My Special Ability Is Perfect Replication-Chapter 226 - Alien Spacecraft, Super Xenomorph

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Chapter 226 - Alien Spacecraft, Super Xenomorph

Ling Jiu sensed the location of the wormhole, then opened up a dimensional passageway and sent Niu Ben back.

"Sister Niu, take a look at its memories again. I want to know more information about this planet." Ling Jiu pointed at the humanoid dinosaur and said.


Niu Miao nodded slightly and continued to read its mind.

"This planet is dominated by dinosaurs and Direbeasts, just like Earth was 65 million years ago.

"However, the creatures on this planet are clearly much larger.

"The saurian society is very simple. They form tribal groups based on their blood ties, and they labor together and share the fruits of their labor.

"Also, the saurians have mastered the technology of manufacturing tools and the usage of tools. On top of that, they can communicate accurately using their own language."

As Niu Miao narrated her findings, Ling Jiu slowly understood. The saurians did have intelligence, and their society had already developed to a certain level.

The civilization level was not high, but they were different from ordinary animals. There was proof that they were indeed the only intelligent race on the planet.

"The last thing they remember is the Xenomorphs."

As Niu Miao spoke, her face suddenly became serious.

"Just yesterday, black rain suddenly poured from the skies and turned into snakes. They infested the bodies of animals and finally turned them into monsters like that of the Xenomorphs."

"Black rain falling from the sky?"

Ling Jiu could not help but look at the sky as confusion flashed past his eyes. It was impossible for black rain to fall for no reason...

"Is it possible... for the Xenomorphs to be sent to this planet by someone else?"

"Someone sent them to this planet?"

Niu Miao was taken aback for a moment. "How is this possible?"

"The Xenomorphs are obviously an alien creature, and they could not come to the planet themselves. Since they are here, that must mean they were sent by someone else!"

Ling Jiu looked up to the sky and said, "More so, I think that our arrival on this planet has something to do with this group of people."

Hearing what Ling Jiu said, something appeared in Niu Miao's mind, and she could not help but hiss.

"There was black rain on this planet, and an abnormal thermal fluctuation suddenly appearing in the South Pole, and the new wormhole suddenly appearing..."

Niu Miao opened her mouth in shock. "Could it be that... this is some kind of conspiracy?"

"While I don't want to admit it, it seems like it." Ling Jiu said.

At this moment, Bai Ya's voice suddenly rang from outside. "Honey, come out! There's something in the sky!"


Ling Jiu shuddered a little as he instantly vanished from the cave. When he reappeared, he was already outside.

Bai Ya was staring at the sky and Ling Jiu followed her gaze.

They saw a dark disk-like object suddenly broke out from the clouds above. It looked like a flying saucer as it protruded out from the clouds and then appeared in the sky.

It was too big!

Plus, Ling Jiu could not tell how big it was.

He could only see what looked like a huge floating continent that lay in the sky. It caused the sky to dim as all sunlight was blocked, plunging the ground below into darkness.

"Is that... a flying saucer?"

Ling Jiu stared at the behemoth in the sky in disbelief. Bai Ya and Niu Miao, who had just come out were also equally shocked.

Just as the three were looking at the massive shadow, a huge alarm suddenly rang out in the sky.

"Alert! Alert! All cadets, return to Earth immediately!

"Alert! Alert! All cadets, return to Earth immediately!

"Alert! Alert! All cadets, return to Earth immediately!"

"That's the matriculation camp's alert!"

"It's probably because of that massive shadow!" Niu Miao said grimly.

"My dear, what should we do?" Bai Ya asked immediately.

"Let's head back first!"

Ling Jiu stared at the dark shadow in the sky. "Things have gotten really serious! If we screw up... Forget it, let's not talk about this. Leave it for later!"

As his voice trailed off, Ling Jiu pointed into the void and a dimensional passageway appeared.

"Go!" Ling Jiu shouted.


Bai Ya and Niu Miao dared not dally and instantly entered the dimensional passageway. Ling Jiu glanced at the dark shadow in the sky before entering it as well.

The next moment, the three of them returned to Wormhole 52, and what they did not expect was there were many people standing in front of the wormhole. Ling Jiu recognized at a glance that many of them were operatives of the camp, and even the camp commandant was there.


Ling Jiu and the girls immediately greeted her.

"Hmm," the camp commandant responded softly, her eyes still locked on the huge dark shadow in the sky. A grim look flashed past her eyes.

Seeing that the camp commandant was no longer talking, the three did not disturb her as they waved to Niu Ben, who was amid the crowd. They did not say anything else.

"Camp commandant, based on all of the information we have obtained, it's not difficult to infer that this thing is definitely an alien spacecraft."

An operative slowly said, "Also, the ice cavern's sudden appearance and Wormhole 52's discovery are likely related to this alien spacecraft."

"So, our Earth or this planet might be under the watchful eye of this alien spacecraft?" Some people were in disbelief.

