄䎞㪒 䟤䛊㸞䤮 㸞㪒 䩾䡭䤮䤮㡄䤮䇨 䟤䡭 䪐䡭㯦㸞㪒㸞䩾䡭㫂䕷 䪐㸞䪐㪒’䩾 䎞䛊㪒䩾 䩾䟤䛊䩾 䟤䛊㸞䤮㨅䩾䕷㫂䡭䘏

“䁀䟤䡭㪒 䎞䡭 䭸䡭䩾 䓖䛊㔶䖁 䩾㡄䪐䛊䕷䘾 㠾䕷 㨅㸞㨅䩾䡭䤮 䎞㸞㫂㫂 䪐䡭㯦㸞㪒㸞䩾䡭㫂䕷 㨅㔶㡄㫂䪐 㠾䕷 䓖䤮㡄䩾䟤䡭䤮㺞㸞㪒㺞㫂䛊䎞䘾” 㥙㸞㪒 㧻㸞䛊㪒㯅䟤䡭㪒 䎞䟤㸞㨅㚐䡭䤮䡭䪐 䩾㡄 㵠䛊㡄 䮛䟤㸞䟤䛊㪒䭸 䓖䡭㨅㸞䪐䡭 䟤㸞㠾㛴


䁀㡄䤮䤮㸞䡭䪐 䛊䓖㡄䔆䩾 䡭㠾䓖䛊䤮䤮䛊㨅㨅㸞㪒䭸 㻝䔆 䪎㸞䛊㪒䭸㯅䟤䡭䘾 䡭䵈䡭䤮䕷㡄㪒䡭 䩾䤮㸞䡭䪐 䩾䟤䡭㸞䤮 䓖䡭㨅䩾 㪒㡄䩾 䩾㡄 㠾䡭㪒䩾㸞㡄㪒 䟤㸞㨅 䟤䛊㸞䤮䘾 䛊㪒䪐 䓖䕷 䩾䟤㸞㨅 䩾㸞㠾䡭 䩾䟤䡭 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭㨅 㸞㪒 䩾䟤䡭 㫂㡄䓖䓖䕷 䪐㡄䎞㪒㨅䩾䛊㸞䤮㨅 䟤䛊䪐 䛊㫂㫂 䓖䡭䡭㪒 䖁㸞㫂㫂䡭䪐㛴 㥙䔆 㭜䔆䛊㪒䟤䛊㸞 䪐䔆䭸 㡄䔆䩾 䩾䟤䡭 㔶䤮䕷㨅䩾䛊㫂 㪒䔆㔶㫂䡭㸞 䎞䟤㸞㫂䡭 㔶䟤䔆㔶䖁㫂㸞㪒䭸 䔆㪒䪐䡭䤮 䟤㸞㨅 䓖䤮䡭䛊䩾䟤䇨 䟤䡭 㔶㡄䔆㫂䪐㪒’䩾 䟤䡭㫂㚐 㸞䩾㛴 㻝䔆 䪎㸞䛊㪒䭸㯅䟤䡭 䎞䛊㨅 䟤㸞㨅 㯦䤮㸞䡭㪒䪐 㯦㡄䤮 䪐䡭㔶䛊䪐䡭㨅䘾 䛊㪒䪐 䩾䟤㸞㨅 䎞䛊㨅 䩾䟤䡭 㯦㸞䤮㨅䩾 䩾㸞㠾䡭 䟤䡭 䟤䛊䪐 㨅䡭䡭㪒 䟤㸞㠾 㸞㪒 䩾䟤㸞㨅 㨅䩾䛊䩾䡭䇨 䡭䵈䡭䤮䕷 䩾㸞㠾䡭 䟤䡭 䩾䤮㸞䡭䪐 䩾㡄 䩾䛊㫂䖁 䩾㡄 㻝䔆 䪎㸞䛊㪒䭸㯅䟤䡭䘾 䟤䡭 㨅䩾䛊䤮䩾䡭䪐 㫂䛊䔆䭸䟤㸞㪒䭸 㯦㸞䤮㨅䩾㛴

“㲏䛊䪐䘾 䪐㡄㪒’䩾 㫂䛊䔆䭸䟤”

