MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1111 Dajiang Ge Ba U-Turn East (10)

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There seemed to be a wind and rain blowing in the dark night, it was already past midnight, and some places in Jiangning City were still noisy.

"... hurry up, close the door and leave..."

"...Don't take things that are too heavy..."

"...Just lock the doors and windows..."

"... Gouzi, what are you dawdling about, you bastard, I'm just waiting for you!"

Walking among the crowd, Lu Xian saw Li Duanwu in front of the team and waved his hands: "Let's go..." he said.

Li Duanwu waved his hand to let the team move forward, and then approached: "At this time, can I go out?"

"Give it a try." Lu Xian said in a low voice, "He Fu offered 1,200 taels... You may not be able to get out, but you have to try."

"...He still has the mind to make money at this moment?"

"It is said that the job of guarding the city gate cost tens of thousands of taels. If you don't get it now, when will you wait?"

Lu Xian smiled.

On the afternoon of September 21st, He Wen expressed his attitude at the fair party meeting, and the five parties broke up.

At nightfall, the main departments and high-level leaders of the five parties of the Fair Party had already held meetings in their respective residences to discuss countermeasures. After the big strategy was arranged, the branches of each system gathered separately and assigned tasks.

As the middle-level thug of the "Heavenly Killer" force under the command of "Yan Luo Wang", Lu Xian had already noticed a lot of clues the moment he was summoned, and immediately arranged for Li Duanwu to go back and gather people. When it was approaching midnight, he finished his meeting and took over the task, so he immediately returned to Fangshi where a group of relatives and friends gathered, and asked everyone to pack their things and prepare to leave the city.

Lu Xian was quick to react and make decisions, and it was also because he caught He Fu's line during the meeting, and immediately decided to spend money to take refuge.

Many people in the city have not been able to make such a decision at this time, including Lu Xian, who led a group of young men from Li Family Village into Jiangning City, originally for the great future of the fair party's integration, everyone licked their blood Most of the gold and silver savings I saved were spent here. I thought that the world would be peaceful in the future, and the big guys would become city dwellers. But as the main thug who has been fighting on the front line for a long time, Lu Xian was surprised by what happened today, but he also sensed the terrifying aura before the tsunami was approaching.

He inherited Li Duanwu's mantle. He was not originally a resident of Lijia Village, but he made a decision in a short period of time. Li Duanwu and others quickly responded and cooperated, packed up simple and expensive salutes and set off at night, which is enough to prove that The prestige in the hearts of the people.

However, some big movements that happened in the darkness have gradually appeared at this moment.

Beginning with the assassination of Fair King He Wen in the northern part of the neighboring city of Ziye, there was a wave of warning fireworks rising in the city from time to time, symbolizing that there was another fight.

The first disturbances that caused the disturbance mainly occurred between He Wen, the king of justice, and Shi Baofeng, the king of equality. This is because after the meeting in the afternoon, Shi Baofeng was assassinated by members of the reading club. King Equality attributed the assassination to He Wen's instigation, and the assassination of He Wen before midnight seemed to be natural It all came down to Shi Baofeng's head. The army sage Lin Jiaojiu led people through the two streets belonging to Shi Baofeng in the name of arresting the murderer, and the north of the city became chaotic.

Let the young and strong of Lijia Village cheer up, each holding their own swords, and escorting the team through the city to the south. The small group of people, some of whom are still acquainted, greet each other, exchange information, and when it comes to the route out of the city, they are not uniform, because "several kings are very likely to leave Jiangning in the early morning."

This is news with great possibility. Although it is said that the top five have not publicly expressed their breakup, the will to fight in private has basically been finalized. Before tomorrow's fire broke out, the mere Jiangning City was already too small for the five people in power who controlled the entire Jiangnan power.

If the five great kings also want to leave the city, it is obviously unwise for other people who leave the city to fight with them. But at this moment, it is impossible for the team that has already set off to turn back.

It was halfway through the ugly hour, and the night was getting dark. The evacuated team approached the Boxin Gate in the south of the city. There were still two long streets away from the city gate, and the entrance of the street was already blocked by the guarding team. All kinds of torches gathered in the dark night, and people were crowded. Lu Xian went over to inquire, and only then did he know that the city gate was guarded by He Fu, but the street leading to the city gate was currently under the control of Yao Bingzhi, nicknamed "Dan Xin Jiang".

This Yao Bingzhi is a member of the "Runner King". In short, they occupied this street in the past days of fighting.

Both parties are middle-level members of various departments. They had no personal enmity in the past, and now there is no big difference. What's more, the rumors in the market are now "Gao Tian", "Junlun", "Equality", "Yan Luo" and so on. The four kings fought against the Fair King, and they might still be comrades-in-arms in the future... Lu Xian went to report his name, and the bearded Yao Bingzhi came out, and his words were also very bachelor: money.

"... You old and young add up to almost two hundred people, ten taels of silver can buy a life, isn't it too much?"

"...He Fu's asking price is only three taels of silver. If you add a plug here, it will cost you ten taels, and I will pay an extra round. You said it is not too much. If you are a bachelor, I will give you six hundred, and we will settle A good fortune."

"...600 is not enough, bad rules, like this, you go back and think about it... Make up your mind early, there are many people here, and you may not be able to come out later."

"...You also know that there are a lot of people here. I have nearly two hundred people here. Why don't I just walk and block the road for you. If we don't leave, no one else will leave."

"...Don't you dare to look around here!"

"...The men who risked their wealth and lives to eat with me are all here. I'm working for the gods. You go and find out if I dare... When it's my turn, I will live it. Whether it is a relationship or an enemy, brother Yao, look manage."

Both sides were villains who licked blood with knife-edge, and the round of confrontation between their lips and tongues was full of terrifying blood. After such a slight confrontation, Yao Bingzhi laughed: "Okay, it's a character, Lu Xian, right? Six hundred taels, Lu Xian To marry you as a brother, there will be a chance in the future, and we will be rich together!"

He grasped the important hurdles, the business was very important at this time, in fact, he didn't have time to talk hard with Lu Xian here, negotiated the deal, and turned around to go to the next round. Lu Xian said from behind: "Can I let my people pass first?"

The other party waved his hand: "Look at the congestion on this street, even if I tell you to pass, you will not be able to pass. Just line up, it will be faster."

"Then let me go see He Fu first."

"Go by yourself." The other party said tolerantly.

Obtained by Yao Bingzhi to give way, Lu Xian crossed the long street all the way, and in his vision, these teams marching near the city gate were not slow. After seeing He Fu, he wanted to bargain, but this round of price was not No matter what, it can't be cut down.

"If you think it's too expensive, don't come here. If it wasn't for Yao who got in the way, I would have raised the price. Just for this round of business, you should hurry up and bring someone over."

This is the trivia of the night.

After the two passes were negotiated, Lu Xian finally turned back and led the team to pass the first pass. After this pass, everyone walked along the crowded long street. At that time, there were still riots in the distance of the city. Lu Xian was walking on the road surrounded by reinforced houses on both sides, feeling restless, he was a person who handled affairs, and he thought that if someone made trouble in such an environment, it would be a great joy.

Halfway down the long street, someone suddenly crowded the crowd in front of him. He Fu's deputy took the lead, and behind him was a tall figure with a sinister face. He Shuangying, the bodyguard of the school, has good martial arts skills and a cruel temperament. Lu Xian frowned, his heart sank.

Sure enough, He Fu's deputy came all the way, and cupped his hands to Lu Xian: "General He said, General Lu, you... can't do anything about it, I'm really sorry."

Lu Xian pointed to the back: "My people... are all here, how do I go back?"

"This matter...General He didn't want to, but..." The deputy gestured to He Shuangying behind him.

He Shuangying came over with a smile: "Old Lu, you have to do something tomorrow, what's wrong with that?"

"Tomorrow is me. I will send these relatives and friends out of the city, and I will stay."

He Shuangying looked back: "Old Lu, you have come all the way, and you are able to do things well, not only relying on you alone, but also the brothers under you. Wei Tiansha said, stay here and do things well. , from now on, your workshop, together with the one next to it, will be yours."

"..." Lu Xian hesitated for a moment, then said in a hoarse voice, "We came here... how do we go back?"

"It's fine if you don't go out." He Shuangying rolled her sleeves and smiled, "I'm just a messenger."

While speaking, the team was stuck here, and there was already a faint sound of commotion from behind. Li Duanwu was nearby with a few young and strong people from Lijia Village. At this time, he waved his hand and tried to take the lead in making noise.

"Let us turn back here, how come back? How do you say back?"

"You won't even be allowed to leave the city... It's kind of like killing us..."

"Look who dares to stand in the way..."

"I just sit down and won't leave, let's see who can get out of the city—"

Someone shouted on the street behind: "Grandpa, hurry up!"

