Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 65

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"Pillow, stop." I grumbled half asleep. It was early, the sun wasn’t even up and Pillow had decided that I had taken up too much of my own bed. His cold nose, and wet tongue were doing a good job of forcing me away from the warm comfort of my own pillow.

He did not in fact stop.

"Pillow." I growled, opening bleary eyes to see him having already settled down onto my pillow, my new pillow.

"Where is your pillow?" I asked and he didn’t respond, simply yawned as he settled into a comfortable nap.

I sat up and blinked, it was dark and I couldn’t see. So I got up and turned on the light, wincing at the brightness as I blinked to clear my eyes I found the issue.

"You little shit." I grumbled, walking over to the side of my bed where the pillow had fallen off. I don’t know how it had fallen off, but that was apparently enough for Pillow to decide in the middle of the night that my pillow was now the better choice.

I threw it on top of the bed and glared as Pillow yawned and stretched and pranced over then settled back onto his chosen pillow.

Turning the lights off, I was just crawling back in, when I heard the noise and looked out the window.

"Gyarados." I muttered as he was facing the window and breathing hard enough to fog the window up.

"What are you doing up?" I asked sleepily, but I didn’t get an answer, and I wasn’t just going to leave him out there.

I walked over and opened the window, earning a happy wiggle from my biggest boy.

"You should be asleep, Blue Heart." I told him, as I stroked his nose, but he made no motion to retreat. He must have heard me grumbling at Pillow and thought I was up.

I looked over at my clock and after blinking a few times I got my eyes to actually focus and saw it was just before six.

"This is truly a cursed hour." I muttered, the sun wasn’t even up! Stupid winter.

Gyarados, throated a purring noise that earned my full attention.

He wasn’t the most vocal of my friends, but it made when he did make noise for what he wanted all the more important.

"Hungry?" I asked, and he teetered telling me no. "Bored?" No. He continued to just stare at me, and finally I understood.

"Okay." I assured him as I moved away. Quickly grabbing some socks, then doubling them up just in case. Slipping into my favorite clunky boots. I grabbed my jacket and slipped into that. Then once I was sure I would be warm, I stepped out of my window and onto his crest.

He was lonely.

I held onto him as we worked back towards the stream, and then he settled on the inner island, under the berry trees, just staring out into the open field. I rested back gently, scritching him underneath his horns, as we just relaxed, him half in the stream to keep himself comfortable, resting his jaw on the grass and then slowly. The sun rose, the whole time the two of us simply enjoyed each other’s presence.

It was a good morning.


"KkuukUku!" Was the response that greeted me as Dragonite landed at the stable.

"Mimikyu?" I asked as he ran right up to me and leapt into my arms, I jostled a bit as he crawled up to my shoulder and then with his shadowy arm he pointed towards the house urgently.

"Okay." I said starting to move before remembering other than Dragonite everyone was in their pokeball. I spun a bit, throwing out all the pokeballs on my hip. "Dragonite! Chansey! Start everyone’s training for now okay?"

Then I faced forward and hurried into the Clan house. I bypassed Grandpa Roy who was out on the porch with a wave, as Mimikyu guided me right towards my room. As I entered he leapt off and landed on the bed and sort of wiggled a bit like he was nervous before patting the bed next to him. I jumped, and as I did he nodded and then leapt off surprising me.

But then he rushed into the closet, peeking out one last time to make sure I was sitting and then he disappeared.

"Oooh!" I whispered practically feeling the stars in my eyes!

Mimikyu’s costume was done! I settled in to wait, and didn’t have to wait long.

Then slowly the door opened, the light on behind him, giving the shadow the first thing through, and then he walked out in an uncomfortable shuffle.

"Eeeee!" I released and before he could react I was off the bed and scooping him up and spinning around in delight. "So cuuuute!" I cheered as I held him out to arms length to see.

Mimikyu looked like Milotic!

He made a Milotic costume! I’m DYING!

"Eeeee!" I squealed as I wrapped him back into a hug and spun around and around. "You are such a cutie!"

By this point my affection was having an effect and Mimikyu was starting to cry, hugging me tighter and tighter, but it didn’t matter, because I had the cutest Mimikyu of them all!