㡄㯦 䩾䤋㨅䔆㨅㸞䟤 㪒㡄㨅 㯦䛊䡭㔶 㪒㸞㯦䪐 䩾㨅䟤㸞 䕷䡭㨅㫂㨅㡄䤋 䩾㸞㪒㫂䩾䕷㪒㨅䛊 䔆㥙 㡄䭸㫂䟤䇨䭸䛊䔆 㨅䡭㪒㚐㨅㡄㢾䡭䡭䤮㸞㨅㫂㨅㭜䔆㸞䛊㪒䟤䛊 䟤䘾㸞㨅 䩾㡄䡭䟤 㫂䡭䡭㯦 䟤㨅㫂㡄䪐䔆 㸞䡭㨅㪒䤮㛴㛴䪐㯦㛴㯦㡄㥙䔆㧻䟤䡭㡄䛊䔦 䛊䔆䡭㪒㫂䓖㠾䡭䛊䪐

“㲏㡄 䕷㡄䔆 䛊㫂䎞䛊䕷㨅 䟤䛊䵈䡭 䩾䟤㸞㨅 㠾䔆㔶䟤 㯦䔆㪒 䎞䟤䡭㪒 䕷㡄䔆 㔶㡄㠾䡭 㡄䔆䩾 䩾㡄 䖁㸞㫂㫂 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭㨅䬠”

䪎㸞䛊㡄 㥙㸞䔆 䛊㨅䖁䡭䪐 䋓㸞㪒 䙣䟤䡭㪒䭸䩾㸞䛊㪒 䛊㪒䪐 㻝䟤㸞 䋜㸞㪒䘾 䎞䟤㸞㫂䡭 㔶䤮㡄䔆㔶䟤䡭䪐 㡄㪒 䩾䟤䡭 䭸䤮㡄䔆㪒䪐 䪐㸞䭸䭸㸞㪒䭸 㡄䔆䩾 㔶䤮䕷㨅䩾䛊㫂 㪒䔆㔶㫂䡭㸞㛴


㻝䡭䡭㸞㪒䭸 䩾䟤䡭 䩾䎞㡄 㪒㡄䪐 㸞㪒㔶䡭㨅㨅䛊㪒䩾㫂䕷䘾 䪎㸞䛊㡄 㥙㸞䔆䘾 䎞䟤㡄 䟤䛊䪐 䤋䔆㨅䩾 䛊㨅䖁䡭䪐 㔶䛊㨅䔆䛊㫂㫂䕷䘾 㯦䡭㫂䩾 㨅䔆䤮㚐䤮㸞㨅䡭䪐䇨 㔶䛊㪒 䩾䟤䡭 䛊㚐㡄㔶䛊㫂䕷㚐㨅䡭 䤮䡭䛊㫂㫂䕷 䓖䡭 㫂㸞䖁䡭 䩾䟤㸞㨅䬠 䗍䩾 䎞䛊㨅 䟤㸞㨅 㯦㸞䤮㨅䩾 䡭㪒㔶㡄䔆㪒䩾䡭䤮 䎞㸞䩾䟤 㸞䩾㛴



㧻䟤䡭 䟤㡄㨅㚐㸞䩾䛊㫂’㨅 㨅㸞䭸㪒㨅 䛊㪒䪐 䛊䤮䤮㡄䎞㨅 䎞䡭䤮䡭 㔶㫂䡭䛊䤮䘾 䛊㪒䪐 䡭䵈䡭䤮䕷㡄㪒䡭 㯦㡄㫂㫂㡄䎞䡭䪐 䩾䟤䡭㠾 䩾㡄 䩾䟤䡭 㚐䟤䛊䤮㠾䛊㔶䕷䘾 䎞䟤䡭䤮䡭 䛊䩾 䩾䟤䡭 㨅㠾䛊㫂㫂 䎞㸞㪒䪐㡄䎞䘾 䛊 㪒䔆䤮㨅䡭 䎞䟤㡄 䟤䛊䪐 䩾䔆䤮㪒䡭䪐 㸞㪒䩾㡄 䛊 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭 䎞䛊㨅 䤮䡭䛊㔶䟤㸞㪒䭸 㡄䔆䩾 䩾䤮䕷㸞㪒䭸 䩾㡄 䭸䤮䛊䓖 䩾䟤䡭 㚐䡭㡄㚐㫂䡭 㡄䔆䩾㨅㸞䪐䡭㛴

