MTL - Wulin No.1 Middle School-Chapter 97

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After arriving at the station, the two dragged their luggage out.

"Xiao Lan, I'm here." Zhao Qinghong waved at the exit, and when someone approached, she found a boy standing beside him, looking up at him, "Xiaofeng, why are you here?"

Yu Tingfeng looked at her, and thought that this aunt was no longer an ordinary aunt, but an aunt who would become his future mother-in-law, so he bowed deeply and shouted forcefully, "Hello, auntie."

Everyone around looked over, Zhao Qinghong was taken aback, then smiled and patted his head: "You are so polite, so good."

Song Zhaolan said: "He was traveling, so we came back together."

Zhao Qinghong did not doubt that he was there, and on the way back she kept asking about her studies in the winter camp. When she asked about board and lodging, Yu Tingfeng couldn't help interjecting: "Auntie, you don't even know, what they care about is a strict Ah, there is only half an hour to eat, and the rest of the time is in the classroom, and there are so many homework, I can’t finish it until midnight!"

After speaking, there was a moment of silence in the car.

Song Zhaolan: "..."

Zhao Qinghong asked suspiciously: "How do you know that their camp is strictly controlled and they have to stay up until midnight?"

Yu Tingfeng was dumbfounded.

Song Zhaolan explained: "He visited the camp once and saw that we had a lot of homework, so he used exaggerated techniques."

"Well, what time do you go to bed at night?"

"Twelve o'clock." Song Zhaolan said.

Usually at twelve o'clock, the last two nights I slept out, and I didn't fall asleep until two or three o'clock.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhao Qinghong said distressedly, "Go back and make you some soup, so you can make up for it."

Yu Tingfeng: "It is really necessary to make up for it."

Song Zhaolan: "..."

"Xiaofeng, come back after dinner at our house." Zhao Qinghong invited, and Song Zhaolan also looked at him.

Yu Tingfeng really wanted to go, but he still refused. Yu Huan was also very busy in the store these two days, and he had to go back to help out as he was preparing for the Chinese New Year. But after refusing, he still said thoughtfully: "I will definitely come next time, as long as Auntie doesn't hate me."

"How can I hate you when I'm fine?" Zhao Qinghong laughed.

It was New Year's Eve two days later, and Zhao Qinghong got up early in the morning to prepare lunch, because Song Nian had to go on duty in the evening, so the lunch was extra rich.

The family toasted and said a few words of blessing to each other before starting to eat.

After the meal, Song Zhaolan started to write homework for the school's winter vacation again. During the period, he called Yu Tingfeng and learned that he and Yu Huan had gone to Ma Jingyang's house to celebrate the New Year.

It is said that the former Yu Tingfeng didn't like Ma Jingyang at all, and he didn't agree with this middle-aged couple being together. It wasn't until half a year ago that the relationship eased, and the two families sat together for a reunion dinner.

"It's great, how lively are the people?" Song Zhaolan smiled, and heard someone calling "Brother" and said, "Congratulations, you have an extra little sister."

"Hmph, I don't like her."

"I quite like it, can I see her?" Song Zhaolan changed to a video call, but was hung up by Yu Tingfeng.

He played a few more times, but the other party hung up without saying a word.

He sent a WeChat message: [Why didn't you answer? I'm going to be angry]

Yu Tingfeng: [decay.jpg]

Song Zhaolan dialed again, this time Yu Tingfeng finally answered. The next moment, he knew the reason why Yu Tingfeng refused to answer.

I saw a little girl standing behind the boy in the picture, braided him a few upside-down braids, and put a few blingbling hairpins on his head.

Yu Tingfeng wept with a mournful face.

Song Zhaolan: "..."

Yu Tingfeng stared at him for a while, and said, "Laugh if you want."

"I'm sorry." Song Zhaolan laughed directly, and finally lay down on the table with a smile.

"Ah, it's the beautiful brother!" Yaya saw the person on Yu Tingfeng's phone, and leaned over to him to stare at the screen, "Brother, can I talk to the beautiful brother?"

"It's just you who have a lot of things to do." Yu Tingfeng impatiently moved the phone a little in front of her.

"Brother, you are so beautiful." Yaya immediately said to Song Zhaolan, pouting as she was about to touch the screen, "Bobobobobo."

Yu Tingfeng:!

Yu Tingfeng immediately turned off the video.

Song Zhaolan: "..."

A moment later, WeChat received a new message.

Yu Tingfeng: [Leave her alone]

Yu Tingfeng: [Bobobobobobobo]

Yu Tingfeng: [My Bobo is the authentic one]

Song Zhaolan: [kiss.jpg]

Yu Tingfeng stared in disbelief at the Kiss Minions in the dialogue box, his face flushed, and he covered his face and laughed silently.

After dinner in the evening, Song Nian gave Song Zhaolan the red envelope in advance, and then hurried to work at the police station.

Song Zhaolan watched the Spring Festival Gala with Zhao Qinghong for a while, and then simply took homework to the living room to do.

At ten o'clock, he saw that Zhao Qinghong had fallen asleep sitting on the sofa, and walked over to turn off the TV.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Qinghong immediately opened his eyes and snorted, "I'm not asleep yet, don't close them."