"You are amazing. Look at this!" I finally managed to break out of the spiral of cuteness to settle on my knees with Mimikyu on the bed in front of me. "The tail is so well done! And… Oh! Are those actual Milotic scales?"

"KukKKuku!" He said showing off the tail of his costume.

They weren’t the Prism scales, but Milotic had more than just those. He had sown a few of their more normal scales into the tail of the costume, and I noticed it twitch around. I reached out and gently explored and nodded.

"Using your Wood Hammer to move the tail?"

"Kuku!" He confirmed and I flashing him a bright smile at how smart he was.

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"Arceus above, this is so cute, and well made! We have to show everyone! I bet that lady at the arts and crafts store is going to lose her mind over this!" I told him, and I could see him wiggle in embarrassment, but no way, was I not going to show off his work!

"C’mon, let’s show everyone! I bet all the Milotic will be so flattered!" And I hauled him up and out of the house, jumping right onto the grass outside. "Everyone! Come look!" I shouted out, and got a lot of startled looks, but I kneeled down and settled Mimikyu onto the grass letting him show off his new costume to everyone.

The head didn’t creak anymore. The bottom of the costume I noticed was thicker, so it wouldn’t rip while moving across the ground. As he had folded it, and it seemed to be tighter near the bottom…

Making it harder for someone to just lift up the edge… Stupid researcher, making Mimikyu worried about that sort of thing!

But it was cute.

He even had the little horn, and two red strands of cloth on each side to represent the fins! Eeee! So cute!

The eyes were little buttons!

Everyone gathered around, and started chattering away. Chansey was clapping delighted at the sight of it, and Dragonite made a cute little squealing noise and made grabby hands, but kept herself from picking up Mimikyu for a Dragon hug.

Dratini was the most vocal as he ran around Mimikyu cheering out little dragon noises of happiness.

Milotic my boy blinked down at Mimikyu in surprise, and then after a bit of trilling and eldritch talk back and forth. Milotic started wheezing out his laugh, seeming quite happy with the choice.

The Flock also got involved, those who obviously helped Mimikyu with scales cheered him with an orchestral sounding song that had him using his ghostly claws to press onto his eyes holes in embarrassment.

But overall? It was a good moment. A moment that I hoped Mimikyu would remember for the rest of his life. That he had nothing to be afraid of anymore. He would never be lonely again.


"Dragon Pulse!" I called out, and my little dragon’s did so. Jangmo-o was first, his Dragon Pulse was the orb shaped attack. The energy gathered up a very pretty turquoise color, and then blasted out slamming into the water with a splashing roar.

Dratini went next, trilling as it gathered power, and a moment later a roaring dragon beam, burst forth. It zigged and zagged, under Dratini’s control and then smashed into the water, but he didn’t just stop, Dratini kept it up, letting the power continue to pulse from him. It had his cute little rings of power that trailed around the central beam.

Something Water Pulse often had, but I couldn’t see in any of the other Dragons move.

Then it ended and Dratini was still fired up, he looked to me, and I nodded. My proud smile had him trilling happily.

Then Brave leapt forward yelling as purple energy roared out, a complete Dragon Pulse. The energy came from all around her, and just before she hit the water, it rushed out, pushing the water away from her and letting her land in the mud below.

Then her pulse ended and she turned around to show off when the water came rushing back in and sending her rolling in the waves.

A few moments later she came out of the water laughing and giggling.

"Alright! I agree! A deal is a deal." I called out and all three of them looked up at me with wide eyes. "You’re ready for battle!" I called out, and the three Dragons cheered, Even Brave had been excited at the idea of going out and having real battles. Especially now that she had a strong attack!

"Goom!" She cheered woogling up and down happily.

Suddenly Riolu came sliding in front of me, and pointed her paw at herself. "Rio Riolu!"

"Yes Riolu. I’ll take you as well." I agreed and her eyes sparkled at the idea of battles, before realizing who it was that she was looking at and she crossed her arms and huffed.

"You’ll have to listen to me, if you want to battle." I reminded her, but I didn’t get a response back.

Instead I looked at the rest.

Mimikyu looked excited and I nodded to him as well.

"That’s right! Let’s go do some battles!" I roared and my little team roared alongside me.

Other than Riolu who puffed herself up looking arrogant and haughty.

I nodded. It was time.

Returning everyone, I took a moment to register which team was the one I was currently using and then I grabbed my stuff and raced out of the Clan house.

A few of the old ladies and people along the street selling things waved at me, and despite how weird it was as I barely knew them I waved back as I raced out of the clan compound, and down the dusty street.

It felt weird needing to run myself, but well… Arcanine was stuck at home for now.

"Doing okay Mimikyu?" I asked as I ran, and he cheered from my shoulder. His Milotic costume’s tail bounced along with my pace and he sounded happy.


"That’s the spirit!" I called back and then continued on. It didn’t take long before I raced down the street and found the pokemon center.

Taking a moment to catch my breath just outside. I watched the battle square.

It was right across the street from the pokemon center, and I could see battles were already taking place.

Once my breath was caught I headed across. I was so excited!

Would I lose?

Would my team struggle and pull through against crazy odds? I didn’t know! And that was exciting!

Unluckily, this was Fuschia city, and not Celadon. There were only half a dozen people here to battle, most of them kids, but one was an older man in a suit that seemed quite happy to watch the battle happen, a Pidgeotto on his knee.

I made myself known walking over to the little section by the stands, where the battlers were gathered.

"Anyone looking for a match?" I asked, and got a couple of little kid glares at my offer.

It was like I was back in school with all the kids ready to battle at a pin drop.

"Yeah I’ll take you on! I’m Ichimaru, and I won’t lose!" He called out, the boy was nearly shaved bald, with just a prickling of hair on his head to cover him.

It made me kinda giggle, but either way, I was in.

"You got it!"

And we raced to one of the battle zones.

"Alright!" He called out, pulling out a pokeball that likely belonged to a family pet. "Go Zubat!" He called out and I blinked at the odd pokemon.

Then again this was Fuschia. The kid was probably the son of a ninja.

"Nice! Alright. Mimikyu! Let’s go! Time to test out your new costume!" And then my shoulder pokemon leapt off and landed with a small puff of air on the course.

"What? What is that? Some doll? You can’t fight with a Pokedoll!" Ichi cried out and I laughed.

"He’s not a doll, but a Pokemon! Mimikyu, Send a Shadow Ball into the court!" I called and then the energy gathered quickly and smashed into the dirt in front of him, kicking up rocks, and making Ichi’s eyes widen in shock.

"What pokemon is that? I’ve never seen it before!" Ichi called out, and I could see more and more of the people around coming to see as well.

"Mimikyu! He’s a Ghost, Fairy type pokemon!" I called out, and the boy frowned before pulling out a familiar stack of papers out of his pocket. He opened it to the first few pages and took a bit to look through it.

"There’s no such thing as a Fairy type! The Pokedex says so!" He demanded at me, like I was lying to him.

Giggling a bit I smiled. "It’s real! No, one really knows much about it here in Kanto, but it’s a real typing! Poison, or Steel type attacks are strong against it, but it’s strong against Bug, Dark, and Fighting!" I left out Dragon. "Mimikyu is also Ghost type, so add those onto its strengths and weaknesses."

This kid didn’t have any dragon types after all, no point in mentioning it.

Ichi took a moment to try to figure out what he should use, but instead just nodded.

"Battle start!" He called out and I nodded.

"Shadow Ball!"

"Zubat, use Poison Fang!" Ichi called out slower and the two attacks met.

Mimikyu’s Shadow Ball shot forward, nearly howling through the wind as the energy was compacted well, And to my delight, It wasn’t fast enough. Zubat ignoring Ichi’s orders dodged the attack first, seemingly ignoring the call to attack. Only then did it move in for a bite.

Purple fangs appeared around its mouth as it moved in, but Mimikyu and I weren’t done.

"Fend it off buddy!" I called, and Mimikyu’s Shadow Claw flew out and scratched at the air causing Zubat to flinch back from the strike.

"You can do it Zubat!" Ichi roared out, putting all his faith in his pokemon… I couldn’t do anything less!

"You can do it Mimikyu!" I roared, arm raised up and Mimikyu spun around, revealing the Shadow ball he was generating with his other hand while keeping the Zubat away with the other.

