MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 536 - 537: Unsettled

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In the form of dragons, they are at best just a bunch of rubbish, but when transformed into a totem form, everything is completely different. In the totem form, more consideration is given to the perception of the Tao, and these are exactly these guys' Strengths!

In the form of human beings, only one-tenth of the energy of the dragon can be exerted, but the power of magic weapons can be multiplied. In addition, their deep understanding and mastery of Tao can be said ... this will be a The strongest team, no team can compare with them! In terms of theory, knowledge, and understanding of the Tao, they are the first group!

After thinking about it for a long time, finally ... Xin Yun made the final decision. Since Rove doesn't want to, then it can't be said that this team can only be taken over by him. To be honest, this is the most important thing for Xin Yun. Support, otherwise, how could it be possible to give them the identity of their disciples without any credit? That ’s not a reward, it ’s a bundle, so they ca n’t go anywhere except to open Tianzong.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the weight of the one hundred guys together is definitely beyond the existence of the empty. If you must choose one of the two, Xin Yun will definitely give up the empty and choose this one hundred A horrible guy.

Before Wang Jie, in fact, he only paid attention to the accumulation of energy. After arriving at the Diamond Ten Stars, he was actually thinking about Taoism. Xin Yun was very clear about this.

Since the ten-star diamond master has not appeared for a long time now, so ... this secret has not been recognized by everyone, in fact ... when the ten-star diamond master appears in large quantities, everyone will find that energy is accumulated, this It's not that great. Given enough time, everyone can reach a considerable level.

But the perception of the Tao is not accumulated by time. You can realize it, you can realize it, or you ca n’t realize it. There is no reason to say that those who are good at accumulating energy must be eliminated in the end, and those Those who are good at understanding the avenue will inevitably become the top powerhouse later!

As for the Dragon King Masters, there are only a maximum of nine, and Pangu Sheli has only nine. The reason why Wang Ji Masters are strong is because Pan Gu Sheli contains a rule. After obtaining the Dragon Ball, this rule is obtained. After mastering the rule, Its strength can already be described by God, and any non-God is definitely not an adversary.

Since there was a decision, Xin Yun didn't want to drag on anymore. A series of orders were issued. Soon ... A hundred former Star Warrior members arrived in the main hall of Kaizongzong.

Watching the members of the Star Warrior who appeared in the hall one by one, Xin Yun sat expressionlessly there, until the last member arrived, Xin Yun got up and looked around slowly for a week.

Finally, Xin Yunchang took a breath and Shen said, "First of all, I want to announce one thing. From now on, Rove and his seven children will leave the Xingsu team and start to establish a blood-slaying team under Kaitianzong. ! "

"His ..." Hearing Xin Yun's words, all Star Wars took a breath of air at the same time. Although Rove hasn't said anything, but these guys have a fine stream of oil, how could they not feel Rove Regarding their attitude, even Rove could know what he thought, Rove had never covered up.

Over the years, these once-genius guys have become accustomed to all kinds of eyes, but they can't get used to everyone's contempt for them, and the mocking eyes when everyone looks at them, in fact ... the more so The more people can't stand such things.

However, I have to admit that Kai Tianzong was too appetizing for them, and all the conditions that they opened up were fantastic series, which is absolutely impossible for any other forces to give, and most importantly, others are not counted, As far as Xin Yun is concerned, they absolutely value and respect them, they can feel it, and they are very clear ... In fact, they have expected everything today, but they did not expect it to happen so quickly, everyone understands Rove cannot stay with them forever, because this guy has never valued them.

For a moment, the whole hall was silent. Looking at everyone's expressions, Xin Yun intentionally explained a few words, but then he smiled bitterly. There are no children and no childish existence. If you do n’t believe children, Xin Yun is not It will be said that it is an insult to everyone's IQ, and it also insults Xin Yun's own IQ.

Taking a long breath, Xin Yun exclaimed: "I won't talk about the extra ones. Many things are boring to say, but I hope everyone understands that no matter what others do, in my heart, you will always be the best! "

At the beginning of the speechless stage, all members of the Star Warrior stared at Xin Yun blankly. Everyone is an adult. They are all forty years old. They have seen too many. Everyone knows that Xin Yun is next. What I have to say is that the entire team must be disbanded. Before dissolution, the leader will certainly say so.

Looking at the blank expressions of everyone, Xin Yun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Hey ... don't you look at me like that? All I said is true, I really value you, in my eyes, You may not be now, but in the future, you must be the strongest! "

Having said that, Xin Yun became serious and looked at everyone saying, "I know, you must think I'm polite, and even suspect that I am talking nice, and then dissolve the team directly, but what I want to tell you is that this branch The team is what I value most, otherwise, it will not give you the identity of your disciples, so ... this team will not only dissolve, but the opposite ... from now on, this team will become my direct report The Legion, who is solely responsible to me, represents the majestic and supreme legion of the Emperor Kaizong! "

"What!" Hearing Xin Yun's words, although no one spoke, everyone's eyes lit up at the same time. In everyone's heart, they shouted wildly, and no one could believe their ears.

