MTL - You Have Guts!-Chapter 46 Start reading

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The two came out and went back to Mingzhu Garden directly. The conjecture was probably because of Yue Sisi and Chu Yanshen didn't want to cause any more trouble. In fact, Zi Yan also likes Mingzhu Garden. To be precise, he likes the newly renovated small third room. Any mansion, but Ziyi still feels that this place is like her home.

Recently, she always remembered things when she was a child. Her parents worked hard, and often the family could only be together on a rest day. Then, the father would take their brother and sister to catch fish by the river. When they came back, the mother had already cooked. The family eats around the dinner table. Even if the dishes are monotonous, they still feel very sweet. Parents occasionally look at each other, tacit and happy.

Ziyi thinks that maybe parents and husbands should be what husbands and wives should be. In the dullness, they can live and die, but their current status with Chu Yanshen is really different. They say that they are not husbands and wives. Doing the same thing, even the son was born, but Zizi just felt something owed.

Moreover, the lifestyle habits of the two people are too different. One person's lifestyle habits are definitely changed in a short period of time, but Ziyi is finally exposed after one month of installation. However, it is clear that Chu Yanshen's quirk cannot be tolerated. In the slightest mess, Mingzhu Garden has no housekeeper or aunt, except that it is on duty to cook and clean on time. This is also the most satisfying place for Lingzi.

As soon as Chu Yanshen left every morning, she was left with a wicked person at home, which also meant that she could finally do what she wanted to do. Ziyi felt that the very different living habits between the two might be the most irreconcilable contradiction, which she really missed. Previous days.

As I was thinking, suddenly the door rang, and Zi Zhe was startled. Half of the dried tofu in his hand fell to the ground. Zi Zhe tried to pick it up, but Yu Guang saw Chu Yanshen, and he shrank back.

Yan Shen put her jacket aside, came loose, loosened her tie, glanced around, her eyebrows were frowned, not this woman, Chu Yanshen had never seen so many messy things in her life, what did she think of him? Don't know, just don't think about it, they are husband and wife, lying in a bed every day, what she can do to hide him.

To be honest, Yanshen couldn't agree with her life habits, but it was not easy to pierce because she concealed her. Besides, this kind of problem between husband and wife is more real and looks like a little family. After a month, Chu Yanshen couldn't bear it. The two didn't break up after a few months. They had a lifetime. If you hide it, what's the point of pretending to be stupid, so he decided to talk to her today and came back early. hour.

Even if he had been mentally prepared, the level of mess in front of him still shocked him. There were a variety of snacks scattered on the table, on the floor, on the sofa, some were finished, some were not, and half were eaten. In her Within a meter of the surrounding area, a small garbage dump was formed, and the woman in the middle of the garbage dump was wearing a loose-fitting home skirt with no hair at all.

It's been more than a month since we got married. He didn't know she still had such a dress. Yan Shen had a preliminary look in his mind, and he was definitely not there, but Yan Shen's gaze was still slightly in her wide skirt. After stopping for a few seconds, the wide skirt showed two slender calves, and two small feet on the floor. It was probably a little nervous, the toes were slightly circled, and scratched the floor.

Yanshen suddenly felt that she was not scratching the floor, but was scratching his heart. She was scratching, and she was struck by a layer. The more she scratched her heart, the more itchy his heart was, and he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. , Still can attract his own eyes, is his own cleanliness, or assimilated to this woman.

Yan Shen bent down, picked up the chicken feet near his feet, lifted it with **** and looked for a while: "What is this?"

Zixi rushed to the past: "Uh, pickled chicken feet, I'll take it right away and pack it ..." Then he reached out and picked up the boss's plastic bag from the ground, turned around and started to clean up the sofa. Because Chu Yanshen hugged her from behind: "If you want to seduce me, I can tell you that it was a success, but we change places today to clean up the smell on you ..."

Zi Zi didn't have time to refute, so he hugged the man. As for where he changed, don't think about Ye, it was Chu Yan's bathroom that he thought about for a long time.

After tossing for two hours, Zi Zi was still held in her arms when she came out. The only difference was that the home skirt she wore when she entered was replaced with a large bath towel, and the woman who was dirty in Yan Shen's eyes , Also washed dry and tender, burned again from the bathroom to the bedroom during the battle, the final consequence is that students Zi Zi can not get up, as if the whole body is gone.

The room was cleaned by Chu Yanshen, because Auntie Gong called and said that something had happened at home and asked for a day off. In fact, Ziyi felt that the room was a little messy. She likes it. She can reach it by hand The room that I want to play, I want to eat, I want to drink, home, is how you come here freely, and they all have the same meaning as the model room.

