MTL - Your Teacher I, am Hella Rich-Chapter 20

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The wedding of the old classmate was chosen one week after National Day.

The night before, I played the game late, Ji Xiaoli opened his eyes and it was already over nine in the morning. He took a white t-shirt from the closet and hurriedly put it on. Downstairs, Ji Xiaoli ran to the door. Mother Ji hurriedly called to her son: "Xiao Li, come and drink chicken broth, you Li Li have been up all morning!"

Ji Xiaoli: "Mom, I'm going to be late. I go to Shanghai by ten o'clock!"

Mom Ji: "What kind of classmate's wedding is you attending? What's the big deal, let your dad drive you. Come and have breakfast."

"Driving to Shanghai is not blocked, it is too late!"

Mother Ji held her son down and pressed Ji Xiaoli on the chair: "It's also necessary to have breakfast. Rest assured, there is time to let your dad take you to the train station. Li Zhi, give Xiaoli a bowl of soup. Chicken soup bubble cake , Son, your favorite food. "

Ji Xiaoli originally wanted to struggle, and he heard the words: "Well, today's breakfast is chicken soup bubble cake?"

Ji Xiaoli drank a bowl of chicken broth and ate two pieces of pancake. Looking up again: "Dad, it's almost ten o'clock!"

"I'm coming."

Mother Ji took a coat from the sofa and shoved it into Ji Xiaoli's arms: "Only wearing a t-shirt, these days are autumn tigers, the weather is hot. It can get cold in the evening, and you have to freeze to death when you return. Give I bring my jacket! "

Daddy Ji drove his car and quickly took his son to the train station. Ji Xiaoli got on the high-speed rail at the last minute, and was finally relieved.

I arrived in Shanghai in half an hour.

Suzhou and Shanghai are close to each other. Ji Xiaoli was often brought to Shanghai by Ji Daji Ji's mother when he was young. When he later passed the high-speed rail, and the transportation was convenient, he came more. Ji Xiaoli expertly found Metro Line 4 and bought a ticket to Fudan University. On the subway, he lowered his head and turned on the phone.

[Li Fengshao: Where have you been? I'll wait for you in the dormitory. 】

[Zhao Yang: Coming soon, I'm almost three stops away. 】

[Xia Xiao: I've arrived at the train station, otherwise I'll take a taxi to the hotel myself, so I won't go to meet you. 】

[Ji Xiaoli: Have you arrived at the train station? I just got on the subway. I knew you would be here so soon and I'll wait for you. Let me tell you, it's convenient to take the subway to Li Fengshao's school, you can take Line 4 ...]

Ji Xiaoli crackled typing, teaching female students how to find Li Fengshao in Fudan.

Yes, last night everyone talked in the group about coming to the wedding today. Because of work and geography, only seven students decided to come to the wedding. Three of them arrived in Shanghai by plane one day in advance, and found a hotel directly near the hotel. Only Ji Xiaoli arrived on the same day.

Li Feng Shao Dangren, who was studying in Fudan, said, "I have a car, I will take you to the hotel. I'm cooked in that place, I often go there for dinner! 】

Of course, it is best to have locals lead the way. The four decided to gather in Fudan first.

After getting off the subway, Ji Xiaoli followed the navigation for a while and quickly found the east gate of the school that Li Fengshao said. Li Fengshao waited early at the gate of the school, followed by a young man with flat head wearing glasses. When they saw Ji Xiaoli, they waved enthusiastically: "Ji Xiaoli, you can count it, it will send you and Xia Xiao."

Ji Xiaoli trot over and pushed a few times with the old classmates. The three boys laughed.

Li Fengshao: "Why did you bring a coat? Didn't tell you that the thief in Shanghai has been hot these past two days. It's so hot that I have air conditioners in the dormitory."

How can Ji Xiaoli: "My mother gave it to me."

Li Fengshao nodded with a look of "I understand", he smiled: "Come, look at the brother's car, my dad just bought it last month to celebrate my admission to Fudan!"

Ji Xiaoli yanked the two sleeves of the jacket, tied the jacket casually around his waist, and followed the old classmate to see his new car.

Li Fengshao's car is an ordinary Volkswagen with a very low profile appearance. There is a pass in the front window glass.

Li Fengshao: "I have to get a pass to enter our school. I've worn the old man for several days, and the old man gave it to me."

Zhao Yang: "Your mentor is good to you, and I will give you a pass."

Li Fengshao shook his lips: "Then you didn't see how the old man usually called me. I was like a weed in front of him, not even His Highness His Royal Highness's hair."

After chatting for a while, Li Fengshao received a call. His expression changed, and he hung up the phone and looked at Ji Xiaoli: "Mom, the old man wants me to send him a document!"

Ji Xiaoli didn't understand the grave days of graduate students, and said very naively, "Would you like to go to a wedding, can you?"

"That won't work! Hurry, it's too late now, before Xia Xiao arrives."

Fortunately, Li Fengshao's mentor was not too embarrassed, he just asked him to send a research document from the dormitory to the teaching building. Fudan is very big. Li Fengshao drove to the dormitory quickly and took a pile of information. He drove to the teaching area, and he got out of the car: "I can't drive in, I have to walk over. Are you waiting for me?"

Ji Xiaoli: "We happen to be walking around your school, let's talk together."

Zhao Yang: "That is, higher education institutions, pay more attention to it."