Looking at everyone's hot eyes, Xin Yun Shen Sheng continued: "From now on, the Star Wars will become the past tense. From now on, you will become direct and suzerainians, representing the dignity and glory of the Suzerain Suzeraint- Death Corps! "

"Death Corps!" Hearing Xin Yun's words, everyone was enthusiastically thinking about this eerie name, but the light in their eyes became brighter and sharper!

Looking at everyone's excited eyes, Xin Yun continued: "Everyone should understand that since I have made this decision, it can never be false, nor can it be to comfort you. In fact ... I still have faith in myself, trust me ... I won't joke about my glory and dignity, and I give it all to you just because I believe that you are unparalleled! "

Standing up slowly, Xin Yun growled and continued, "Of course, now you are not yet, the difference is too far away, but it doesn't matter. From now on, I will lead you forward together. I want to In the shortest time, let you be a force that trembles the whole world! How about ... tell me aloud! Do you dare to fight for this goal? "

"Dare!" Under Xin Yun's inquiry, there was no hesitation. A hundred roars from the heart burst out at the same time, suppressing and humiliating for so many years. As long as they were strong, nothing they dare not do. Since Even death has come home, so what can they be afraid of!

"Okay!" Seeing this, Xin Yun burst into a sigh and said categorically: "Since this is the case, from now on, I will lead everyone into the state of extreme overload cultivation. Within three years, everyone will arrive The diamond is ten stars, and someone is afraid, and I allow him to withdraw! "

Speaking of which, Xin Yun was silent and waited silently, but ... as time passed by one minute, one person never stood up. The members of the one hundred dead legion were all eyes bright. Looking at Xin Yun firmly, there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to get, and nothing to lose. In this case, what are you afraid of!

Seeing everyone's resolute gaze, Xin Yun nodded comfortably and said categorically: "Very good ... now that everyone has decided, then I can assure you that Kaitianzong will never pay for your contributions. You will forget that for every contribution you make, you will get a tenfold, a hundredfold return! "

Having said that, Xin Yunqiang took a breath, and then waved his hands loudly and shouted, "Okay, I won't say much if I don't need more. From now on, everyone will immediately enter the state of overload cultivation!"

With Xin Yun's order, one hundred members of the Death Corps turned aside and walked directly towards their respective training rooms. Now that a decision has been made, the next thing to do is to go all out It's all done!

Although many people know Dafa in the practice of overloading it, its huge harmful surnames and dangerous surnames that exist at any time make most people dare not ask questions. It can be said that once this practice method is used, It is dangerous to go into flames, and in the end it will take a lot of time and energy to make up for everything.

This is not the most important. The most important thing is that even if you know the method, even if you have the courage to do it, you may not have that condition. To enter the overload cultivation state, you need a lot of spirit stones or dragon crystals to support it. It can be said that ... In three years, to upgrade the strength from one diamond to ten diamonds, too many spirit stones need to be consumed. Each person consumes enough spirit stones to build a giant peak up to a kilometer!

To put it simply, this method is burning money, and it burns very hard. Even if other people want to burn it, only one or two people can burn it. No matter how many resources and materials are impossible to supply, Only forces like Kaitianzong who have infinite spirit stones can use it. For Kai Tianzong, there is no difference between spirit stone and dirt.

After one hundred members of the Death Legion entered the overload cultivation method, Xin Yun finally got free. For now, the partners are practicing in retreat, and the things that opened Tianzong are temporarily managed by Zixia. The bank With the help of Chu Rui again, Xin Yun can finally let go of everything and complete his plan.

After arriving at the Diamond Two Star and transforming the dragon totem, Xin Yun has met all the conditions and can rush to a mysterious realm where he will spend three years to upgrade his strength to the level of the Diamond Ten Star. !!

In fact, at every stage and in every realm, there are shortcuts to find. For example, Xin Yun's promotion to the diamond stage is based on the help of the water spirit fruit. With the help of the water spirit fruit, Xin Yun has not only reached the diamond stage quickly. What's important is that he also has a water spirit, which is only the highest talent lower than the innate water spirit.

After arriving at the diamond stage, according to the memory of the previous life, Xin Yun drove the Taiji map and rushed all the way to Zhoushan. Maybe someone asked, why is Xinyun going to Zhoushan? Are you going to look for the baby there?

No ... the facts are not the case. Everyone on the earth knows that Bu Zhoushan was transformed by Pangu's spine and connected to the earth. Later ... the foreman could not reach Zhou Shan, which led to the collapse of Bu Zhoushan. As a result, the water of the Tianhe River was poured back, and later the son-in-law was born. Make up.

Speaking of this ... I believe many people should understand, yes ... The place where Xin Yun is going is the heaven of the future, that is, the top of Zhoushan, using the water of the Tianhe River to refine the body and train the innate spirit body , And then draw the innate water aura in Tianhe to increase your energy and increase your strength to the diamond ten stars as soon as possible!

Like Shui Lingguo, this method only has an effect on Xin Yun himself. If he changes to another partner, this will not work at all. In the last life, Xin Yun only heard about someone trying to cultivate there. It is said that ... the aura of water there is beyond its limits!

If it ’s someone else, it ’s just a matter of hurrying ... I ’m afraid it ’s going to take me a long time. It ’s really hard to say whether it ’s worthwhile to practice there, but Xin Yun is different. With the Tai Chi map repaired to the fourth floor, For an instant, it was 18 million miles. It was so easy to use to hurry.

However, even so, it took more than three months for Xin Yun to rush past, and finally reached the summit of the Unstable Mountain.

In the last life, Xin Yun didn't actually come here, but Zhoushan is too high and the journey is too far. It takes too long to get here, and I ’m afraid that not many people have Have been here.

In the past, Xin Yun also imagined the top of the mountain, but how could he never imagine that a mountain was facing the sky, but what is the sky? How can the mountain top the sky? Confused ... very confused.

But now that he finally reached the top of the mountain, Xin Yun suddenly realized that everything was not what he imagined. After reaching the top of the mountain, it seemed as if he had reached another world.

Looking around, there are shrewd white clouds everywhere. Between the white clouds, flowers and trees are faintly visible. The deer and the rabbit run, the birds fly, and they are similar to the human world!

Of course, to say different, there are still, first of all, the sky here is deep blue, there is absolutely no cloud, the clouds are stepping on the feet, there is no above.

Secondly, there is no sun, but there is no lack of light. It is like the feeling of looking at the sky at night. I do n’t know where the light comes from, but it is not low. It's just not too bright.

The peak of Zhoushan is not sharp, but it is flat. Fangyuan doesn't know how many miles. It has no limits. Xin Yun knows that in the future ... this will be the place of heaven, whether it is the demon heaven court established by Dongyi Taiyi and Emperor Jun. , Or the heavenly court established by the emperor Jade Emperor, will be located here.

In fact, the so-called heaven court is just the peak of Zhoushan, just like the buildings located on the high mountains, except that ... Zhoushan is really too high, so high!

As for the Tianhe River, it is a huge waterfall spewing from the mountains of Zhouzhou. After the waterfalls converge, it forms the Tianhe River, which flows in the top of the Zhoushan Mountains, forming the Tianhe River. The water of this Tianhe River runs along the gap of the Zhoushan Mountain Penetrating down, reaching the human realm, forming a river on the ground!

In the future, once Zhoushan is hit and broken, the river will be poured down on this day, blowing into the wind and mist, and then heavy rain will fall, and it will be a heavy rain that will never stop, forming a flood throughout the entire flood! In the face of heavy rain that will never stop, how do living things survive?

The rain is not terrible. The horrible thing is that this rain is thousands of years old, so it is necessary to make up the sky. It is because of this that the son-in-law can be sanctified by virtue of making up the sky. ... She sacrificed herself and saved all living things in the world!

Except for the peak of Zhoushan Mountain, there is nothing else in this world, except for the white clouds. The most important thing is this Tianhe!

It is worth mentioning that although this celestial realm is just not the top of Zhoushan, its area is not small at all. In terms of area alone, it is thousands of times larger than the earth. After all, this is the world of floods, not after the floods are broken. Honghuang dust-the earth.

After watching the scenery of the heavenly court for a while, Xin Yun soon got tired of it. Besides the sea of ​​clouds, there was nothing unusual, so ... Xin Yun quickly rushed to the edge of the Tianhe River, and then went straight up the Tianhe River, heading upstream, toward The source of the water of Tianhe rushed past.

The Tianhe River is eight hundred miles wide and extremely deep. The water of the Tianhe River is flowing endlessly, and finally flows along the gap between the mountains and reaches the realm of human beings, and a part of it forms a cloud in the sky.

Going up against the current, Xin Yun soon found the source of the Tianhe River, and looked at it from a distance ... A silver waterfall rushed down on a cliff as high as ten thousand meters, and fell into a huge water pool below, watching it Like a giant silver waterfall with galloping horses, Xin Yun couldn't help but think of a poem-Fei Liu went down 3,000 feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days, but ... Here is the Fei Liu that went down ten thousand battles, and the real Milky Way is falling !!

It is worth mentioning that this Tianhe is also called the Milky Way. The reason is that the water of this Tianhe looks silver. Although it is not as strong as mercury, it is clearer!

(To be continued)

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