MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 577 - 578: National plan

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The book has its own Yan Ruyu, and the book has its own golden house. A modern urban otaku. How to realize this miraculous dream? The road is at your feet and the road is ahead. The road can be coded with our hands!

There is no such road in the world, and there are many people in the yard, and there is this Avenue of Stars. Actually ... you can also.

No miracle, no mystery, all sources and lives. Want to know this wonderful life, come together? come together!

Cloud Sky City Masterpiece Second Bomb-March 6, 2010, everyone witnessed.

The sky is everyone's sky, everyone's sky, it depends on everyone to stand up, brothers! Sisters ... rise up!

The Ka family, which has thousands of diamond and ten-star masters, collapsed and completely collapsed. Only overnight, the Ka family completely disappeared in this world, and all the industries of the Ka family were completely opened. Tianzong occupied, especially worth mentioning is that all of the Ka family's hidden treasures fell into Kaitianzong's hands.

In the face of this sudden change, the entire world is silent, everyone is secretly watching Kai Tianzong. Although everyone is very coveted about Kai Tianzong's huge benefits, there is nothing before he can understand Kai Tianzong's reality. The forces dare to openly oppose the enemies.

Of course, even with thousands of diamond and ten-star masters, it is definitely not the world ’s largest force, at best it can only be said that it is the world's largest family. Although the Ka family is strong, it is only a new family that lacks profound knowledge. The bottom line is nothing compared to those big forces.

The burst of power of the Karst family is enough to shock any power, but the emerging family is the emerging family. They never understand how deep the old power is, although on the surface, the high-end power of the old power seems to be far less than that of the Karst family. Clan, but these veteran forces have been around for too long. No one knows how powerful and terrifying they are.

The bottom line, this is a very vague thing. Take the dragon family as an example. More than a thousand years ago, they claimed to have 300 masters of diamonds and ten stars. However, today, a thousand years later, everyone ’s impression of the dragon family seems to be Still at that stage, it seems that their masters are still only three hundred, but is this possible?

It can be said that even a thousand years ago, the dragon family not only had three hundred ultimate masters. With the characteristics of the dragon family, what can be revealed is always the tip of the iceberg.

Others may not know, but Xin Yun knows very well that even a thousand years ago, the ultimate force of the Devil Dragons has already surpassed the current Ka Family. Their ultimate masters have also crossed the Ka Family.

And the most terrifying thing is that everyone in the dragon family is proficient in the dismantling of the dragon ** Especially worth mentioning is that after the dragon's disintegration is performed, they will not die, but will lose 70% Strength, it takes 981 days to fully recover. Within these 1981 days, they only have 30% of their strength.

Even if it was placed a thousand years ago, the current Ka Family is absolutely incapable of defeating the Demon Dragons. Even if the Demon Dragons had only one thousand diamonds and ten stars, but don't forget, they can cast Demon Dragons at any time Disintegration **, temporarily promoted to Dragon King!

From the perspective of the exhibition, since the Ka family can cultivate thousands of diamonds and ten stars in a hundred years, then as an older brand, a family of magic dragons with stronger heritage and greater power, in this millennium time Inside, how many diamond ten-star masters can be exhibited?

Don't need to think about it, just calculate according to the degree of the Ka family, and calculate it according to one thousand per 100 years. Today, one thousand years later, the magic dragon family will also have at least 10,000 diamonds and ten stars.

Speaking of which, someone will definitely ask, since the dragon family is so powerful, why are they so low-key? Why not unite the world?

In fact, in some form, the dragon family has indeed unified the world, but ... they value human resources more. In the words of the earth, they unified education resources!

Almost all the children in all cities have to pass the examination of the dragon family. A little potential and qualifications will be absorbed by the dragon family. Of course ... almost all of them here are only 80% at most, but this is enough.

From the perspective of human resources, no force dares to argue with the dragon family. Any force that wants to get involved in this area will suffer a devastating blow from the dragon family.

The biggest feature of the dragon family is the inhalation of talents and the export of talents. All the people who are favored by the dragon family will receive the best training, excellent results, promising people will be left by the dragon family, and the remaining people It will be transferred out, and then Yan Qingying was bought by Xin Yun.

From this point of view, although the Ka family is called the golden family, but when it comes to the cultivation of talents, it can never be compared with the magic dragon family, and the difference is not a little bit. Today, their ultimate masters, absolutely It's impossible to have only about 10,000. As for how many, no one knows, only the seniors of the dragon family can understand.

Of course, it's not that the dragons are really invincible. Although the dragons are very powerful, they are too far away from invincible. Their nemesis is the sacred dragon!

Although the holy dragons can not show any dissolution of the demon dragon **, they are proficient in the ability and combat skills of increasing blessings. Through various blessings, they greatly enhance their strength. Most importantly, the holy dragons are resurrected!