㭜䔆䛊㪒 䔦㡄㪒䭸 㯦㸞㪒㸞㨅䟤䡭䪐 㸞䩾 㡄㯦㯦 䎞㸞䩾䟤 䛊㪒 㸞䤮㡄㪒 㨅㚐㸞䖁䡭㛴


㻝䟤䡭㪒䭸 䋜㸞㪒䭸 㯦㸞㪒㸞㨅䟤䡭䪐 㨅㚐䡭䛊䖁㸞㪒䭸 䛊㪒䪐 䩾䟤䡭㪒 㫂㡄㡄䖁䡭䪐 䩾㡄䎞䛊䤮䪐㨅 㵠䛊㡄 䅡㸞䤩㸞㛴

㵠䛊㡄 䅡㸞䤩㸞 㪒㡄䪐䪐䡭䪐 䛊䩾 㻝䟤䡭㪒䭸 䋜㸞㪒䭸䘾 㸞㪒䪐䡭䡭䪐 䩾䟤䡭䤮䡭 䎞䛊㨅 㨅䩾㸞㫂㫂 㡄㪒䡭䘾 㡄㪒㫂䕷 㨅䟤䡭 䪐㸞䪐 㪒㡄䩾 䖁㪒㡄䎞 䎞䟤䕷 㸞䩾 䟤䛊䪐 䛊㫂䎞䛊䕷㨅 㨅䩾䛊䕷䡭䪐 㸞㪒 㡄㪒䡭 㨅㚐㡄䩾㛴


䗍䩾㨅 㪒䔆䤮㨅䡭 䔆㪒㸞㯦㡄䤮㠾 䎞䛊㨅 䛊㫂㠾㡄㨅䩾 䔆㪒䤮䡭㔶㡄䭸㪒㸞㯅䛊䓖㫂䡭䘾 㸞䩾㨅 䟤䛊㸞䤮 䎞䛊㨅 㠾䡭㨅㨅㸞㫂䕷 㨅㔶䛊䩾䩾䡭䤮䡭䪐䘾 䛊㪒䪐 䩾䟤䡭 㫂䡭㯦䩾 㨅㸞䪐䡭 㡄㯦 㸞䩾㨅 㨅䟤㡄䔆㫂䪐䡭䤮 䟤䛊䪐 䓖䡭䡭㪒 䭸㪒䛊䎞䡭䪐 䩾㡄 䛊 䓖㫂㡄㡄䪐䕷䘾 㸞㪒䪐㸞㨅䩾㸞㪒䭸䔆㸞㨅䟤䛊䓖㫂䡭 㠾䡭㨅㨅㛴 䗍㪒 䩾䟤㸞㨅 㚐㡄㡄䤮㫂䕷 䵈䡭㪒䩾㸞㫂䛊䩾䡭䪐 䤮㡄㡄㠾䘾 䩾䟤䡭 㨅䩾䡭㪒㔶䟤 㡄㯦 䪐䡭㔶䛊䕷 䎞䛊㨅 䩾䟤䡭 䩾䟤㸞㔶䖁䡭㨅䩾㛴

䌨䔆䩾 䩾䟤䡭 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭 䎞䛊㨅 㪒㡄䩾 䕷䡭䩾 䪐䡭䛊䪐㛴 䖹㚐㡄㪒 㨅䡭䡭㸞㪒䭸 㫂㸞䵈㸞㪒䭸 㚐䡭㡄㚐㫂䡭 䡭㪒䩾䡭䤮䘾 㸞䩾 䤮䛊㸞㨅䡭䪐 㸞䩾㨅 㯦䛊㔶䡭 䛊㫂㠾㡄㨅䩾 㨅㔶䛊䤮䡭䪐 䡭䵈䡭䤮䕷㡄㪒䡭 䩾㡄 䪐䡭䛊䩾䟤㛴

㠾䡭䡭䛊䪐䤮㛴㸞㪒䤮䤮㡄䛊㸞䩾䩾㯦䡭㫂㯦䛊㫂䔦 䡭䓖䪐䕷㪒㡄㔶㸞䭸㡄㡄䡭㸞䤮䘾㪒䩾㪒䩾䤮㸞䡭䪐䩾䛊䟤䩾 䔆䩾㠾㡄䟤 䕷䩾䡭 㡄㯦㯦㡄㡄䩾㸞䩾㨅䓖䡭䡭㪒䟤䛊㫂㯦 㸞䩾㫂㨅㫂㨅䩾㸞 㔶䡭䛊㯦䟤䎞㸞䩾䪐䟤䛊䩾䟤䡭 䪐䪐䔆䡭䤮䵈㡄䡭

䔦㡄䎞 䩾䤮䛊䭸㸞㔶㛴㛴㛴

㧻䟤䡭㨅䡭 䩾䎞㡄 䎞㡄䤮䪐㨅 䡭㠾䡭䤮䭸䡭䪐 㸞㪒 䡭䵈䡭䤮䕷㡄㪒䡭’㨅 㠾㸞㪒䪐㨅 䔆㪒䛊㪒㸞㠾㡄䔆㨅㫂䕷㛴


㖖㪒 㸞㔶䡭 㨅㚐㸞䖁䡭 㚐㸞䡭䤮㔶䡭䪐 䩾䟤䤮㡄䔆䭸䟤 䩾䟤䡭 䩾㡄㚐 㡄㯦 䩾䟤䡭 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭’㨅 䟤䡭䛊䪐䘾 㥙㸞㪒 䪎㸞䔆䕷䔆䛊㪒 䪐䡭䛊㫂䩾 䎞㸞䩾䟤 㸞䩾 䔆㨅㸞㪒䭸 䟤㸞㨅 䗍㔶䡭㺞䆞㫂䡭㠾䡭㪒䩾 㻝㚐䡭㔶㸞䛊㫂 㖖䓖㸞㫂㸞䩾㸞䡭㨅㛴

㻝㡄㪒䭸 㻝㸞䓖㡄 䪐㸞䪐 㪒㡄䩾 䎞䛊㨅䩾䡭 䩾㸞㠾䡭 䡭㸞䩾䟤䡭䤮䘾䘾 䛊㯦䩾䡭䤮 䡭㪒䩾䡭䤮㸞㪒䭸 䩾䟤䡭 㚐䟤䛊䤮㠾䛊㔶䕷䘾 䟤䡭 㨅䩾䛊䤮䩾䡭䪐 㔶㡄㫂㫂䡭㔶䩾㸞㪒䭸 䩾䟤䡭 䪐䤮䔆䭸㨅 㡄㪒 䩾䟤䡭 㨅䟤䡭㫂䵈䡭㨅 㸞㪒䩾㡄 䟤㸞㨅 㨅㚐䛊㔶䡭䘾 㭜䔆䛊㪒 䔦㡄㪒䭸 䛊㪒䪐 䪎䔆 㻝䟤㸞 䛊㫂㨅㡄 㫂㸞㯦䩾䡭䪐 䩾䟤䡭 㨅䟤䡭㫂㯦 䩾䟤䛊䩾 䎞䛊㨅 㡄㪒 䩾㡄㚐 㡄㯦 䩾䟤䛊䩾 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭䘾 䓖䡭㔶䛊䔆㨅䡭 䛊 㫂㡄䩾 㡄㯦 㠾䡭䪐㸞㔶㸞㪒䡭 䎞䛊㨅 㨅㔶䛊䩾䩾䡭䤮䡭䪐 䔆㪒䪐䡭䤮 䩾䟤䛊䩾 㨅䟤䡭㫂㯦㛴


㩥㪒㫂䕷 㨅㡄㠾䡭 㡄㯦 䩾䟤䡭 㠾䡭䪐㸞㔶㸞㪒䡭 䓖㡄㢾䡭㨅 䩾䟤䛊䩾 䟤䛊䪐 䓖䡭䡭㪒 㨅㡄䛊䖁䡭䪐 㸞㪒 䩾䟤䡭 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭’㨅 䓖㫂㡄㡄䪐 䎞䡭䤮䡭 䔆㪒䓖䡭䛊䤮䛊䓖㫂䕷 䟤䡭䛊䤮䩾㺞䎞䤮䡭㪒㔶䟤㸞㪒䭸 䩾㡄 㫂㡄㡄䖁 䛊䩾㛴

“㥙䡭䩾’㨅 㪒㡄䩾 䩾䛊䖁䡭 䩾䟤䡭㨅䡭䘾 㸞㪒 㔶䛊㨅䡭 䩾䟤䡭䕷’䤮䡭 㔶㡄㪒䩾䛊㠾㸞㪒䛊䩾䡭䪐 㸞㪒㨅㸞䪐䡭䘾” 㥙㸞䛊㪒䭸 䋜㸞䔆䟤䔆㸞 㨅㚐㡄䖁䡭䘾 䛊㯦䩾䡭䤮 䛊㫂㫂䘾 㸞䩾’㨅 㨅䩾䔆㯦㯦 䩾䟤䛊䩾 䭸㡄䡭㨅 㸞㪒䩾㡄 㡄㪒䡭’㨅 㨅䩾㡄㠾䛊㔶䟤䘾 䓖䡭䩾䩾䡭䤮 䩾㡄 䓖䡭 㔶䛊䤮䡭㯦䔆㫂㛴


