MTL - Wulin No.1 Middle School-Chapter 38

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Today is just the audition for the singer competition. There are quite a few contestants. The student union is in charge of the whole process. 30 contestants will be selected for the finals, and the top ten singers on campus will be selected.

It's just that this year's audition is a bit different, there are competitions on the stage, and drawing pictures off the stage.

Chen Yuting is very fast, finishing a work in a few minutes.

The student union has never encountered such a difficult competition. The audience is actually more lively than the stage. Someone reported this to the student council president.

The president walked in, looked at Chen Yuting's stall, and immediately asked, "Can you draw me a cake?"

Person from the student union: "..."

Song Zhaolan at the side gave him a surprised look: "You also like pancakes?"

"No, it's just that my teacher and parents have drawn too many cakes recently, and my brain is buzzing, so I want to draw them to wake up." After the president finished speaking, he looked at him a few times, "You are... Song Zhaolan from the first year of high school, right?"

"Well, you know me?" Song Zhaolan asked.

"Of course, you are always mentioned in the student union meeting recently. You are a top student and violate discipline at the same time. It is really hard for you." The president said.

"I am over-flattered."

The student council president smiled and stretched out a hand: "Let's get to know each other formally, my name is Liu Yun, from Class A of Senior Three."

"Song Zhaolan, Senior One Class A." Song Zhaolan shook hands with him.

Yu Tingfeng, who was standing beside him, was stunned for a moment, his eyes lowered slightly, he stared at the two hands firmly, and then took another look at the four-eyed frog of unknown origin. He beats up!

"You're quite interesting." Liu Yun smiled, "Many people in our class are discussing you and that Yu Tingfeng... Hey, this classmate, you look a lot like Yu Tingfeng? "

"He is." After Song Zhaolan finished speaking, Yu Tingfeng raised his chin.

"I'm much more handsome than the photos on the forum." Liu Yun naturally sensed Yu Tingfeng's inexplicable hostility, so he didn't intend to initiate a friendship. He turned to Song Zhaolan and asked, "You guys set up this booth?"

"Yeah." Song Zhaolan spread his hands, "Five yuan a painting."

"Five yuan, okay, let me scan for you." The president took out his phone.

Yu Tingfeng interrupted immediately: "Why can you play with your phone openly?"

"Because I am the president, I need to keep in touch with many people, but I am very conscious and will never occupy my study time. Do you understand this explanation?" Liu Yun said with a smile.

I understand that I understand, but Yu Tingfeng always feels that he is regarded as mentally retarded.

"Then I'm going to paint cakes." Liu Yun turned around and walked to stand next to Chen Yuting, suddenly his collar tightened, and Song Zhaolan walked back with his collar.

"Line up carefully, first come, first served." Song Zhaolan said routinely.

Everyone in the queue laughed, and someone joked, "This is the first time the president is deflated, and his expression is so funny."

Liu Yun stood helplessly at the end of the line, shrugged at the big guy, and said with a smile: "Okay, Song Zhaolan, I will remember you, and you can come to me if you have anything to do in the future, let alone the big ones."

Others began to booing inexplicably. Yu Tingfeng watched them standing at the back with annoyance, and didn't know what they were muttering.

"Why are other people booing?" Yu Tingfeng asked Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei replied: "This is a very interesting phenomenon. Everyone generally thinks that beauties play with beauties. Those with good grades play with those with good grades. Those with poor grades can only play with those with poor grades. So once everyone sees their When people who like to enjoy playing together, the level of happiness will be double."


"...Double, is twice the fun!"

Yu Tingfeng frowned: "Everyone likes Song Zhaolan and that four-eyed frog?"

"Shh, don't call him a four-eyed frog." Zhang Wei was so frightened that he quickly pulled him to the corner, "Don't underestimate him, it doesn't matter if his grades are good, his family background is good, and he has all kinds of friends, school and society. There are people, you can't easily provoke them."

"What's the big deal." Yu Tingfeng glanced over there with disdain, and walked towards the back of the line as if nothing had happened. When he passed by, he happened to see Liu Yun pat Song Zhaolan on the shoulder and said, "What I just told you , think about it, I appreciate you."

