MTL - You Don’t Understand The Pain Of Being Popular-Chapter 65 The sixty-fifth day of being popular (revised)

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◎Until handcuffed and taken all the way to the police car, Luo Shuai still couldn't believe it. Just at the last second, he was thinking that he should quickly "refute the rumors" and ruin Yao Bianliang's reputation in the entertainment industry. ◎

Until he was handcuffed and taken all the way to the police car, Luo Shuai still couldn't believe it.

Just at the last second, he was thinking that he should quickly "dispel the rumors" and ruin Yao Bianliang's reputation in the entertainment industry.

However, in the next second, the police came to take him away, and he was about to face prison. could this be...

He is a top-notch celebrity in the entertainment circle, he has such a high status and so many fans, how could he go to jail!

"Brother policeman, could it be...something went wrong?" Luo Shuai felt that his legs were a little weak.

Everything happened so suddenly that he still can't believe this fact.

The policeman showed no expression, just looked at him and said, "Get in the car."

When a person is arrested by the police, it means that there is already evidence to prove that he has committed a crime, and he will also be sentenced to imprisonment or more.

Luo Shuai's situation is relatively bad. If there is no accident, he will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Not only that, as a star in the entertainment industry, he will also be completely ruined and need to pay sky-high liquidated damages to all the endorsement brands.

Luo Shuai got into the car in a daze, looked at the reporters who came not far away after hearing the news, and looked at the camera lenses that were constantly flashing, he knew that he was completely finished.

Not to mention continuing to hang out in the entertainment circle, if he fails, he may spend the rest of his life in prison!

But Luo Shuai couldn't figure it out, he thought the crisis had passed long ago, how could it suddenly happen to this point.

The police car started slowly, and Luo Shuai leaned on the back of the chair in pain, trying to sort out his thoughts.

Fragments of memory emerged one after another in his mind, like a revolving lantern, those clues that he had ignored were finally connected in series.

From media reporters coming to interview the live broadcast, to Yao Bianliang beating someone, to the exposure of sleeping fans and public opinion, and finally the police came to approve the arrest...

One link after another, the logic is meticulous, and the water is tight.

As if invisible, there is a hand secretly manipulating all this. The other party carefully set traps, leading him step by step into this infinite abyss.

Who is... Who the **** is this? !

A strong fear suddenly rose in Luo Shuai's heart.

He felt like a marionette man, always advancing in the route planned by the other party.

He thinks he can control the overall situation and is superior, but in the eyes of others, he is just a clown performing on stage.

From the beginning to the end, he couldn't escape the opponent's palm.

Many possibilities flashed through Luo Shuai's mind, and finally, he settled on a figure that he had ignored countless times.

"Yao Bianliang..." he murmured, his lips trembling, "It's Yao Bianliang, it must be her!"

It was Yao Bianliang who took the initiative to contact the media reporters and asked them to come to the crew for a live interview;

It was also Yao Bianliang who suggested that he act in the fight scene that he was not good at;

In the end, it was Yao Bianliang who attacked him without warning in front of the audience in the live broadcast room!

Everything is progressing steadily according to Yao Bianliang's plan.

Until the end, things got worse and worse, and the truth was revealed, and he had no room to turn around.

Luo Shuai couldn't help recalling the scene that day.

After Yao Bianliang made a move on him, he just stood there condescendingly, watching him being helped up by his assistant.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, and there was no panic in her eyes.

It was as if she wasn't worried about how the audience in the studio would react, nor how the media reporters would report on the matter.

A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Luo Shuai's back, and more and more details that he had ignored poured into his mind.

That's right, Yao Bianliang is a star in the entertainment industry, she blatantly hit someone, didn't she rush to become cool? This doesn't make sense at all logically.

Therefore, she must have known the truth in advance, had insight into everything, and planned this incident single-handedly. Only in this way can we behave calmly and calmly.

After thinking this through, Luo Shuai only felt a chill down his spine.

Yao Bianliang is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface!

Her wrist, her scheming, her strategy... are not what a normal person should have at all!

It's terrible, the other party is really terrible.

It's no wonder that even her cousin stumbled in her hands. Such a person, how could a star like him be able to compete?

Thinking of this, Luo Shuai's face turned ashen.

At this moment, he finally completely lost his fighting spirit. Deep down in my heart, there is only deep regret and fear left.


In the evening of this day, the sun rendered the last ray of light in the sky, and the clouds were covered with a layer of gold.

After Yao Bianliang finished filming the last scene, he stretched comfortably. This episode was all done, and she felt quite relaxed.

"Director Hua, if there is nothing else, I'll go back and rest first."

The flower director smiled and waved at her: "Okay, I have already sent you the candidate for the new male lead, you can give me some references later."

The staff also packed their things and prepared to leave. Perhaps it was because the work ended early today, and most of the staff had relaxed smiles on their faces. Everyone gathered in twos and threes, laughing and discussing something.

Yao Bianliang's footsteps were brisk, and he walked in the direction of the film and television apartment. The air along the way was filled with joy.

