MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 476 - 477: Horror Rove

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When he was surprised, his heart jumped a little, Xin Yun frowned. Through the Taiji diagram, Xin Yun learned from Chu Rui that he came to her again after breaking the air. In the case of only nine days from the game, he must have There are many things to see Xin Yun. If you don't say good things now, it will be too late.

Since this time, Pokong has been entangled with Chu Rui, entangled in various ways, not to chase her, but to want to see Xin Yun, previously unable to contact, now finally contacted, Poken would not give up.

Facing the invitation to break through the air, Xin Yun moved a little, and then signaled that Chu Rui had broken through, and rushed directly here. There are some things that Xin Yun should let the break air understand.

The broken family is indeed tyrannical, but what about that? The world is always young. Although it is not the protagonist for the time being, the older generation is being eliminated, and young people are stepping on the stage step by step!

Xin Yun wants to let Pokong see it for himself. As the seventh family in the world, the vault of the Ka family, known as the gold family, is facing their looting, and they have succeeded. Xin Yun wants to let Pokong Take a look at this process with your own eyes, let him see with your own eyes the one hundred golden mountains belonging to the Ka family, are being plundered by them!

The reason for this is that Xin Yun is also thinking about it in the future. Once the Ka family can't hold it, he will definitely ask for help from other families. Once all the families are jointly suppressed, Xin Yun is not afraid, but he has to take care of it. Even if you can be immortal, no one dares to confront the whole world!

Once the ten major families join forces to resist Kaitianzong, the bank plan of Xin Yun will be stranded. Without the city under its control, it will not be possible to open a bank. Even if the bank is opened, it will be impossible to lose strong protection. .

Therefore, what Xin Yun has to do now is to show his strength. When the Ka family is like the top ten families to ask for help, it is also good for the other party to worry. Once the first family refuses to participate, other families will consider it. What the world's first family is unwilling to do, why should other families dare to do it?

The golden light flashed, Pokong and Chu Rui appeared in the mountain belly at the same time. As soon as they appeared ... they were blinded by the brilliant golden light, and looked at the pile of hill-like gold in shock, and they stayed completely Living.

"Oh my God! Where are you getting so much gold! My God ... Since you have so much gold, why should you make any bank plan, this ..." Faced with so much gold, Chu Rui is completely stupid. Already.

As for the emptying, I was surprised at first, but soon I came back to my right hand and took a piece of gold brick to take a closer look between my hands. After that, my broken body trembled violently and said, "Oh my God You really attacked the Kar family and even shot their vaults? "

When I heard the words were broken, Chu Rui was discolored. Although she knew that Kai Tianzong and the Ka family were facing each other, and she knew that Kai Tianzong was about to go to war, but seriously, she didn't expect that the battle would come so fast. , And achieved such brilliant results!

Facing the questioning in the air, Xin Yun calmly smiled: "The fact is already in front of you. Do you still need to doubt it? What about the Ka Family? I can't take it wrong! They attacked us first, we This is called self-defense counterattack! "

"His ..." He took a breath, shook his head violently, "No ... you didn't understand what I meant. I know that in principle, you are standing still, but do you know The inside story of the Kar family? They have a lot of experts, even if they are ten diamond stars, there are more than ten! "

"What!" Xin Yun was disappointed when he heard the words, and looked at the words: "How is that possible! Have there been masters with ten stars in this period?"

In the face of Xin Yun's words, he broke his head and nodded solemnly, saying earnestly: "Yes, of course there is ... Although in the perception of the average person, there is no master of diamonds in the world, but in fact, each The big family's law-enforcement team is eight stars, the suzerain is nine stars, and the elders of the major families are all ten stars! According to the information we have obtained, the ten elders of the Ka family are all ten star masters! "

In the face of breaking the air, Xin Yun's complexion changed again. According to the memory of the last life, the master of the ten stars of the diamond is not present, but now he wants to come, the world he contacted in the last life is too small, many things behind the truth He has no chance to contact.

On the surface, it seems that the seven diamonds are the highest, but in fact, there are eight stars, nine stars, and ten stars behind the top ten families, but they are only hidden in the world.

Of course, Xin Yun's worry is not that he will fail, but that he can't complete the expected goal. Once the opponent masters out, Xin Yun will not be able to complete the gold plunder plan at all. If this plan cannot be completed, Kaitian cannot be repaired as quickly as possible. Axe, if time continues, it will have a great impact on Xin Yun's future plans.

To put it simply, Xin Yun's plan is very clear. First, he must reach the diamond ten stars as soon as possible, and then go to the fantasy world to capture Pangu reli and become the nine masters. It is best that Rove can also succeed. In this way, the nine dragon kings will succeed. Five of the high-level masters are Kaitianzong. Until then, Kaitianzong was considered a real giant. Otherwise, even if everyone has reached the tenth level of diamonds, there will still be some concerns. Yes, even if it is not old but immortal, it is impossible to achieve new things.

If you want to live and moisturize, you must implement this plan, and if you want to achieve this plan, you must repair the axe as soon as possible. Only when the level of axe repair is high, the power of the four congenital treasures will be stronger and powerful. The magic weapon is an important prerequisite to reach the diamond ten stars as soon as possible!

Looking at Xin Yun's frown, Pokong worried and said, "You can succeed now, but once the Kar family reacts, there is no place for you in the world at all, the deterrent of the ten-star diamond master. Force is not something you can understand, in fact ... it is their existence that only the existence of the top ten families, we will consider each other.

Listening to the broken air, Xin Yun took a long breath and said to the broken air seriously: "Thank you, really thank you. If you do n’t tell me these things, my plan will be defeated. This kind of affection for me Make a note of it, and you will definitely be returned in the future. "

Hearing Xin Yun's words, he broke into the air suddenly, then shook his head and smiled: "This is nothing. If it weren't for you, I didn't have the opportunity to participate in this World Academy Challenge, now ... even if we evened it out . "

Facing the empty words, Xin Yun smiled and nodded: "I know ... you absolutely don't owe anyone anything, since you say to smooth it, it will be smoothed, but I have to Let me tell you, if you wipe it out like this, you will be very disadvantaged. "

Looking at Xin Yun with a smile, he broke the heart and said, "In this world, sometimes losing is just taking advantage. If you think of taking advantage, you may have a big loss."

With a smile, he nodded his head. The next moment, Xin Yun probed out with his right hand, and released the chaos tripod. The next moment ... Xin Yun's head, a dark yellow tripod slowly rose, the bigger and bigger, It did not stop until it became a three-meter-high, three-meter-diameter giant tripod.

The huge chaos tripod slowly flew out and moved over the hundred golden mountains. A huge chaos vortex appeared at the tripod mouth. With the emergence of the chaos vortex, above the golden mountain below, a piece of gold turned as if it had lost weight. Floating up, flying towards the huge vortex in midair.

"Wow!" Looking at the millions of nuggets slowly rising and floating in mid-air, Chu Rui clenched his fists in admiration, such a scene is really spectacular. If any financial fan saw it, fear The shock passed directly.

For a long time, Xin Yun did not release the Chaos Ding. The five mice actually only had five entrances. Although it can be used, it is far worse than the ability.

Under the full control of Xin Yun, the gold bricks on the surface of the Jinshan rose one by one and were thrown into the chaos vortex above. The golden mountains were thinning and becoming shorter at a speed visible to the naked eye, but even so, It takes about half an hour to empty all the BRICS.

During the admiring viewing, Rove frowned suddenly, then exclaimed: "Those guys came over, and they went out with me to intercept them. Never let an enemy break in until the suzerain has collected the bricks."

Hearing Rove's words, Yi Luoxiang, Yan Yanqing, Ming Xuan nodded at the same time, the golden light flashed ... The four of them rushed out of the cave and looked around. Thousands of amethyst masters were coming from all directions Rushing towards this side, the dragons covered the whole sky.

In the face of such overwhelming enemy forces, even the killing God Rove couldn't help feeling a burst of weakness. The combat power formed by thousands of amethyst masters is definitely not something anyone can underestimate, although in absolute Strength is not scary, but when the number is large enough, it will cause qualitative change!

In the face of the enemies slowly approaching, Rove snapped his teeth. What happened? Is it scary to kill God? Hehe ... wasn't he still asleep just now, couldn't he fight the battlefield with his subordinates? Now the opportunity is coming soon, if there is no fear of death, what is terrible?

For a while, Rove's eyes gradually turned red. Under the night sky, Rove's eyes shone with a bright light. Afraid ... He was really scared. What scared him was that he couldn't kill two more enemies. Life and death, that's no suspense. Tonight, Rove didn't plan to go back alive. This is not only for the pleasure of killing, but also for all the stars. Since they are all killed, then as them Rove is definitely not willing to live alone!

In contemplation, Rove didn't find that beside him, Rove's blood-sucking, perverted and excited expression was all taken into the eyes. Even with his empty courage and strategy, he still scared a cold sweat. , The hair of the whole body stood upright at the same time.

The so-called soft fear of hard, hard fear of horizontal, horizontal fear of death, and the killing God Rove has surpassed these three levels, this guy is not dead, you can clearly feel the break, Luo The husband was facing death, as if a hungry ghost who had been hungry for 100 years and had not eaten, and suddenly saw the whole Manhan table. The longing, the excited, the perverted face were deeply carved into the bottom of his empty heart. .

What kind of person is the most terrible? That's right ... when a person regards death as a naked and beautiful beauty, when he burns fire and can't wait to pounce on it, it is the most terrible, no matter who it is, even if the strength is higher than the opponent, it is impossible Don't be afraid of it!

In the midst of the horror, Rove waved and shook his hands to the crowd beside him: "Now you go back immediately and destroy the passage for me, as for those guys outside, leave it to me."

