MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-Chapter 13 Nine-order magic core

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Ling Feng apparently underestimated the value of a magic core in the ancient continent.

When the store owner once again carefully took various instruments to detect the magic core, the expression on his face seemed to be more and more a surprise. Until the end almost widened my eyes, some were unbelievable.

Compared with the horror of the store owner, Ling Feng is more interested in the instruments on his hands. These are obviously classes of magical instruments through which the level of the magic core should be accurately determined. Because the properties are easy to determine, no instrumentation is required. As for the specific level, if you don't go to that level, then the 9th and 8th steps don't look very different. And the magic of the primary World of Warcraft in the same stage and the magic of the top Warcraft, obviously there is not much difference. But their value is very different.

Therefore, the owner of the store will be so careful to measure.

However, the results greatly exceeded his expectations. Originally, he heard that Ling Feng sold the magic core, and he was already excited. When he couldn't help but enter the downstairs and input a ray of energy into the magic core, the reaction of the magic core surprised him. Because of the obvious and dazzling light, and the energy fluctuations in the surrounding air, he almost immediately ruled out that the magic core is a seventh-order possibility.

There are very few magic cores on the mainland. This is what Rona and Ling Feng said. However, Ling Feng simply did not understand the concept of the word 'rarely'. Most of the time, this magic core is the same as the diamond on the earth. It is true that this idea has initially reflected the value of the magic core, but it is definitely not enough in terms of strength. The martial arts on the mainland are prevalent, and the swordsman is proud of the superb weapon with the dwarf master, and the magician is proud of having a powerful mana. The magic core is an integral part of the powerful mana.

This is obviously only a use of the magic core, but also the most legitimate use.

On the mainland today, even if there is a magic core, it is generally seven orders. Because the seventh-order magic core is relatively easy to get some. An eighth-order warrior can cope with a seventh-order Warcraft. Considering that the high-end Warcraft is basically a group, and most of them are in the Warcraft Forest, the seventh-order Warcraft that is placed outside is rarely, so the basic exclusion is eliminated. An eight-order warrior can get the magic core with his own power. Of course, the nine-order warrior can still deal with a few seventh-order Warcraft. The eighth-order magic core can only be obtained by relying on a few nine-order warriors to go to the World of Warcraft.

But there are so many nine-order warriors on the mainland to play World of Warcraft. Therefore, when the owner of the store discovered that Gu Fan was going to sell a magic core with more than eight orders, it was naturally excited and somewhat ruined.

To know that in the town of Shami, it is rare to receive a magic core in a month, and it is rare to receive an eighth-order magic core in a few months. Even in some big cities, the eighth-order magic core is fully qualified to enter the large auction house for finale auctions, and often it is priceless.

But today, it seems that the beast **** is interested in testing the heart of the store owner. After a series of tests, he found that this is actually a nine-order intermediate fire magic core.

The ninth-order magic nucleus, the scorpio, is as rare as the sacred sacred on the mainland. On the entire continent, there are only two known people in the world. One is in the Temple of Light, which is the symbol of the Temple of Light; the other is collected in the Royal Pavilion by the Madrid Empire, the country's first power.

The well-known water system of the thirteenth sage of the sacred law, Saint Honor Jones, is inlaid on her staff with a nine-order top water magic nucleus.

The owner of the store can't imagine that he can see and measure a nine-order intermediate magic core in his lifetime.

The general seventh-order magic core, the price is between sixty to one hundred crystal coins, and the seventh-order top magic core, the most expensive can sell two hundred crystal coins. As for the ordinary eighth-order magic core, it must be at least five hundred crystal coins, and even someone has bid for eight hundred and eighty-eight crystal coins to buy a bright eight-level top magic core. Of course, almost all of the 9th-order magic cores cost more than a thousand crystal coins. No one on the mainland has doubts about this price. As for the specific pricing, it is also necessary to determine the willingness and needs of both parties to buy and sell.

The owner of the store would like to put the price down a bit. After all, he suddenly took out such a large sum of money. His small shop couldn’t bear it. He had to report it to the head office.

The ‘Miaoyuan’ pawnshop is a large chain store that can be seen in any city in the Tianxiang Principality. On the mainland, almost all pawnshops cannot exist as a single one. This is a super profitable business. Without a tough backstage, without a strong strength, it would not be a **** shop. Even if it is opened, it will suffer from the oppression of other pawnshops.

The owner of the store can be sure that if he reports it, then the instructions above will definitely be the best to win this 9th-order magic core.

As for Ling Feng, would a person with a 9th-order magic core be simple? Even if he was born, it also shows that he was taken care of by the beast god, or else, how can others not come?

Therefore, the owner of the store is not likely to push the price too low. After all, buying the ‘big’ event like the 9th-order magic core is definitely unstoppable. Whether it is for the credibility of ‘Miao Yuan’ or for avoiding the possible troubles of Ling Feng, he can’t do too much. But a little pressure on the price is still allowed. No business, no business, no business is not for the benefit of a businessman.

Therefore, the owner of the store has been pondering over and over again, and decided to first explore the ancient tone: "Which price are you going to sell?"

Ling Feng looked at the owner of the store and shook his head and said: "I don't know, you can look at it, as long as it is fair. Since the store can look at it for so long, I think this magic core is no problem."

"No problem, no problem, this is undoubtedly a quality assurance of the ninth-order intermediate fire system magic core, but this price, the small cash flow between the store is a bit troublesome, so..." The store owner wants to know the Lingfeng Low line. But Nai Lingfeng is ignorant of this at all, knowing that the words will be lost, and all of them are handed over to the store for processing. He is not worried about the greed of pawnshops. Delhi has told him that all the big **** shops on the mainland pay attention to their own credibility. Otherwise, it is difficult for others to sell good things to you.

Therefore, no matter how the store owner expresses his own difficulties, and hopes that Lingfeng will give him a reference to the price, he will not be able to ask Lingfeng to scream a price, and let the store owner hate it and really want to pounce on it. Grab his head and see what his real thoughts are. Of course, that can only be thought of, deadlocked, the store owner can only set the price in a reasonable range that he thinks, and asked Ling Feng: "It is better, I bid for one hundred and one hundred crystal coins directly. How about a buyout?"

Even if the store is thicker, it is impossible to shout out the price of a thousand crystal coins against a nine-order mid-level magic nucleus, so he added some more. The price of 1,100 crystal coins, if the transaction is successful, he will undoubtedly save a lot of money for the owner because of this transaction, and even with his bonus can also rise up several orders.

Ling Feng was very surprised. He once told him that it would be enough to have eight to ten gold coins a month in a common three-person family on the ancient continent. The currency exchange ratio on the mainland is one gold coin can be exchanged for ten silver coins or one hundred copper coins. As for the value of one copper coin, it should be slightly more valuable than the one yuan that Ling Feng knows, but the difference is not big. Therefore, a gold coin is quite a hundred dollar bill. Of course, the gold coins here are not pure gold. In the case of a very large amount of transactions, there is a large denomination currency on the ancient continent, that is, each crystal coin equivalent to one hundred gold coins. Therefore, the price given by the store is now equivalent to 11 million copper coins.

From a poor man who doesn't have a penny to a multi-millionaire, Ling Feng's head is still a little bit unturned. A magic core, is there such a value?

However, the surprised expression on his face really made the store owner mistakenly think that Ling Feng felt that the price was too low. Think about it, for the rare nine-order intermediate magic core, the one hundred and one hundred crystal coins are really a little less, so the store owner bite his teeth and test the tunnel against Ling Feng: "Or, I bid One hundred and fifty hundred crystal coins, can not go up any more, otherwise, I am not good to explain to the East." Then, regardless of the reaction of Ling Feng, immediately bitter face to Ling Feng said the magic of the fire property or More common, not comparable to the magic of the magic core and so on.

The owner of the store also said the facts, but also added some insights for Ling Feng. Ling Feng finally came back to this time, but he smiled and sighed. It seems that he has never seen the money, but a magic core of more than 10 million is really too unexpected. In Ling Feng's view, if you can sell hundreds of thousands of up to a million, it is almost the same.

But think about a magic core more than 10 million is nothing. For example, people on the ancient continent, with a seventh-order Warcraft pet out, is like a million people on the planet, and the eighth-order Warcraft pet is like the top Lamborghini. As for the 9th-order Warcraft Pet, congratulations, you are already the equivalent of a private tanker or helicopter...

Ling Feng imagined suddenly, I don't know if I should hesitate any more, maybe the store owner can go up some prices again.

If the owner knows the idea of ​​Ling Feng, I don’t know if I will kill myself.

However, now he is happy to jump up, because Ling Feng did not bother him, and finally nodded under his ‘persuasion’. The owner of the store immediately put the magic core back, for fear of the rebellion. Then congratulate Ling Feng: "Now, on behalf of the 'Miaoyuan' pawnshop, congratulations, you are already a multi-millionaire. Of course, when there is any need for **** in the future, welcome to our 'Miaoyuan' pawnshop As long as you are in Tianxiangguo, any city can find our pawnshop."

Ling Feng knows that these are definitely words on the scene, just smile and sing: "Yes, definitely. After all, our first cooperation is very happy, isn't it?"

"Of course. This is a pleasant cooperation." The owner of the store is very happy that Ling Feng can say so. After all, he only needs to take this magic core to the big city for an auction, which is enough to earn one or two hundred crystal coins. This is more than the income of ‘Miao Yuan’ in the town of Shami for half a year. Of course, when the family will not take the auction, it is not what he can know. Nine-order magic core, very few people will sell.

"Now, please give me your mercenary card. I will give you this money right away. This way, this transaction will be successful." The store owner said to Ling Feng.

"Professor card? I don't." Ling Feng replied honestly.

"Oh, you don't want to tell me, do you want me to pay 1,150 crystal coins in cash?" the store owner exclaimed exaggeratedly.