MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-~ Chapter 408 - 410: Open day

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Although Xin Yun seems to have nothing on the betrayal of Slash and Kezhan, in fact, his heart has been blocked. Such a thing, no matter how many times, it is impossible to get used to it, on the contrary, every time it is experienced , But my heart will add a bit of depression.

Although Kezhan and Suzhe did not take the initiative to betray, it was only a matter of time. Xin Yun didn't want to give them a chance and wanted to make the other party not betrayal. One was to kill them, and the other was to release their relationship before they betrayed. , And Xin Yun chose the latter.

Of course, Xin Yun didn't think about killing these two guys directly, but the problem is that these two guys are just indifferent and have not betrayed. If it continues to be consumed, I do n’t know how long it will be betrayed. It is more likely It's been dragging on like this for a lifetime. This is obviously not what Xin Yun hopes for. Since the heart has been dissipated, why not stay!

They did not make any mistakes, so killing them would be unreasonable, but it would give people a sense of being unreasonable, but if they are not killed, they must always worry and always take care of them. Therefore, it is most important to directly dissolve the relationship. reasonable.

However, from the current perspective, after all, Xin Yun pointed them so much and helped them so many times. Generally speaking, Xin Yun only paid, but the other party did not give anything in return, so although Xin Yun didn't say anything , But the heart has always been very aggrieved, there is a feeling of being played, and this is exactly what Xin Yun hates most.

After many years of guidance from Xin Yun, there is no doubt that Ke Zhan and Su Zhe have already become masters, especially in terms of technology, they have reached the micro level. Although they are still very shallow, they already have masters. Practice on this basis, and now they have become a master, otherwise, how could they become the chief?

After registration is completed, the next step is the knockout round. One hundred and forty-one teams will catch and kill. The team won the championship until it is determined. The team that won the championship will represent Shanhai College and participate in the 30-year college. Challenge contest!

After understanding the participating teams, Xin Yun thought and walked towards the classroom accompanied by Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingqing. He didn't understand why he gave up when he broke the air? This is totally unreasonable.

Between thoughts, there was a stern silence in front, and when I looked up suddenly, I saw in the eyes, across the bluestone paved road, I broke my hands and walked towards this side step by step.

For the president of the college, everyone must make way wherever they go, so everyone subconsciously gave way from Qingshi Road, 141 teams, more than 400 students, all gave way. Only Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang, and Yan Qingying remained on the stone road, facing the slowly approaching empty space.

"Pattern ... patter ... patter ..." The crisp footsteps echoed on the stone road, and finally ... arrived in front of the three Xinyun, slowly raised their heads, and looked at Xinyun calmly. , But in his eyes, he shone with brilliant light.

After being silent for a long time, Xin Yun finally broke the silence for the first time and said Shen: "Why not participate in this challenge? I didn't find your name just now."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, a bitter bitterness slowly appeared on the empty and calm face, but the voice was still extremely calm, "I also want to participate, but ... I don't have a teammate."

"Eh?" Xin Yun was shocked when he heard the words. He couldn't understand the meaning of the words, and said in doubt: "How is this possible? How can you not have a teammate? With your identity and status, and strength, casually Shout, I believe everyone will stand up and choose for you! "

"Hey ..." Looking at Xin Yun deeply, for a long time ... He sighed in the air and continued calmly: "The team is friendly, but they can cooperate with me to defeat your trio, but none of them!"

Having said that, I broke the air for a moment, then flatly said, "Once you meet your squad, you only need to focus on defeating my two teammates, and then work together to fight against me. I will definitely lose. For There is no need to participate in a losing game. "

"His ..." The sound of broken air was not high, but it was not deliberately lowered. In addition, the strength of the surrounding students was very high. Therefore, everyone listened to the truth. For a time, everyone was shocked. Looking at Po Kong and Xin Yun, they couldn't believe their ears!