He Shuangying still had a smile on his face, leaned towards the side of the road, and made it clear that "as long as you can't get out, I don't care if you die here". This is the way things are done under the command of "Heavenly Killer". Lu Xian's eyes were bloodshot, and he really wanted to make a killing here, but after a while, he finally waved his hand and ordered: "Get to the side of the road and let others pass—"

More than a hundred people were cursing and swearing, crowded together on the side of the road. Although Lu Xian and Li Duanwu were resentful, they had no choice but to try to find someone to talk them through, to see if they could turn back. At this time, the howling night wind in the city still carried the sound of commotion, and at three o'clock in the hour, a huge chaos erupted nearby.

A spot of light descended from nowhere, fell into the crowd on the other side of the city gate, and then exploded.

And following the explosion here, there was a round of fighting sounds in the streets and alleys near and far, which suddenly rose up, accompanied by the rumbling cannons, tearing the night.

The people stuck in the street seemed to be hit by the tide, and they were in a panic for a while. Li Duanwu yelled in his own team: "Fix the formation! Form the formation! Don't run around—" the young and strong in Lijia Village temporarily formed a solid perimeter, and then all kinds of screams sounded.


"It's on—"

"Reading will rebel—"

"Someone assassinated—"

"The gates are closed—"

Wave after wave of true or false news came flooding in. In the light of the torches, there were people fighting in the distance, and some people were throwing fire mines into the crowd. The direction of the large crowd was turbulent. Lu Xian and others also ordered The young man drew his sword, clashed in the direction he had come, and walked away.

There were people fighting in the streets near and far, and people fighting on the roofs and houses everywhere, and flames burned in the chaos.

Lu Xian, Li Duanwu, and He Shuangying, who followed them, climbed up to the roof to check the movement. Not far away, a round of large-scale fighting had already appeared on several streets opposite.

In the early morning of September 22, the largest round of assassination against the "King of the Wheel" Xu Zhaonan began in Yan.

Soon after, in the darkness of night, the cannons began to bombard in rows...

At the same time, at the pier at the northern end of the city, the ship in the dark had already woken up, and some people belonging to the "King of Fairness" were boarding and evacuating.

When He Wen was about to board the ship with a bandage on his body and a **** smell, he received an unexpected message from a young messenger...

The time when Xu Zhaonan will leave the city is uncertain, so there is no detailed plan to make. Due to the need to play by ear, the manpower that can be used is only some confidantes who have been with him for a long time. After careful calculation, most of them are old people who followed from Yujiacun.

There are three major surnames in Yujia Village, one is Yu, the other is Ling, and there is also the Han family of the fourth junior brother married by the younger junior sister. When searching the mountains and seas, he killed his master Ling Shengwei, and this time he went to Jiangning and killed Yu Bin. If everyone didn't say anything publicly, he couldn't tell whether they had opinions in private.

But still made a plan.

For a long time, in order to survive in the cracks, most of his plans were based on safety, but this time it was different, and he took a huge risk. Speaking carefully, it was more like being fascinated by ghosts. Perhaps it was due to the usual majesty, the people around did not raise too many opinions, only after the arrangement was completed, his brother Han Tao sat with him on the roof in the dark for a while.

"...Xiao Chu and the others have already been sent out?"

"...the journey has already started."

"... Between you and Lao Ling, there is an explanation."

"...He's dead, I'm still alive. What's the explanation?"

In the dark night, there were only these few gossips, and then they dissipated in the wind.

The time for Xu Zhaonan to leave the city was chosen at 3:00am in the early morning. This was not the scheduled time, but he gave the order to leave after finishing all the arrangements. Due to the suddenness of the action, there was not much time to react after knowing the incident, but after understanding the general direction of the team, everyone quickly drew up the regulations.

The people under him were divided into three teams, one team clamored for an assassination, and the other team went to create chaos near the Boxin Gate, driving out the city and rushing towards Xu Zhaonan, while the six artillery vehicles led by Han Tao were directly on the nearby road. Occupy the commanding heights, send away Xu Zhaonan and the masters around him with two to three shellings.

Simple, straightforward, and usually effective.

Not long after, the cannons exploded—

Lu Xian, Li Duanwu, and He Shuangying were running on the dark roof, pedestrians were running on the road in the distance, clusters of torches were like lights flowing in the river.

"It is indeed the team of the Wheel-Running King..."

Not far from the field of vision, they could see the convoy belonging to the King of the Wheel driving towards this side, surrounded by soldiers and masters spreading along the roads on both sides.

