Pokemon: Radical Redux-Chapter 239: Shamouti Island
Chapter 239 - Shamouti Island
{The Abra Show}
"Welcome back my junior siblings to the greatest show known to Pokemon and Man, 'Are you courting Death!" Abra said
"I am your favorite Senior sister, and with me, as always is my compatriots," Abratwo added.
"*sigh* I'm here, but my mental health left long ago," Alakazam said drinking coffee
"Psyduck is here, but Psyduck is upset, Psyduck was about to go to second base with Psyduck's girlfriend," Psyduck said looking down, no one believes him
"Umm, I'm also here, but where are the books I was promised," Drowzee asked, and Alakazam levitated a book on weather over to him
But before it reached him Abra teleported in the way, "Great segway Senior brother, we are talking about the Weather phenomenon,
As Abra teleported out Abratwo took her place, "What are they, what do they mean for your family, and most of all what young master is courting death to cause such a technique and what is his goal!"
Alakazam raised his eyebrow, "That almost seems interesting, well minus the last part, but the Weather phenomenon is actually something I have been looking into."
Abra teleported back holding a tray of snacks and putting them on the table, "Great, but it is only to be expected from our senior brother,"
Alakazam ignored the last part and looked at the tray, "Where did you get that?"
Abra waved it off, "Don't worry about it senior brother, it is just something for us to enjoy, so let's continue because I have theories of forbidden techniques that could be the cause"
Psyduck and Drowzee didn't argue too much and started partaking in the tray without a care, Alakazam sighed and also grabbed one, "This is going to be a long day isn't it,"
It was a new day. They left Roy's island shortly after introductions and had dinner, which Ash helped with. When he heard Murdock complain about the Pokeblock thief, Ash taught him how to make them for humans, which he was more than happy about.
Then the day passed and a new morning came, Ash already gave the directions he knew about to Ludlow, but he did also warned him that it wasn't perfect since those were the coordinates tourists used coming from the mainland so they would have to work with that.
Currently, Ash was taking Liko and Roy on a joy ride with Lapras, and everyone else including Pikachu was on the Brave Olivine as it was sailing across the waters, and since they last decided to travel together there have been 3 storms that each lasted 3 seconds.
Ash went ahead and sent a message to his mom under the excuse of checking in on her but although that was a reason the main one was to see if the storms arrived at the mainland or if it was still only in the Orange Islands.
And from the carefree messages he got back, it looked like it was still contained in the Orange Islands for now.
On top of the ship, Friede was looking over with Captain Pikachu and Pikachu standing on the railing, though they mostly were sharing their electricity with their cheek pouches,
Orla came down from the gas chamber wiping her hands, "Phew, that's enough for today, at least it won't get any worse while I take a break,"
She walked up next to Friede, "So are we there yet?"
"No, I'm pretty sure we aren't even close," Friede said rubbing his head, "But it's hard to tell, I'm the captain when it comes to the air, I'm hopeless here at sea,"
"Ha, you can say that again," Murdock's voice came in as he walked up holding a tray of snacks,
Friede chuckled, "Hey Murdock, don't suppose those are for us?"
"You wish," Murdock said, "I was gonna check-in if the kids wanna jump on for some food,"
"Well you might want to just give that to us because they're still on their joyride and I doubt we can get them back," Orla said
Murdock thought for a moment thinking about how he should do this, then he felt a tug at his pants, Abra was there and raised her hands.
"Oh you're going to take it to them, yeah alright," Murdock foolishly said
As he did it Pikachu stopped nuzzling and watched Murdock hand the tray to Abra, and he just shook his head, "Pika...(What a fool),"
Abra teleported out, and Murdock looked off where the kids were and waited...and waited... and waited some more.
Murdock was frozen in place leaning over the side still waiting, but Friede just tapped his shoulder, "Yeah, sorry dude, I don't think she's coming back any time soon."
Murdock sighed and dejectedly went back to the kitchen, wondering where Abra went.
Meanwhile, back at Sea, they were having fun riding Lapras, Liko and Roy both were holding onto their Pokemon tightly so that they wouldn't fall.
Liko enjoyed the air with Sprigatito, "I can't believe how nice this is, it feels so different from riding on the ship,"
"I'll say," Roy said excitedly as he shot his hands in the air, "This is my first time off my island and this just feels incredible!"
"Hey Ash, how much longer do you think it'll be before we get to Shamouti Island?" Liko asked
Ash looked down, "Tough to say, I know we're close but not much else I hoped we could find a tourist or a boat going there on the way,"
"Why? Isn't Shamouti Island isolated in the center of the Orange Islands, my grandfather told me that most of the time tourists don't bother,"
"Well, he's right," Ash said blankly, "But there is one instance where that isn't the case, once a year they hold a traditional Legend Festival, and then it becomes a tourist hive mind."
Roy's eyes lit up, "Legend Festival? I've never heard of that, my grandfather never said anything about that, I wonder what they do, oh I can't wait,"
Then he raised Cyndaquil into the sky, "What about you buddy, are you looking forward to it too!"
"Quil!" Cyndaquil said nodding and tooting some flames up.
Liko chuckled as she pet Sprigatito who was sitting on her lap, "Well I guess we should find some way of getting there,"
As she said that Ash noticed a ship sailing up, it didn't approach immediately due to them being followed by a larger ship than hers, but Ash could see a green-haired woman, "Hey you 2 hold on!"
Liko and Roy were taken slightly by surprise but held onto Lapras, meanwhile, everyone on the ship was slightly confused seeing Ash suddenly change directions but then they saw that he was approaching a smaller ship.
When Lapras pulled up next to the ship Ash waved to catch her attention, "Ahoy there!"
The green-haired woman was taken by surprise, "Oh, hi, well this saves me some trouble, what can I do for you,"
Ash smiled, "We are trying to go to Shamouti Island, do you mind giving us directions,"
The woman nodded, "Ahh I see, well then I can help you I'm going there myself, call me Maren,"
"I'm Ash,"
"And I'm Roy!"
"Liko nice to meet you,"
Maren nodded, "A pleasure, just a question, is that ship with you all?"
Ash nodded, "Yeah, we're all going to the same place, is that a problem?"
"Nah not at all, the more the merrier," Maren chuckled, "And one last question before we head off, none of you would happen to be a Pokemon trainer?"
Roy was about to raise his hand but Liko put her hand on his shoulder, "No, no we aren't Roy, neither of us have a trainer's license,"
As Roy looked down Ash shook his head, "Yeah, I'm a Pokemon trainer, and a good one too though I assume that Island doesn't get much reception,"
Maren nodded, "Yeah we don't, most of our news is only from stuff we get from phones and stuff, but how is that relevant?"
Ash chuckled, "Oh no reason in particular, anyway lead the way I'll tell everyone on the ship,"
Maren nodded happily, "Yeah, I look forward to it, Mr. Pokemon Trainer,"
Maren's ship sailed ahead as Ash led Lapras back to the ship where they met back up with everyone.
"So what's the word?" Friede asked leaning against the rails
"I got us a guide," Ash said, "She'll take us,"
Friede nodded and yelled over, "You hear that Ludlow, Follow that ship!"
Ludlow's voice came over, "I'm on it,"
A bit later they finally pulled up to Shamouti Island, there was another storm but not nearly hard enough to cause any worry, especially with how big the Brave Olivine was, so they pulled up,
Although only Friede, Roy, and Liko got off the ship with them, the rest wanted to do some quick things, but they said they'd join the festival at night.
So they walked off with Ash already down greeted by Maren, and shortly after the other 3 joined them, but they noticed somthing,
Once they were down suddenly a whole bunch of islanders wearing masks and holding different things approaches them
"Maren! How are you?" the one in the front said, "It's been a while."
The one in the front takes off the mask revealing a young woman with short brown hair, Maren smiles pleasantly, "Carol, I can't believe it! It's great to see you."
Carol smiled back, "Perfect timing too, the Legend Festival is today!"
Maren smiles and makes a flute motion with her hands, "Carol, are you going to be the star of the show again?"
This chapter is updated by freēwēbnovel.com.
Carol shook her head, "No, I'm too old to be the Festival Maiden anymore. This year, my little sister will take over for me. Wonder where she could..."
Suddenly from the top of a voice called out, "I'm right here!"
As they all look up they see a girl standing there crossing her arms as she jumps down, "The only one not wearing some stupid costume. You'd think after a few centuries, you'd have outgrown this dorky ritual,"
Carol shook her head, "It's our tradition! You should be honored to take part,"
She rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, I'll play my role in the big legend. I've only seen you do it, like, a zillion times."
Carol sighed, "Just be there!"
Liko pulled her head in, "Umm care to introduce us?"
Carol sighed again and pointed at her, "Unfortunately, that's my little sister. Her name is Melody, but don't get fooled. She's not always this adorable"
Maren jumped down, "Alright, then I should introduce these guys,"
Friede cut in, "Hey you mind if we introduce ourselves?"
Maren nodded, "Go ahead,"
Friede smiled and looked at the natives, "Call me Friede,"
"I'm Liko nice to meet you,"
"I'm Roy and this is Cyndaquil!"
"And I'm Ash,"
Maren then leaned over, "By the way, Ash here is a Pokemon trainer,"
As soon as she said that everyone was surprised and collectively yelled, "Pokémon trainer?!?"
Even Melody tilted her head down looking at Ash with a bit more interest,
The people started celebrating as an old man took off his mask and approached Ash, "The ancient legend foretells your arrival. And only with you can the guardian of the waters vanquish the great titans of fire, ice, and lightning! In your hands, oh, chosen one"
Ash didn't change his expression much but everyone else was surprised hearing that, "Wait, chosen one?"
"In your hands rests the world and its fate." he continued
"Don't tell me, Ash is part of this legend?" Liko said
Roy's eyes sparkled, "Incredible!"
Then the elder leaned in close enough for them to hear, "Don't let it worry you, kid. It's just for the tourists."
"And you are sir?" Friede asked
"Oh how rude of me, I'm Tobias, the island elder." Tobias said as suddenly the mask fell down making him mumbled, "Blasted beak..."
As he adjusted the mask again, Melody walked up and looked Ash up and down, "So you're a Pokemon trainer, huh?"
Melody walked up and took off her sunglasses, "Alright, I'm fine with this! Here's your traditional welcome kiss,"
Melody leans in and kisses Ash on the cheek, much to everyone's surprise,
"Huh..." Friede said, "Good for him,"
Roy was more surprised, almost like he was the one who got kissed instead of Ash.
And Liko was blushing seeing it slightly shivering, Melody noticed that and approached her, "Hmm? Are you Ash's girlfriend?"
Liko blushed hard, "W-what no no, we're just good friends that's it I swear!"
Melody chuckled seeing the effect she had on Liko, "Alright then, though I wonder why you're shaking,"
As Liko was left blushing Melody walked back up to Ash, "Well then chosen one, the festival is at 8:00 PM, be sure to be there, and if you do I might give you another kiss,"
Ash chuckled knowing she was entirely doing that to make Liko flustered, "Ohh, tempting, well with a reward like that how can I refuse."
"Alright, see you there!" Melody said as she turned, but before she left she looked at Liko, "Oh and try not to get jealous ok,"