"I don't know what's going on with Shuai Luo."

She turned on her phone happily and glanced at the current news on Weibo.

Luo Shuai obviously spent a lot of money on his side, buying a bunch of trending searches and trolls, and the front row of the entertainment trending list is full of content to refute rumors.

#Luo Shuai Studio Refuting Rumors#

#Luo Shuai issued a lawyer's letter#

#Fake rumor marketing account, please stop in moderation#

That's right, Luo Shuai's marketing and public relations seem to be very powerful. Ansheng Entertainment is indeed one of the largest companies in China, and it is a big deal when it makes a move.

Yao Bianliang looked at these contents with satisfaction, and a clear voice sounded beside him.

"Sister Liang!" It was Yan Xiaoli who came. She ran forward in three steps at a time, took Yao Bianliang's backpack and carried it for her, and walked side by side with her.

"Sister Liang, have you seen the trending searches on Weibo?" Yan Xiaoli gasped a little as she hurried away, but the surprise in her eyes was hard to hide, "Shuai Luo actually posted Weibo to refute the rumors!"

Yao Bianliang didn't notice Yan Xiaoli's abnormality, she looked at the content on the phone with satisfaction, and hummed lightly.

Luo Shuai successfully refuted the rumors, which is really a happy thing.

The other party is very efficient, and it seems that he doesn't need her to worry more, he can get through this crisis smoothly!

"It seems that Sister Liang already understands this matter," Yan Xiaoli smiled, "Who would have thought that he would be arrested by the police immediately after posting rumors on Weibo? This is really the biggest comedy of the year!"

The smile on Yao Bianliang's face froze suddenly: "You...what did you say?"

What the hell, Luo Shuai was taken away by the police? !

But she just checked Weibo's trending search, and it was clearly Luo Shuai's statement to refute the rumors.

Yao Bianliang turned on the phone again in disbelief.

After refreshing the interface, she realized that the popularity of an entry was rising at an alarming rate, and it quickly climbed from the bottom of the hot search list to the top.

#罗巧 was arrested by the police! #

The hot search is followed by the word "explosive" in black and red.

Yao Bianliang: "..."

You are still dispelling rumors on the front foot, but you were arrested by the police on the back foot?

It doesn't take to roll over so fast.

Yao Bianliang turned his head to look at Yan Xiaoli in a daze, and saw the little girl with a smile on her face, her eyes full of admiration and admiration for her.

"I was very worried about the bad impact of this incident before, but now it seems that it is completely unfounded! Sister Liang, you have expected such an incident, right?" Yan Xiaoli said, her tone was full of excitement.

Yao Bianliang: "..."

No, on the contrary, she hadn't expected it at all. She even naively thought that this news was a slander to Luo Shuai.

She is still shocked now!

Yao Bianliang took a deep breath, and clicked on the hot search on Weibo with three points of shock, three points of doubt and four points of confusion.

The interface froze for two seconds before loading successfully, and overwhelming news came into view.

#Police report that Luo Shuai was arrested#

#罗·No love experience·Mother-fetal single·handsome#

#Luo Shuai was arrested photo#

One hot search after another rushed forward, almost occupying the entire hot search list, and the home page was full of news related to it.

Netizens were shocked to eat melons, and this news made everyone feel unbelievable.

[Fuck, Luo Shuai's sleeping fan is actually real? 】

[He actually seduces. Seduces. Underage girls, what a scumbag. 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooever 】

[This kind of scum can become an idol in the entertainment industry, it's disgusting. 】

[Be sure to give me a sentence, severe punishment! Let this scumbag go to jail and live forever. 】

[I hope that the relevant departments will investigate Ansheng Entertainment behind Luo Shuai. Luo Shuai is a scumbag, and this entertainment company is the same as him, working together. 】

Shocked and angry, netizens pointed their finger at Luo Shuai one after another. Countless taunts and curses poured in, almost drowning Luo Shuai's Weibo.

Relevant articles and topics appeared on various platforms such as Mouhu, Tieba, Qiandu, and Toutiao. Once Luo Shuai fell to the altar, he went from being a top-notch star in China to becoming an existence that everyone shouted at.

The facts are solid, and even AXA Entertainment has given up on saving this cash cow. The team's official Weibo deleted the previous Weibo that spoke for Luo Shuai, and issued a new statement, stating that it will cooperate with the police investigation and try to disassociate itself from Luo Shuai.

The products endorsed by Luo Shuai also stood up immediately, and issued statements one after another, terminating the contract with Luo Shuai, and demanding liquidated damages from him.

#aieuf和罗巧消息论坛#, #安米尔衣装设计论坛#, #卡奇米品牌收身#… One by one, the entries were once again on the top of the hot search.

Luo Shuai is not only facing jail time this time, but also very likely to face billions in liquidated damages.

He had absolutely no hope of turning over.

After the netizens scolded Luo Shuai passionately, finally, someone realized something belatedly.

A big V posted on Weibo immediately.

[Wait, I suddenly realized a problem...

Yao Bianliang did something to Luo Shuai before, maybe it was because she knew something? 】

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately recalled from the initial shock.

Only then did many netizens realize a serious problem—

Yes, just a few hours ago, they were scolding Yao Bianliang for attacking Luo Shuai.

But looking back now, Yao Bianliang beat Luo Shuai, obviously there was something else hidden!

[So it is! No wonder Yao Bianliang wants to beat someone, a scum like Luo Shuai deserves to be beaten. 】

[I'm sorry that I blamed Yao Bianliang by mistake, but I actually scolded her...]

[Hahaha, I knew that my Liangliang would not beat someone for no reason! What about those who scolded Liangliang before? Come out and apologize to me. 】

[I used to think that Yao Bianliang played too hard, but now I just want to say: My sister played well! You can definitely hit harder! 】

A netizen took a screenshot of Yao Bianliang beating Luo Shuai and made it into an emoticon package with words such as "eliminate the scum" and "get the scum out of the entertainment industry", which instantly aroused enthusiastic responses.

Related entries about Yao Bianliang also appeared on the hot search.

#Yao Bianliang played beautifully#

#We owe Yao Bianliang an apology#

#Yao Bianliang This punch is so handsome in my heart#

Previously, the marketing account of Yao Bianliang, who followed the black trend, saw that the situation was not good. They deleted articles one after another, and apologized for apologies. Several of them had a bad influence.

Because Yao Bianliang was wrongly blamed before, most netizens felt guilty towards her.

Everyone rushed to leave messages under Yao Bianliang's Weibo, looking around, they were all sincere apologies.

Someone also left a message thanking Yao Bianliang for beating Luo Shuai, a scumbag, for everyone.

[Thank you, Sister Liang, for doing justice for the sky and beating Luo Shuai to the hospital. 】

[My sister is so handsome, I am her fan from today. 】

[Sister Liang, I'm sorry for you woo woo woo, I actually scolded you for that scumbag Luo Shuai before, I apologize to you. 】

[I want to be a fan of Sister Liang, now I have to abandon my secrets and become a fan of Sister Liang, is there still time? 】

[Welcome sisters! Liangliang is definitely the best idol in the entertainment industry, and it's not a loss to invest in it. 】

Just like that, the number of Yao Bianliang's fans skyrocketed again at an astonishing rate.

Her popularity is getting higher and higher, and soon she has broken away from the level of a third-tier star, and has become a hot existence for a while.

And the previous misunderstanding caused by Luo Shuai's misleading public opinion was gradually resolved.

[I watched the video of Luo Shuai being taken away by the police. He obviously didn't suffer any serious injuries. How could he lie in the hospital for so long with just such a small injury? 】

[I'm really laughing to death, Luo Shuai clearly wants to touch porcelain. 】

[My sister is still too kind, she didn't hit hard, in my opinion, she should have beaten Luo Shuai until he was paralyzed. 】

[Luo Shuailai tried to put pressure on Sister Liang in the hospital, but in the end he had to leave the hospital when the police arrived hahaha. This is the legendary seeking benevolence and benevolence. smile.jpg]

[The crew of "Spring Warm Revlon" is really wise to replace the actor Luo Shuai. Otherwise, with such a leading actor, the show might not be able to be released at all. 】

Inside the film and television apartment building.

Yao Bianliang watched the overwhelming comments on the Internet, and finally closed his eyes in pain.

Who would have thought that things would develop like this?

A top-notch super star would actually do such a dirty trick! Sleeping fans, even having **** with underage female fans, one after another, the charges are shocking, and they are even worse than scum.

Yao Bianliang is still in a daze until now. It turns out that in this world, the standard for entering the entertainment industry is already so low...

Forgive her for her poor imagination, but in her original world, it is impossible for such a magical thing to happen.

Its magical level, even if it is written in a novel, people will scold the author for making the plot too outrageous.

However, in this world, this matter really happened.

And Yao Bianliang can see from the comments of netizens that this kind of thing should not happen for the first time.

Who would have thought of this?

Yao Bianliang covered his face and fell on the bed, unwilling to face this desperate fact.

The phone vibrates constantly, and new messages pop up from time to time. Yao Bianliang took a deep breath and sat up from the bed.

"Calm down, I have to calm down." She told herself silently, "Shuai Luo is a scumbag, and it is a good thing that he is brought to justice now. Didn't I just beat up the scumbag? The person who exposed his crimes also It's not me, and I'm not a good person."

"Also, think about it. At least this time, I'm a fan."

Yes, she is no longer fighting alone now, she has a big warm family of black fans, and a group of good sisters who work together for the cool cause!

Now that this incident happened, the sisters in the group should feel as anxious as she did.

She can go to the group to find out the situation, and everyone will brainstorm, maybe they can come up with some other countermeasures.

Even if you can't continue to smear her, at least you must stop the loss in time to prevent her reputation from skyrocketing again, right?

Thinking of this, Yao Bianliang tried his best to keep himself calm, and clicked on his black fan group chat.