MTL - Your Teacher I, am Hella Rich-Chapter 14

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The milk tea is not here. Ji Xiaoli and boss Yang chat a few words awkwardly, and they leave the Qinhuai River in tacit understanding to end this awkward k teaching.

Ji Xiaoli thought to himself: It was you who quit the team first!

Boss Yang thought: You first teleported the map of Qinhuai River!

The two went against each other, and the moment they left Jinling City, they thought in unison--

If apprentice Chunhe asked about this, he said that the guy had left first!

In the afternoon, Ji Xiaoli accompanied Ji's mother to the shopping mall.

During the summer vacation, the shopping mall next to Suzhou's big pants was full of tourists from all over the place. After becoming an upstart, Ji's mother, like many middle-aged women, especially likes to buy gold necklaces, gold rings, and gold bracelets. The thicker the better, the bigger the better.

Wearing a string of big gold bracelets in his hands, and wearing a large red cheongsam of Su Xiu, Mom Ji took her son out of a gold shop.

Ji Xiaoli was carrying big bags and he dared not complain. Seeing that his mother was going to a gold store again, Ji Xiaoli hurriedly said, "Oh, mom, we have already bought a lot better today. Let ’s buy some clothes for my dad."

Mother Ji glanced around mysteriously, and got into her son's ear: "You do n’t understand Xiaoli, do you think that mom bought these for wearing? Is it for the sake of preserving value! Wait for our family to fall in love You can still sell these. Gold is the most valuable. Do n’t know, it ’s more valuable than that diamond. ”

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

"Mom! Why do we fall in love with each other!"

Mother Ji said for a moment: "Yeah, why is the family in trouble?"

Mother Ji didn't think of a reason for a while, and it seemed a bit inexplicable to find herself so prepared. Does she just like to buy good-looking gold, so find a reason for herself?

Just don't want to, Mother Ji looked at her son and said, "Then buy clothes for you. I saw a lot of sports shops just now. Son, do you like the younger brother to die or milk?"

The mother and son went to buy clothes again.

In the evening, Mom Ji met her old high school classmate in the mall. The two haven't seen each other for several years. After meeting, they quickly found a cafe and sat down. The aunt's eyes rolled around Ji Xiaoli's body: "Your son? How old are you, the guy is so handsome."

Mother Ji: "How can it be, it looks ugly and it ’s not good to learn. Unlike your children, I heard that you are going to school in Fudan, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you see that Xiaoli is more sensible and helps her mother to hold things. Isn't it summer vacation? My girl is intern in the office next door, and I'll wait for her to leave.

Mother Ji: "Ah, your daughter is next to work? Isn't it going to work soon?"

As soon as the words fell, Ji and her old classmates turned their attention to Ji Xiaoli.

Ji Xiaoli was so full of sweat that all the cells unrelated to IQ moved all over his body, and he suddenly understood the eyes of the two middle-aged women.

"Mom! I remember that I made an appointment to play games with my friends at night, and go home first! I take the subway home and let Uncle Li take you home!"

As soon as the aunt heard the words "playing a game", the look in anticipation was slightly darkened. Mother Ji scolded her son for not being sensible, but said, "Be careful on your own way, go slowly!"

Ji Xiaoli returned home in shock and made a circle of friends.

"Grilled roasted duck: Mom, almost blind date ..."

The picture is a reachable duck holding his head, next to it are densely written words: brain ache, brain ache, brain ache ...

After dinner, Ji Xiaoli boarded the game and immediately received a private letter from Xiaocha.

[Milk tea cakes: Come here. 】

Ji Xiaoli enters the team, click to follow. The blue swordsman rides on the big BMW and automatically finds his way, looking for small tea with milk. When I found Ji Xiaoli, I found out that the apprentice was on the broken bridge beside Hangzhou West Lake.

The shore is bright in spring, and the water shadow is sunset.

Emei in white stood near the bridge, peerless and independent. The simple and clear singing voice of the boat lady was uploaded from the West Lake, and the tea with milk tea stood on the broken bridge, which was a little familiar. Ji Xiaoli instantly thought that at noon today, the apprentice seemed to be standing by the Qinhuai River in Jinling, staring at him with big eyes.

Wait, don't ...

The next second, a black horse came from a distance. Boss Yang, dressed in a small black suit, just landed, pointing at Ji Xiaoli and saying, "It was your master who didn't want to learn first, not that I was lazy and did not want to teach! 】

Ji Xiaoli: "..."

Lying down, blood spurts! !! !!

[Teacher stands up and salutes: Don't listen to him nonsense, it's because he first left the team and wanted to leave! 】

[Xiu Yang: You leave Qinhuai River first! 】

[Teacher Lizheng salute: That's because I went to Jingjing, my teleport nc is closer than you! !! !! 】

[Xiu Yang: It's you, it's you! 】

The two were about to spit out their eyes, and Xiaocha Xiaosu said, "How did you learn? 】

... isn't he here to ask sin?

Ji Xiaoli and Boss Yang were relieved.

Ji Xiaoli: [OK ...]

Boss Yang: [I think I can't beat it, but Youquan, whose operation level is worse than mine, is definitely no problem. 】

Ji Xiaoli couldn't believe his face to boss Yang: Your confidence in where I came from!

The opinion of milk tea small crisp is very simple: [A fight. 】

Ji Xiaoli uneasily initiated a consultation application with Yang Xiu, and Boss Yang was sweating too much, thinking about how to properly put water on Ji Xiaoli under the circumstances of seeing spring and seeing it. After thinking about it for a long time, he felt: Damn, whatever! Anyway, it is impossible to hide the peace.