"Among the five great kings, the wheel-running king has the most masters..." He Shuangying said, "Don't get close, so as not to be affected."

Just as his words fell, there was a sudden loud noise in the night sky. Not far away, above a building in a courtyard, the light of artillery fire forced the night away. Countless objects whizzed across the night sky, illuminating the road in the distance. fell down.

Shotguns fell like raindrops, and then there was an astonishing explosion that set off air waves and smoke. The flag, chariots and horses belonging to the "King of the Wheel" were shrouded in smoke and dust.

Several people stared wide-eyed.

As an uprising organization that set off a huge momentum by attacking local tyrants and dividing the land, the expansion of the Fair Party in the south of the Yangtze River is often in a destructive and one-sided situation. Although artillery fire was used in some battlefields, what people believed more was the high strength of personal martial arts, and even the invulnerability after drinking the talisman water. It was the first time they had seen such a large-scale assassination with artillery fire.

He Shuangying almost stayed on the roof.

The billowing smoke and dust in front of them did not stop, and the followers of the "King of the Wheel" were in a panic on the road. On the road beside Lu Xian and the others, there were also several figures flying towards this side because they sensed the shelling. After a moment of hesitation, he saw He Shuangying standing on the roof.

He Shuangying was slightly taken aback, and then jumped down the street: "Mr. Xu, little brother He Shuangying, just in time for the meeting. The assassin is right ahead."

The one who rushed here at the first time was Xu Longbiao, the "Tuohe Sanren" under the command of the "King of the Wheel". He has rich experience in Jianghu, and his leg skills are extremely good.

He Shuangying is Wei Yanwen's guard and confidant. He always likes to make friends with many masters in the city, and he loves to brag with others in private. Seen by Xu Longbiao at this moment, he kept a distance and walked parallel to the opponent, saying in his mouth: "Mr. Arrived at the intersection ahead.

Lu Xian and Li Duanwu, who were hiding on the roof in the dark, did not show up. They knew that He Shuangying had always been high-profile, and at this time, the problem of joining in the fun happened again. The wheel-running king was assassinated, if he followed the past to save the siege, how powerful he would brag in the future, and he would be able to form a good relationship like Xu Zhaonan; and if Xu Zhaonan died, it has nothing to do with him, He Shuangying, and he can still say when bragging I was there when Xu Zhaonan died.

Xu Longbiao and He Shuangying ran from here to the street ahead, but within a short while, in the dim light, there was another figure running at high speed from another street, and the two sides met face to face at this street.

"Old Xu, the assassin is upstairs..."

"Brother Meng, the assassins are firing cannons ahead..."

"Who is this?"


Appearing from the road there is vaguely the head of the "Resentment Society", Meng Zhuotao. This person is tall and tall. Even though they are separated by a little distance, Lu Xian and Li Duanwu on the roof can still recognize each other in a moment. identity. And just in this short moment, Meng Zhutao had already approached Xu Longbiao, and the entourage behind him met several of Xu Longbiao's younger brothers who were behind him.

Xu Longbiao sensed something was wrong at the first moment, his figure flew like lightning, and with one step, the dust on the ground suddenly rose up, and then the direction of his whole body turned at a right angle, and in a blink of an eye, he threw himself at the place that was always parallel to him. And He Shuangying left.

He Shuangying practiced the tiger and crane double form. When the crane form was running, the tiger form suddenly rushed out.

Xu Longbiao passed by He Shuangying's side, kicked on the wall by the side of the street, and turned back quickly. With the strength of his legs, combined with He Shuangying's tiger fist, he met the figure that had rushed close.

Xu Longbiao is an old man who has been famous for a long time, and He Shuangying is a hero who has made his mark in "Heavenly Killing". Both of them are first-class masters in the arena at the moment. But Meng Zhuotao was already approaching, he didn't stop, and the steel whip swung out.

All I could hear was a series of loud noises above the street corner. The three figures smashed into the wall on the side of the road under the violent impact. Xu Longbiao's leg was broken, and his body seemed to be smashed apart. , I don't know if it was the internal organs or the wall bricks flew up in the night, He Shuangying retreated in a row, like a tiger caught by a big hand. The three of them pushed into the courtyard like a chariot out of control. Lu Xian on the roof stared wide-eyed, only to see Meng Zhuotao smashing Xu Longbiao's stomach with a steel whip in the high-speed rush, and holding down Xu Longbiao with the other hand. He caught He Shuangying's face, lifted him up and slammed him on the stone mill in the courtyard, several times in a row. Before the smoke and dust cleared, the two masters had lost their human form.