For example, if a thousand sacred dragons meet a thousand demon dragons, the final result may be a two-fold loss. Although the sacred dragons cannot defeat the demon dragons who cast the disintegration of the demon dragon **, as long as there are still When a sacred dragon is alive, you can resurrect one another. From a certain point of view, the sacred dragon is equivalent to possessing an alternative seal, and will never really die. But their resurrection is In the form of capabilities.

Moreover, once the number of sacred dragons has passed a certain number, you can put on an angel battle, and the power sharing of each other is doubled. Even the demon dragons who performed the disintegration of demon dragons, don't dare to say that they will win!

Then there are the sand dragons. Although they do not have the ability to resurrect, and they will not disintegrate the magic dragon **, sand dragons are so troublesome, they are powerful and defenseless, and they want to defeat them easily, but they want to kill them. Death to them, it's really too hard too hard almost impossible.

The death sand dragon is already one of the strongest dragons, plus its unique characteristics, which makes it almost an undead dragon. The so-called death sand dragon refers to bringing death to the other party and itself, It is almost immortal.

However, although these forces are extremely powerful, they are very cautious. The reason why these powerful forces can exist for so many years is not with how strong they are, but with such a cautious attitude toward them! Until you understand the details of the opponent, you will never be blindly confident and warlessly!

Not to mention the reactions of the major forces, on the other side ... Xin Yun did not go back to the retreat directly after destroying the Ka family. Under the arrangement of Xin Yun, Chu Ruiwei quickly received all the secret family vaults of the Ka family. Zixia mainly accepted all the cities and gold mines under the Ka Family!

As for Kai Tianzong's own site, it only took a month to fully recover, and all the banks have started operations one after another, just changing places.

A long time ago, Xin Yun predicted that there would be such a day, so ... in each city, two backup sites were prepared. Once the bank was hit, they could immediately switch to another building and continue to operate. As long as the staff keeps up, everything else is not a problem at all.

After using the diamond fruit, Pokong began to impact the ten stars of the diamond to participate in the diamond competition in the second half of the year. As for Yiluo Xiang and others, there was no retreat for the time being. Accompanied by two girls, Xin Yun invited ten major players at the same time. The remaining nine families start to work for the next bank plan.

As for Ming Xuan, Xin Yun did not make any arrangements. His only task was to cultivate, not only to cultivate energy, but also to cultivate the five-colored **** light. You know ... this guy is the first in Kaitianzong's future, and his strength is not How can Qiang be made? How can it be less technical?

In the lobby of the headquarters at the top of the mountain, Xin Yun was the supplement, Yiluoxiang and Yan were lightly supplemented, and they met the patriarchs of the nine major families. At this meeting, the patriarchs of the nine major families were all together. Before the truth, everyone didn't want to offend Xin Yun, after all ... since Kai Tianzong can destroy the Ka family, naturally he can destroy any other family.

Although the potential power of the nine major families is not necessarily weaker than that of the Ka family, it is clear that even if they are stronger, they will not be much stronger. No one dares to be the enemy of today's Kaizong.

Of course, if you only take care of it, maybe everyone will not come yet, but Xin Yun ’s invitation letter is very clear, you ca n’t come casually, but Kai Tianzong has a clear love and hate. It depends on your choice.

In the face of such an invitation letter, although the major families were very angry, they really did not dare not to come. Before they could understand the truth of Kaizong, any hostility was foolish.

During the next week, the Nine Big Family and Kai Tianzong held seven meetings together. One week later, Xin Yun finally reached an agreement with the Nine Big Family!

According to the agreement, all cities under the nine major families will participate in the banking plan. The nine major families will provide venues and protection, and Kaitian Zong will provide personnel and money to complete the second step of this banking plan!

The reason why the nine major families are willing to sign the agreement is simple, that is, the benefits ... According to the agreement, the nine major families invest in venues and maintain law and order, accounting for 20% of the shares of city banks. All the proceeds, they will get 20% of the dividends.

Of course, the major families were unwilling to start with this distribution ratio, but after Yi Luoxiang's analysis, everyone was stunned. Although they were out of the venue and also responsible for maintaining safety, it was too little to say just investing. Compared with Kaitianzong's investment, 1o% of them are basically given in vain. Their contribution is only a maximum of 1o% of the shares. If this is not satisfactory, then there is no need to talk about it.

Everyone has seen the plan of the bank plan. Everyone knows the profit of the bank plan. There is no doubt that this is definitely the peak of the trade of wood for gold. The same weight of wood is almost It can be exchanged for the same volume of gold. It is absolutely impossible to have more profitable trading in this world.

It can be said that once the bank plans to successfully exhibit, the world's gold and silver will lose their circulation, and the circulation will be banknotes, and all gold and silver will be put into the hands of the bank.

Even though those banknotes seem to be owned by the people, the bank can confiscate the people's money at any time through depreciation and disguise. No need to do anything, only a single order can be used to collect the world's property.