Just as Yu Tingfeng was about to ask, Liu Zhuizhui came over and said, "I'm done singing, let's go, I'm going back."

After returning to the classroom, Yu Tingfeng sat on the seat, twirled the pen, and finally threw the pen on the table, and turned around to ask the three girls in the first row: "Do you know Liu Yun?"

"Of course I do, who doesn't know Liu Yun, the myth of Class A of the third year of high school!"

"He's the typical hero of a novel, well, who wouldn't want to have a relationship with him, but well, I'm too ordinary to even dare."

"Xinnv is willing to exchange ten catties of meat for Liu Yun's look back!"

"Hey, don't talk about falling in love with him, even if it's just to be a friend, I'd be happy! I heard that he is very good to friends!"

Yu Tingfeng's face became more and more ugly, and he turned his head angrily.


When eating dinner in the cafeteria, Ji Xiuyuan finished her meal, and when she was looking for a seat, she found that there was only one vacant seat nearby, and that table was occupied by the Yu Tingfeng group, so it was vacant next to Liu Zhuichui.

She pursed her lips, took a deep breath, walked over with the plate, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, can I sit here?"

Hearing this, the table suddenly fell silent, and Qi Qi looked at her.

Ji Xiuyuan wanted to back subconsciously, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Sit." Liu Zhuizhui said.

"Thank you." After Ji Xiuyuan sat down, she took another look at the silent boys, turned her head and said to Liu Zhuizhui, "Thank you for helping me today, I...I'll treat you to yogurt."

"Okay." Liu Zhuizhui was not polite, and smiled at her, "I want the most expensive bottle."

The most expensive one in the supermarket is only nine yuan a bottle, Ji Xiuyuan nodded repeatedly: "No problem."

Sun Yicheng looked at Ji Xiuyuan, and suddenly asked, "Are you from Class A?"


"Are you friends with us Zuo... Liu Zhuizhui again?"

Ji Xiuyuan looked at Liu Zhuizhui cautiously, and seeing that she didn't deny it, she nodded on her own initiative: "Well, Classmate Liu is very nice, I really want to be friends with her."

Liu Zhuizhui showed a complacent expression immediately, and the right protector immediately understood: "The one who said she was a good person turned out to be you."

"No, you're from class A, is it okay to be friends with her?" Sun Yicheng asked puzzled.

"What's the problem?" Yu Tingfeng glanced at him.

Sun Yicheng murmured in his ear: "Class A, but Song Zhaolan's world, this girl seems to be quite close to Song Zhaolan, aren't we incompatible with good and evil? How can we be friends?"

Yu Tingfeng reminded him: "This is the 21st century."

Sun Yicheng: "."

Zhang Wei didn't understand their twists and turns, but felt that it was great to finally have people from Class A interacting with them. He asked earnestly, "You seem to be very close to Yu Xiaohui, right? You know?" I don't know who she likes?"

Ji Xiuyuan replied: "She likes Song Zhaolan."

Zhang Wei froze, Yu Tingfeng shook his chopsticks.

"There are also Zhao Mingdeng, Wu Xiaoyu, Mao Hongxi, Xue Canming and others." Ji Xiuyuan added.

Only then did Yu Tingfeng pick up the dishes again.

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Beauty, can you stop panting when you speak?"

Beauty, beauty? !

Although she knew it was just a casual name, Ji Xiuyuan still blushed a little: "Because I am too embarrassed to have dinner with so many people."

"Then you will eat with us often in the future, you'd better bring more information hehehe." Zhang Wei's abacus clanged, "Then tell me, who is Yu Xiaohui best for?"

Ji Xiuyuan replied: "It's the best for female students. She helped us carry water, move tables, beat cockroaches, and beat hooligans."

"As expected of my goddess!" Zhang Wei listened with gusto, "Has she ever beaten a hooligan? What kind of hooligan?"

Ji Xiuyuan wanted to say something like you, but in front of others, she was too embarrassed to say so, she looked away in embarrassment, and saw Yu Tingfeng who was indifferent, calm and casual, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, how handsome he is, No wonder so many girls like him.

But he doesn't seem to be interested in Yu Xiaohui's affairs, and he doesn't know what kind of person he would like?