Who is Broken? That's the president of the hospital! A few years ago, he defeated the blue crystal of the two-star crystal with the strength of gold and three stars. Now, after a few years, the power of breaking the air has reached the six-star crystal. Its strength is not comparable to that year, but Still admitting that he is not an opponent, ask ... how strong are these three guys!

Xin Yun was stunned when he heard the words, but then he laughed and looked at the words with admiration: "I adore you a bit now, yes ... I'm not afraid of a god-like opponent, I'm afraid of a pig-like Teammate, being able to see this clearly shows that you have always been awake. "

With a terrible smile, Pokong sighed again and said: "This may be destiny, I have already figured it out. In this life, I will not have any teammates at all, some are only subordinates, subordinates, no matter What I am facing, I can only use my shoulder to resist, if I ca n’t, I have to give in. ”

At this point, a little break in the air, a smile on his face, continued: "But to be honest, you don't seem to be doing well enough in this regard, your follower seems to betray you."

Awkwardly scratched his head, Xin Yun was both ashamed and annoyed. Indeed ... In driving his subordinates, Xin Yun had not done well enough. He had tasted the feeling of betrayal in the previous life, but he still could not escape it, but the contrast was broken Regardless of the previous life or this life, it seems that no so-called betrayal has been encountered!

Looking at Xin Yun's look of shame, he broke into a smile and said, "Although I am not an authority, the family education I received from childhood told me that treating subordinates should be good for each other. Now your question is, you Only Schneider, but not enough deterrence, can't really make people return to heart. When someone dares to show betrayal in front of you, you have actually been betrayed.

Having said that, he paused for a moment and then continued: "The so-called rewards for merit and punishment for mistakes must be stated in advance. If betrayal does not matter, how can you blame others for betrayal? ? "

During the conversation, he smiled and patted Xin Yun's shoulder, then stepped back again, passed Xin Yun, and walked along the bluestone path toward the distance.

Standing blankly, Xin Yun's mind was constantly savouring the words that just broke, yeah ... I really do have the rewards, but what if I do? Do you want to punish? Or how did the punishment never exist? This is obviously unqualified. As Pokong said, since there will be no betrayal, then why not betray?

While thinking about it, Yiluo Xiang quietly leaned over and whispered: "In this regard, we really should think about it. It is very reasonable to break the air. The so-called anti-micro-stepping, we must specify the corresponding terms to restrict everyone Otherwise, once the wings harden, wouldn't all our efforts be wasted?

Taking a deep breath, Xin Yun nodded categorically: "I have no experience in this area, and I have no idea. Let's do this ... The two of you will handle this matter. Be sure to assign me a short time. A set of standard and comprehensive reward and punishment measures. Of course, some attackers will reward them, others will inevitably punish them severely, and never give anyone the slightest chance of chance.

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan Qingying smiled coldly: "There is no need to consider this matter. We only need to move the rules and regulations of the dragon family. In contrast, the rules of the dragon family are the most important. Rigorous, the most comprehensive, the most systematic, and the most terrifying,

That night, the three were together, and Yan Qingying listed all the reward and punishment systems of the Demon Dragons, but ... the reward and punishment system of the Demon Dragons was too scary, more suitable for evil factions, and not suitable for Dragon Gate. So some improvements must be made.

Taking advantage of the three days before the trial, Xin Yun and the three gathered together, constantly repairing and perfecting, distinguishing between the past and the past, and treating each of them separately, so that the dragon gate can be rewarded for its achievements and must be punished! It can be said that the new reward and punishment system has included all the actions of the members of the Longmen within the scope of the investigation, and it has been extremely perfect and has an extremely system that forms an absolute system.

Then, in the early morning of the fourth day, Xin Yun convened all the members of the Dragon Gate together and solemnly promulgated all the reward and punishment measures. From the moment of promulgation, all the measures were implemented immediately.

Early in the morning ... In the huge hall, thousands of Longmen members gathered together, but no one made even the slightest sound, everyone was waiting silently, waiting for the leadership to appear.

