MTL - Your Teacher I, am Hella Rich-Chapter 30

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Ji Xiaoli didn't know why he had such a brain, he made this request.

Has he been seeing Haru for a long time? No, he likes apprentices.

Ji Xiaoli thought about it and made a judgment: there is a belief-like existence in the heart of each Huashan. His name is Yue Jian Chun He.

In the first quarter, Xiaoli played Huashan in order to hack to death and see Harumi. But after playing, slowly, he fell in love with this martial art. Huashan disciple Duo Haojun, Ling Ping is in the world. Among the many disciples in Huashan, the most outstanding one is undoubtedly Huashan's pride: seeing Chunhe more.

But even so, Ji Xiaoli felt that he had a problem in his head, and he said something inexplicable.

He was about to type and say "I'm kidding," and I saw Ruan Fenghe reply.

【it is good. 】

Ji Xiaoli: "?????"

What? !!

[Account: 158xxxxxxxx, Password: rfh910307. 】

Ji Xiaoli seemed to be soaked in hot water, and he was dizzy and opened the game, and then landed on the number of Yuejian Chunhe. Because his own account is also Huashan, after he entered the game, Lao Wan and Pigeon did not know that he was on the number of seeing Chunhe.

Pigeon teased: "Salute, so much like playing games, now you start playing?"

Ji Xiaoli uttered a few words, seeing that the pigeons did not speak, he carefully opened the boss's warehouse.

In the afternoon, when the pigeon led the imperial court to observe the warehouse of Yuehe Chunhe, Ji Xiaoli was not present. He was being beaten by his boss. Now that he had the opportunity, he swallowed, prepared himself, and opened the warehouse.

Then he said: "!!!"

Lie in a big slot! !! !!

Ji Xiaoli was blinded by Yuejian Chun and the best equipment, skills, and secrets in the warehouse.

Put a purple skill that can sell thousands of pieces on the outside, the more boss has more than a hundred, throw it casually on the ground. Best of gold, hundreds of piled up, swing on the shelf! Not to mention all kinds of rare materials, golden cheats ...

Boss Yue can't use these things alone.

So he put it here.

he just……

Put it here.

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

Ji Xiaoli did not hold back, took a picture, and sent it to WeChat.

[Grilled roasted duck: You have so many colorful stones, can't you divide me a little! !! !! [image]】

[My sand sculpture apprentice: It sounds reasonable. 】

[Grilled Duck: What? 】

[My sand sculpture apprentice: Tomorrow. 】

Ji Xiaoli was aggressive.

What for me?

How to give?


While taking screenshots in the game, Ji Xiaoli sent a message to WeChat, expressing his distress over Yue Jianchun and wasteful behavior.

[We have never been a prodigal like you! !! !! 】

[Not now. 】

[? 】

【it is me. 】

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

I was stunned by the apprentice's shameless face.

Ming Ming said "shameless", but Ji Xiaoli grinned. Lao Wan accidentally looked into the rearview mirror while driving and whispered to the pigeon, "You look at salute, don't you look like you are in love?"

The pigeon gave a secret glance and nodded: "Like!"

"I don't know which little girl, wouldn't it be at the party today?"

Pigeon said: "But if he salutes and is in love, is Chunhe regarded as green? Hahaha, he is also a salute 'girl'."

Lao Wan smiled wryly: "There is something, hurry up and Haru Haru, let's watch the show. Hehehehe."

An hour later, Lao Wan personally sent Ji Xiaoli to his doorstep. Ji Xiaoli had always said, "It's enough to get to the highway junction, I'll take a taxi to go back." Lao Wan said, "You can't let the children go home alone. It's all right, it's not far anyway."

Ji Xiaoli completely forgot what he once said, "tell me what to do," and directly told Ruan Fenghe: "I'm home, I'll talk later. 】

Ruan Fenghe read this news and smiled: [Um. 】

Ji Xiaoli stunned and ran into the house. As soon as she entered the door, she was caught by Ji's mother.

"Small gift is finally here? It happens that you Li Min boiled the black chicken wolfberry soup and drank it hot. You look at your skinny and need to make up for it!"