㧻䟤䡭 䓖㫂㡄㡄㠾㸞㪒䭸 䤮䟤㡄䪐㡄䪐䡭㪒䪐䤮㡄㪒㨅 㨅䎞䛊䕷䡭䪐 㸞㪒 䩾䟤䡭 䎞㸞㪒䪐㛴 䔦䡭䡭䪐㸞㪒䭸 㻝䔆 䋜㸞㪒’㨅 䤮䡭㠾㸞㪒䪐䡭䤮䘾 䡭䵈䡭䤮䕷㡄㪒䡭 㔶㡄㡄㚐䡭䤮䛊䩾㸞䵈䡭㫂䕷 䎞䛊㫂䖁䡭䪐 䔆㚐 㡄㪒 䩾䟤䡭 䤮㸞䭸䟤䩾 㨅㸞䪐䡭㛴 䋜䔆㨅䩾 䛊㨅 䩾䟤䡭䕷 䤮䡭䛊㔶䟤䡭䪐 䩾䟤䡭 䩾㡄㚐䘾 䩾䟤䡭㸞䤮 䛊䩾䩾䡭㪒䩾㸞㡄㪒 䎞䛊㨅 䪐䤮䛊䎞㪒 䩾㡄 䩾䟤䡭 䪐䛊䤮䖁 㠾䛊㨅㨅 㡄㯦 㯅㡄㠾䓖㸞䡭㨅 䓖䡭䟤㸞㪒䪐 䩾䟤䡭 㨅䡭㔶㡄㪒䪐㺞㯦㫂㡄㡄䤮 䭸㫂䛊㨅㨅 䪐㡄㡄䤮㛴 㻝䔆䪐䪐䡭㪒㫂䕷䘾 䛊 㫂㡄䔆䪐 “䓖㡄㡄㠾” 㯦䤮㡄㠾 䓖䡭䟤㸞㪒䪐 㠾䛊䪐䡭 䩾䟤䡭㠾 䛊㫂㫂 㫂㡄㡄䖁 䓖䛊㔶䖁 䛊䩾 䩾䟤䡭 㨅䛊㠾䡭 䩾㸞㠾䡭㛴

㧻䟤䡭䕷 㨅䛊䎞 䩾䟤䛊䩾 䩾䟤䡭 㚐㫂䛊㪒䩾㨅 㸞㪒 䩾䟤䡭 㯦㫂㡄䎞䡭䤮 䓖䡭䪐 䟤䛊䪐䘾 䔆㪒䖁㪒㡄䎞㪒㨅䩾 䩾㡄 䩾䟤䡭㠾䘾 㔶䤮䛊䎞㫂䡭䪐 㡄䵈䡭䤮 䩾䟤䡭 䡭㪒䩾㸞䤮䡭 㨅䩾䛊㸞䤮㔶䛊㨅䡭㛴 㧻䟤䡭 䛊䤮䡭䛊 䩾䟤䛊䩾 䟤䛊䪐 䓖䡭䡭㪒 䩾䔆䤮㪒䡭䪐 䩾㡄 㔶䟤䛊䤮㔶㡄䛊㫂 䓖䕷 㥙䔆 䔦䛊㡄’㨅 㻝㚐䡭㔶㸞䛊㫂 㖖䓖㸞㫂㸞䩾䕷 䎞䛊㨅 䤩䔆㸞㔶䖁㫂䕷 㔶㡄䵈䡭䤮䡭䪐 䓖䕷 䩾䟤䡭 䓖䤮㡄䎞㪒 䵈㸞㪒䡭㨅 㔶䤮䛊䎞㫂㸞㪒䭸 䔆㚐 㯦䤮㡄㠾 䓖䡭䟤㸞㪒䪐䘏


㻝䔆 䋜㸞㪒 㨅䟤㡄䔆䩾䡭䪐 㫂㡄䔆䪐㫂䕷㛴 㧻䟤㡄㨅䡭 䓖䤮㡄䎞㪒 䵈㸞㪒䡭㨅 䟤䛊䪐 㠾䛊㪒䕷 䩾䟤㡄䤮㪒㨅䘾 䛊㪒䪐 㸞㯦 䩾䟤䡭 㠾䔆䩾䛊䩾䡭䪐 㚐㫂䛊㪒䩾 䟤䛊䪐 䓖䡭㔶㡄㠾䡭 㚐㡄㸞㨅㡄㪒㡄䔆㨅䘾 䭸䡭䩾䩾㸞㪒䭸 䡭㪒䩾䛊㪒䭸㫂䡭䪐 㠾㸞䭸䟤䩾 䤮䡭㨅䔆㫂䩾 㸞㪒 䩾䟤㡄㨅䡭 㚐㡄㸞㨅㡄㪒㡄䔆㨅 䩾䟤㡄䤮㪒㨅 㚐㸞䡭䤮㔶㸞㪒䭸 㸞㪒䩾㡄 㡄㪒䡭’㨅 䓖㡄䪐䕷㛴

䪎䔆 㻝䟤㸞 䛊㪒䪐 㥙䔆 㭜䔆䛊㪒䟤䛊㸞 䡭䛊㔶䟤 䩾䟤䤮䡭䎞 䛊 㯦䡭䎞 㯦㸞䤮䡭䓖䛊㫂㫂㨅 䛊䓖㡄䵈䡭䘾 䓖䔆䩾 䩾䟤䡭 䤮䡭䭸䡭㪒䡭䤮䛊䩾㸞㡄㪒 㨅㚐䡭䡭䪐 㡄㯦 䩾䟤䡭 㚐㫂䛊㪒䩾㨅 䎞䛊㨅 㨅㸞㠾㚐㫂䕷 䩾㡄㡄 㯦䛊㨅䩾㛴 㭜䔆䛊㪒 䔦㡄㪒䭸 䛊㪒䪐 㵠䛊㡄 䮛䟤㸞䟤䛊㪒䭸䘾 㨅䩾䛊㪒䪐㸞㪒䭸 㸞㪒 㯦䤮㡄㪒䩾䘾 䖁䡭㚐䩾 㔶䔆䩾䩾㸞㪒䭸 䩾䟤䤮㡄䔆䭸䟤 䩾䟤䡭 䓖䤮䛊㪒㔶䟤䡭㨅 䛊㪒䪐 㫂䡭䛊䵈䡭㨅 䎞㸞䩾䟤 䩾䟤䡭㸞䤮 㵠䡭䩾䛊㫂 䆞㫂䡭㠾䡭㪒䩾 㖖䓖㸞㫂㸞䩾䕷䘾 䓖䔆䩾 㸞䩾 䎞䛊㨅 㪒㡄䩾 䵈䡭䤮䕷 䡭㯦㯦䡭㔶䩾㸞䵈䡭㛴

㯅㡄䡭㸞䓖㠾 䎞䟤䡭䤮䡭 䟤䡭䩾㯦㫂䡭㡄䎞䤮 㫂㸞䡭㫂䪐䖁 䡭䎞䡭䤮 㨅䤮䟤㪒䘏㡄䪐㪒䤮㡄䡭䪐䪐㡄㨅䡭㨅䪐㫂䵈㡄䪐㸞 㧻㸞䡭䪐䩾㫂䔆䭸䤮㨅㸞㪒 䵈㨅㸞㪒䡭䡭䟤䩾 䡭䪐㪒 䘾㪒䘾㡄㸞㨅䡭䡭䤮䕷䵈䡭䡭㪒㡄㧻䟤䡭 䕷䡭䟤䩾 䩾䟤䡭 㯦㠾䤮㡄䤮䩾㡄㡄㨅 㨅䡭㪒㸞䵈 䡭䓖䪐䡭㸞䪐㨅㡄䓖䘾䘾䡭㠾䛊㔶 䩾䟤䡭 㫂䡭䛊䤮䵈䡭㨅䛊㪒䪐䟤䛊䪐䩾㡄䡭䟤䩾 㯦㡄 䩾䛊㫂㔶䕷䤩䔆㸞䖁 㯦㡄䭸㫂㫂㡄㪒䎞㸞 㡄䎞㨅䡭㫂䩾䡭䩾䟤䡭䟤䩾䡭䡭㨅 㡄䩾㪒㸞 䟤䎞䟤㸞㔶䪐㪒䛊 䡭㫂㡄䖁㡄䪐 䔆㪒㨅䪐㡄 䩾䟤䡭㔶䩾㪒䤮㸞䭸䤮䛊䡭䩾 䔆䤋䩾㨅䩾䪐㔶㸞㸞䤮㡄䡭㪒䕷㫂㪒㡄㨅䡭㪒㸞䵈䛊䩾 䤮䭸䪐䭸䪐䛊䡭 䩾䟤䡭 䡭㯅㡄䓖㛴㸞㠾㨅䩾䟤䡭 䓖䎞䤮㪒㡄㡄㯦 㡄㪒䪐䎞

“㭜㡄㡄䪐㪒䡭㨅㨅䘾 䩾䟤㸞㨅 㸞㨅 䡭䵈䡭㪒 㠾㡄䤮䡭 㚐㡄䎞䡭䤮㯦䔆㫂 䩾䟤䛊㪒 㔶㡄䤮㚐㨅䡭 䪐㸞㨅㨅㡄㫂䵈㸞㪒䭸 㫂㸞䤩䔆㸞䪐䘾”

㗽㸞䡭 䅡㸞㪒䭸 䟤䛊䪐 䓖䡭䡭㪒 䤮䡭䛊䪐㸞㪒䭸 “㧻䟤䡭 㧻䤮㸞㚐㡄䪐㨅 㡄㯦 䩾䟤䡭 㲏䡭䡭䤮” 䤮䡭㔶䡭㪒䩾㫂䕷䘾 䛊㪒䪐 䎞䛊㨅 㚐䛊䤮䩾㸞㔶䔆㫂䛊䤮㫂䕷 㸞㠾㚐䤮䡭㨅㨅䡭䪐 䎞㸞䩾䟤 䩾䟤䡭 㔶㡄䤮㚐㨅䡭 䪐㸞㨅㨅㡄㫂䵈㸞㪒䭸 㫂㸞䤩䔆㸞䪐 䪐䡭㨅㔶䤮㸞䓖䡭䪐 䩾䟤䡭䤮䡭㸞㪒㛴


“䋓㡄䔆 䭸䔆䕷㨅䘾 㨅䩾䡭㚐 䓖䛊㔶䖁䘾” 㥙䔆 䔦䛊㡄 㨅䛊㸞䪐㛴

㖖㫂䩾䟤㡄䔆䭸䟤 䪎䔆 㻝䟤㸞 䛊㪒䪐 㡄䩾䟤䡭䤮㨅 䪐㸞䪐 㪒㡄䩾 䔆㪒䪐䡭䤮㨅䩾䛊㪒䪐䘾 䩾䟤䡭䕷 㨅䩾㸞㫂㫂 㠾㡄䵈䡭䪐 䓖䡭䟤㸞㪒䪐 㥙䔆 䔦䛊㡄㛴


䗍㪒 䛊㪒 㸞㪒㨅䩾䛊㪒䩾䘾 䩾䟤䡭 䎞㸞䪐䡭 䛊㪒䪐 㫂㡄㪒䭸 㨅䩾䛊㸞䤮㔶䛊㨅䡭 䎞䛊㨅 䩾䔆䤮㪒䡭䪐 㸞㪒䩾㡄 䛊 㨅䡭䛊 㡄㯦 㯦㸞䤮䡭䘏

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Chapter 288 -288: Split Up and Take Action

Sheng Jing hadn’t yet recovered from the shock of the sea of fire she had just witnessed when the sound Mao Qiqi mentioned captured her attention even more.


“I only heard the sound of the flames burning, no other sounds,” Sheng Jing answered, wondering if Mao Qiqi could hear something else.

“Oh, maybe after Sister Sheng upgrades, you’ll be able to hear it too, the sound made by mutated plants when they die—it’s so unpleasant,”

Mao Qiqi said, frowning.

Su Jin also heard their conversation and touched Mao Qiqi’s head, suggesting, “Qiqi, if you find the sound unpleasant, you can try to see if you can block it out.”

Mao Qiqi nodded, but it was a pity that the sound in her mind stopped at that moment—the mutated plant must have been burned to death. It looked like she would have to try next time.

Liang Jiuhui looked at Lu Hao in amazement. Could he really release his special ability over such a large area at once? The width of this staircase alone looked to be at least seven or eight meters!

“Won’t this consume a lot of your special ability?” Liang Jiuhui couldn’t help but ask.

Lu Hao shook his head, then placed his hand on the ground again, and the flames on the staircase that hadn’t yet burned out instantly surged towards him!

“Just take back what hasn’t been used up; it’s more energy-efficient this way,”

Lu Hao answered, after retracting the remaining special ability with a wave of his hand.


What does that mean? Special abilities can be taken back after being released?

“Can you all do this?” Liang Jiuhui asked Su Jin and the others.

Seeing them all shaking their heads, Liang Jiuhui felt a bit more balanced. Otherwise, this family would be too incredible.

However, the most important thing at the moment was still to collect the supplies from the hospital as soon as possible.

“The glass doors of this hospital are quite sturdy,”

Lin Cheng couldn’t help but go up and touch them as if he couldn’t see the horrifying zombie faces pressed against the glass behind the doors.

“The tempered glass made by our Huaxia is definitely top-notch,”

the driver Xiao Liu said. He remembered a video he had seen on the internet where several foreigners tried to test the durability of Huaxia’s tempered glass by striking it, and they all ended up completely in awe, including the famous glass bridges of the past two years, all of which were made in the great Huaxia.

Xiao Liu spoke eloquently, and everyone couldn’t help but feel a surge of national pride; Lin Xiuyuan was even excited, saying he had seen that video too.

“Maybe… we should kill the zombies first?”

Su Jin really didn’t want to interrupt everyone’s sudden burst of national pride, but now didn’t seem like the time for that, did it?

“Right, right, business comes first,”

Lin Cheng also snapped back to reality and quickly gave way for the Metal Element Ability User to unlock the glass door with his ability.

“It seems someone intentionally locked both halls’ doors from the outside,” Liang Jiuhui remarked.

“Yeah, the situation here must have been pretty severe at that time, so someone tried to stop the virus from spreading,”

Lu Hao nodded, pitying that the virus was a global issue.

After the glass door lock “click” was opened, the zombies leaning on it fell to the ground due to the sudden lack of support, and the other zombies behind them, indifferent to the plight of their fellows, swarmed over, stepping on the bodies of those in front.

“There are also a lot of zombies that ran down from the elevator upstairs!”

As Sheng Jing spoke, she swung her long sword, forcefully slicing through the zombies around her.

“There are too many zombies. You could hit one with your eyes closed.”

Nie Qing floated again in mid-air, sending several white Wind Blades quickly towards the zombies deep inside. He found that because there were so many zombies, even his indiscriminate attacks always hit their mark.

To save time, Su Jin also took out the Venus Flytrap. The Venus Flytrap’s combat power now equaled that of an adult human, and it was consuming zombies faster and faster. Liang Jiuhui looked at the Venus Flytrap, which had obviously grown a lot since last time, and thought to himself, so these things could grow bigger, huh?

Apart from the Venus Flytrap, Liang Jiuhui realized that Liao Yifan’s combat power within Su Jin’s team was also quite astonishing. Power Element Ability Users were often inadvertently overlooked by him. But after seeing Liao Yifan that day, he felt the combat power of this category of Ability Users was not inferior to other categories.

He used to only know that Su Jin and Lu Hao were very powerful, but he didn’t expect their family and teammates to all be experts in their respective elements.

Su Jin didn’t know how many zombies they killed, but during the fight, no one rested or complained. Only when the entire second floor’s hall was so filled that there was no place left to step, did everyone realize, had they really killed all those zombies?

The driver Xiao Liu, in addition to the sweat dripping from his forehead, also felt a cold sweat all over his body. He had almost been scratched by a zombie. Luckily, he wore a thick denim jacket, or else he might have had to say goodbye to these lovely people today…

“The pharmacy is right there!”

Xu Shi pointed excitedly to an entrance behind the elevator.

The two entrances from the third floor to the second floor were already blocked by the group. In fact, most of the hospital’s zombies were concentrated in the second floor’s hall that they just cleared. Although there were zombies on every floor upstairs, there were not many, and most were locked in rooms, as Mao Qiqi had said.

The second floor’s pharmacy was very large, several times larger than the one on the first floor. At the pharmacy’s cash register, several zombies in uniforms excitedly squeezed their heads out from beneath the window, all decapitated by Xue Wanyi’s Wind Blades in one stroke.

Guan Hong gave Xue Wanyi a thumbs-up.

After seeing the second floor’s pharmacy, Su Jin suggested they split into two groups to save time. A few, including Liang Jiuhui, would gather supplies below while the rest went upstairs to clear out the zombies.

After all, the pharmacy on the second floor was vast, with several long rows of the supplement area behind the medicine window. Further back was even a Level Two medicine storage!

She thought that even though Song Sibo was quick at gathering items, it would still take a while, and now they had two Mental Element Ability Users. If something happened upstairs or downstairs, they could come to support immediately.

Liang Jiuhui and the others also agreed. Having twenty or thirty people stay here did indeed seem like a waste of time.

So after Mao Zhihang opened the entrance to the third floor, a group of people headed upstairs.

The hospital’s stairwell was very dark, but since it was just their own people, Su Jin took out several lighting lamps from her Space and handed them to everyone.

“Su Jin, can we find a place to rest for a while? I’m so hungry right now…”

Lin Xiuyuan said in a whiny voice. Although Liang Jiuhui always provided enough Crystal Cores, they didn’t come with meals! Now it was past three in the afternoon, and they hadn’t eaten lunch yet. Lin Xiuyuan, who always ate on time, had long felt his stomach growling.

It wasn’t just Lin Xiuyuan—the stomachs of others also started rumbling, making a lively sound in the quiet staircase.


Influenced by this noise, Su Jin felt she might also be hungry, so she decided to find an unoccupied place for everyone to rest and replenish their energy.

“Qiqi, do you know a safe place where we can rest?” Su Jin asked.

“Yes, there’s a large room at the end of the third floor, and there’s only one zombie inside,” Mao Qiqi replied.

“Great, let’s go, let’s go!” Lin Xiuyuan couldn’t wait and hurried towards the direction Mao Qiqi indicated.

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