Song Zhaolan: "..."

Half an hour later, the phone rang. He glanced at the caller, picked up the phone and went back to the room: "What's wrong?"

"Come out to play." Yu Tingfeng said loudly.



For some reason, Song Zhaolan walked to the window and saw a figure standing under the street lamp, who waved at him.

Song Zhaolan put away her mobile phone, just walked to the door, ran back to the room to get her things, and then ran outside: "Mom, I'm going out to play for a while."

He ran all the way downstairs and flew towards Yu Tingfeng.

Yu Tingfeng opened his hands, hugged him, and asked curiously, "Why did you seem to have grown wings just now? Are you an angel?"

Song Zhaolan let go of his hand speechlessly, picked up the scarf in his hand, and tied it around his neck: "I misread it, it's this."

Yu Tingfeng touched the scarf and said with a smile, "It's really warm."

"where to play?"

"I don't know, just stroll around? Oh, by the way, isn't there a park near your place?"

The two walked along the road to the park, when they came across a shop selling fireworks, Yu Tingfeng stood among a group of children, picked out a few boxes and ran back, and began to study: "I heard from that kid that this kind of fireworks is called throwing firecrackers. "

He took one and threw it on the ground, and there was a "bang".

"Hey, if this is used as a signal flare, it would be pretty bluffing." Yu Tingfeng gave him a few, "Try it too."

Song Zhaolan habitually used her own palm and threw it out gracefully.

"Cool." Yu Tingfeng also held the throwing cannon between his fingers, and threw it out with Qianfeng Finger.

Song Zhaolan got excited and kept showing off his martial arts with him, and the two "martial arts" with throwing cannons on the road.

After one box was dropped, Song Zhaolan thought about the previous question again: "Our martial arts are really similar in some places."

"I have this feeling too." Yu Tingfeng wondered, "Who is your master? Is it the unreliable person who made up and taught you how to find a lover?"

Song Zhaolan smiled.

It is a secret that he has been keeping under his tutelage, because the master does not allow him to tell others. But the master also said that enemies and lovers can know the secrets. He resolutely told his lover: "There is no reason for the teacher."

"Master without a reason? Such a familiar name..." Yu Tingfeng muttered several times, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, "Is this the elder brother who is immortal and has no reason?!"

"Master has no fate?"

"Well, do you still remember what I said about the two kings of Meishan before? The younger brother who went astray and went mad is precisely Shi Wuyuan, who was imprisoned/imprisoned in the Devil's Valley by my parents." Yu Tingfeng said.

Song Zhaolan recalled for a moment: "He seems to have taught you martial arts?"

"I used to be thrown into martial arts competitions with him. Every time he beat me half to death, he stopped at the last moment, and before he died, he insisted on passing all his internal energy to me." Yu Tingfeng didn't know what to hate He still thanked him.

"Master never told me that he has a younger brother."

"Then what did he say?"

"He wants a lover."


"However, he told me the news of my parents' death. He said that when he was passing by, he saw that the Demon Sect had killed my parents, so he asked me if I wanted to practice martial arts." Song Zhaolan said.

"Your parents died in the Devil's Cult. He couldn't just pass by. He should have gone to see his brother, but he never showed up. Shi Wuyuan was still thinking about his brother until his death." Yu Tingfeng said.

"No wonder Master said that someone might defeat me." Song Zhaolan looked at Yu Tingfeng, "Master must know your existence."

Yu Tingfeng: "If he goes to the Devil's Valley often, then it is very likely that he will know me, after all, I am the most handsome man in the Devil's Valley."

Song Zhaolan: "..."

Song Zhaolan glanced at the few fireworks left in his hand, took them over and lit them, and said solemnly, "Master, thank you for your many years of teaching."

Yu Tingfeng also lit one, and said: "You two brothers can live well in that world, and don't keep in touch with each other. We are all brothers, so why bother."

Passers-by looked at the two of them in amazement, and saw their New Year's Eve saying strange things to the firework sticks, almost frightened to death, and hurried away.

The next day, both of them were dragged around by their parents to pay New Year's greetings. For the first time, Song Zhaolan faced so many relatives who asked him about his academic performance and asked him to show off his talents.

He showed a set of boxing techniques, which stunned his relatives for a while.

He told Yu Tingfeng about this on the phone, and Yu Tingfeng also said that he had encountered a talent show.

Song Zhaolan: "Then what did you perform?"

"I asked them if they wanted to watch empty-handed catching/bombing and toes peeling garlic, and they walked away disgusted, saying that the taste of the new year was too strong."

"..." Song Zhaolan said, "You added the year character yourself."


After praying for three or four days, Song Zhaolan received a call from Xue Canming.

"Half price for students at the playground tomorrow! Everyone is going, are you going?" Xue Canming asked excitedly.

"Go." Song Zhaolan was tired of acting, and urgently needed to escape the tragedy of New Year's greetings.

After he told Zhao Qinghong about the matter, he also emphasized: "In two days, I will go to the winter camp again. If my mentality is too tense, accidents may happen. I want to relax with my friends."

How dare Zhao Qinghong refuse, and sent him home in person.

The next day, he came to the gate of the playground and met his friends whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Everyone has arrived, except for the members of the Wulin League, and Ji Xiuyuan.

A group of people went to line up to buy tickets at the door, but unexpectedly they ran into acquaintances.

As soon as he walked into the line, the person standing in front of him turned around, and the two looked at each other.

"I'll go, Yu Tingfeng, why are you here?!" Xue Canming showed his head from behind.

Sun Yicheng, who was standing in front of Yu Tingfeng, turned his head, turned his head to look over, and asked in surprise, "Are you following us?"

Both people and horses found each other, and showed surprised expressions at the same time.

"Fart, who is going to follow you." Xue Canming said.

Sun Yicheng: "Then why do we keep running into you? We went to climb the mountain, and you also went to climb the mountain. We came to the playground, and you came too. Isn't this stalking?"

"The devil knows that you are going to come here! If we had known that you would come here, we would..." Xue Canming thought for a while, and said arrogantly, "We will still come here, how about it! This is your home. Why? Why can’t we come if you can come?”

Sun Yicheng: "Stalker!"

"Xue Canming, let's stop wasting our tongues with him." Wu Xiaoyu persuaded, "Let's say what they say."

Tu Minghua also comforted Sun Yicheng: "They really don't necessarily follow us, and there are no spies among our people. They can't possibly know that we will come here, so it's just a coincidence."

Sun Yicheng was convinced.

In this brief quarrel, only Song Zhaolan and Yu Tingfeng remained silent, trying to reduce their presence.

In fact, last night Song Zhaolan told Yu Tingfeng that he would come to the playground to play. Yu Tingfeng mentioned in their group that the amusement park is half price, and someone immediately organized it, so there was an unexpected meeting between the two groups today.

After checking the ticket, Xue Canming led his companions to go in the opposite direction from the Demon Cult, in order to thoroughly clear the fact that he was not a stalker.

Song Zhaolan and Yu Tingfeng had to follow their respective teams, and when they lined up listlessly, he received a message from Yu Tingfeng, who sent a location.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you guys go play first." Song Zhaolan made an excuse, and went to find someone according to the location.

There were a lot of people in the playground today, Song Zhaolan walked more and more sideways, until he came to the shade of a corner of the playground and found Yu Tingfeng under a tree.

"Aren't you going to play games?" Song Zhaolan asked.

"What's the fun." Yu Tingfeng looked at him, "I haven't seen you for four days."

Song Zhaolan looked sideways: "So?"

"This is for you." Yu Tingfeng took out a red envelope from his pocket, "Happy New Year."

"Thank you." Song Zhaolan took it over, "Can I open it now?"


Song Zhaolan opened it with full expectation, thinking in his heart that if it was a large sum, then he would save it for Yu Tingfeng. If it is a small amount, then take it to eat together.

To his surprise, what he took out was a photo.

Yu Tingfeng's fart selfie.

Song Zhaolan: "..."

Yu Tingfeng: "How about it, the number one person in the Devil's Valley, handsome or not?"

Song Zhaolan put the photo away, and touched it from his bosom: "I also prepared a gift for you, hold out your hand."

Yu Tingfeng stretched out his hand in surprise, and the other party put his fist into his palm, and then opened—


"Etiquette is less important than affection." Song Zhaolan said.

"Okay, you take revenge on me, right?" Yu Tingfeng smiled, reaching out to hug him, "Come here and die."

Xue Canming, Yu Xiaohui and Ji Xiuyuan in the distance watched this scene and stopped at the same time.

Just now when they heard that Song Zhaolan had gone to the toilet, they happened to want to go too, so they chased people out, but there were too many people, and they lost several times.

After finally finding someone, he found that Yu Tingfeng was also there, and happened to hear the phrase "should die".

"No, Song Zhaolan will suffer." Xue Canming whispered, and was about to rush out to help, but was stopped by Ji Xiuyuan.

Ji Xiuyuan shook her head at him, Xue Canming was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Yu Xiaohui watched the situation over there and said, "Be safe and don't be impatient, the situation has changed."

Xue Canming looked over again, but saw that Song Zhaolan hadn't lost the wind, and forced Yu Tingfeng back against the tree trunk two or three times, and the two were very close. Yu Tingfeng seemed powerless to fight back, allowing him to bully him.

The next moment, Song Zhaolan held his hand.

Xue Canming:! !

Xue Canming took the two girls and ran back: "Don't watch, you can't watch this kind of scene."

Ji Xiuyuan was surprised and said, "Don't you know..."

"Song Zhaolan is so mighty! He actually grabbed the devil's hand with one hand!" Xue Canming said excitedly.

Ji Xiuyuan: "?"

Yu Xiaohui nodded: "This time, Yu Tingfeng has some good fruits to eat."

Ji Xiuyuan: "..."

No, don't you see any difference? Are your brains made of right angles?

The author has something to say:

Happy New Years Eve everyone! Good health and good luck! Happy Year of the Tiger, like a tiger adding billions!

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground