My Hubby Can't Stop Pampering Me-Chapter 391 - 392: Activity (4)

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Chapter 391: Chapter 392: Activity (4)

The audience watched as she rose to her feet. The camera focused on her as she brushed back her hair and straightened her clothes. Her actions were graceful and pleasing to the eye. She then slightly lifted her chin and her eyes held a defiant look.

Although her face couldn’t be seen clearly, her almond-shaped eyes were charming yet piercing with a cold edge. Her gaze was icy and noble, but her composure was unshakeable.

The male host’s face twisted with unease, but he knew the people at this event were all high society. He couldn’t afford to offend anyone. So he bided his patience and repeated, “Would the lady in red please come on stage to participate in the event.”

Lu Weixi remained motionless, drawing some jeering from the audience. At the venue, nothing too harsh was said. Everyone was conscious of maintaining decorum. However, online, she was being deluged with criticism. People accused her of being pretentious, snobbish, uncharitable, and uncooperative. Some comments were particularly nasty, with people flooding the message boards with things like “mistresses deserve to die”. After all, if Qin Zhiyou was married, and Lu Weixi clearly wasn’t his wife, then she must be the mistress. And mistresses deserve to be cursed!

A staff member went to hand Lu Weixi a microphone but she refused to accept it. The situation was rapidly becoming a live broadcast disaster and the director was growing frantic. If he had known things would turn out this way, he wouldn’t have let the camera focus on her. He had picked a fight with the wrong person!

The chatter from the audience grew louder. Qin Zhiyou didn’t seem to care, but his sidekick Qin Zhigu whispered to him, “This isn’t worth it, play along and let it pass.”

Just as Qin Zhiyou was about to grab the microphone, a fair, slender hand reached out and took it. It was Lu Weixi!

With everyone’s eyes on her, she calmly raised the microphone: “I can donate without going up there, right?”

Her normally clear voice now sounding muffled from behind her mask. The host nodded numbly.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.

Lu Weixi nodded confidently, “Okay, then I’ll donate two hundred thousand.”

The audience:”…”

The three exes on stage:

The internet comments:”!!!” “666”

“Damn, money is power! Miss, I want to hold on to your coattails!”

“She’s donating two hundred thousand just like that, can you donate to me too? I’m poor!”

Of course, some were still unsatisfied: “Two hundred thousand for them is just the price of a Hermes bag, is it really a lot of money? It should be at least two million!”

Clearly, the host hadn’t expected this. Stammering, he said, “Well, the minimum for not going on stage is two hundred thousand.”

“Three hundred thousand.”

Lu Weixi casually raised the bid by another hundred thousand, not planning on letting Qin Zhiyou pay. This was her way of doing charity and it would ease her mother’s spirit as well. Working on Siyi’s project had earned her millions in design fees. She wasn’t short of a little cash.

The host had nothing more to say. Pushing further would make the whole thing seem like a haggling match at a vegetable market. Bidding wars weren’t particularly popular.

Anyway, the audience at the venue and the online spectators who didn’t know her identity now thought of her as a rich kid.

A stark silence fell over the venue as all dissent was silenced by her huge donation. There were several other activities and auctions afterward, but nothing could shift the spotlight from Lu Weixi’s donation of three hundred thousand.

But things did not end there. On the following Monday, Liu Yiyi showed up at Lulu’s place.

PS: I’m feeling better today, so the activities continue. Leave three comments to enter a raffle to win 666 book coins. Leave a comment after this chapter to enter, and make sure to also leave a 5-star review when you comment.. You won’t be eligible for the raffle if you only enter without leaving a 5-star review