It rocked out, and Zubat couldn’t quite dodge it, knocking the Zubat away, and then to my delight. It wasn’t over.

Zubat was able to continue!

"Use Supersonic!" Ichi called out, and I winced, because one that was really loud. And two? It was a bad call.

"Normal attacks don’t work on Ghost!" I called out, but with the noise I doubt Ichi could hear me.

Instead Mimikyu just gathered up another Shadow Ball and fired it off.

Having already been clipped Zubat was struck fully this time unable to dodge and it hit the dirt with a shriek.

"Zubat!" Ichi called out and I pressed a finger against my ears to clear out the ringing sound. A moment later Zubat was returned and Ichi glared at me before turning and running to the pokemon center.

But I just sent him a wave before turning to Mimikyu, who jumped into my arms with a happy cry!

"You did it buddy!" I called out, spinning around and letting Mimikyu enjoy his moment.

"Impressive. I’ve never seen such a pokemon before." The old man with the Pidgeotto called back, and I flashed him a grin.

"Come battle, me and I’ll show you a few more!" Then to my delight the old man did just that, rising up with Pidgeotto flying to the ring first.

Once he was there he nodded.

"Alright! Jangmo-o!" I called out, my armored Dragon appeared with a cute little roar. Then he focused up, sensing the battle ahead, scratching his claws into the dirt.

"Interesting Jangmo-o, you said?"

"Yep! A Dragon Type Pokemon!" I said pleased, and then doubly pleased at the old man’s surprised look.

"Indeed?" And he nodded. "Let’s begin."

"Jangmo-o! Show off your power! Let’s go!"

"Pidgeotto, Sand Attack!"

And the two pit their attacks against each other. Jangmo-o was slower, and by the time his Orb Dragon Pulse was ready, the sand was already slamming into his face, starting to blinding him.

His attack shot off arcing through the sky but with a wing tip the Pidgeotto missed, the attack leaving a trail through the kicked up sand.

"It’s okay buddy! Try again!" I called, and the old man wasn’t done.

"Use Gust!"

Jangmo-o was struck, once more Pidgeotto, was just too fast, but that was okay. He buckled down his claws gripping the dirt, and kept it from launching him away, although I could tell it still wore him out, the wind smashing into him.

He launched his second Dragon Pulse, and this time it cut through the wind and struck the faster Pokemon. Pidgeotto definitely felt it, as it was rocked to the side but it didn’t hit the floor, and continued to stay in the air.

"Quick attack!" The old man called, and I had a split second.

"Protect! Don’t let him push you around!" And Jangmo-o roared as the shield appeared, causing Pidgeotto to crash into the immovable force for a moment.

"Dragon Tail!" I called out, and Jangmo-o spun to make the attack, at the same moment Pidgeotto swept both wings and launched itself back into the sky, the Dragon Tail missed carving a line in the dirt.

"Impressive!" The old man called. "But I believe this is where it ends. Pidgeotto Twister!" The old man called out the dragon type move, and I knew that he was right.

Win or lose, here it was.

"Dragon Pulse! Blast the energy away Jangmo-o! Don’t let this bird push you around!"

I watched as Jangmo-o started gathering power, even as the Dragon type winds rushed down. I watched as he squatted down, and continued gathering energy, even as the Twister came closer and closer.

He stared down the attack and then I realized what Jangmo-o was planning.

The twister hit, even as the Dragon Pulse grew larger and larger. He let it strike him, let it knock him around, and then Jangmo-o raised his head to the sky, straight into the twister and launched the orb. It cut through the weaker Twister, punching right through, and then slamming into Pidgeotto.

The cry of pain was loud, but the battle was over.

Jangmo-o slumped into the dirt, panting and exhausted.

But he had gotten the attack through. I rushed forward, and picked up Jangmo-o, who whined a bit at how exhausted he was as I picked him up, curling him onto his back I held him gently checking for injuries.

"You did it! I’m so amazed. That was awesome." I whispered to him as I held him to my chest, even as Pidgeotto flew over head before fluttering its wings to land on the old man’s shoulder.

"Jang." He muttered weakly, and I leaned in and nuzzled him.

"No. It was amazing. That Pidgeotto had all the advantages, but you still knocked it around. Way to go."