The subordinates of both sides on the street had just started to fight each other, Meng Zhuotao rushed out from the breach in the wall, swung a measuring ruler with one hand, and killed all of Xu Longbiao's subordinates in a blink of an eye.

Lu Xian and Li Duanwu hid on the roof, not daring to breathe. Although they knew that Meng Zhutao of the "Resentment Association" was the number one murderer in the Jianghu, they never expected that the opponent's martial arts would be so high that with the skills of Xu Longbiao and He Shuangying, they could join forces. Face to face, he was beaten to death like a chicken and a duck.

Meng Zhutao only stayed at the blood-stained street for a moment, and his eyes looked at the attic where the gun was shot earlier.

The guns did not sound for the second round.

There was a vaguely strange sound brewing in the darkness over there.

The next moment, he waved his hand and led the people around him to rush towards the street where Xu Zhaonan was attacked at high speed.

It is not known what accident happened to Han Tao who was in charge of firing the cannon.

The first round of gunfire covered the target, but whether Xu Zhaonan was dead or not was uncertain.

But no matter what, I still have a chance to beat the slow on my side.

The blood was circulating in the body, after a round of warm-up, the energy and blood had reached the peak state, and Meng Zhuotao's figure was like a demon god, pounced on his prey.

Smoke from the shelling is clearing.

Amid the **** atmosphere, Xu Zhaonan came out of the damaged carriage in embarrassment, and rushed forward under the **** of several guards who were also covered in blood.

There are fireworks rising in the darkness, it seems that the **** has come close and is fighting the enemy.

Among the five kings of the Fair Party, my side has the most masters. I thought that there was no need to fear any assassination, but I still didn't expect such a strong bombardment to fall on my head. For a moment, he even felt that the people from Southwest presided over the assassination.

If it is true, then the next second and third rounds... I am afraid they will not be able to escape.

Such fear arose in his heart, at the same time, he saw someone running at high speed, shouting something.

That's Meng Zhutao...

Originally, he could be trusted, but the other party came too fast...

The fireworks of the "Resentment Society" to save people had risen above the street in the distance, Meng Zhuotao rushed towards the scattered smoke, and the first moment he saw Xu Zhaonan, he had already called out.

"Don't go there...go east—how is Mr. Xu?"

He approached at high speed as a guide, and even helped up a wounded person on the ground, waving his hands and saying, "Go—"

The chaos caused by the shelling just now temporarily dispersed the security system around Xu Zhaonan. This kind of strong help can theoretically bluff people for a moment. The distance between the two sides entered the range of one foot, and Meng Zhutao pushed the wounded person forward.

On the opposite side, Xu Zhaonan had already pulled out the golden ring sword behind him: "Stop him—" Due to the roar of the shelling, UU Reading he couldn't hear Meng Zhutao's words, so he was able to see Meng Zhutao soberly. to the fact that the opponent is constantly approaching.

In the darkness, the smoke and dust moved across, and the demon **** holding the steel whip let out a breath, and swung the long whip.

On the opposite side, several masters with bloodstains on their bodies fit together to meet him.

The shadow of the waving whip roared, like a group of fierce roaring dragons, smashing open the skin and flesh of people in a blink of an eye, and flying backwards, Meng Zhuotao's tall figure crushed the crowd, Xu Zhaonan was also brave, waving Jin Huan slashed with a broadsword, and the two sides slammed the first blow. In the second blow, his household registration was shattered, and the long knife flew high into the sky. The most violent gesture fell on the head!

A look of despair flashed in Xu Zhaonan's eyes.

The next moment, just in front of Meng Zhuotao, Xu Zhaonan's body seemed to be thrown backward by a huge vortex. The steel whip smashed into the air, and his body moved forward again. In the smoke and dust in front of him, there was a huge figure facing him. It came up, and then the half carriage frame that fell to the ground was dragged and swished by the opponent.

Meng Zhutao went forward to meet her.

In the chaotic streets, the witnesses saw an astonishing scene. The moment the "Runner King" Xu Zhaonan rolled to the rear, the two figures clashed fiercely in the smoke and dust, and the half-seat carriage frame was involved in the most violent scene. His posture was shattered in the blink of an eye, and sawdust and steel flew to countless places in the darkness.


The thick Buddha's name slowly covered the street.

The smoke and dust drifted away.

Two tall figures, inhuman strong men, confronted each other on the chaotic long street.

-----Off Topic-----

This number of chapters... I wish you happy singles...