Real Man-Chapter 561:

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Chapter 561:

That insolent kid seemed to know about the hidden project.

How could a mere manager know something that the Innovation Strategy Office didn’t?

He must have gotten more important information than what he already knew.

There was no other reason for him to visit Hansung Construction out of the blue.


It was the moment when the seed of doubt planted by Yoo-hyun sprouted.

Deputy Manager Ji Won-ho’s eyes widened.

“The bastards from the Innovation Strategy Office know about the LNG plant project. They’re trying to steal it from us.”

That’s when it happened.

Suddenly, Director Song Hyun-seung, who had approached him, spat out in an angry voice.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

For some reason, his face was twisted with rage.

The sparks flew to Director Lee Jun-il the next day.

Of course, Deputy Manager Ji Won-ho was not the type to be surprised by such a thing.

But there was a much more powerful news that shook Director Lee Jun-il.

“Is it true that Shin Kyung-wook called Representative Heo Jeong-ro?”

Director Lee Jun-il asked, hiding his bewildered expression.

The answer came from Executive Director Lim Dong-chan, who was in charge of communication.

-Yeah. I heard it from Representative Heo’s aide.

“What on earth did he say?”

-He said he was grateful for his support for the Russian project. The consul general in Vladivostok must have helped him.


Director Lee Jun-il was speechless, and Executive Director Lim Dong-chan spat out a doubtful voice.

-Should we proceed as planned with Representative Heo? It’s not a big deal to call the chairman, since he has done a lot for him, but I’m still uneasy about it.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. Please hold on.”

-Okay. I’ll contact you later.

Director Lee Jun-il hung up the phone and his mind was spinning.

Did Shin Kyung-wook just call Representative Heo to express his gratitude?

For a project that had nothing to do with him?

That was unlikely.

Judging from his actions so far, he must have known something.

Maybe he had completely figured out their plan.


Director Lee Jun-il, who was unusually trembling, stuck his nose to the monitor.

“I need to make a more definite judgment.”

His expression looked very anxious as he looked at the data filling the screen.

That evening, Yoo-hyun had a one-on-one meeting with Vice President Shin Kyung-wook for the first time in a long time.

The place was a luxurious restaurant room, where he had met Vice President Shin Kyung-wook before to inform him of Director Lee Jun-il’s scheme.

Unlike the somewhat serious atmosphere back then, the expressions of the two men looked light now.

But that didn’t mean that the words they uttered were light.

“Representative Heo was quite surprised by my call.”

“He must have thought it was strange because you have a close relationship with Mrs. Hong Jin-hee. But you said his voice wasn’t bad, right?”

Mrs. Hong Jin-hee was the one who sponsored Representative Heo through the Group Strategy Office.

Vice President Shin Kyung-wook had confirmed this fact while reviewing the backup plan in detail.

He also learned a lot about Representative Heo.

He answered as if it was natural.

“Do you think a politician would want to make enemies?”

“No. It means that you have a great reputation as a vice president, enough to make Representative Heo Jeong-ro care.”

“Stop talking nonsense. I’m already sick of getting calls from everywhere.”

“You knew what you were getting into.”

“People recognize me and chase me. Some even ask me for autographs.”

It was understandable, since his face had been all over the media lately.

“Haha. Think of it as becoming a celebrity.”

“Really. Thanks to you, I’ve experienced all kinds of things.”

“It’s not me. It was our collective idea.”

Yoo-hyun’s backup plan only contained three major branches.

The details were filled by each manager.

Among them, Vice President Shin Kyung-wook, who played the most decisive role, asked Yoo-hyun a question.

“Anyway, this means that Representative Heo won’t contact the chairman, right?”

“For the time being, yes.”

“Wouldn’t Director Lee Jun-il just push harder?”

“No. He must have felt something strange by now. He’s not a fool to fall for the same thing three times.”

Even if Director Lee Jun-il had a high confidence in his data, he wouldn’t cling to the data that had errors repeatedly.

Of course, that didn’t mean he would give up either.

He was more likely to pause and reorganize.

Vice President Shin Kyung-wook nodded as if he agreed.

“True. He was counterattacked by the media in the Shinwa Semiconductor acquisition. He must have suspected something.”

“That’s more likely.”

“He lost his long-prepared plan in an instant because of the SG Bio domestic launch announcement.”

“I would be pissed too, if I were him.”

Vice President Shin Kyung-wook laughed, and Yoo-hyun smiled with him.

“Yes. And the errors are different each time. He must be busy reorganizing.”

“He’s bound to make a mistake.”

Vice President Shin Kyung-wook pointed out the core, and Yoo-hyun added more.

“He already made a mistake. We have the pretext, now we just need to explode the bomb.”

“Is the method ready?”

“Yes. Our colleagues are working hard at the Yeouido Center.”

Yoo-hyun recalled what Deputy Manager Kwon Se-jung had said right before he left work today.

-Hansung Electronics is also making products using semiconductor displays. The promotion team requested a meeting. I have to make the data, so you go ahead.

Vice President Shin Kyung-wook took a sip of alcohol and tilted his head.

“Yeouido Center. I don’t quite understand that part.”

“You’ll find out soon. The situation will be created.”

Yoo-hyun gave a meaningful answer, and Vice President Shin Kyung-wook asked quietly.

“Really. Now it’s your turn to act, do I need to worry?”

“Why do I feel like you’re happier that I’m acting?”

“I was just thinking that you’re too quiet compared to the others.”

“You told me to stay still.”

Yoo-hyun joked, and Vice President Shin Kyung-wook dropped his playful expression and answered seriously.

“Of course. That’s what I wished for. But as I proceeded with the work, I changed my mind a bit.”


“I had a desire too. Everyone was working so hard, and I wanted to finish it well. That kind of desire. And to do that, I need your role. That’s the truth.” free𝑤

“It’s only possible if you help me as you promised, rolling up your sleeves.”

Yoo-hyun answered seriously at that moment.

Vice President Shin Kyung-wook, who recalled the promise he made here a while ago, gave a hollow laugh.

“Oh, really. Is that what you’re saying again?”

“Yes. I have to be able to forget it.”

“You’re quite spiteful, aren’t you?”

“Why did you make such a bold promise to a spiteful person?”

“Well… Let’s have a drink.”

Vice President Shin Kyung-wook, who lost his words, lifted his glass.

This casual reaction brought him closer to Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun smiled and held out his glass.

“Yes. Let’s have a drink, people who are doing hard work.”

“The female executive in Russia must be disappointed.”

Yoo-hyun gave a cool answer to Vice President Shin Kyung-wook, who paused for a moment.

“We can drink together when she comes back. Then with Russian vodka.”

“Haha. I’m looking forward to it.”


Vice President Shin Kyung-wook drank his liquor with a shrug.

The situation was still not easy, but the two people who faced each other looked very relaxed.

It was close to midnight when Yoo-hyun came home.


As soon as he opened the door and entered, bright lights greeted him.

Yoo-hyun was baffled as he looked around the house.

It was because of Han Jae-hee, who was sitting at the island bar with a bottle of liquor.

“What are you doing? Why are you drinking alone here?”

“I told you, I came to hang out.”

“Didn’t you hear me say I had an appointment and I would be late?”

“I heard you, so I didn’t say anything and waited. Sit down.”

Han Jae-hee’s voice, which was always cheerful, sounded somewhat subdued.

He seemed to have some trouble, so Yoo-hyun didn’t argue and faced his sister.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen at work?”

“First, take this.”


Han Jae-hee handed him a photo paper he took out of his bag.

On the shiny paper, there was a neat logo made by overlapping two Ys in English spelling.

“Oh? You already did the Double Y logo work?”

“Just. I had some spare time.”

“Why? You said you were busy.”

When Yoo-hyun asked for the Double Y logo, Han Jae-hee refused flatly, saying he was busy.

He thought he would do it someday, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

Han Jae-hee, who brought an unexpected result, sighed out of character.

“It’s not because of work… Sigh.”

“Thanks for the logo. Have a drink.”


Yoo-hyun immediately poured liquor into an empty glass.

He kindly added ice as well, as a gesture of gratitude for making a cool logo.

Han Jae-hee, who grabbed the glass, gulped it down again.

“You never change, do you?”

“I have something I want to get drunk over.”

“You probably won’t get drunk even if you drink 100 glasses… No, wait. Why are you doing that?”

Yoo-hyun, who reflexively spat out a playful remark, shook his head.

Han Jae-hee, who had been clamping his mouth shut, looked at Yoo-hyun.

“Brother, you said you’re good at socializing, right?”

“Why are you bringing that up all of a sudden?”

“I won’t take any money for the logo, so just listen to one of my worries.”

“Did you get a boyfriend?”

“Is that what you say now?”

Han Jae-hee gritted his teeth as he looked at Yoo-hyun, who asked bluntly.

He felt like he was going to get into a fight, so Yoo-hyun quickly straightened his posture.

“Okay. Tell me. My ears are wide open.”

Han Jae-hee took a breath and laid out his story about the company.

“Phew. Actually…”

At first, it was a fun life, but as time went on, it became more and more frustrating.

Especially, the conflicts between the employees seemed to be quite deep.

Yoo-hyun, who was listening, asked.

“Hmm, so the team people suddenly started to avoid you? And ignore you?”

“They don’t even give me any work now.”

“They wouldn’t do that if they knew your background.”

“What’s my background?”

“You designed the color phone UX, made the Apple phone demo image, and worked on the Retina Premium logo.”

If you add the connection with John Norman and the LA design school graduate, Han Jae-hee was not a honeyed spec among the prominent designers.

Han Jae-hee shook his head at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“They probably don’t know the details.”

“Didn’t you tell them?”

“How can I say that with my own mouth?”

Even if Han Jae-hee was not the type to brag, he had Jang Hye-min, the manager who stuck to him like a magnet.

Yoo-hyun pointed out that part and asked.

“Didn’t Manager Jang tell you? Even if others don’t, she should take care of you.”

“Sister thinks that’s natural. And sister went to the US branch for a while.”

“Really? When?”

“It’s been a while.”

“Wasn’t that around the time the team’s atmosphere changed?”

“Huh? Is it? It seems like it.”

Han Jae-hee made a puzzled expression at that moment.

Yoo-hyun blurted out the thought that flashed in his mind.

“It’s because Manager Jang is gone.”


“What, you still haven’t heard from Manager Jang?”

“What are you talking about, what is it?”

Yoo-hyun was dumbfounded by Han Jae-hee, who blinked his eyes as if he really didn’t know anything.

Was he clueless?

Or did Manager Jang hide it well?

Manager Jang was Vice President Shin Kyung-wook’s cousin, and the daughter of the younger sister of President Shin Hyun-ho’s ex-wife.

People who knew that she was from the Han Sung family would know that.

Only Han Jae-hee didn’t know.

But Yoo-hyun couldn’t just tell him the truth that Manager Jang was hiding, so he changed the subject for now.

“No, that’s not it. Manager Jang was very respected, right?”

“Yeah, because she’s capable.”

“Right. So the higher-ups couldn’t mess with her either. Even in meetings, they couldn’t easily cut off Manager Jang’s remarks. I bet even your center director was careful around her?”

Yoo-hyun pointed out the likely internal situation, and Han Jae-hee’s eyes widened.