Those 365 apprentices and 12 ambassadors are okay. This is their hometown. Everyone here is very familiar with everything here, but for those who belonged to the mad dragon gang, Everything here is just dreamlike.

The rich and aura that is about to materialize, the colorful spirits in the mountains and the mountains, the environment like a fairyland, everything is not in the earthly world. Even in dreams, there has never been such a fairyland!

In Reiki, everyone held their breath, fearing that their voice would break the tranquility here. For these people, it was the first time in their lives that they were so quiet.

After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, finally ... in the crisp footsteps of the party, guarded by Xin Yun, a group of senior leaders of Longmen stepped out from the inner door and took their seats under the watch of everyone.

After having settled, Xin Yun slowly scanned the whole week and looked at it. The closest ones were the management staff, and further away, the twelve apostles under the lightness of Yan and the three hundred under the declaration of Ming Xuan. Sixty-five apprentices, and later, are the 340 masters of the Amethyst Order of the Crazy Dragon Hall, and the strong ones of the 600 Crystal Orders. For the Crazy Dragon Hall, the Crystal Order is the lowest level of existence. , No matter how low, it is not eligible to join Crazy Dragon Church.

After about a calculation, the members of Longmen have approached 1,500 people. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun frowned and turned to look at the mad dragon church master, the mad dragon iron war, and said at the same time: " Are all the members of Crazy Dragon Hall entering here this time? "

In the face of Xin Yun's inquiries, the iron war did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly stood up, respectfully saying, "Yes, all of them are regular disciples, and those non-staff members did not come in."

Nodded with certainty, Xin Yun closed her eyes slightly, and quickly discussed with Yiluo Xiang, Yan Qingying, Ming Xuan, and Luo Fu through Tai Chi, and Xin Yun opened it again after many minutes. Eyes and faces are full of firmness.

After clearing his throat, Xin Yun said: "The Gang of Ten, the Gate of One Hundred, the School of Thousands of People, and the Education of Ten Thousand People. Now that our full members have broken through the threshold of one thousand people, it is no longer appropriate to call it Dragon Gate. and so……"

After talking about half, Xin Yun paused for a moment. After glancing for a week, Xin Yun cried out: "From now on, the title of Dragon Gate will become history. From this moment, we officially renamed it-Kai Tianzong!"

"What! Open Tianzong!" After hearing Xin Yun's words, the scene was chaotic, and everyone was surprised to discuss. Obviously ... everyone was very excited. You must know ... that you can name Zong, But a qualification, a pride!

Although it is said that there are thousands of sects and tens of thousands of people, it can't be said that sects are larger than sects, but ... sects are external, and what they pay attention to is a word, which is the so-called missionary, and sects are internal teachings. Is the ancestor's ancestor! From a certain perspective, Zong is still above religion, and religion is above religion.

In fact, to be honest, Zong and Jiao were the same before, but they were different in form. The teaching is about teaching and no class. Everyone can teach. The more people learn, the better. sect.

The clan is different. It pays attention to the inside and has the meaning of the clan. The so-called transmission of the inside but not the outside and the transmission of the son but not the woman are the ideas extended by the clan and the essence of it!

The same exercise method, if it is placed within a sect, the object of preaching is the world, but if it is placed within a clan, it is only open to members of the clan. The so-called non-clan, its heart must be different, as long as Those who are not clan will not be taught to you by death. If anyone steals the knowledge, it must be hunted to death, and the clan must not be learned from the outside world.

Once a sect is established, it is impossible to establish a religion anymore. It can be said that the sect is a limit. To some extent, the sect and religion are actually two branches extending from the door, but they are the same existence. Only one is broad, facing all beings, and one is narrow, only for one family.

The reason for the name of Kaitian is that Xin Yun and others also considered it. Although the five a priori treasures that Kaitian axe evolved are not very powerful and the level of repair is too low, but this is a promising future and the basis of the clan existence. Therefore, in the name of Kaitian, it sounds nice and contains a certain true meaning. Everyone passed the surname.