The three did not find out that the sky was getting darker and the lanterns were up.

To the shore of the West Lake, where there are few people, people are full of players. Many people gradually appeared on the broken bridge. Someone set off a firework in the sound of a lantern sound.

A firework worth 128 soft sister coins slammed into the sky.

In the dark night sky, the renminbi blooms into millions of stars, illuminating half of Hangzhou.

Ji Xiaoli and Yang Xiu decided to discuss, and some people set off fireworks. Both were choking. The short tea with milk tea is also very strange. I don't understand what this is doing. It ’s Boss Yang who thinks about it first: [I rely on it, I remember, tonight Beiyuan and Daogou are married at West Lake! 】

Ji Xiaoli also remembered this.

Xiaocha Xiaosu didn't respond. When he discussed this in the world in the afternoon, he was offline.

He has no interest in this matter, the only thing he is interested in is: [Begin k. 】

[Teacher stands up to salute: ...]

[Yang Xiu: ...]

Fireworks on the West Lake.

Countless players ran over to see the excitement, a blue swordsman and a black Youquan, hit on the broken bridge.

Others are watching fireworks, they are fighting. What do you think of this?

[Current] Huahua smiled: Hey, one of the two players who studied was Boss Yang!

[Current] Lick the dog and do everything: How did Boss Yang get here and Ren, shouldn't it be to hit the boss of Beiyuan? He and Boss Yue are good friends.

[Current] Xiaohua smiled: He is still the enemy of Boss!

Borrowing a sword and Beiyuan naturally also found the trace of Yang Xiu.

Everyone is watching the fireworks, and as long as you are fighting, the blind can see that it is wrong.

[Private chat] Borrowed from the sky: Oh, find the difference?

[Private chat] Beiyuan: Yang Xiu, what are you doing here?

Yang Xiu was suddenly invisible, hiding in nothingness. Ji Xiaoli quickly set himself a shield in accordance with the teachings of boss Yang. Unfortunately, the injury of boss Yang was too high. The moment he showed his stature, Ji Xiaoli evaded immediately and was taken away by boss Yang.

After Yang Xiu killed people, he had time to read private messages.

A stab at borrowing the sky: [Oh, I'll find you what can I tell you? 】

To Beiyuan: [off your fart. 】

The milk tea small crisp added blood to the two, Ji Xiaoli got up from the ground, and the milk tea small crisp came over: [There are quite a few flaws, but hitting the quiet spring is enough. Yang Xiu's equipment is too good, so you have no fight back. Hit that Youquan, you should be able to kill him. 】

At this time, the fireworks were over.

Borrowing a knife from the sky, Beiyuan brushed 99 128 fireworks, and Beiyuan brushed 99 68 fireworks.

A pair of newcomers wore red fashion dresses and left the West Lake on horseback. They walked across the broken bridge, at which time Xiaocha Xiaosu was guiding Ji Xiaoli's weak points. He is not so familiar with Youquan's k skills, but he knows Huashan's skills well. Ji Xiaoli took out a small book and wrote down the apprentice's words.

With the departure of Beiyuan and Yitian, players on the side of the West Lake followed them to Jinling City for a drink.

Yang Xiu wrote a letter to Yuehe Chunhe, and told the other side to chat with Beiyuan about his private use, and only exchanged a word with Yuejian Chunhe.

[Yoshimi Haruka: Have you not blackened them yet? 】

[Yang Xiu: ...]

I rely on, yeah, why don't I black them out!

The second middle school boy from Hu Jian immediately pulled them out.

Maybe it ’s because of solving a bad thing. Boss Yang is in a good mood, and he still has a joke to Ji Xiaoli: [Hey, little master, have you found that our area is the least gossip area in the whole Xia Ke Xing? ? 】

Ji Xiaoli said for a moment: [Are you there? 】

【How not! You can post it on the forum and see which area is not 818 in three days. Even the 18th line community can post a hot post in the forum 8. In our area, there is no hair! 】

Ji Xiaoli went to the forum and searched, and found that it was exactly the same as Yang Xiu said.

【That is why ah? Our district is the largest in Xia Ke Xing, and even the average repair rate is a lot higher than other districts. 】

[Xiu Yang: Why? Because some vietnamese boss is embarrassed. ] After typing this line, Yang Xiu secretly glanced at the milk tea Xiaosu's character, and found that the other party was not moving, he continued to type: [because a certain Yue boss devoted himself to repairing, he brought us all the players in the entire brain There are two words in it-Xiuwei Xiuwei Xiuwei! Master Emei's confession failed, and it was not a big 818 in which district. With Chun and this bastard, she was sober-minded all day long that she didn't engage in objects or lie to little girls. Such a big gossip did not get into trouble! Can't he have a gossip! 】

Xiaocha Xiaosu said to Ji Xiaoli: "Go, you almost equipped. 】

Yang Xiu was scared: "So ... I'm gone! ] After speaking, Brother Youquan got on the horse and ran away.

After Ji Xiaoli and others left, he said to his apprentice: "Huh! Don't lie to the little girl? 】

Yue Jianchun and Yiyi, let alone him, for a time did not respond to who Ji Xiaoli was talking about.

[Teacher stands up and salutes: pay off desires! Yue Jianchun and that scumbag, he does not lie to the little girl, but he will pretend that the little girl is deceiving! !! !! 】

The more the boss took a breath, he almost thought he was off.

[Teacher stands up and salutes: You must keep your eyes open, don't recognize the wrong person like Boss Yang! 】

Yoshimi Haru went back to God and found that his vest was still well covered.

He typed calmly: [Who did he lie to? 】