In the face of Rove's words, Yiluo Xiang and Yan Qingyi stunned at the same time, and then said nothing, and drove their respective dragons towards the entrance of the cave directly. Seeing this scene, Mingxuan hesitated, and then gritted his teeth, Turned around and chased the two women and rushed past.

Originally, Mingxuan also wanted to die here, but the World Academy Challenge is about to begin. Now he cannot die, even accidents cannot happen, and ... with their current strength of the crystal stage, it is difficult to be here It plays a big role in this kind of situation, even if it kills a few, it doesn't make any sense.

This battle has three or two targets. One is to avenge the Ka family, and the other is to show the strength of Kaizong in front of people all over the world. As for the third, the most important thing is for gold, for This goal, anything personal must be discarded.

For a while, only Pokong and Chu Rui remained beside Rove, and his head turned slightly. Rove licked his lips and said, "Why, do you want to stay?"

Facing Rove's inquiry, Frown frowned, Shen said: "Why, do you think I will become your burden?"

In the face of the broken words, Rolf Haha smiled and shook his head: "I won't despise anyone, but ... it doesn't seem appropriate for you to appear here, it's misleading."

"His ..." After hearing Rove's words, Pokong finally came back to God, yeah ... he is the heir of the first family in the world, and the words and deeds represent the entire family. If anyone is seen here, What would outsiders think?

This is not the most terrifying and terrifying thing. In this case, Rove's thinking is still so agile and clear, combined with his horrible strength and talent, and super Strong strength, such a person!

Originally, from the perspective of Pokong, among the five giants of Kaizong Zong, only this Luo Fu was slightly lacking. Although he was also a rare master, Pokai did not think he would threaten himself.

But now, after only a little contact with Rove, the feeling of breaking the air immediately changed. This guy is just a lunatic, and a lunatic with super arrogance and infinite wisdom!

So-called, a rogue is afraid of being cultured if he is not scary, and no one can hold back martial arts. Now ... Rove is a super rogue with fierce, intelligent, and superb martial arts.

For Rove, Pokong knows very well. He has also investigated the things that this guy has done. Pokong knows that in Rooff's eyes, life is no different from grass and mustard. He can do it. There is no frowning slaughter of billions of souls, and he has the ability!

A person who possesses overbearing strength, but also kills his surname, and is extremely clever, definitely has the existence of the devil series. Such a person would not dare to mess with even a large force. Such a desperate person, once provoked, is simply The consequences are endless.

Some people may say, why compare Rove to a rogue? Rove is a **** of killing, not a hooligan. In fact ... Rove is really a mix of young hooligans, and even today, even in the infinite future, his hooligan habits will not change.

In the battle, when encountering an invincible master, this guy will definitely not resist, but we can not hide the assembly. Rove's steel dragon is super fast and is one of the fastest dragons in the world. So if he made up his mind to run, no one would really catch up.

Once you ca n’t catch up and avoid the master Rove, you will recover from a hooligan to a **** of killing. He does n’t care about your strength, as long as he can kill, none of them will be let go. Such a terrible existence, Indeed, it can be called by killing God.

Between thoughts, thousands of amethyst masters are getting closer and closer, seeing this scene, a helpless sigh, nodded at Chu Rui, and suddenly ... a golden light flashed, the two figures disappeared at the same time In mid-air, at the same time, at the cave entrance behind, the cave completely collapsed in a loud roar, and the destruction of the cave by Yi Luoxiang and others had begun.

"Hoo ..." The harsh north wind whimpered across the mountain. In the fierce wind, Rove stood proudly in front of the ruined cave. Around him, thousands of amethyst masters were overwhelming. Squeezed over.

Taking a long breath, suddenly ... Steel Dragon's hundred-meter-long silver sword made no wind automatically, the silver-gray steel body slowly straightened, and the next moment ... Rove finally moved.

Suddenly, the smooth body of the steel dragon's surname turned into a silver lightning bolt, which rushed directly into the dense dragon group of the enemy, and then ... the eighteen thousand silver swords seemed to explode. , Fired in all directions, all nearby enemies were attacked by a dense sword rain at the same time!

At this moment ... Rove only has two ideas. One is to destroy as many enemies as possible and kill them quickly, and the second is to keep the hole open, and never allow anyone to dig the hole to win enough time for Xin Yun to move gold.

With Rove's attack, the surrounding dragons also became crazy instantly. Between the shadows of the dragon, countless attacks blasted towards Rove's position in a row, even if it would accidentally hurt his teammates. No matter!

In the words of the original Rove, in the face of such intensive attacks from all directions, although he can break out, he must be very embarrassed. Such an intensive attack did not leave any gap at all, and wanted to get away without damage. It's just a joke.

But now it ’s different. With the Taiji map, there is no place to escape in the world. In mid-air ... A golden light lit up like lightning. At the golden light flash, Rove had disappeared in place and appeared instantly. At another location a few kilometers away, at the same time, Rove's thousand-feather sword was split diagonally, and a dragon was cut off diagonally. The dead can't die anymore.

(To be continued)