"While I don't want to admit it, I have to say... there's a good chance of that," the operative from earlier slowly said.

"Alien spaceship..."

Everyone could not help but gasp. "What are they planning to do? What is their goal? An invasion or something?

Amid everyone's discussion, the camp commandant slowly asked, "Are all the cadets back?"

"Only a dozen have returned so far, and many more of them are still in the wild," a staff operative said.

"Urge them again. Make sure they come back immediately!" the camp commandant shouted.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

The operative gave her a salute and went to carry out her orders.

"Have you notified humanity's top echelon?"

The camp commandant looked at another operative. "When will they come over?"

"They have been informed, but they will need time to get here," the operative replied.


The camp commandant nodded slightly. "This matter is extremely tricky, and may very well be the greatest crisis humanity has ever encountered."

The greatest crisis!

Everyone's heart suddenly sank.

Even though they were unwilling to admit it, as they looked at the alien spacecraft in the sky, no one could be optimistic at all.

No one knew how advanced the technology on the alien spacecraft was, let alone their purpose for coming to Earth.

Was it an invasion?

Or something else?

If they were to invade Earth, could Earthlings stop them?

No one knew!

As time passed by, the cadets returned one after another, and without anyone noticing, half an hour had passed, and most of the cadets had returned.

"Are there any cadets who have not returned yet?" the camp commandant asked again.

"There're 39 who have not yet return!"

"Why are there so many?"

The camp commandant frowned immediately.

"The alert was raised long ago, and all of the cadets should have already returned."

The operative slowly said, "If they are still not back right now, it's likely..."

He did not verbalize what he was about to say, but everyone understood what he meant.

The alert had already been raised for half an hour at that point, and those who could return should have already been back.

Those who did not come back... might very well never come back!

"Thirty-nine cadets!"

The camp commandant closed her eyes and spoke one word at a time. "Since the establishment of this camp, we have never seen such casualties before.

"Thirty-nine cadets!"

Ling Jiu, Bai Ya, Niu Ben and Niu Miao looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes. So, 39 cadets had died just like that?

How did they die?

Had they been killed by the Direbeasts?

Or the Xenomorphs?

"Commandant, the alien spacecraft is moving!"

An operative suddenly shouted.

Everyone hurriedly looked over and saw a big hole suddenly appeared at the bottom of the alien spacecraft. The next moment, dark shadows came out of it.

The dark shadows were all humanoids, but were clad in black armor and helmets as they walked out of the spacecraft and stood in midair.

"The aliens... they have appeared!"

"What are they doing?"

Everyone stared at the aliens suspended in mid-air, and their faces became particularly grim.

Everyone knew that there were aliens out there in the universe, but knowing was just that, knowing. No one had actually come into contact with one before.

But now... they had seen one!

Everyone was nervous, and even a little fearful.

Under everyone's watchful eye, the dozens of aliens in the sky suddenly flew toward the ground.

"Commandant, what do we do now?" An operative quivered.

"All planetary-level and below, return to Earth immediately!" the camp commandant bellowed.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

An operative responded and immediately said to the cadets. "All cadets immediately return to Earth, all operatives below Level 10, return as well."


Although the cadets had wanted to stay here, no one dared to disobey the camp commandant's orders, and so entered the wormhole back to Earth.

Ling Jiu and the others also returned to Earth, but just before he left, he created a duplicate to leave with Bai Ya while his true form quietly snuck through the wormhole and returned to the dinosaur planet.

Subsequently, Ling Jiu hid in the Dimensional Sea and tried not to get detected.

However, that was clearly unrealistic as the camp commandant noticed Ling Jiu instantly. Raising an eyebrow slightly, she said, "Why are you here again? This is not where you should be!"

"Commandant, I think I can be of use!" Ling Jiu said softly.

By this time, there were not many people left on the dinosaur planet. In addition to the camp commandant, there were two other operatives, and Ling Jiu, for a total of four people.

"You can be of use?"

A burly black operative frowned. "What can a mere cadet like you do to help? Go back, don't mess around!"

The other two operatives, while they did not speak, their expressions were similar to the black operative, neither of them wanted Ling Jiu to be around.

Ling Jiu naturally did not want to leave. This was the first time he had seen an alien in the truest of sense. How could he leave before getting a good look at them?

Of course, it would be better if he could find powerful Arcanas from the aliens because the Plunder Arcana had... just completed its cooldown!

He could plunder new Arcanas again!

"Commandant, I..."

Ling Jiu was prepared to persuade the commandant to let him stay, but at that moment, the din of violent combat rang out not too far away. In response, everyone rose into the air.

They saw two figures clashing with one another in the woods a few kilometers away.

On one side was an alien in black armor and helmet.

On the other was a black Xenomorph about two meters tall.

Strangely, though, lightning flashed on the Xenomorph's head before bathing its entire body in bolts, like it was a Thunder God from the heavens.

"That Xenomorph..."

Ling Jiu's eyes shrank. "It can use Arcanas!"