The three walked together towards the teaching building.

There was more time than expected, and Li Fengshao introduced the school building to Ji Xiaoli. He said, "Our school is too big. I have just been here for two months, and I haven't been to many places. Seeing that there isn't, it's our school's complex building, and the school's sisters are all there ..."

After walking for a while, Li Feng and Shao Gang said, "I have a school girl who looks very cute and people are very good." Suddenly he stopped his voice and looked forward. Ji Xiaoli looked down his line of sight, and only heard Li Fengshao whisper: "My old man is here." Then he ran quickly.

On the spacious tree-lined road, Li Fengshao laughed and passed the information, laughing like a big fool.

The old professor with glasses glanced at him angrily, not knowing what to say, Li Fengshao nodded again and again. Li Fengshao first spoke a few words to the old professor, and then nodded and greeted the person next to the old professor before turning back and running back.

Ji Xiaoli slowly raised his eyes and saw the young man standing next to the old professor.

He was wearing a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up and his wrists revealed. On the thin wrists, the ulna bulge looks very obvious. The sun shone through his leaves in pieces, with a fresh and handsome taste. This man looked really good, Ji Xiaoli looked for a moment, suddenly, his eyes were on the other side.

Dark-colored eyes stared at Ji Xiaoli's body. The young man with a good temperament looked at Ji Xiaoli, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He was very handsome and good-tempered, and the schoolgirls passing by couldn't help looking back at him. But he stared at Ji Xiaoli with a smile on his face.

Ji Xiaoli fought a chill and felt inexplicable.

At this time Li Fengshao returned: "Walk around, Xia Xiao seems to be here, let's go to Dongmen to find her."

Ji Xiaoli nodded, and the three turned and left together.

At halfway, Ji Xiaoli turned quietly. I saw the good-looking young man still staring at him, and he was surprised when he turned his head. He slightly nodded, and then leaned down again and said a few words to the old professor.

Ji Xiaoli: "... who is that guy, somehow."

Li Fengshao glanced back, his eyes widened: "Who? Prince! Ruan Fenghe, my old man's heart!"

Zhao Yang haha ​​laughed: "It does look good, no wonder it's the character of your school. Lao Li, don't blame your mentor's eccentricity. You are really far from being compared with others."

"Get off yours!"

The three laughed and forgot about what happened.

Ruan Fenghe and his three brothers and sisters left, and a dark smile flashed in the dark-colored pupils. Suddenly Ji Xiaoli turned around, he nodded slightly, politely nodded at each other.

The old professor asked, "What are you looking at, windy."

Ruan Fenghe: "His clothes are reversed."

The old professor froze: "Who?"

"That kid."

The old professor looked in the direction of Ruan Feng and his fingers. He pushed his glasses and finally saw the person clearly.

Ji Xiaoli was wearing a white t-shirt with a big Mickey Mouse printed on his back. It's a pity that all Mickey Mouse is full of threads, and it was obviously worn by his master. Wearing a cartoon t-shirt with a pair of jeans on his legs. Ji Xiaoli was white in appearance and looked young. Coupled with loosely tied a denim jacket around his waist, he walked along the two sleeves of his clothes and looked a bit silly.

"The young man is very handsome and looks pretty smart. Why is he even wearing his clothes? By the way, the wind is gentle, do you remind him?"

Ruan Feng and smiled, "Forgot."

"Haha, you."

Ji Xiaoli was so big-hearted that he didn't take Li Fengshao's mentor and His Royal Highness to his heart at all, and tossed it to the Pacific Ocean within seconds. The trio came to the school gate side by side, and the female classmates had been waiting for several minutes.

When she saw Ji Xiaoli, she was surprised: "Ji Xiaoli, have your clothes worn upside down?"

The other two boys looked at Ji Xiaoli again: "Couch, Xiaoli, your clothes are really reversed!"

Ji Xiaoli: "Sit down!"

Ji Xiaoli hid in the car and put on her clothes. Several old classmates smiled at each other.

The four got on the bus and arrived quickly at the hotel.

Sing to old classmates to do wedding shows and give away money. Everyone was drinking, Ji Xiaoli drank on his face, his face turned red after a few sips, and the classmates did not dare to let him drink again. He was happy, drinking soup happily. Just after taking two sips, the nose suddenly felt hot, and then red blood dripped into the turtle soup.

"Oh, Ji Xiaoli, you have a nosebleed!"

For a while, Ji Xiaoli's nosebleed finally stopped.

After the messy day was over, Ji Xiaoli burst into tears on the high-speed rail and returned to Suzhou.

Sitting in the seat, Ji Xiaoli silently issued a circle of friends.

"Grilled Kodak Duck: I blame my mother for what I made up! I still bleed my nose with a turtle soup, and my name was gone! [Crying]

Withdrawing from the circle of friends, the college classmates are all saying that Ji Xiaoli drank soup to make himself nosebleed. Ji Xiaoli felt deeply shameless, and sweared secretly: he will not drink soup this week! Don't drink any soup!

Suddenly, someone sent a message on WeChat.

[Cyril: Nosebleeds? 】

[Grilled roasted duck: ...]

[Cyril :? 】

[Grilled and roasted duck: Tuer, your master and my whole name are gone! 】

Yoshimi Haruka thought for a while and did not type out the words "when did you have a famous name?"