In her opinion, Chu Yanshen is definitely a bad habit. Yanshen likes to be methodical. In fact, in the thirty-four years before he married his uncle, he lived this way every day.

After marrying Zi Zi, he began to learn patience, but patience is limited. Zi Chu Yanshen's attitude towards those junk snacks is quite decisive. He stuck it in a plastic bag and threw it out directly, even though Zi Zi stared at his gaze, It gave him a moment of reconciliation, but after seeing the composition of those things, he still discarded it steadily, and in order to put an end to Yang Fengyin's violations, the villa was renovated and he moved back.

At least there is a 24-hour housekeeper who can look at this woman, so Zi Mo's little day of moisturization, after being pierced by this man, declares that it is over forever.

In general, there are still a lot of disharmony between the two. It should be said that everything is contradictory except that it is harmonious. Yan Shen's habit of throwing things away is particularly abhorrent, but these are trivial matters. Prior to today's events, there is absolutely no principle conflict between husband and wife.

Yan Shen looked down at the watch and it was nine-thirty. Yesterday he told Ziyi that he left at 8:30 today, but he had already waited for her in the living room downstairs for forty minutes and had not seen her come down.

Today is Saturday. Feng Yi came back from school last night and said that he wanted to go to Qin Fei Farm to catch fireflies. Speaking of fireflies, Yan Shen couldn't help thinking of the farm. Fireflies were something on summer nights. At that time, there was no fireflies. It's just an excuse. Now I want to come, it's a little funny, but it's also tickling.

Yan Shen felt that men were probably just like him when they were just married, and everything could be related to that. Thinking of these, Yan Shen's patience persisted for another five minutes, and he still couldn't see Ziyu go downstairs.

Yan Shen just wanted to stand up and take a look, but Feng Yi stepped up before him: "I went to urge him, it was too slow." Then, without waiting for Yan Shen to promise, he ran upstairs, joking, and let his father Up, it may not be a forty-minute problem. Based on Feng Yi ’s recent experience, as long as his father and Tong are kept in the same room, they will only come out after two hours, so, Resolutely cannot let his father come up.

The results of Feng Yi going up were very immediate. Five minutes later, holding Zi Xuan's hand down the stairs, facing Chu Yanshen's cold face, Zi Xuan explained: "Well, the mobile phone can't be found."

Chu Yanshen wanted to roll her eyes. For this reason, Chu Yanshen has appeared more than ten times in the past month. Chu Yanshen also told her to remember to put it away at first. Now she is too lazy to say that this woman's life status is completely usable. What a mess, and what are you wearing today?

Yan Shen looked at her eyes and frowned. "How to dress like this?"

Ziyi looked down at himself, wearing jeans with cropped jeans, a T-shirt, and a pair of canvas shoes under his feet. What's wrong, it's fine and light, but he explained: "Isn't it going to the farm, I need to barbecue at night? , It's not good to wear too formal. "

Yan Shen didn't say anything, but thought to herself, looking back for time to dispose of her clothes, because he didn't want people to misunderstand himself with two children out, and reminded himself of the fact that he was ten years older than Feng Ziyu, so he said, Sometimes the cooler the man, the more careful he is.

It was not the first time for the three to come to the farm, but it was the first time for a family of three, and this time, in addition to the three of them, Qin Fei also brought a girl.

The girl is very young. It looks like a college student who has just graduated. Maybe she has n’t graduated yet. She should look like twenty-four. It is very different from the woman Qin Fei liked in the past. It belongs to Xiaojiabiyu. It is not particularly beautiful, but very cute, especially With a smile, his eyes were bent, like a naive little girl, with a lively personality called Su Ran.

When I saw Zi Xi, I was holding Zi Zi's face. When I saw Feng Yi, I threw away Zi Zi and turned around around Feng Yi. Then the three of them took a dip net and ran out of the net butterfly.

Chu Yanshen and Qin Fei were sitting under the grape stand of the farm and drinking tea. From time to time, two big and one small laughter came. Yan Shen couldn't help but look at it. The son-in-law under the sun was wearing a baseball cap and the one in the sun Xia Yi's smiling face was even smaller than Su Ran looked. Yan Shen couldn't help wondering what his wife looked like when he was in college. It should be the target of many boys.

Qin Fei followed his gaze and couldn't help smiling: "I said that you have almost two months to get the certificate, and it is said that the honeymoon period has passed, so why not look enough?"

