Number One Dungeon Supplier-Chapter 1831 Creating The School Again
"Why do I even need to create a school again!" Jin said to himself as he relegated himself back into the Dungeon Maker room.
"Does the System need to remind you that you did it because you wanted more money and reputation before you got to this stage?" The System said and Jin looked at the screen with a huge sigh. "There is no need to reiterate that there would be costs incurred as the System had mentioned. That amount of money could be used for other things such as buying a store in Shenzhen for your Virtual Reality Simulation Expansion.
"Fine, fine, fine. All I have to do is to provide the required specifications while ensuring that it is pretty too, correct?" Jin said as he already started using his thought manipulation and created the foundation of the school instance as he had done previously for the old blueprint.
"Yes, and the System had also contacted the four Demon Exorcists that were under your care previously."
"You mean being forced to be under my care."
"When you are not around, Qiu Yue officially took them up as full time employees with renewed contracts as created by the System. But instead of doing tasks given by Qiu Yue, she wanted them to fulfill a certain amount of JODE related tasks instead. The tasks were regardless of the ranks within the Demon Exorcists. As long as they could complete at least 10 a month, they would be given a minimum sum salary. Do more than 20, there would be extra commissions as well."
"Oh. I supposed Qiu Yue wants them to do that so they could be more exposed to the Demon Exorcists' society and build a reputation?" Jin asked
"Yes and not only that, it is to see and check how the Demon Exorcists in the current organisation would work. This is mainly due to the fact that they were personally trained by Grandma Yuan and they do not have much exposure in terms of the standards created by the usual Demon Exorcists."
"Did they do well? I assume they do well since they had been specially trained by Grandma Yuan."
"Exceptionally well. It was to the point they were receiving more than 30 tasks a month and they had been busy clearing them, paving the way to be Demon Exorcist specialists in their very own fields. They might be the next up and coming famous Exorcists. Of course, because they were contracted by the System, they have the obligation to return to Dungeons and Pandas. Qiu Yue made sure of that so if you needed any help with the creation of the school, there is no doubt that the Demon Exorcists could assist with it."
"Lol, and here I think they were little brats who had trouble keeping up with the situations," Jin said as he started using the old school design as a reference and built the basements.
"To be fair to them, they were already the top when you met them. However, circumstances have shown that the world's situation is not as friendly to them as they wanted it to be. All those experiences that you had allowed them to view plus the dangerous situations they had been placed in, had made them grow drastically more than Grandma Yuan expected them to be."
"Lol, and don't forget we even gave them their dual inscription charms, allowing them to be more than they can be."
"Indeed, and they had used the charms sparingly as they never knew when those charms would expire. It was only at times when people's lives were in danger, then they will use them."
"If they know that they cannot die because they had been contracted by the System, what do you think they will think? Wait, I assume you did not tell them, right?" Jin asked and the System gave an affirmative answer.
"Telling it defeats the purpose of them attempting to struggle. Besides, it is not every time they are in a life and death situation. If the System is not wrong, the only time they were in such a position is whenever they are with you."
"Wow. Thanks. I am the Danger Magnet." Jin rolled his eyes even though he was in thought manipulation mode. (Because of that, some of the console screens shot upwards to follow the movement of his eyes and he had to readjust them once more. Note to himself not to do such stupid eye movements during thought manipulation.)
"Thus, the System had messaged each and every one of them to return by tomorrow night for dinner with you. All of them had sent a reply, indicating that they had accepted the dinner meeting within less a minute from the invitation."
"What does that last part for? That I should be happy that they were all so excited to see me?"
"Just for your information."
"Pfft. Then give me a basic breakdown of their activities. Are they all Demon Extermination?"
"Most of it is, considering that they had been trained by Grandma Yuan the JODE higher ups did not spare any effort in putting them to do special extermination missions which most normal Demon Exorcists would not be able to get."
"We have that many Demons lying around? Or is this the influence of the Banned Emperor as well?"
"No, there were calls for help from various countries as well. Like Russia, Saudi Arabia, and even Bhutan."
"Lol, I would be more surprised if the Western Demon Exorcists were to ask for the Eastern counterparts for help."
"There was such a case but it is better your fellow …tutees tell you the whole story about it. That particular case might prove to be interesting especially when they had to collaborate with the Vatican."
"Huh? Aren't the Vatican Agents like the elites of the elites in Western Exorcisms?" Jin asked.
"Indeed. And they are currently returning from there as we speak."
"Wait. So, you are telling me this is not a mere dinner meeting? There is an agenda to it?" Jin questioned and yet the System was not replying.