MTL - You Don’t Understand The Pain Of Being Popular-Chapter 17 seventeenth day

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Listening to Yao Bianliang's words, Director Hua was touched in his heart.

He really didn't notice this during today's rehearsal.

After all, Director Hua himself hated this villain very much. Therefore, when he saw Mu Taozhi playing the ugly face of the villain, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

But after Yao Bianliang reminded him, he immediately understood.

Mu Taozhi's acting direction was wrong from the very beginning!

In the eyes of others, this villain is indeed devoid of conscience, but the villain himself does not think he is very vicious.

Therefore, as an actor playing the villain, Mu Taozhi cannot think that this role is vicious.

Only when the thoughts in his heart merge with the character, can he become the character himself, instead of imitating the character's words and deeds exaggeratedly.

"Yes, you are right," Director Hua's voice was a little excited, with a bit of enlightenment, "I was negligent on this point."

He originally thought that Mu Taozhi acted like this because his own acting skills were not up to standard.

But now it seems that besides acting skills, his mentality problem is more serious.

If the actor does not act as the character himself during the whole process of acting, the effect of the performance will of course not be ideal.

Yao Bianliang smiled and nodded on the surface, but he was really relieved in his heart.

As long as the director can realize the importance of this point, then everything can be solved easily.

"However, director, it is very difficult for an actor to understand and agree with a villain with a distorted personality," Yao Bianliang tentatively said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Director Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then fell silent.

He was embarrassed to say that he actually didn't think about this issue at all, he just wanted to remind Mu Taozhi to pay attention.

After thinking about it carefully, Director Hua still said: "He can think about it. This character has experienced a tragic experience since he was a child, so he can understand the character's twisted heart, right?"

Yao Bianliang's mouth twitched slightly.

this one? This can understand a hammer.

She can guarantee that Mu Taozhi will not be able to really get enlightened after hearing such an explanation.

Yao Bianliang sighed: "Director Hua, in fact, I personally think that if you follow the villain's thinking, you can easily find that he is not wrong."

Director Hua was taken aback, and surprise flashed in his eyes: "He single-handedly created an investment scam, disrupted the market order, and caused many innocent people to lose half their life savings. Is that right?"

"Of course there is something wrong," Yao Bianliang said helplessly, "but, according to this villain's distorted thinking mode, he will feel that he is not wrong."

"What did he do wrong? From the beginning to the end, he never forced those people to invest, or even encouraged them to take the bait. It was those people who heard about the high profits and flocked to them."

"If those people were not so greedy, they would stop after earning thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, and they would be able to get this huge amount of interest. Why would they lose everything later?"

"He made up a lie, and then watched other people with cold eyes, watching them go crazy because of the endless greed in their hearts. They took out their life savings, even sold houses, and took out loans, just to get something for nothing and enjoy it."

"In the end, those people's dream of relying on interest to get something for nothing woke up, and the bubble burst—the only thing left, of course, is the endless abyss."

"The reason why they went bankrupt and ruined their families was not because of the instigator of this incident, but because of the greed in their hearts. So in the end, they have to pay the price for their greed and despicableness, and suffer the consequences themselves."

Director Hua was stunned in place, and didn't come back to his senses for a while.

What Yao Bianliang said was natural and firm. For a moment, he almost thought that this logic was correct.

Fortunately, after the initial shock, Director Hua also calmed down.

The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

"Yes, if you analyze it from this angle, then Mu Taozhi should be able to understand the character's mental journey!"

Moreover, Yao Bianliang's words were not only easy for Mu Taozhi to understand, but also more than doubled the B rating of this villain!

Sometimes, whether a villain is attractive or not has a lot to do with the actor's own understanding.

If the actor plays well, no matter how vicious the role is, it can make people feel a lot of emotion; on the contrary, if the actor doesn't play well, no matter how three-dimensional the role is, it will be disgusting.

Now, when Mu Taozhi is acting, he can't wait to engrave the four characters "I am a bad guy" on his forehead.

This kind of performance is completely superficial and cannot impress the audience at all.

Only when Mu Taozhi acts according to Yao Bianliang's mentality, then he will directly transform from a psychologically distorted criminal to a behind-the-scenes manipulator who sees through people's hearts, is superior, and manages the overall situation.

After figuring this out, Director Hua was both excited and emotional. He looked at Yao Bianliang with extremely complicated emotions.

He was really lucky this time to meet such a good actor!

Yao Bianliang can not only perform his own role well, but also help other actors understand the characters, perform well in the role, and even bring them into the role during the performance.

This is really a teammate who can't be found with a lantern.

"Thank you very much," Director Hua said sincerely, "You are right, this is my negligence."

Originally Director Hua was in a hurry to get off work, but after listening to Yao Bianliang's analysis, he felt greatly inspired and left in no hurry.

He humbly asked for advice: "You just said that He Yanning's acting direction is also problematic. What's going on?"

Seeing that Director Hua wanted to listen, Yao Bianliang naturally would not miss this opportunity, immediately took out the script from his bag, and began to explain it to Director Hua.

In order to make the two little fresh meat perform better, she did enough homework,

For the annotations next to the lines alone, she used three different colored pens. All kinds of annotations are densely packed, which makes people feel scalp numb at a glance.

Director Hua was also shocked by her comments: "You... actually wrote so much?"

Not only wrote the line comments of the little policewoman, but also carefully analyzed the lines of the hero and villain.

Director Hua has seen a lot of people who have carefully analyzed their own roles. But even the other characters have to be commented, he really hasn't seen it.

Yao Bianliang felt very helpless.

She doesn't want to do this either!

But the problem is, if she doesn't work hard, how can the acting skills of the two little fresh meats be improved.

"Can I take these annotations back and have a look?" Director Hua asked, "I want to transcribe some of them and return them to you tomorrow."

Yao Bianliang naturally wanted it: "Of course."

The director is willing to teach with heart, which is undoubtedly a good thing for her.

"However, Director Hua, please don't tell them that this is my idea during the lecture," Yao Bianliang reminded.

Director Hua was taken aback: "Why is that?"

Yao Bianliang: "I don't want them to know that this is my idea, and I ask Director Hua to keep it a secret for me."

Yao Bianliang originally wanted to find a reason to explain a few sentences, but in this way, it may be self-defeating.

If Director Hua misunderstands and does something that he thinks is good for her, it will be very bad.

Therefore, she simply said the words to death, and did not give Director Hua any chance to deceive her.

After hearing this, Director Hua was shocked and somewhat puzzled.

Yao Bianliang helped He Yanning and Mu Taozhi in this way, why didn't he want them to know?

You know, she and these two are actually in a competitive relationship. The better Mu Taozhi and Mu Taozhi performed, the more unfavorable Yao Bianliang's situation would be.

Under such circumstances, she helped her competitor, but she was still unwilling to let the other party know the truth.

It's thankless, what is she trying to do!

For some reason, Director Hua suddenly remembered the interview with Fruit Channel a few days ago.

As Cheng Liuhui's colleague, of course he also watched the interview video.

Cheng Liuhui said that Yao Bianliang is an actor who does not care about fame and fortune, but only focuses on the quality of his works, pure and firm.

Originally, Director Hua didn't really believe in such rhetoric. In his opinion, there must be exaggeration in it.

Everyone is not a saint, who can do it completely without fame and only for the heart?

But at this moment, facing Yao Bianliang's words, Director Hua suddenly realized something.

Recalling all the things that happened today, all the details are colluded together, and everything has an answer.

That's right, Yao Bianliang didn't do this for the extravagant gratitude or reward from Mu Taozhi and He Yanning—

She just followed her heart, took the work seriously, and wanted to improve the quality of the show.

In order to improve the quality of her works, she hopes that everyone will make progress and work hard together, even if the improvement of her competitors' acting skills will threaten her, she will not hesitate.

She even deliberately concealed what she did, and used the director's hand to achieve this goal.

This is nothing more than unwillingness to be burdened by fame and fortune, so that you lose your original intention.

Recalling that Yao Bianliang never accepts marketing and interviews, but just concentrates on acting, this undoubtedly confirms his guess.

Thinking of this, Director Hua was overwhelmed for a moment, and the way he looked at Yao Bianliang changed.

What kind of spirit is this!

The high mountains stop, and the scenery stops.

Director Hua felt that this might be a realm that he would never be able to reach in his life.

"Okay. Don't worry," he looked at Yao Bianliang and solemnly promised, "Since you don't want them to know, then I won't say more."


The live broadcast of "Good Drama PK Competition" is progressing steadily.

After two or three days, the audience quickly discovered that the progress of the No. 6 group became more and more obvious.

This speed, like riding a rocket, almost killed all other groups in seconds.

[Those contestants haven't memorized their lines yet, and Team 6 has actually been able to rehearse the entire drama completely]

[Ning Ning has to practice for so long every day, it is really hard, and my heart aches]

[I feel that Mu Taozhi's progress is really obvious, his acting skills are not as exaggerated as before, it makes people feel very attractive inexplicably]

【In front, you are not alone! 】

[This acting skill is really good, although it is not particularly good, but it is definitely better than most]

【Ahhh, my brother is indeed the best! 】

The popularity of the live broadcast room of No. 6 group is getting higher and higher.

Even though the players couldn't access the Internet, they all learned the news through other channels.

The joys and sorrows of people cannot be connected.

Compared with the joy and encouragement of the audience, the mood of each contestant was worse. As the public opinion fermented, the atmosphere became visibly heavy.

On this day, when Yao Xinxin returned to the dormitory, she heard some comments from her roommates.

"Is there something wrong with the people in Group 6! They wake up at five o'clock in the morning, are they really not tired?"

"Yeah, it's just a variety show, why should I work so hard?"

"Well, they've shown themselves to be diligent; but it makes us look lazy."

Depression was written on everyone's face, and they all denounced the introversion behavior of the No. 6 team.

Yao Xinxin's heart skipped a beat, and she asked, "Group No. 6, isn't that the group where He Yanning and Mu Taozhi are?"

"That's right," the roommate nodded, "I really don't know where Mu Taozhi and He Yanning made a mistake, and they suddenly worked so hard."

"Xinxin, you have acted with Mu Taozhi before, so you should know him better. Does he usually work hard?"

Yao Xinxin: "..." Of course I didn't work hard!

Yao Xinxin just felt that her brain was running out.

She still remembers how Mu Taozhi was lazy in every possible way back then.

What exactly happened, made these two lazy players suddenly seem like different people.

Thinking of the current public opinion situation, Yao Xinxin's face turned dark.

An actress like her who prides herself on her acting skills and hard work only gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.

But now, the two contestants with poor acting skills and not working hard are actually working harder than her.

This was undoubtedly a huge blow to her.

"Are these two people sick?"

Yao Xinxin's heart became heavy.

At this moment, she finally understood He Yanning's original feelings.

How can she fish with peace of mind when other people work so hard?