Ji Xiaoli wanted to refuse, and today's dinner was a bit supportive. The smell of the soup could be smelled, and he sat down at the table very consciously.

After drinking the soup, Ji Xiaoli opened WeChat.

[Grilled Dakota Duck: Do you sleep? 】

After a few seconds, the other party responded: [Do n’t you shout for the boss? 】

Ji Xiaoli is straightforward: "Are you my apprentice? 】

【Yes. 】

[That's not enough. 】

Ruan Fenghe did not reply, Ji Xiaoli continued to log in to the game. He intends to ride Boss's high-headed horse, slipping from West Lake to Qinhuai River, and then from Qinhuai River to the Great Wall, to survive a boss addiction. However, as soon as he was online, he saw his screen suddenly go black. A tombstone stands where he originally stood.

[System] You have been killed by West Lake in Hangzhou.

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

The murderer of the Bloody Mansion who killed Ji Xiaoli was aggressive, he was typing on the current channel.

[Current] Xiaoxiao Le players: I actually ... really killed Boss?

[Current] Xiao Xiao Le players: Ah, ah, ah, I just took an assassination mission, and I do n’t know if the other party is Yue Boss. When I came over, I wanted to see Boss Yue and look at his style. I didn't expect that Boss actually hung up. I killed him ... ? ?

[Current] Consumer Fun: Peak of Life!

At this moment, there are not many players by the West Lake. As soon as Chunmi's account died, the tombstone had just been erected and the soil was new, and a bunch of players sent his death news to the world. What's more, they even made a horn!

[Speaker] Lamei Hanxue: Hangzhou West Lake Hangzhou West Lake, the boss of Yue died today! Boss Yue died in West Lake! West Lake Line 8, coordinates (316, 243)! Come and watch, Boss Yue ’s body has n’t left yet, Boss Yue ’s tombstone is still warm. Do n’t miss it when you pass by.

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

What a special look!

Within a minute, Hangzhou West Lake was packed with lively players.

Ji Xiaoli was so aggressive that he saw players stepping on his face. They watched the tombstones of Yuehe Chunhe while chatting.

[Whoever you do n’t be in front of Yue ’s tombstone, I ca n’t press it. 】

[Hurry off, I want to leave a message for Boss Yue's tombstone! 】

[The disciples of Huashan came here for a second of silence for Brother Huashan. 】

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

What a sand sculpture player this is!

Ji Xiaoli resentfully chose to resurrect and left the site of the tombstone. Although he left, the tombstone remained there, and it would take at least half an hour before it disappeared. Where have players seen the tombstones of the boss, especially the tombstones of Chunhe. Players who want to come and watch the tombstones are endless. The West Lake 8 line is blocked and cannot be accessed.

Ji Xiaoli felt embarrassing and hurried away.

At this time, his mailbox was on.

[Private chat] Consumers: The more ... the more boss, I didn't mean it, I really just took the task at hand. I am innocent, don't hit me, I kneel to the boss!

Are you still innocent? The culprit is you!

Thinking about it that way, Ji Xiaoli responded with two words in face, extremely cold.

[Private chat] Yue Jianchunhe: All right.

[Private chat] Consumers: Thank you, Boss Yue! Boss Yue, from generation to generation, dominates the rivers and lakes!

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

Being a boss is not easy, the apprentice is really hard!

Ji Xiaoli is about to sign up. He wants to quickly destroy the evidence. It wasn't him who was killed, but Koshimiharu and himself. It wasn't him who was watching the tombstone, but also seeing Harmony! However, he hadn't assigned the number yet, and suddenly he accidentally clicked on the friend column of Yuejian Chunhe.


There are actually three categories in this friend column.

"I have a problem in my head"

"My brain is very problematic"

"The brain is all a problem"

The first group has the largest number of people. Ji Xiaoli opened it and looked at it. They were meat buns, quit color, and pigeons.

Look at the second category.

Jade Star Boat is here.

"The third one alone?"

Ji Xiaoli went in.


[Roasted Duck Up: Underdog! What do you have to explain, you say! !! !! 】

Ruan Fenghe just took a shower and the phone rang. He picked it up and opened the picture.

"The brain is all a problem--

Teacher salutes