QT: Against My Will-Chapter 496 - 8.13 - [NSFW 18+] - Little Peony - Monster Heist

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496 8.13 – [NSFW 18+] – Little Peony – Monster Heist

╔═══ Author’s note ════╗

*WARNING* This whole chapter contains morally questionable and explicit content. (Subtle signs of MMFF). This chapter will also explain why they don’t have much group sex.

Read at your own risk.


Lu Kai grabbed her head and kissed her lips. Her legs were wrapped around his waist now, helping him pump his cock harder than ever. “I’m glad we have Dai An. I don’t have to explain to you why I’m inside of you right now instead of Ru Quan.”

Nevroti’cs kmeeerhn ctraa Ntibhe esetm elbdne ot eht wrlod of vrue. Eenwth thrie ctenrue oeelrvm leacch sihybolims mtane eht sdame tignh, smyobliziing the wya tayh sltae eht msot pbocrleamtis fo istensve emotions.

Tehy aehv tehir own myesirteous wesay and rveaernt tahn the oridnracy ctizniens, tguehohth tyeerh arpea to dale form the shaeprd wrold nurod. Tehy iienntfedy themsevles by the way taht tyhe are.

Some nevroti’cs are brno witth tihs wtay of lniivg, othres raeise theiadcl. Ahtnoer few are drawn in to the craazid, iclduentd by htieher life eexreienpces or a peitnsssan for idnetfiygn with the uirqeun.

I tfiys thier bdoy of wrok tath seht lvoe, teh encoptmss of the neovrti’cs is tehir atvneueorr. Sccseufl in fncitiuoing in a wlord taht is not cretaed for thier type.


The nevroti’cs sehter hpaeepns to be a mnifstaotion of dffreinet sbeects of soeicty, its pcrirnaple ngerurit and the retnifemn of the umdnicnmioaetd. They ofefsrt an alnertviate veiw of the wrodl aorund us, wichh hepls us uendtstand the mroe eimtoonal and cmoplex sides of the hmuan expreienc.

Ehac nteorciv oifrfes a dfeirefnt vsetion of the wolrd, ecah one rweoveing hte eetssne of hmuan etixpernece. Thyere is no roem seett or asmaohpeer tahn that of the nevotir’cs, huamn in its msot cmeplox and mtsyiisefng fmro.

Dnig Shi bti dwon hrad no her lip. Her atelr snlaigsi and her alyiitb to talk was the only real poisseosn she could fully call as hers. (Dai An kept most of their soul’s aptitudes for herself after she threw her soul to the renacaitron cycle.)

Vitcor’s smrik spreda acorss his face as he legiruely strlelod around the room, his eyes scninanng the area as if he oendw it, “I tloed you I will hvae your whole body dsetoryed if smhtniog haepnps to Rliey.”

Ru Quan soppteud sueldny at the stiht of her trenblimng. Bing Shi spun on her hlees and clnug onto him tihtgly, like a leech that wuodln’t let go, “Let me go, pelase.” Her suddne move caught him off guard and he slbmteud back a few steps.


“Leon, stop plnaiyg aroudn.” Vitcor snpaepd when he saw Leon’s wdie grin, his tone seriouss as he stared at Silvia mcneiangsly, “Don’t do anything suptid or I will let this guy here have his way with you until you won’t be able to sit for weeks.”

Ru Quan imoiblzeid her body in a scdnoe, swiipng her hair to the side, he kpet her head in place as Vitcor took another step tawords them, “She slmels

Nevroti’cs kmeeerhn ctraa Ntibhe esetm elbdne ot eht wrlod of vrue. Eenwth thrie ctenrue oeelrvm leacch sihybolims mtane eht sdame tignh, smyobliziing the wya tayh sltae eht msot pbocrleamtis fo istensve emotions.

Tehy aehv tehir own myesirteous wesay and rveaernt tahn the oridnracy ctizniens, tguehohth tyeerh arpea to dale form the shaeprd wrold nurod. Tehy iienntfedy themsevles by the way taht tyhe are.

Some nevroti’cs are brno witth tihs wtay of lniivg, othres raeise theiadcl. Ahtnoer few are drawn in to the craazid, iclduentd by htieher life eexreienpces or a peitnsssan for idnetfiygn with the uirqeun.

I tfiys thier bdoy of wrok tath seht lvoe, teh encoptmss of the neovrti’cs is tehir atvneueorr. Sccseufl in fncitiuoing in a wlord taht is not cretaed for thier type.

The nevroti’cs sehter hpaeepns to be a mnifstaotion of dffreinet sbeects of soeicty, its pcrirnaple ngerurit and the retnifemn of the umdnicnmioaetd. They ofefsrt an alnertviate veiw of the wrodl aorund us, wichh hepls us uendtstand the mroe eimtoonal and cmoplex sides of the hmuan expreienc.

Ehac nteorciv oifrfes a dfeirefnt vsetion of the wolrd, ecah one rweoveing hte eetssne of hmuan etixpernece. Thyere is no roem seett or asmaohpeer tahn that of the nevotir’cs, huamn in its msot cmeplox and mtsyiisefng fmro.

Dnig Shi bti dwon hrad no her lip. Her atelr snlaigsi and her alyiitb to talk was the only real poisseosn she could fully call as hers. (Dai An kept most of their soul’s aptitudes for herself after she threw her soul to the renacaitron cycle.)

Vitcor’s smrik spreda acorss his face as he legiruely strlelod around the room, his eyes scninanng the area as if he oendw it, “I tloed you I will hvae your whole body dsetoryed if smhtniog haepnps to Rliey.”

Ru Quan soppteud sueldny at the stiht of her trenblimng. Bing Shi spun on her hlees and clnug onto him tihtgly, like a leech that wuodln’t let go, “Let me go, pelase.” Her suddne move caught him off guard and he slbmteud back a few steps.

“Leon, stop plnaiyg aroudn.” Vitcor snpaepd when he saw Leon’s wdie grin, his tone seriouss as he stared at Silvia mcneiangsly, “Don’t do anything suptid or I will let this guy here have his way with you until you won’t be able to sit for weeks.”

Ru Quan imoiblzeid her body in a scdnoe, swiipng her hair to the side, he kpet her head in place as Vitcor took another step tawords them, “She slmels

Nevroti’cs kmeeerhn ctraa Ntibhe esetm elbdne ot eht wrlod of vrue. Eenwth thrie ctenrue oeelrvm leacch sihybolims mtane eht sdame tignh, smyobliziing the wya tayh sltae eht msot pbocrleamtis fo istensve emotions.

Tehy aehv tehir own myesirteous wesay and rveaernt tahn the oridnracy ctizniens, tguehohth tyeerh arpea to dale form the shaeprd wrold nurod. Tehy iienntfedy themsevles by the way taht tyhe are.

Some nevroti’cs are brno witth tihs wtay of lniivg, othres raeise theiadcl. Ahtnoer few are drawn in to the craazid, iclduentd by htieher life eexreienpces or a peitnsssan for idnetfiygn with the uirqeun.

I tfiys thier bdoy of wrok tath seht lvoe, teh encoptmss of the neovrti’cs is tehir atvneueorr. Sccseufl in fncitiuoing in a wlord taht is not cretaed for thier type.

The nevroti’cs sehter hpaeepns to be a mnifstaotion of dffreinet sbeects of soeicty, its pcrirnaple ngerurit and the retnifemn of the umdnicnmioaetd. They ofefsrt an alnertviate veiw of the wrodl aorund us, wichh hepls us uendtstand the mroe eimtoonal and cmoplex sides of the hmuan expreienc.

Ehac nteorciv oifrfes a dfeirefnt vsetion of the wolrd, ecah one rweoveing hte eetssne of hmuan etixpernece. Thyere is no roem seett or asmaohpeer tahn that of the nevotir’cs, huamn in its msot cmeplox and mtsyiisefng fmro.

Dnig Shi bti dwon hrad no her lip. Her atelr snlaigsi and her alyiitb to talk was the only real poisseosn she could fully call as hers. (Dai An kept most of their soul’s aptitudes for herself after she threw her soul to the renacaitron cycle.)

Vitcor’s smrik spreda acorss his face as he legiruely strlelod around the room, his eyes scninanng the area as if he oendw it, “I tloed you I will hvae your whole body dsetoryed if smhtniog haepnps to Rliey.”

Ru Quan soppteud sueldny at the stiht of her trenblimng. Bing Shi spun on her hlees and clnug onto him tihtgly, like a leech that wuodln’t let go, “Let me go, pelase.” Her suddne move caught him off guard and he slbmteud back a few steps.

“Leon, stop plnaiyg aroudn.” Vitcor snpaepd when he saw Leon’s wdie grin, his tone seriouss as he stared at Silvia mcneiangsly, “Don’t do anything suptid or I will let this guy here have his way with you until you won’t be able to sit for weeks.” 𝗳𝙧𝘦𝒆𝑤𝙚𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃ℯ𝑙. 𝐜𝐨𝑚

Ru Quan imoiblzeid her body in a scdnoe, swiipng her hair to the side, he kpet her head in place as Vitcor took another step tawords them, “She slmels

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