My military branches can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 275 - 238 Simulation Exercise, Whose

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Chapter 275: Chapter 238 Simulation Exercise, Whose

Division General Is This! (5K)_2

Quickly, the war began.

From afar, grey mists rolled and red mists drifted, and hordes of monsters, tens and hundreds of thousands strong, surged out of the fog like a raging tidal wave crashing towards the camp.




Guns, cannons, Arrow Towers, kept firing nonstop.

This scene looked a bit like the Hero Trial.

However, one difference was that commanders could not directly command their troops through Hero Power with their thoughts. They could only shout commands, send messengers, use signals, and so on, to direct their warriors.

This made things much more difficult.

The three hundred seconds of preparation time were far from sufficient for the trainees.

Before they could properly implement their defenses, the monsters were already upon them.

“Trialist number one’s camp is destroyed, defense time 366 seconds, rating:

Low-Grade D.”

“Trialist number three’s camp is destroyed, defense time 389 seconds, rating:

Low-Grade D.”

“Trialist number two’s camp is destroyed, defense time 412 seconds, rating:

Mid-Grade D.”

When the three trainees emerged, they were still in a daze. freё

They had a look of bewilderment, as if wondering who they were, where they were, and how they lost so quickly.

Right from the start, they were overwhelmed, failing to fully utilize the defensive capabilities and structures of the camp. Naturally, the enemy was also ferocious, and before they even had a chance to clench their fists, their bones were already broken.

Because there were monsters from the Legendary Realm!

These legendary beings tore through the lines of defense like sharp arrows.

“Next batch.”

Three Third-Order and Fourth-Order Strongmen exchanged uncertain glances and stepped up.

Before long, they too walked back with glazed eyes.

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“Next batch.”

“Next batch.”

“Next next batch.”

The instructors sighed at the sight of one ‘D’ grade after another.

Is this training event difficult?

Objectively speaking, it is a bit difficult for those below the Legendary Realm. But enemies will not show mercy just because you’re not from the Legendary Realm. Fair fights do not exist on the battlefield, particularly against monsters, in the Red Mist.

And when ordinary commanders lead troops, they also have a small chance of encountering legendary monsters.

In such situations, if commanders cannot hold their ground even for a short moment, how can they expect reinforcements to arrive?

In the Great War Zone, you must have the courage to face overlords and legends head-on.

Backed by a camp, a commander only needs to make perfect use of the forces at hand. Not only is it possible to hold the line, but repelling an opponent from the Legendary Realm wouldn’t be difficult either.

“It’s true it’s difficult, but they’re also weak.”

“With this level of skill, leading a team alone in the Great War Zone is absolutely unthinkable.”

The trialists faced defeat after defeat.

Initially, those who suffered defeat were filled with sorrow. However, they soon found solace.

It turns out it wasn’t just them that were weak, but everyone was… no, the assessment was too difficult, and that made it okay.

It was not until the 12th batch of trialists stepped forward that someone finally earned a Grade C evaluation.

It was a Lord.

Resonance, command, weapon use, and other training events had all been experienced by the recruits, but compared to professionals and Lords, they still lacked much experience in commanding large forces.

Of course, even among the Lords present, few, if any, had the experience of commanding hundreds of Third-Order and Fourth-Order elite warriors.

The ones who went first were generally those who performed averagely in the training sessions held over the previous days.

Their performance in this particular project, naturally, was not impressive. Those who took part later were inherently more capable and had at least some mental preparation for the assessment. The defense process finally turned out to be not so desperate.

“High-Grade Crating!”

An unknown Lord achieved the highest score so far.

Recruits went up one after another.

Soon, it was the turn of some well-known strong figures. The training results, however, were somewhat surprising.

miserably, he only managed a Mid-Grade C rating. I lock for a High-Grade C or even a shot at a Grade B.”

“He lost. Red Hair lost so thought for sure he was a

“No helping it, while Red Hair is undoubtedly powerful, able to defeat several Fourth-order Bosses single-handedly, his individual combat strength appears

to be of little use in this situation.”

“Hey, hey, the Crescent Moon Girl had it even worse… she displayed even more powerful strength than Red Hair, but that drew the attention of the legendary monster, and she was slain within five moves.”

“To last five moves against a being of the Legendary Realm, Crescent Moon Girl An Qianqian’s combat power is certainly among the top on the Dragon Gate Ranking, but… she only received a Low-Grade C evaluation, which is rather poor.”

Some instructors shook their heads.

“On the battlefield, it’s most taboo to be too eye-catching, especially for commanders. If this young lady doesn’t understand that, she’s in great danger.”

As the Fourth-Order notables continued to fall, it became clear that raw strength and the New Recruits Training Camp’s assessment did not equate.

But soon, Lord Giant Elephant upheld the dignity of the Fourth-Order notables. “One thousand seconds! Lord Giant Elephant has held out for one thousand seconds!”

Lord Giant Elephant barely participated in the combat himself; he simply kept controlling the defensive structures, intercepting the legendary monsters as they attempted to pounce, and continuously micro-controlling the camp’s soldiers, patching up defense after defense, as fragile as eggs stacked together.

Lord Giant Elephant, such a Macho Man, turned out to be a Micro-Operation Master?

At that moment,

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Huge giants emerged from the blood fog.

They were even larger than hundred-meter-class war machines.

With crystals spreading over the bodies of these three Flesh Giants, standing at one hundred and forty meters tall, they slightly bent their knees, as if preparing to sprint forward.

The next moment, the three giants charged forward with a velocity quite inconsistent with their massive size.