"By the way, who is that handsome guy talking to Song Zhaolan in the auditorium today?" Liu Zhuizhui asked suddenly.

Ji Xiuyuan recalled: "It's the president of the student union, named Liu Yun."

"It seems that people in the class have mentioned this name." Liu Zhuizhui propped his chin and licked his lips, "He looks pretty good."


"What are you doing? Are you jealous?" Liu Zhuizhui looked at Yu Tingfeng.

"That's called good looking? Skinny, and will fall down when the wind blows." Yu Tingfeng said with disgust.

"No, the president looks thin when he's dressed, and he looks skinny when he undresses, and there are photos of his muscles on the forum." After Ji Xiuyuan finished speaking, her face turned even redder.

"Really? Show me quickly." Liu Zhuizhui said excitedly.

Unable to withstand her urging, Ji Xiuyuan took out her mobile phone and showed it to her, and the two quickly fell in love, staring at the photo and having a lively discussion.

Seeing this, Yu Tingfeng's chopsticks were about to be crushed, and he said impatiently, "So what does that guy want to do with Song Zhaolan?"

"I don't know about that either." Ji Xiuyuan raised her head and said, "But maybe it's a discussion, after all, they both have good grades. Or maybe it's simply admiring each other, making friends, and adding them as friends on WeChat."

"Today's meal is really bad." Yu Tingfeng threw the chopsticks away, got up irritable, and left without looking back.

Sun Yicheng quickly chased after him with his plate: "Boss, where are you going?"

Yu Tingfeng said angrily: "Do study!"

Sun Yicheng: Today, after all, things have changed.


A week later, it will be the Singer Finals, which will still be held in the auditorium, and teachers and students in the first and second grades of high school can watch it.

Only one class A, Ji Xiuyuan, was shortlisted for the finals, so all the hopes of the class were pinned on her. She was a little stressed, and she had never taken such a heavy burden.

This time, the student union has notified the contestants in advance to prepare their own clothes, but this is a formal competition, and they can no longer paint on their bodies like last time.

Chen Yuting took a bunch of materials and cosmetics, found Ji Xiuyuan, and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't paint, I can cover your scar first, anyway, it's night, so you can't see it clearly."

"Thank you, but I don't need it this time." Ji Xiuyuan took out a pair of stockings from her bag, "I prepared this this time."

"what is this?"

"Wait." Ji Xiuyuan went to the locker room to change her clothes, and came out a little shyly, "This way you can directly cover it up."

"It's amazing! I want it too!"

"Then I'll give you this one, it happens to be new." Ji Xiuyuan said with a smile, "The outfit I prepared is overalls, and this is just in case."

"it is good."

New equipment get√

Song Zhaolan and the others had already sat down in their seats, and the students around them all took out their textbooks, planning to read them while they had time. Sitting on the left and right of him are the school committee and the monitor, and each is more serious than the other.

He slowly took out a packaged steamed bun from his pocket, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he found that the squad leader was staring at him intently.

He thought for a while, reluctantly handed over the steamed buns, and the squad leader shook his head.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and opened his mouth again, and found that the school committee seemed to be staring at him too. He turned his head and handed it painfully and slowly, and the school committee shook his head.

He breathed a sigh of relief, quickly opened his mouth and took a big bite!

The monitor asked in a low voice, "Why do you eat every day?"

The school committee joined the discussion: "Maybe it's because he's still growing?"

Song Zhaolan: "That means you have never tasted hunger."

The squad leader and the school committee glanced at him unexpectedly, and the image of a poor student staying at home since childhood, going to the mountains to cut pigweeds, going to the fields to plant rice seedlings, and doing homework by lighting a kerosene lamp every day, the goal is to be admitted to No. 1 middle school and have a great future !

"What's it like?" the squad leader asked weakly.

"It tastes like roasted pigs and roasted whole sheep." Song Zhaolan sighed. He likes to eat a lot, but he doesn't like roasted pigs and roasted sheep. He wouldn't eat this unless he was so hungry.

Class monitor, school committee:? ? ?

Do you eat roasted whole lamb when you are hungry, and eat steamed buns every day when you are rich? Great, great.