In addition to Kaizong, there are actually other names, such as the immortal dragon family based on the seal, or the old dragon family, but they have been rejected, for nothing else, mainly because it sounds a bit evil.

After the Longmen was changed to open the Tianzong, the Crazy Dragon Church could not exist anymore. The so-called Tang exists for the gangs and sects. Under the name of the Zong, it is impossible for the Tang to exist. Therefore ... Kuanglongtang officially changed its name to Klonglong!

In addition to the mad dragon family, the original 365 apprentices are designated as the Tianlong family, corresponding to the 365 day demon, in order to set up the Zhou Tianxing array.

In addition to these two groups, Xin Yun established the Undead Dragon Clan. The Undead Dragon Clan is the top one in Kaizong Sect. Currently there are only a few dozen members, that is, the members who existed at the earliest time when the Axe Gang was established. Originally ... … The quick cut and the smash fight should be among them, but now they have betrayed, and now naturally they are not qualified to be here.

Facing more than a thousand people in the hall, Xin Yun Shen said, "The undead dragons are the supreme one in Kaitian Sect, the elites of the clan elite, each of them is a loyal member and does it for the clan. You have to make a huge contribution before joining. "

Having said that, Xin Yun paused for a moment, then continued: "All members who join the Undead Dragon Clan will be given the source of immortality, immortality and eternal existence!"

"Woo ..." Everyone was exclaimed when they heard Xin Yun's words. In fact, everyone has already spread the word about this, but they have never distinguished between true and false. Now he heard Xin Yun directly admit it. Everyone is overjoyed, and being able to live forever is almost the ultimate pursuit of everyone.

However, it is very difficult to become a member of the undead dragon family. Firstly, it must be a diehard, secondly it must make a huge contribution, and finally it must have strong power. It is indispensable, but think carefully, only This is the most reasonable.

Subsequently, Xin Yun continued to promulgate a series of provisions, the reward and punishment measures reached the limit in detail, and the clan contribution has become the thing most people desire.

It is easy to get clan contributions. Clan will issue a large number of tasks, such as collecting medicinal materials, collecting hardware, or other tasks. After completing them, you can redeem the clan contributions. More work, more work, less work, less work.

After the clan contribution is obtained, not only a bunch of data is obtained, but it can be used. You can use the clan contribution to redeem the elixir refined by the clan, you can also use the contribution directly to exchange money, and you can even use your own contribution to issue tasks. As long as the contribution is large enough, people of clan are naturally interested. In a way, clan contributions are basically almighty. Money can be bought, clan contributions can be bought, and money ca n’t be bought. The most valuable reason is that clan contributions are only useful. Clan contributions can be bought.

Relative rewards and punishment are also specified in detail. Here are no examples. In short ... As long as you do anything unfavorable to the clan, you will be punished ten times, and you will never be tolerated. As for the betrayer, except to clear the clan In addition to contributing, in order to keep the clan's secrets, they will hunt to death!

It can be said that as long as they do not betray the clan, they can also be resurrected. Once they have betrayed the clan, they will die sooner or later. Facing this situation, I believe few people will betray.

After spending a whole day, Xin Yun promulgated the reward and punishment test in detail. After the meeting, the printed reward and punishment measures were distributed to everyone's hands. After all ... such a long reward and punishment measure, There is no way to back it alone.

With the promulgation of the reward and punishment measures, the entire Kaitianzong finally entered the right track. Everyone knows what to do and what to do to get clan contributions. At the same time, it knows that what is forbidden is forbidden. It is very important, and even determines success or failure.

With the announcement of the reward and punishment measures, everyone's work efficiency has more than doubled in an instant. When going out to collect medicinal materials, one person could only collect 50 copies a day, but now all of them exceed 100 copies. After all ... more Too much work and less work, when work and performance are linked, they lose themselves if they don't work hard.