"Jang." He muttered, still weakly but a bit happier.

"Go ahead and return buddy. Get some rest." He disappeared in a flash of light and I nodded to the older man. "You have more pokemon than just your Pidgeotto?" I asked, and the old man smirked.

"I do."

"Great! Then let’s continue!"

I moved back to the trainer area and grabbed another pokeball. This time it was Dratini’s turn.

He appeared and trilled a happy welcome, and then looked around spotting the Pidgeotto and sending it a happy trill in greeting, before turning more serious and whistling a warning.

He was trying to sound like a tough guy, but it was a cute little whistle!


But while the Pidgeotto just remained ready, the old man’s face had gone slack.

"Is that?"

"Dratini! Oh don’t worry, I’m not a member of the Blackthorn. Kanto has their own Dragon Master now!" I said, poking my chest proudly.

I was the only Dragon trainer in Kanto, and so I was able to give myself the title! Good job Vicky!

"Heh. Dragon Master?" The old man asked, and then chuckled loudly. "Very well! Let’s test you!"

"Battle start!" I called, and the old man reacted.


"Dragon Pulse!" I called and Dratini didn’t have the same issue as Jangmo-o with the move. The purple twister shot down, but Dratini’s dragon headed beam erupted out. Weakly at first, as it struck the twister, getting tangled and pushed back, but then Dratini continued to give his little roar, and the beam grew wider, and wider!

Soon before Twister reached it fully formed, pushing through the other Dragon Type move.

"Dodge!" The old man called this time seeing what was happening, and Pidgeotto jerked to the side. The Twister stopped, never reaching Dratini, but that wasn’t the right call this time!

The Dragon beam zigged and zagged and homed in on Pidgeotto who hadn’t dodged far enough that the beam couldn’t adjust to it.

The Dragon Pulse outran the bird and it cried out as it was flung through the air as the dragon energy slammed into Pidgeotto.

But even then. It wasn’t done.

"Impressive move! I wasn’t expecting that! Did you train your pokemon to use a different move?"

"Nope! Both moves are Dragon Pulse! Some Dragons just use the move in different forms! I told you! I’m a Dragon Master!" I said proudly, even if I was mostly joking. "Dratini! Once again!"

"I won’t hold back then. Pidgeotto! Use Aerial Ace!"

"Dratini! Dragon Pulse, push it away!" There was no dodging Aerial Ace normally, you just had to blunt the attack, or knock it aside.

Unfortunately. Dratini’s Dragon Pulse was too weak. It didn’t grow fast enough and so when it did strike the charging bird, the energy of Aerial Ace blew right through. The beam split at the power of Pidgeotto’s beak splicing through and then finally as it started to grow strong, it was too late.

Dratini cried as he was knocked aside, and when it was over. Dratini was laying on the dirt knocked out. His poor eyes were swirling.

"Dratini Return!" I called out, bringing him back, as there was still dust and other stuff smacking around the dirt lot.

His Dragon Pulse had picked up power just near the end, but had still split and dug grooves in the dirt.

"Good work. That was amazing." I whispered and then looked up at the old man. His Pidgeotto had landed on his shoulder, and I could see the bird was breathing heavily. It was definitely worn out.

"Your Pidgeotto is so strong!" I couldn’t help but gush, and the old man laughed. But, I wasn’t joking. That Pidgeotto was actually really strong. Probably close to evolving for sure.

"She’s a strong one alright! Those Dragons of yours… They’re young?"

"Yep! Just little ones! These are their first battles!" I confirmed happily, and the man blinked in shock.

"You should have told me, I wouldn’t have gone so hard." He called out in return, and I just laughed at that.

"No way! They are Dragons! When they are all set up, they are going to be so excited to grow strong enough to beat you! You did them a huge favor!" There was always a worry that a pokemon would take a loss badly. But I knew my Dragons had plenty of support, and I would assure them through it all regardless.

This had been what I wanted. A loss.

A loss meant they would learn. They would have a challenge, and grow to overcome it.

This… This was perfect.

"Hey, you want to try your other pokemon? I still have a few more pokemon that need some battles!"

"I thought you would never ask!" The old man offered happily, returning his Pidgeotto, and to my utter and complete delight, releasing one of my favorite pokemon.