After witnessing the interaction of the three people in front, Yu Tingfeng, who was sitting directly behind him, crossed his legs with displeasure, and accidentally bumped into the back of the chair in front of him.

Hearing the movement, Song Zhaolan turned around, saw him, and asked with his lips: Have you eaten yet?

Yu Tingfeng looked at him unhappily, and opened his mouth silently: What are you doing?

Song Zhaolan took out a ham sausage from his pocket and gave it to him.

Yu Tingfeng glanced at him unexpectedly: For me?

Song Zhaolan nodded: Well, I have friends.

Because he got a free lunch coupon, he had already invited his friends to eat grilled sausages, but he didn't meet Yu Tingfeng at that time, so he could only make up a ham sausage, which can be regarded as repayment for his help during the long-distance running.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that one is too little.

He took out another one and gave it to Yu Tingfeng together.

Yu Tingfeng raised his eyebrows, took it directly, and put it in his pocket quickly, his eyes looked at the stage, and the corners of his mouth curled up vaguely.

Students and Academic Committee: ...Are we deaf? ah? Why can't I hear anything?

The official competition begins on the stage, and this is the time when the audience is most interested in watching the competition. Ji Xiuyuan's performance was in the first few stages, and she was quite nervous.

Never before performing in front of so many people, Ji Xiuyuan took a deep breath, clenched her fingers tightly, her palms were sweating, and she felt like retreating.

She turned her head and asked Liu Zhuizhui who was touching up her makeup: "Are you nervous?"

Liu Zhuizhui shrugged his shoulders: "The ones who are nervous should be the people in the audience. If they don't like my performance, I will beat them to death one by one."

Ji Xiuyuan: "..." Very crazy, very good.

After she said this, Ji Xiuyuan's attention was a little distracted, and she was not as nervous as before. She took the microphone and walked onto the stage slowly.

The people in the front row didn't know her and whispered to each other. There were dozens of classmates calling her name behind her. Even though they didn't communicate with each other normally, everyone was cheering for her at the moment.

Maybe she's not as unpopular as she thought?

Ji Xiuyuan exhaled, smiled in the direction of Class A, and then nodded to the sound engineer.

As soon as she opened her voice, almost everyone in the audience was astonished. Her voice did not match her appearance.

The students in class A were even more shocked. Everyone only knew that she didn't like to talk, and even when she spoke, she was very low-pitched. They didn't know that when she sang, her voice had a special charm. She sang the songs of the European and American golden song queens, and the similarity was very high.

"She's going to be on fire, believe it or not?" The art committee member said excitedly, "Help me, I should abdicate to the virtuous!"

At the end of the song, Ji Xiuyuan received applause from the audience. The corners of Ji Xiuyuan's eyes were moist, she bowed deeply, and when she raised her head again, a confident and happy smile appeared on her face.

The performance of the next contestant, Liu Zhuichui, is also remarkable, with a beautiful voice, and it is this selection that makes people puzzled.

"Folk song?" Someone asked.

"It's not a folk song, it's our best song, you don't understand!" Sun Yicheng said triumphantly.

"So you are in the mountains?"

"...That's true."

"That's the folk song."


The game is still going on, and the audience is looking forward to the next show, but there are some exceptions.

For example, the monitor and the school committee of Class A, they are not interested in music themselves, they only waited for Ji Xiuyuan to finish the performance, and took the time to continue solving math problems on the scratch paper.

Another example is Song Zhaolan, the deputy squad leader. He felt drowsy when he heard the song. The more pleasant the song, the more he wanted to sleep. caught his face.

The area in the back row was very dark, everyone was paying attention to their own affairs, and no one noticed the movement here.

Song Zhaolan slept peacefully for a while, until she felt that her neck was uncomfortable, and then she leaned back on the back of the chair in a half-dream.

Yu Tingfeng sat up straight slowly, rubbed his numb hands, and couldn't help but glared at Song Zhaolan in the front row.

Dare to let my young master suffer, and I will have good fruit for you in the future!

The author has something to say:

Song Zhaolan's starry eyes: What kind of fruit?

Yu Tingfeng: ...

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground