MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-Chapter 32 territory

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Along the way, the three people did not go fast. Because of the relationship of Yakuta, there is no Warcraft to disturb the three. In the World of Warcraft, it seems that as long as the Holy Beast has passed, it must be the scene of other low-level Warcraft.

In this case, Ling Feng once heard Rijkaard said. Only when Rijkaard said it was a high-level Warcraft that had a certain deterrent to the lower-order Warcraft. For example, the 9th-order Warcraft sometimes has its own site, and in its own territory, it is similar to the lord of the human kingdom.

Of course, the territory of the holy animal Yakuta is obviously not comparable to a nine-order World of Warcraft. In his territory, there are also many high-level Warcraft existences, and even some low-level Warcraft are also available.

Going to the heart of the Warcraft Forest, the trees are no longer so dense. There are more and more empty places. Listening to Yakuta, these empty places are almost all played by Warcraft. Ling Feng looked at a large piece of flat land, and while walking, he felt the power of Warcraft.

Of course, there are also some water pools, caves and the like, that is the habitat of the nine-order Warcraft. As for the seventh-order, eighth-order Warcraft, I am sorry, such a place that is more suitable for living there is rarely their residence.

Every sacred beast in the Forest of Warcraft has its own territory. In the words of Yakuta, it is: my site listens to me. On his site, there are a lot of high-level Warcraft. Under normal circumstances, he will not harass them. Moreover, although the Holy Beast is Warcraft, it is not always necessary to eat meat.

After Yakuta led Ling Feng to his cave, Ling Feng saw that it was at the foot of a cliff. The cliff wall is very high, the entrance to the cave is smooth, and the inside should be deep. On the left side of the cave, a dozen meters away, there is a waterfall hanging, not very big, but the water is very clear. Around the waterhole at the foot of the waterfall, there are some nice little flowers and some small spines. As for whether there is fish in the water, Ling Feng did not see it for the time being.

Ling Feng feels that living in such a place is really a bit of a feeling of paradise on earth.

Yakuta was very happy to lead Ling Feng into his residence.

Ling Feng can feel that this cave is still relatively dry. The lowest point of the hole is slightly higher than the flat. The height of the whole cave is about two people's height, and the width can be four or five people in parallel. There is such a place in the Warcraft Forest, it is really good.

There are also some traces of artificial excavation on the surrounding rock wall, which should be done by Yakuta. What surprised Ling Feng was that the cave was actually divided into small caves. After the three of them walked into a short distance, they could see that there were four small rooms in addition to a relatively large space. This made Ling Feng curiously look at Yakuta, and he thought that World of Warcraft would also enjoy life.

Yakuta should be very satisfied with his residence. This can be seen from the dissatisfaction of pulling the head on one side, and some envious red blood. At least, red blood should not have such a similar residence.

It’s the afternoon moment outside, and the sun can still feel at the cave entrance, and once it gets a little deeper, it starts to darken. Fortunately, Yakuta did not know where to find some sparkling spar, so that the entire inner hole is also very bright.

Ling Feng can be sure that it is not a magic spar for human country lighting. The spar here looks brighter and softer, with no glare. Moreover, the energy of the spar itself is very abundant, and it does not need to be like a magic spar. It is necessary to input magic energy every other time.

Yakuta looked very happy when he saw the red-blooded angrily look. The red blood sputum came to disturb him when he just woke up. Although he wouldn’t take the red blood, he would definitely have some unpleasant feelings. Now I can see how he eats, and the mood is naturally comfortable.

Ling Feng’s appreciation for this place is also beyond words. This makes Yakuta feel more than a face.

"Sit." Yakuta is facing Ling Fengdao. "There is a simple simplification, but if you win a place where you live, you can also find a place to live. You can also entertain yourself when you are free."

The red blood scorpion first sat on a stool-like object, which should be a treated stump with a smooth surface. Ling Feng does not know what tree it is, what is the use. But seeing that Yakuta can receive it in the cave, it should not be a bad thing.

Everything here, in Ling Feng's view, is simpler, but not as ordinary. Ling Feng can even see, in the four small rooms, at least one of them is the collection of Yakuta. At a glance, you can see several magic cores. And at least they are all nine-order, and eight are very few. In addition, there are some strange things.

If you get the human kingdom, how much can you change? Ling Feng sighed. By the way, I sat down.

The three people are just in a circle, and the middle is a natural stone platform.

Yakuta even took out a vessel similar to a jug, three cups, and poured some water.

The cup should be the corner of some kind of Warcraft. After the treatment, it is very retro, slightly larger than the ordinary glass. The liquid poured out from the jug of utensils is water, but there is nothing wrong with it. Ling Feng did not feel the smell of any wine. I took a sip, but found that it was far from water. The entrance is very sweet, and there is a heat in the abdomen. It is very warm and very uncomfortable, and it can make a person feel at ease.

Not simple. Ling Feng once again sighed. There is a feeling of entering the Grand View Garden, everything is so novel.

This time, the red blood sputum did not give another look to Yakuta, holding the cup, and drinking a very happy look. It seems that this unknown liquid is also very expensive. Otherwise, the same red blood of the Holy Beast must not look at the eye.

Ling Feng took another sip, refreshed and sighed: "It's a magical drink. Is there not only a name for this thing? I have never seen it."

"Haha, it seems that the little brothers have discovered the benefits of it. This thing does not say that you are the other people will not know. This is my specialty here." Yakuta proudly introduced .

"It's not a drink made by a few monkeys. What's so great." Red blood screamed on the side. The sound is enough for a few people to hear.

"Several monkeys? You said it is light. You go find a few to see?" Yakuta glanced at the red blood.

"I..." Red blood was also licking his eyes, but he couldn't speak. In the end, he could only "snap".

Later, Ling Feng learned that this drink like water is a drink of the nine-order World of Warcraft Macaque. Moreover, in the entire World of Warcraft, only the macaque can be derived. It happens that the place where these macaques live is within the territory of Yakuta, and Yakuta naturally enjoys special privileges. As for other sacred beasts who want to drink these drinks, they need to pass the yakuta. After all, the number of ninth-order macaques is not large, and it is very difficult to brew this.

"Right, Lingfeng brothers, as far as I know, there should be very few people who will come to the inside of the World of Warcraft forest. You should have a purpose to come here." Yakuta is too lazy to care about the red blood, so Asked about Ling Feng.

In fact, Ling Feng did not even run into the interior of the World of Warcraft, he just followed Fenechel in the periphery of the advanced World of Warcraft area and turned a few laps. If it weren’t for Yakuta and the **** fight, he wouldn’t suddenly come over and see.

When I heard that Yakuta called her little brother, Ling Feng suddenly remembered Rijkaard and they called him like this. Is this custom on the mainland like this? And also human and Warcraft formed a unity?

Realizing the age of Yakuta, it’s called earning it yourself. Ling Feng accepted it frankly, and he was unwilling to call Uncle Yakuta like the red blood, and it was better to pay each other.

I remembered that they had been away from Slan for a long time, and the Holy Beast also saw it. Slanna still doesn't know how. Since Yakuta asked, it would be better to let him do a favor. At least here is his place.

So Ling Feng immediately made a ceremony and said: "This is still very embarrassing. It is looking for a kind of World of Warcraft called Dark Lightning. It needs its blood to save people. Unfortunately, it is really I don't know the approximate scope of its activities. I have been here for a few days and have not found it."


Today is three more. There are still three chapters tomorrow. The first chapter was slightly later in the morning.