Pokémon Court-Chapter 251: Battle Tower

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Chapter 251: Battle Tower

Terrance had been to LaRousse City before but had never visited the Battle Tower. He had seen the towering structure from a distance, marveling at its modern design. Unlike the two ancient towers at Crown Academy, the Battle Tower looked hi-tech. At least the two towers in the academy don’t have things like elevators…

Upon actually stepping into the Battle Tower, Terrance was further impressed by the hustle and bustle inside. During registration, he even spent some time conversing with an AI. The tower included Pokémon Center, Pokémon Mart, and many other facilities, ensuring that Trainers who come here to challenge it could battle to their heart’s content without any worries.

Terrance thought for a moment about how much money it must have cost to build the Battle Tower. There were eight entrances in the Battle Tower, and he chose one to enter. Along the way, he saw many Trainers and observed the Battle Arena from the spectator seats. He had to admit it was very well done; Every Trainer who steps into the arena can really resonate with the intense atmosphere around them.

Battle Arenas were noisy, filled with cheers and gasps, but other parts were well soundproofed, maintaining a quiet yet engaging atmosphere with various small attractions to pique the interest of passersby.

“There sure are a lot of Trainers,” Terrance marveled as he walked. It was probably the highest concentration of Trainers he had ever seen in one place, and at the same time, it was quite rare. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a sudden commotion—a Persian was charging in his direction, causing a stir.

A Trainer was chasing the Persian, looking exhausted. But the Persian was too fast. Despite the Trainer’s shouts, the Persian didn’t obey, and even attempts to recall it with a Poké Ball were futile as the Trainer couldn’t follow its movements.

Seeing this, Terrance instinctively reached for Mismagius’s Poké Ball to help, but a hand pushed down his hand.

“Huh?” Terrance turned to see a boy in green clothes and shorts holding him back, shaking his head.

“No need to help. Pokémon aren’t allowed out of their Poké Balls in the public areas of the Battle Tower,” the boy, with spiky black hair and lively red-orange eyes, pointed towards the direction the Persian had run. “Look…”

As he spoke, the ceiling transformed, and a burst of electric shock struck down. The Persian was electrocuted, leaving it sprawled on the ground with its legs in the air, twitching…..

This chapter is updated by freēwēbnovel.com.

“I’m Gon. This must be your first time at the Battle Tower?” the boy in green shorts said with a smile, scratching his head. “The first time I came here, I accidentally released my Pokémon too and it got stunned by the defense system.”

“Ah, I see. I haven’t had a chance to read the rules yet,” Terrance replied, suddenly recalling the booklet he received upon entry. He hadn’t found time to go through it during his walk.

“Thank you,” Terrance said. “I’m Terrance.”

Seeing the Persian run wild, Terrance understood why no one intervened—this place had its own set of defense measures.

“Are you planning to participate in the battle?” Gon asked, seeing Terrance standing next to the central pillar’s display.

“Yes, that’s right,” Terrance replied.

“You can book a slot using your membership card right there,” Gon pointed to the display.

“Membership card? Is this what you mean?” Terrance took a blue card from the booklet in his backpack.

“Yes, that’s it,” Gon nodded. “After booking, you might have to wait for a while or you might get to battle immediately. If you are going to challenge, you need to make sure you have time for seven consecutive battles…”

“After all, it’s only considered a round if you win seven consecutive battles in the Battle Tower. If you leave midway, it counts as a failure.”

“Got it, I understand,” Terrance said.

He had long been eager to visit the Battle Tower. After all, a place where he could engage in seven high-frequency battles was rare. Altaria needed to experience various moves to perfect the “Erase” skill, and this environment was ideal for that.

In addition, he now had another Pokémon that needed extensive battles to refine its skills—Mismagius.

The “Flash and Dark Illusion” skill also required continuous practice to be mastered and developed to perfection.

Moreover, Growlithe was nearing evolution, and numerous battles would help it build a solid foundation.

“This is Growlithe’s final phase… After this, it will evolve and participate in the last Pokémon Contest before the Grand Festival.”

“Besides… Beautifly should actually be the main focus of training during this period. After all, the purpose of coming here was to strengthen Beautifly’ over these three months!”

To increase Beautifly’s chances of winning the Grand Festival, Terrance put in a lot of effort to make it stronger. Terrance wasn’t very interested in what Mr. Scott had to say at first, but the conditions he offered were very generous. Even in these short three months, if used well, he could significantly strengthen several of his Pokémon.

During this process of strengthening his Pokémon, the one to benefit the most would be Beautifly. For the final battle, it would reap the rewards from the efforts of the other Pokémon.

“Beep beep beep.”


“Is that it?” Terrance asked Gon beside him.

“Yeah… that means your booking is successful. See, the text below shows your battle time and location.”

“Oh, thank you! To show my appreciation, let me buy you a drink,” Terrance said, pointing to a nearby vending machine.

“Haha, no need! I’m waiting for someone. Besides, the booklet they give out during registration should cover all this information,” Gon replied with a laugh, scratching his head.

“More importantly, your match is in 10 minutes, and you need to enter the arena 5 minutes early for preparations. If you don’t go now, you won’t make it in time.”

“Oh, really?” Terrance was taken aback and had to say goodbye to the unfamiliar Trainer before heading to his own battle site.

After all, it’s his first battle, and being late wouldn’t be good. Speaking of which, he also needs to quickly adapt to the Battle Tower’s procedures and understand how the resources will be allocated over these three months. According to Scott, it’s all about performance in the LaRousse City Battle Tower under his command!

Terrance roughly calculated that if he could reach the High-level Area within three months, the resources he could obtain would be substantial. And this is just the so-called “training period”—it doesn’t even include the resources for good performance once the actual bet begins. freēwēbnovel.com

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