Yan Shen didn't deny it, just smiled and retreated. Qin Fei couldn't help but said, "Brother, you look like I'm trapped, but fortunately, it's your wife-in-law. It doesn't matter if you're trapped." Just live your little life. "

Yan Shen raised an eyebrow and looked at his intriguing words: "How did your taste change this time, I remember you never touched this type."

Qin Fei grinned, "What happened to the occasional change, this old man eats big fish and meat, and it ’s tiring to eat too much." He said with a smile: "Do n’t take it seriously, it ’s Su Zhan ’s hall. Sister, where is the graduate school? I went with her brother once last time. Today Su Zhan was going to bring her here. There was something temporary. I became a nanny. I ’m not you. I ’m afraid of indigestion. "

Chu Yan stared at him deeply, and Qin Fei laughed: "What's the use of staring at me, you don't look at your little sister-in-law, tender and sloppy with water. If you still have buddies, you have a beautiful blessing, even Qin Hui It was said that day that your daughter-in-law is beautiful, but my brother is a famous monk. "

soft? This word made Yanshen frown. His daughter-in-law was tender, did he mean he was old? The two were talking, the three of them playing crazy, probably thirsty, came over, someone had cooked the plum soup, Filled with cups, smashed ice cubes, three of them came over and poured a glass, before they sat down.

Yan Shen glanced at her eyes. The little face was redder than his son's, but his eyes were very bright. Her hair was a little disheveled. She pulled the rubber bands by herself and combed a high ponytail three or two times. Looks young and invincible.

Yan Shen is a bit jealous. Most of his daughter-in-law's dresses have matured before. He hasn't felt that much yet. Today, she reminds herself again and again from going out that even with a five-year-old son, his daughter-in-law is not talented. Twenty-four, just like Su Jia, who is still studying in the institute next to him, is a little girl. What about herself, she has run away without any confusion, saying that the uncle is really kind.

Chu Yanshen was struggling with the age difference between him and Lao Po, and Su Ran suddenly exclaimed: "I remembered, I said looking at you, you are the proud door of our professor Zheng Zizi, right, after finishing college at the age of eighteen Genius, our professor always said, we people ca n’t even compare with your finger. The new drug you developed with our professor at the age of eighteen has been widely used in clinical practice, especially for mental patients, which directly affects memory. Can save a lot of unnecessary pain, the professor will regret it from time to time, saying that you have been reported to the institute that year, but you finally gave up, chose to go abroad and transferred to a major. Whenever we talk about this, we The professor will still be distressed, saying that leaving nothing is a big loss for our subject. You do n’t know, sister, our professor respects you more. If I tell him that I see you, he will surely die. "

Ziyun's face was a little white. She impulsely gave Chu Yanshen medicine at that moment, and she was still frightened now. She had thought that it had been six years. As long as she didn't say it, Shanshan didn't say it. In the stomach, no one has known for a lifetime, so she made up a lie to follow Chu Yanshen.

But she never imagined that the world was so small, and she met a suran who was actually a student of Professor Zheng. She never expected that this matter would be exposed in this state, she even Not afraid to look at Chu Yanshen.

In fact, Yanshen did n’t really think about it at first. After all, he surveyed Zi Zi before marriage, knowing that Zi Zi is a genius. The creatures they learned previously had their son's IQ inherited her genes, much smarter than ordinary children. But he never knew exactly what she was learning, let alone know that she still had so many pasts that she did not know.

He didn't want to contact elsewhere, but she was so guilty that she had to think, acting on memory, then in any case, she couldn't remember the night six years ago, whether she had given her medicine, if it was true, The track she told herself was a lie, and it was ridiculous to believe and immerse herself in the lie.

Thinking of this, his face was gloomy, looking at Su Ran: "Ms. Su, I'm curious, what kind of specific effect does the medicine that you say directly act on memory, is it a drug similar to stability?"

Su Ran nodded: "There are certain commonalities, but the differences are still great. The most powerful part of this medicine is that it can directly affect people's memory. It can make people's memory completely disappear within ten hours. It was like having a dream ... "

Qin Fei suddenly dragged Su Ran up: "It wasn't in class, and said what such a boring thing to do, go, aren't you going to the orchard, I'll take you there." Then he dragged Su Ran away And by the way, I also picked up Feng Yi.

There were only the couple under the grape rack, and the cicadas on the locust tree in the distance. The screaming Zi Xi flustered in her heart for a while. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Chu Yanshen. She wanted to escape, If there is a seam on the ground, she will not hesitate to enter. She knows that her thoughts are ridiculous, and she knows that there is no eternal secret in the world, but she never thought that she would pierce under such circumstances.