Speaking of which, this friend may not quite understand. Simply put, there are too many ways for banks to market their money.

The simplest is to use the largest denomination block of a large bill, and then a hundred pieces, so that 90% of the people's money is looted! It is necessary to buy one hundred things before the original block. For a bank, a hundred dollar bill is more expensive than a ten dollar bill.

After the big money is over, then 5oo,, 10,000, 100,000, 1 million, according to Xin Yun's memory, the largest denomination currency on the earth is as large as 600 million!

In the history of Chinese currency, it is probably the largest denomination in the history of world currency. A gold coupon of "six billion yuan" was a gold coupon of the Xinjiang provincial bank during the Kuomintang government's reign in the mid-1930s. Because the government of the State Party abused banknotes, it formed a huge tomb-breaking financial system. "This caused hyperinflation. The actual face value of these 600 million yuan yuan notes was converted into gold yuan notes at only 10,000 yuan, and only 7o grains of rice could be bought in the Shanghai market at that time.

From here, I believe everyone knows the bank's earning channels, yes ... even if you are a rich man with 600 million yuan, you can instantly become a poor light egg with only 7o rice! This is the home of the bank!

In addition to increasing the face value, there is another way to promote new banknotes. Old banknotes are withdrawn from circulation, but they can be exchanged for new banknotes. Taking North Korea as an example, one yuan new banknote is exchanged for one hundred yuan old banknotes, and the face value of banknotes is forcibly reduced. In conversion, in fact, the people's money was forcibly plundered by 99%!

It can be said that whoever holds the bank will have the wealth. No matter how many years you earn, people can forcibly wipe out the world ’s money at any time. It is simple and easy. The method is not to increase the face value. Large bills, then small amounts of new coins, a large number of old coins for a small amount of new coins, and then a large denomination of banknotes ... in such a cycle, you can forcibly plunder more than 90% of the people's money.

Although Kaitianzong's bank plan is still not up to this share, it is clear that ... for the time being, the process of using the same volume of silver for gold has been formed. are you willing? That's more than ten times the net profit!

The Kar family is rich, right? However, compared with Kaitianzong's bank plan, the Ka family is nothing, and it can be described as poor light eggs. How could anyone be unwilling to deal with such a good deal?

Of course, everyone didn't think about implementing their own banking plan, but it was cancelled a little bit, because it was impossible, without chaos, they could not make money in large quantities, and even money could not be made. How to open a bank?

During the one-week meeting, under the leadership of Xin Yun, the patriarchs of the Jiutian family visited the banking plan promotion in major cities and heard the work reports of the presidents of the major banks, so ... After a week, all the families compromised .

2o% can't satisfy them, but everyone knows that even if it is 2o%, that's already more than double their investment. If you need more, it is impossible!

Of course, there is another reason for everyone to agree. The reason is very simple. Xiyun promised everyone that they can use gold for capital increase. For every amount of gold invested, they can own a considerable proportion of shares. They can own up to 6o% of the shares and realize the holding of banks in their region!

Seeing this, some people may say, has Xin Yun's head broken? Actually not ... Xin Yun's head knows better than anyone else. The era of the dragon is about to pass. No matter how great the achievements are, the collapse of the dragon is irresistible. Once the dragon is destroyed, can the so-called bank exist?

After the Dragon Age, it is the age of the Lich. For now, the Lich is just the blood of the Dragons. To put it plainly, food is the hatred of each other. It is hard to understand. In this case, the bank Can it be saved?

It can be said that the end of the Dragon Age is irresistible and impossible to retain when the bank plan is overwhelmed. Therefore ... Xin Yun's goal is not to make the bank last forever, but to collect the world's as soon as possible through the bank plan. Gold, repair the open axe, this is Xin Yun's only plan and goal!

Although on the surface, it seems that it has lost a lot of the shares it has given up, but in fact it is not. The bank is doomed to be destroyed, and the time will not be too long. In this case, the only thing Xin Yun can do is Collect the most gold through the bank in the shortest amount of time.

From this point of view, although the shares have been given up, the shares are actually false. The so-called shares will not allow Xin Yun to earn a penny less, but will use the shares to empty all the gold of the nine major families. The shares will be bought with gold, and when the shares are bought, the gold will be in Xin Yun's hands.

It can be said with certainty that before everyone's shares reach 6o%, the bank has already been destroyed, and even the entire Dragon family has been destroyed. Xin Yun, who is familiar with the future, is using imaginary shares in exchange for everyone's gold and nothing. Flowers, and got the shares of the nine major families, such a good thing, anyone will do it.

The nine major families are not stupid, they are terribly terrible, but they do not know the future, do not know the general trend, so their savvy, but they harmed them, if they knew that the Dragon family must be destroyed, knowing that the bank plan must be bankrupt, fools Will gold be used for shares?