MTL - Young Master Quan, How Have You Been?-Chapter 163 Blurry face

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Because it was late at night, the whole castle was quiet. Shen Shenxue turned on the lights in the corridor, went downstairs lightly, and walked towards the hall. As she walked, she thought, if only some dry cloth could be found.

Shen Shenxue entered the hall, turned a corner, and walked to the kitchen on the right. All she could think of was a basin and cloth, and only the kitchen. As she passed the hall, she heard a ticking sound behind her.

Shen Shenxue wondered suspiciously, why the windows in the hall were not closed, and the rain was blown in?

The servants in the castle were already asleep, and Shen Shenxue didn't want to bother others. He looked around and wanted to close the windows in the hall.

"Strange, the windows are closed. Where did the sound of water come from?" Shen Shenxue frowned at a closed window, whispering suspiciously.

She calmed down and listened carefully, and realized that the sound didn't seem to come from the outside, but from somewhere in the hall. And, gradually, the sound seemed to be clearer and closer, as if coming from behind him.

"Didi, Didi ..."

Just as Shen Shenxue hesitated, suddenly, a bright lightning flashed across the sky, and a blurred human face was reflected in the window.

Shen Shenxue was startled, closed her eyes, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She never believed that there were ghosts and gods in the world, but the flash of a window just now was clearly a spooky face, and it was a woman's face. It's really creepy in the middle of the night.

"Didi, Didi ..." The sound of water dripping from his ears made Shen Shenxue feel a bitter chill, and the hair on her body was rising.

There are no ghosts in this world, it should be dazzled.

She comforted herself in the bottom of her heart, daring to continue to move forward, but heard a cold laugh behind her, "Haha, Shen Shenxue, I finally found you."

This sound is no stranger, like it's been heard somewhere. Shen Shenxue turned sharply and looked at the sound. I saw a woman with a shawl glaring at her fiercely, and the hatred in her eyes seemed so strong even in the dark.

In the dark, the woman was still wearing a soaked maid's suit. The clothes were torn and ragged, covered with dirt and blood, and the rain was dripping from her and dropped to the ground.

It turned out that the sound of the water just came from her.

"Mei Xiang, it's you!" Shen Shenxue exclaimed.

From her voice and the pair of hateful eyes under her scattered hair, Shen Shenxue had recognized that the person in front of her was Mei Xiang.

However, what puzzled her was that Mei Xiang had been locked up by Quan Shi, how could she suddenly appear here. Could it be that she sneaked out?

Thinking of this, Shen Shenxue's heart passed by the chills. She understands that Mei Xiang is here now and she must be looking for revenge.

"Shen Shenxue, you bitch, you hurt me so hard!" Mei Xiang approached Shen Shenxue step by step like the evil spirit crawling out of hell.

Shen Shenxue stepped back step by step until she leaned back against the wall and could not stand back.

She took a deep breath and said coldly, "Mei Xiang, the reason you are punished today is entirely your own fault. Do you think Quan Shi will like you if you get rid of me? It's ridiculous."

"Shut up!" Mei Xiang growled suddenly in shame and anger: "Slut, if you didn't show up to seduce the grown-up, I would have been the hostess of this castle. I ’m better than you both in terms of family and appearance You are just a prostitute in your own right, and you do n’t even get me a shoe! "

Speaking, Mei Xiang rushed towards Shen Shenxue like crazy, stretched out her **** hand, and held Shen Shenxue's neck severely.

"Go to death, you slut!" Mei Xiang gritted her teeth and ruthlessly, her eyes became even more mad.

Shen Shenxue resisted desperately, but Mei Xiang's strength was amazing, her two hands were like iron, and she couldn't get rid of it.

"Let me go, let go ..." Shen Shenxue felt that the air was getting thinner and thinner. She opened her mouth and breathed desperately, but her chest still felt as uncomfortable as it exploded, and the burning pain felt like To tear her whole.

Just when Shen Shenxue thought he was going to die, the lights in the hall were suddenly turned on. As if she didn't adapt to the light in the room, Mei Xiang covered her eyes with her hands subconsciously.

Shen Shenxue's feet were soft, and she sat paralyzed on the ground, opened her mouth, and breathed hard. It took a while for the hot, dry chest to fade away.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Quan Shi stood loudly at the entrance of the hall. When he saw the deep white snow sitting on the ground, his face was full of anxiety and anger.

The moment she saw Quan Shi, Mei Xiang's eyes lit up, and her tone was full of surprises: "Master, I'm Mei Xiang, don't you recognize me? These days, I really miss you, why haven't you come all at once? Seen me. "

Quan Shi stared blankly at Mei Xiang, who was obsessed, and said coldly, "Mei Xiang, you are crazy."

"No, I'm not crazy! I really love you, sir, why don't you just accept me?" Mei Xiang suddenly grabbed her hair frantically and shouted sharply.

"Mei Xiang, if you stop now and return to the prison room obediently. I promise you that you can save your life." Quan Shi's eyes showed a deep disgust, don't look away, and don't want to look at her again.

Mei Xiang clasped her arms and shivered, as if terrified: "No, I won't go back. They beat me every day, they didn't give me food, and there were so many rats, they bit me in one bite, and I was Don't go back to death. "

"It's all you, it's you that bitch! If it weren't for you, I'm still with the adult now, and I won't suffer such a crime at all!" Mei Xiang rushed to Shen Shenxue again, pointing at her. Scolded.

Mei Xiang suddenly pulled a knife from behind and reached Shen Shenxue, grinning grimly, "Hey, Shen Shenxue, I have suffered, I want to get it back on you. I want a knife I shaved you, I want to see, how else will you seduce a man! "

With that said, she raised the knife in front of Shen Shenxue, and was about to scratch her face.

Shen Shenxue didn't look away and wanted to dodge. Nai Meixiang was too close to herself, so she could not avoid it at all.

At this moment, Quan Shi rushed over and kicked Mei Xiang's body. Mei Xiang's body was like a parabola, thrown from a distance, fell heavily on the ground, and made a heavy noise.

"Are you okay?" Quan Shi lifted Shen Shenxue, who was lying on the ground, and asked with concern.

Shen Shenxue looked at Mei Xiang, who was lying motionless on the ground, still lingering. She supported Quan Shi's arm and tried to calm herself.

Quan Shi looked at Shen Shenxue, who was pale, and felt a pain in her heart. She took her tightly in her arms and comforted her softly: "It's all right, all right."