After a while, I heard he laughed a little, though it was a little bit horrifying, "Feng Zizhen, in your eyes, I am Chu Yanshen who is a clever self, isn't he? Believe it, not only believe it, but also complacent and secretive, and even married you, let you be my wife Chu Yanshen, Feng Ziyi, do you think that I am particularly ridiculous, can fool me, Feng Ziyi you are such a great skill You tell me what I mean by Su Ran, is it because I misunderstood it or it is the same. "

Feng Zi bit her lip, she didn't know what to say, she was confused with porridge, she couldn't think of anything, she didn't know how to deal with this situation, and she didn't know how to deal with this man who had become extremely angry and was about to lose her mind.

Ziyi never thought about the results after the incident was revealed, so now there is no way to deal with it. Obviously, Chu Yanshen would not let her go so happily. He reached out and pinched her jaw and lifted it up: "Feng Ziyi, you can't escape today , I have to figure it out. "

The anger burned two fires in his eyes, filling his eyes, as if even his eyes were red, this Chu Yan is very terrible, more terrible than ever, Zi Zi could not help but wince. Chu Yanshen stared at her: "You don't say, okay, I ask, you answer."

Chu Yanshen said for a moment in silence: "Did you take the medicine six years ago?" Zi Zi instinctively wanted to evade and gave Chu Yanshen a firm grip on his jaw and said, "Say."

Zi Yan was startled and nodded hurriedly. Chu Yanshen's face sank a bit again: "So, are you lying before those who followed me?" Zi Yan retired, but only nodded again, Chu Yan bite deeply. Gritting his teeth: "So, you did n’t know me before that night six years ago. The reason why you went to bed with me was a temporary intent. It was a temporary intent. You did n’t want to have trouble after taking the medicine, did you?" Gradually accelerated, the chill in his tone was like a small knife, Zi Zi had to nod.

"Okay, okay, that's the case, then, I ask you again, what is the purpose of your doing this? Since you don't see me, and don't want to be in trouble, what do you want?"

Feng Zizhen looked at the man in front of him and suddenly felt strange. Although he was not gentle in the past, at least unlike now, he is now a messenger from hell. She even felt that even if he strangled himself, he could not calm his anger. I want to think about what he did. Or he stole his seed and gave birth to a son. Now the son has given it back to him, and what else does he want.

Thinking of this, Feng Zi suddenly gave birth to some courage, but looking at him, but also afraid of venting his energy, he closed his eyes and said with a brain: "I just want to have a daughter. It is purely accidental to find you."

Sure enough, it was this purpose. Actually, Chu Yanshen also guessed it, but the words were purely accidental, which made Yanshen angry again. Feng Yi told him more than once that she likes her daughter. She misunderstood that she wanted to have a daughter, and now she understands that it makes her even more ridiculous to think of it. It turned out that she went to bed not because she liked it, but also because she was a man. She wanted a child.

Even if this man is not himself, he will be someone else. She doesn't care who it is. She only cares about her ridiculous thoughts. Then she used her profession to make herself forget that night and always did it for six years. Following the same dream, he didn't know it was a dream until he found a Feng Yi, but weaved it by herself. She liked herself, secretly loved her ridiculous conjecture, and then married her as a ridiculous thing. It was him. Chu Yanshen made it.

This woman's stupidity is all pretended, because of this face, this pitiful look, makes himself the most ridiculous man in the world, he can't wait ... Chu Yanshen's hand is stuck on her neck ...

Ziyu's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at him in fear, the fear in her eyes. It made Zhu Yanshen feel more inexplicable: "Why, I'm afraid, afraid I'll choke you, rest assured, I won't do that. If I really want you to die, I will peel it off from here, look at such a pitying tenderness Under the surface, what a cunning heart is hidden. "Said to begin to slowly slide down and place it on the heart of her left chest.

Ziyi was really scared to him. She didn't doubt it at all. If he gave him a knife now, he would really do it. This man is crazy. Ziyi knows that the explanation is useless, but wants to explain it: "Chu, Chu Yanshen, that, I didn't mean to lie to you. At the time, I was afraid I told the truth, you, you will take Feng Yi."

As soon as I finished talking, Ziyi regretted it, yes, Feng Yi, why did he forget it, Chu Yanshen suddenly found a chip, he fixedly looked at Ziyi, and said coldly, "What kind of woman are you qualified for me? My son's mother, Feng Ziyi, you really opened my eyes because you, I will never trust a woman again in my life, and I will never trust you again ... "