MTL - Wulin No.1 Middle School-Chapter 17

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The invigilator gave them a suspicious look and confiscated the note: "Concentrate on the exam."

As soon as Wu Xiaoyu was interrupted by the teacher, he stopped thinking about the exam and stared at the questions in a daze.

Reading comprehension is a description of the scenery of Lianshan.

Wu Xiaoyu looked at it, and his eyes became moist.

Invigilator: "..." This is the first time I saw a man who cried when he couldn't write!

Wu Xiaoyu began to recall the days when he was begging for food. He had been begging for food for a while in the land of Lianshan. At that time, he could not eat enough to wear clothes. The little man was looked down upon in the street until the old gang leader picked him up and brought him back to the beggars' gang. , He just recovered a little life.

Wu Xiaoyu suddenly lay down on the table.

"Student, wipe away your tears and write the test paper." The invigilator knocked on his desk.

Wu Xiaoyu secretly wiped away tears, glanced at the topic of reading comprehension: Excuse me, what kind of thoughts and feelings does the author express?

Wu Xiaoyu answered with tears: Lianshan is the largest ancient mountain in the world today. It has accommodated countless passers-by and bred countless talented soldiers. If the wanderer can see it again, he will cry.

The invigilator took a look: "..."

Well written, don't write it next time.

Wu Xiaoyu filled the answer sheet with his longing for Lianshan. When the exam bell rang, the papers began to be passed from the back to the front.

Only then did he realize that the multiple-choice questions were still empty!

It's over, Lianshan can't go back!

At this moment, he heard a whisper from Yu Tingfeng, which can be described as the most beautiful voice in the world: "ABCCD, BADDC"

Wu Xiaoyu quickly painted on the answer sheet, and when he turned his head to accept the paper, he showed Yu Tingfeng a smile that was uglier than crying.

Yu Tingfeng: "..."

Wait, why is this kid here? !

Because Wu Xiaoyu failed to hand in the papers in time, he missed the small cafeteria. When he went to the cafeteria, the other partners had already finished eating, and only Song Zhaolan was still waiting for him, and he thoughtfully helped him prepare the meal.

"Thank you Brother Song." Wu Xiaoyu sat down to eat and asked vaguely, "How did you do in the exam?"

"I don't feel it." Song Zhaolan started to drink the soup.

"I can feel it now." Wu Xiaoyu told him secretly, "To be honest, I can't help but cry a little bit, so please don't tell everyone about it."

"Well, that's what they told me just now." Song Zhaolan nodded.

"What's the meaning?"

"They cried when they saw Lianshan's article," Song Zhaolan said.

Wu Xiaoyu thought for a while and said: "It also makes sense. After all, it is impossible for people who walk the rivers and lakes not to pass through Lianshan Mountain. It is a common memory for everyone. Not to mention the magnificent scenery, I heard that there are peerless masters hidden in it. Many people admire it. Go, but no one has seen it. Leader, are you crying?"

Song Zhaolan shook his head: "I don't want to cry, I live in Lianshan, and I think the article is very fake. There is no mountain full of flowers at all, it's all wild animals."

"You live in Lianshan?!" Wu Xiaoyu dropped his chopsticks to the ground in surprise, "Aren't you the legendary peerless master?"

"Is it me?" Song Zhaolan denied, "You said it all, no one has seen a peerless master, and I have never seen outsiders, so how do you know that there are masters?"

This seems to be the same reason, so who spread the word?

"Hey, there are so many rumors and gossips in the world. It may be that some people spread rumors at will. As long as there are experts, people will flock to them." Wu Xiaoyu waved his hand, but he was still very curious about Lianshan's situation, "I used to stay at the foot of the mountain. I haven't seen you for so long, where do you live?"

"On the top of the mountain."

"Oh no wonder, I can't go begging on the top of the mountain."

After taking a nap, a few people in their dormitory walked to the examination room. When they reached the second floor, Xue Canming said that he would **** Wu Xiaoyu to class F.

Wu Xiaoyu wanted to say no, but he was ashamed to say that he was corrupted by the Demon Cult.

They had just walked to the back door when there was a bang and the window opened from the inside. A boy jumped out and touched the cell phone in his pocket. When he turned around, he ran into a neat row of fleshy walls and frowned: "You want to Why? Good dogs don’t get in the way.”

"We still want to ask you, Yu Tingfeng, what do you want to do?!" The aggressive factor in Xue Canming's body began to tremble again, he stretched out his hands, put on a defensive posture, and walked around Yu Tingfeng lap.

Yu Tingfeng's head was about to be turned big by him: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Xue Canming continued to circle around, looking at him vigilantly: "Why do you have to open the window to go to the toilet? Did you deliberately block us?"

"The door is mopping the floor, we are not allowed to step on it." Yu Tingfeng said.

As soon as Xue Canming turned his head to look at the door, someone pressed his head down: "Hey, if you don't let go, I'll say you're a villain!"

"Can you **** stop turning?" Yu Tingfeng glared at him viciously, then let go of his hand, pawed away their neat line in twos and twos, and walked quickly towards the toilet.

Zhao Mingdeng said: "The exam is coming soon, let's go back quickly."

After the others watched Wu Xiaoyu enter the examination room, they turned around and went back. After walking a few steps, Xue Canming found that Song Zhaolan had disappeared: "Where is the leader, where is our leader?"

"I saw him going there just now." Yu Xiaohui happened to come up from the stairwell, and went straight to a certain direction as he spoke, but was stopped by Zhao Mingdeng in time.

"Master Yu, that's the men's room."

"Oh." Yu Xiaohui said calmly, "Then let's go up first."

There are many people in the men's room, some are smoking, some are preparing cheat sheets.

As soon as Song Zhaolan walked in, everyone inside all looked at him, and someone recognized him.

The class bully of class E had a cigarette in his mouth and smiled maliciously: "Isn't this the number one in our grade? Why did you come to the toilet on the second floor? Come here and discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Song Zhaolan stood where he was.

The class bully and his followers looked at each other and smiled, stepped forward to surround him, and threatened: "Half an hour before the exam is handed in, you tell the invigilator that you need to go to the toilet, we will wait for you here, the rest of the matter... should understand, right?"

Song Zhaolan asked: "You mean we made an appointment to go to the bathroom together?"

"..." Ban Ba ​​said roughly, "Who wants to **** with you, I mean tell us the answer!"

"How could I know the answer? Isn't the answer from the teacher?" Song Zhaolan said.

"The answer you wrote!" Ban Ba ​​pointed at him angrily, "Did you **** pretend to be stupid with me?"

"Speak up if you have something to say."

"I won't talk to you yet." Ban Ba ​​punched him, but his fist was firmly held by the other party.

Ban Ba ​​was stunned, and recharged his energy, and found that he couldn't move his whole hand, so he raised his leg to kick, but just as he kicked, the opponent turned sideways, and turned his body into the air.

With a bang, Ban Ba ​​fell to the ground, grinning his teeth in pain, and screamed: "Ahhh, Song Zhaolan, wait for me!"

After Song Zhaolan went to the bathroom, he saw the group of followers gathered around Banba, looking at him in fear. He thought for a while, and said: "It's okay, I can't die, I controlled my strength a bit, you should go to learn from a teacher with your little kung fu."

After Song Zhaolan left, Banba uttered harsh words to his followers, trying to save some face: "I just wasn't ready, and next time I will definitely beat him until he vomits blood."


The compartment door opened, and Ban Ba ​​saw Yu Tingfeng coming out with headphones on, playing the game with his head down, and shouted: "Hey, how much did you hear just now?"

Yu Tingfeng didn't seem to hear anything, and he didn't see anything, he stepped on his leg and walked straight to the opposite sink.

"Ah! My grass%#¥..." Banba fell to the ground with his legs in his arms, and cold sweat began to break out on his face, feeling that if he stepped on it a little harder, this leg could be broken directly.

Yu Tingfeng put the phone away without even looking at them. After returning to the classroom, he poked Wu Xiaoyu's back with a pen: "Why are you here? Aren't you from Class A?"

Wu Xiaoyu pursed his lips, he was very resistant to talking to the devil, but he got help from him again in the morning.

When he was struggling, he heard Yu Tingfeng ask again: "If you can come here, can Song Zhaolan come?"

Wu Xiaoyu was alert immediately: "What do you mean?"

"Let him come and play." Yu Tingfeng smiled generously, "We will treat him well."

"Don't even think about it, the leader will stay in Class A forever, and he will never be with you!" Wu Xiaoyu said righteously.

"It's boring." Yu Tingfeng pressed his head and turned back, "Don't look at me."

Wu Xiaoyu pondered for a moment, before he rang the bell, he quickly ran back to Class A: "Friends, Yu Tingfeng asked me about the leader's whereabouts! How should I reply?"

Hearing this, everyone quickly gathered around Song Zhaolan to discuss important matters.

Xue Canming said: "He must be trying to assassinate our leader, or want to challenge the leader."

Song Zhaolan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Song Zhaolan touched the window, inexplicably thinking of Qiuxiang, wouldn't it be much more convenient if there was a flying pigeon to pass on the letter at this time?

...wait, there seems to be something more convenient.

Song Zhaolan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yu Tingfeng: [You have something to do with me? 】

Xue Canming was still talking non-stop: "Leader, you can't be fooled. These people are scheming and cruel, and they want to confuse your mind at this time. Don't believe it! You must concentrate on the exam, by the way, What is the answer to the last multiple-choice question in the morning?"

"A." While waiting for a reply, Song Zhaolan took the time to reply.

Xue Canming slipped and fell to the ground as if struck by lightning.

Wu Xiaoyu was also dumbfounded: "Didn't you choose C?"

Zhao Mingdeng asked: "Who told you to choose C?"

Xue Canming: "God's will."

Wu Xiaoyu: "Yu Tingfeng."

Everyone looked at Wu Xiaoyu slowly, their eyes full of puzzlement, as if he was a fool.

Only then did Wu Xiaoyu come back to his senses: "Goddamn Yu Tingfeng, you confuse my mind and confuse me in the exam! You are so vicious!"

At this time, Song Zhaolan received a reply.

Yu Tingfeng: 【Are you okay? busy? 】

Song Zhaolan: [You are so vicious]

Yu Tingfeng: [? ? 】

The author has something to say:

Song Zhaolan: You are so poisonous, poisonous, poisonous, poisonous

Yu Tingfeng: What are you talking about?

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground