MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 585 crowd of people

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Although the knife in Hua Rongyue's hand is not harmless, it is sharp enough.

When she touched Yi Guzhou's side, for the first time, she didn't hold back a little because of the person with six doors behind her, but used all her strength.

Few people know what Hua Rongyue's full strength looks like, even if it is a flower boat.

But they must remember it very clearly today.

When Hua Rongyue's knife touched Yi Guzhou's skin, she saw Yi Guzhou's eyes widen suddenly, and then subconsciously blocked it.

However, for Hua Rongyue, his block was in vain.

Many of the people above were watching the fun. After all, they knew that Hua Rongyue had recently become the king of the six gates, and her strength had soared. They lost too badly, but they had no idea about that "big rise".

So when Hua Rongyue made a knife, no matter who was above it, they immediately surrounded the window in shock.

"Oh, look! It seems like a person has just gone down!" Sister Zhen saw something suddenly, she dragged Huang Jiao and said, Huang Jiao was also looking outside at this moment He glanced at it, and then suddenly the whole person froze.

"Hua Zhaitou!" The people in the six doors above couldn't hold back and some people shouted out, and then let the others stare back.

"Today... we didn't bring anyone else, did we?" someone muttered beside him.

"I don't remember it."

Hua Rongyue was still discussing this matter with the people from Six Doors. Even if she became the "Gu King" of Six Doors, she didn't put on any air. , everything is normal externally.

Many people didn't hear the news very clearly, but they only got some rumors. Woolen cloth.

But at this moment, Hua Rongyue is only two minutes away from just now.

—but it has completely become a person that no one dares to recognize.

"Hua catcher..." The catcher who was worried about Hua Rongyue just now murmured, although he now knows that the person below is Hua Rongyue, but now if he hadn't been watching Hua Rong with his own eyes Yue jumped down, and he really didn't dare to recognize it.

He noticed that everyone around him was focusing on Hua Rongyue. At this moment, he was like a spotlight, naturally attracting the attention of everyone around him.

He didn't even show his face, but so many people present only cast their eyes on him.

He is a born king.

Hua Rongyue's eyes were very cold, she looked at Yi Guzhou and said, "What are you doing here?"

Yi Guzhou didn't expect that he didn't even have a chance to fight back, so he was easily subdued by Yi Linglong, his hands tightened, and the red in his eyes became deeper Some.

Hua Rongyue knew at a glance that this person might not be sober. But the man knew that he would not let Yi Guzhou go.

I just don't know how Yi Guzhou's life has been in this life. Although he will not repeat the old path of Yi Linglong, he also knows that his life will not be safe and smooth.

"It's really you." Yi Guzhou looked at Hua Rongyue after a while, suddenly lowered his head, and said softly, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Hua Rongyue raised her eyebrows.

Yi Guzhou's voice is quite nice, if Hua Rongyue just listened to this sentence, maybe he would really be a little excited.

It's just that he suddenly came up with such a sentence, which made Hua Rongyue a little unpredictable.

She looked at Yi Guzhou and said, "What are you doing for me?"

After saying this, she found that Yi Guzhou's hand was shaking, and it started to grow slowly from a small amount, and finally turned out to be like a sieve.

This kind of strangeness naturally attracted Hua Rongyue's attention, she subconsciously said, "Uh...Wait, what's wrong with your hand...?"

Scared? nervous?

No way, he's an old killer anyway... Because of this trivial matter...

When Hua Rongyue was thinking about it, she saw Yi Guzhou slowly raise her head...

—The moment she met those eyes again, Hua Rongyue's heart thumped, and an extremely bad feeling emerged in her heart.

Because Yi Guzhou's expression is neither nervous nor afraid.

It was a complete excitement, staring at Hua Rongyue like a hungry wolf.

Hua Rongyue felt the strength in her hand increased almost instantly. Her eyes widened instantly, others didn't know what was going on, but she was very clear.

—This is Yi Guzhou preparing to escape from under her knife rather than being seriously injured.


Hua Rongyue stared at Yi Guzhou, thinking that the man didn't say that Yi Guzhou was such a lunatic? How did he choose someone?

If it was rumored that Yi Guzhou died today under her hands, Hua Rongyue, wouldn't she have nothing to do?

Hua Rongyue looked at Yi Guzhou with a posture that even if he cut off half of his neck, he would give Hua Rongyue a knife, and subconsciously relaxed the strength of his hand, As a result, Yi Guzhou took this opportunity to successfully escape from Hua Rongyue's hands.

The only people who can see clearly what happened are only a few people from the six doors.

"Be careful!" Huang Jiao suddenly pushed open the window and shouted outside, so scared that Sister Zhen quickly pulled her back and said, "Keep your voice down! Don't shout, Wan What are you calling them for? Do you know them?"

Huang Jiao turned her head to look at Sister Zhen, opened her mouth, and finally said nothing, and continued to stare at the outside.

Hua Rongyue frowned and looked at Yi Guzhou, this person's speed seemed to be one point faster than just now, which is strange to say, this slight change is in the few seconds just now occurring.

With Hua Rongyue's experience, she can naturally see that this is a small breakthrough he has just made, but the time of this breakthrough is too coincidental, and it happened that Hua Rongyue met him within a few seconds.

She took another look at Yi Guzhou's eyes, those eyes were full of obsession with her, if the other party didn't have a knife in his hand, then Hua Rongyue would very happy.

"Hey, sober up." Although Hua Rongyue could defeat him, she didn't want Yi Guzhou to break free from the shackles in a self-destructive way, so it was inevitable that she would be a little restrained.

While passing by Yi Guzhou, she whispered in the other's ear, "Calm down... You don't want to hurt the adults here, right?"

Yi Guzhou obviously paused after hearing this sentence.

Hua Rongyue's heart just barely calmed down.

However, before she could settle down for a few seconds, she saw Yi Guzhou's eyes look over again.

In addition to coldness and murderousness, there is only a thick paranoia in those eyes.

"Sir... Sure enough, you also know that lord." Yi Guzhou said softly, Hua Rongyue's brows wrinkled, and there was an unspeakable ominous meaning in his heart .

Sure enough.

She heard Yi Guzhou muttering to himself, "Everyone is talking about that adult, everyone knows his existence, only me... It has been concealed until now..."

Hua Rongyue felt bad when she heard Yi Guzhou's words, she vaguely felt that the other party was in a state of stimulation, and sure enough, next, she heard Yi Guzhou fierce He raised his head and said, "But as long as you are killed...then nothing will change, and everything will return to its original place."

Speaking of which, Hua Rongyue was horrified to find that the speed of his strikes became even faster.

Hua Rongyue instantly knew why his speed suddenly became faster, because lunatic people are really prone to this situation when their emotions are more extreme...

For specific reference to the big brother Yi of the year, the big brother Yi has this trend very much.

Hua Rongyue saw that this situation couldn't go on any longer, and if it went on like this, she was about to catch up with the whetstone, so she was no longer soft, and increased her strength decisively.

This time Hua Rongyue did not use a knife, but directly used her hands.

She grabbed Yi Guzhou's neck as soon as she could, and pressed her hand tightly, listening to his breathless sound.

Then Hua Rongyue put a heavy force on his hand and directly removed his two arms. Yi Guzhou's expression twisted, and he almost cried out in pain, but Hua Rongyue covered his mouth.

She was behind Yi Guzhou, came close to his ear, and whispered: "Shh..."

The people above were still worried about the change in the situation between Hua Rongyue and Yi Guzhou, but suddenly they saw Hua Rongyue successfully subduing the other party, and they all relaxed. He sighed, and then cheered.

Hua Rongyue looked at Yi Guzhou and felt a little guilty. After all, it is the owner of the first floor, and I don't know if there are people from Tianyi Building nearby.

It's a bit too miserable to follow her movements.

There are many people next to Hua Rongyue cheering for Hua Rongyue, even if they don't know who Hua Rongyue is, but they are still very excited to be able to subdue a lunatic who kills people in the street . At this moment, Huang Jiao suddenly left the window and ran down the stairs.

"Hey? Wait? Where are you going?" Originally, the real sister was also excited with everyone upstairs, she thought that this is a veritable knight. Huang Jiao chased after her and said blankly, "What are you going for?"

Huang Jiao didn't say anything, she chased directly into the street, looked over there from a distance, and shouted, "Hey—"

Sister Zhen was taken aback by her.

Although Huang Jiao's voice was loud, she was surrounded by excited people at this moment, so her voice was easily drowned in the cheers of everyone.

I don't know if it's her own illusion.

—She vaguely saw that the person standing in the center of the crowd seemed to glance over there.

It's so far away that people can't tell if it's really seen or just an accident.

Just when the real sister just frowned, that person suddenly left here with the person who was subdued by him, and flew high in the exclamation and pursuit of everyone roof.

"Huang Jiao?" Sister Zhen walked cautiously to Huang Jiao's side, found her hands shaking, and asked in a low voice, "What, what's wrong? Who did you see?"