After the promulgation of the reward and punishment measures, the three Xin Yun did not dare to delay, and rushed directly to Shanhai College. This morning, the trials will officially begin. To participate in the college challenge competition, they must win the college trials. to make.

One hundred and forty-one teams were divided into forty pairs to kill, and the extra team was taken by turns. After the draw, Xin Yun's team did not draw that round.

The game was divided into ten venues. Seventy teams' matches only needed seven rounds to end, so one morning was enough, while Xin Yun's game was scheduled around 10 am.

For the other teams, Xin Yun didn't pay much attention. This is not arrogance, but something that can't be helped. After all ... his time in the college is too short. He doesn't have a basic understanding of the masters of the college. Not paying attention.

Originally, Xin Yun could learn a little bit about the situation from the quick cut and the fight, but these two guys betrayed, and naturally it was impossible to ask, so Xin Yun is basically completely strange to the players of the Shanhai Academy.

If it is said that the three of them are invincible, it is a joke. In fact ... the biggest problem in breaking the air is that there are no friends, and people with a little strength have their own teams. Not many can break into the air. However, he couldn't form a team, and he couldn't make it high. He couldn't find a suitable teammate, so he couldn't participate in this game.

For this game, Xin Yun has no bottom. What is certain is that the last player who can qualify is either the arrogant boy of this type or the existence of ten crystal stars. There is no point and it is absolute. We ca n’t get to the end. Even with the current luxury equipment of the three of Xin Yun, Xin Yun is only 60% sure at most. After all ... the genius in this world is not only a few of them, not to mention the strength. The other party is eight or nine stars behind!

While thinking about it, a sound of footsteps rang next to him. At the same time, Xin Yun felt that the two somewhat familiar breaths were gradually approaching, and when he turned his head to look, he saw Su Zhan, Ke Zhan, and a man he had never seen before. The guy is walking slowly towards the entrance and it is clear that this game is theirs!

With a frown, Xin Yun still knew about the quick cut and the war. In a strict sense, these two guys were originally trained by Xin Yun to be used by special talents, and they were not suitable for head-to-head confrontation.

To put it simply, the combat is a role similar to the Katyusha rocket artillery. It must be under heavy protection to exert its maximum power. Under the dense artillery fire, it can cause huge casualties in a very short time. When he got to the ring, this guy was basically abolished.

Besides speed cut, this guy is used for close-up guards. The combat strength in close-up situations is still very strong, but as long as the distance is opened, the speed is only a faster target. For the master, Unless there is a special ability, otherwise the speed is equal to zero. Taking Yiluoxiang as an example, you can lock his figure, soul shock, soul flogging, soul cutting, and a series of abilities. I am afraid this guy will immediately It's over.

At the same time, the characteristics are too prominent, and the disadvantages are bound to be very huge. In the face of such a combination, Xin Yun has at least a thousand ways to defeat them instantly. Even if the remaining person is empty, this result will not There are no changes.

Special talents must be used specially, they must be placed in a special place, and they can be used at a special time. It can be said that the power is absolutely horrible when used in the right place, but if it is not used in the right place, it will be nothing respectively.

For example, if you want to destroy Kazakhstan and quickly by destroying a city, you only need to quietly stab your foot on the mountain next to the city, and then prepare for a period of time to instantly burst out Kazakhstan ’s ability to launch towards the cities below. The violent bombardment shifted the position immediately after the bombardment. Before the enemy arrived, with the Taiji map, he arrived at another location and started the bombardment again. If he turned around several times, even a very large city would instantly become fly ash.

But now, Xin Yun has taken back the Taiji chart. After losing the Taiji chart, even if these two guys are still so powerful, they dare not do it. Even if they do, they can only do it once, and then Will be blocked there, brutally slaughtered, there will be no second time.

While Xin Yun gazed at each other, Su Zhe and Ke Zhan also noticed Xin Yun at the same time, their faces changed slightly. The two pretended not to see Xin Yun, and walked towards the waiting room with the man named Carmen.

"Huh ..." Seeing this, Xin Yun just sighed secretly, Yiluo Xiang just bit her lip, but Yan Qingqing was not the case. Looking at the back of the three, she grunted a cry, and the sound of Big, I believe those three guys can hear it.

Hearing Yan Qing's cold hum, Su Zhe and Ke Zhan shivered at the same time, but they did not turn back, but the guy named Carmen quit, and immediately stopped when he heard Yan Qing's cold hum. Footsteps, seeing this scene, Su Zhe and Ke Zhan hurriedly took the first few steps, holding the guy's arm left and right, and put it in his ear, saying something quickly.

Facing the persuasion of the two guys, the man named Carmen was obviously reluctant, and broke his arms sharply, turned around, and walked towards the three of Xin Yun with a serious face.

Until he walked in front of the three, Carmen stopped and looked at the three of Xin Yun up and down, then raised his chin and proudly said, "Why, are you dissatisfied with me? Why are you cold to me? Humph!"

Listening to Carmen's provocation, Xin Yun smiled and touched his chin, looked up and down this guy, I don't know why, this guy always gave him a familiar feeling, but when he thought about it, it was completely useless.

Seeing Xin Yun smile without saying a word, Carmen seemed more proud, proudly said: "I know that Su Zhe and Ke Zhan follow me and you are very depressed, but you should understand that good birds choose wood to live, and wise men choose the Lord. Waiter, since I am better than you, it is natural for them to follow me. Even if you are ashamed, you must recognize it! "

"Eh?" After hearing the other's naked humiliation and provocation, Xin Yun finally frowned, and looked at the other in a puzzled way, "Have we offended you? Why are you so hysterical!"

"What!" When Carmen heard what Xin Yun said, Carmen trembled, and then looked at Xin Yun tremblingly. Carmen gritted his teeth and said, "Don't pretend not to know me, the shame you gave me back then. , I will definitely ask for it, definitely! "

"Sweat ..." Looking at Carmen in dismay, Xin Yun bitterly said, "I'm sorry, I'm serious. I really don't remember when I offended you. Can you remind me?"

After hearing Xin Yun's words, Carmen seemed to be convinced that Xin Yun was pretending to be stupid and angry, and his body was shaking violently. He reached out to Yiluo Xiang and shivered, "Remember? I once told you, don't be small Look at me, otherwise, you must regret it. From now on, the shame you gave me, I will pay back one by one ... "

"Pop!" Without waiting for Carmen to finish his words, Carmen's big hand pointing straight at Yiluo Xiang was drawn away in a clear applause. When Carmen turned his head and looked around, he saw it, Xin Yun Gritting his teeth, Sen Han said, "Who the **** are you talking about? I don't want to say anything, I'm willing to help you chop it down!"

His hands were snapped away, Carmen first stunned, and then recovered his smile with a smile, without any anger, and looked at Xin Yun comfortably: "I said, how could I not be angry, but ... the more you ... The more angry I am, the happier I am. "

Having said this, Yiluoxiang suddenly remembered something, quietly leaned against Xinyun's ear, and muttered quickly, then backed away, and when he heard Yiluoxiang's words, Xinyun could not help but reveal the surprise. color.

Looking at Carmen speechlessly, Xin Yun smiled and said, "Who do I think it is, it is the King of Wings-Carmen! Well ... I remember what happened, but to be honest, I didn't expect it. You have such a small amount of energy. "During talking, Xin Yun shook her head, her face full of disdainful expression.

This wing king was encountered when the three of them joined the Dragon Academy and challenged the chief throne. At that time, Xin Yun did not want to grab the two girls and gave up directly, but Yiluoxiang and Yan lightly appeared to exercise themselves. Arrogance and arrogance, trying to force out the full potential of the opponent, as a result ... offended everyone, including this Carmen.

(To be continued)