MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section VIII has nothing to do with reason

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The sudden brightening of the direction, and the wild shouting, made the big elder's pupil shrink.

Left Mo!

He can clearly perceive that the momentum of Zuo Mo is constantly rising, almost at the same time, a glimmer of light blooms in his vision.

not good!

The elders were so stunned that they would not react, and the light would rush toward him.


After the golden figure of Zuo Mo, the smudge pattern of the place where he passed, broke in unison, forming a straight path of broken awns!

The heart of the elders quickly sank, and the power of those gods was not very strong, but Zuo Mo was so relaxed and easy to write all the way, still surprised him.

The golden flame is just the same as before, but the boy in the golden flame is like a reborn.

Although the elders were in a stunned heart, their faces looked as usual, and the lines of the gods that surround him were fluttering toward the left.

This **** can not block the left Mo, he suddenly has no confidence in his heart.

He discovered at this time that his situation quickly became unsatisfactory. He had thought that Zeng Peier, Zong Ru, and I were three people who could solve it very quickly, and it was unexpectedly tenacious.

The three dragged the three gods and made him stretched.

The elders until this time, these three guys he ignored are the key!

In his heart, he couldn't help but give birth to a remorse. If he could just add force and solve the three, then he could have three more lines and four gods. He didn't believe that Zuo Mo could resist.

Quick battle!

I have the chance to win!

The murder of the elders in the eyes of the elders was incomparable.

However, the great elders who have already perceived the danger have not found that the war situation has gone out of control.


Seeing that the blood drops were washed clean by the vortex, Wei Sheng not only did not panic, but his eyes became brighter.

He suddenly loosened the **** sword in his hand.

Under the powerful suction of the vortex, the **** sword of the gods quickly flew toward the whirlpool.

The blood of the gods flies to the center of the vortex, and it will be swallowed by the whirlpool.

The **** sword of the gods suddenly burst into dazzling blood, and the rich blood rushed out from the blade and quickly spread to the vortex.

In the blink of an eye, the vortex becomes a blood vortex.

The viscous blood makes the speed of the vortex suddenly slower, slower and slower, and the suction is rapidly weakened. Soon, the vortex turns into a round of round blood.

Wei Sheng suddenly disappeared from the place, and then appeared in front of the blood sword of the gods, and the hand re-joined the blood sword.

The eyes are skyrocketing and sinking in the mouth: "Breaking!"

The reddish vortex is broken immediately!

The gods are broken.

Wei Sheng's figure was shaken, and his face was pale and there was no trace of blood.


The gods are wrapped in chains, and the chains in the hands of the ghosts seem to be endless. At this time, the dust blue light has reached an astonishing level, and the fog will be consumed almost as soon as it appears.


The bones of the ghosts began to crack.

A ghost face is expressionless.

Unconsciously, the two chains were stretched straight and the purple flame on the chain disappeared.

The smoldering breath suddenly bursts from the body of the ghost, and along the chain, quickly spreads toward the gods. It’s strange to say that it’s so sloppy that it’s not affected by dust and blue light.

Soon, the smoldering breath quickly spread on the gods.

When the smoldering atmosphere occupies the last gap of the gods, the gods are like weathered, disappearing silently in the air.

In the eyes of the ghosts, the same gray is terrible.


In a twinkling of an eye, the two gods were broken and the elders were terrified.

The other three gods, the three are tenacious, and they are crumbling, but they are not falling. And the sound of Zuo Mo’s shouting, the three people seemed to be morally strong, and they began to rebound.

I don't know why, the fear of the elders is stronger.

These guys are too tenacious and stubborn to the point of fear!

I thought it was a stable victory, but I know that the war situation has hit the present, and I was in the absolute superiority, but I am in danger!

If you don't reach the level of God, burning the power, it means the potential to burn. The outbreak of the average person, the elders can understand that everyone has the potential, and the danger will naturally erupt. But these people, the potential has been burned!

Why... Why can I still stick to it now?


Zuo Mo, who rushed out, did not have a pause, and he rushed toward the elders.

A **** pattern appeared in front of him.

However, at this time, Zuo Mo, but it is like a devil!

After paying so much and sacrificing so much, I rushed here! Only rushed to the elders!

How can it be blocked by a god?

How could this be!

Zuo Mo’s eyes are like bloodthirsty beasts, almost without hesitation, drumming all the power!

Zuo Mo feels that he is going to burn!

Then burn it!

The enemy is in front of you, as long as you break the gods, you can defeat the elders!

Crush it!


The power of the body in the left Mo has spewed out, and countless deep red suns blazed with the sun power of Zuo Mo, and spewed out at the same time!

Golden and red light, at an amazing speed, to the left Mo's fists!

The left eye of the red eyes, exhaled, and screamed: "kill!"

A punch!

The blazing light suddenly bloomed in front of everyone.


The gods are too late to make any attack, and they are swallowed and annihilated by the blazing light.

The elders’ face is faint!

In the light of the left-right punch, there is a terrible and dangerous atmosphere.

Suddenly, there was no sign of the explosion of Zuo Mo. The next moment, Zuo Mo, who was covered in flames, appeared in front of him.

He could even see the expression of the left Mo's tooth in the flame.

How can it be……

The elders had a blank in their heads, and his face was unbelievable. The left Mo in front of him actually stepped into the **** level!

How can it be!

God level!

How can Zuo Mo step into the **** level? His power is absolutely impossible to let him step into the gods! But why...

However, Zuo Mo did not give him a little time to think, and the fists wrapped in countless suns rushed on the chest of the elders!


The elder's entire chest was sunk, and the sun rushed into his body like a hot metal, destroying the vitality in his body!

The tremendous power made the elders like a meteor, deeply plunging into the ground, leaving a bottomless pit on the ground.

The atmosphere of the elders dissipated, but there was no surprise in Zuo Mo’s heart.

This battle, too much sacrifice!

Losing the control of the great elders, the sea of ​​sand disappeared immediately.

The people who had already sold out of the light lost control and fell from the air. Zuo Mo’s figure immediately disappeared in the same place, appearing beside everyone, and catching everyone one by one.

Among all the people, only the masters are still awake, and their eyes are full of joy. He originally intended to defeat the elders as soon as possible, and the strength of his own body has not dissipated, giving strength to the younger brother, perhaps giving the younger brother a chance to fight for a chance.

Everyone ran at all prices from all over the sea, all for this.

When I saw that Zuo Mo stepped into the **** level, I could escape from here. Wei Sheng’s face could not help but show a happy smile.

The left heart is like a knife, in his heart like a steel master, the master who can never be defeated, there is no trace of blood on the firm face, pale and heart-rending.

"Good job!" The master patted Zuo Mo’s shoulder, just like in the empty mountain, and immediately urged: "Go!"

The evil spirit of the ghost is getting thicker and thicker, and she is not awake.

In the coma, I had a pity, but I was a lazy, and I looked like a girl next door.

Zong Ru is full of scars everywhere, like gold paper, although coma, but his expression is very calm.

The figure I left was a little faded.

Just a punch, a lot of solar blaze was led out, and the body of Zuo Mo quickly became stable. The elders actually thought that they were right. Zuo Mo’s accumulation was not enough. According to common sense, he could not enter the **** level. However, Zuo Mo shattered the sun seeds, but he won a chance for the team. The solar blazing current contained in the solar seed crystal is far more powerful than the accumulation of the great elders.

However, it is too powerful! Powerful, even if you don't have time to step into the gods, you will be burned alive. However, Pu Yao and Wei smashed the sea of ​​Momo at the crucial time, so that the sun **** pattern has a new growth space, which only absorbs half of the sun blazing, so that Zuo Mo will survive, but will be blessed in disguise. Into the **** level.

The masters and their sacrifices allowed Zuo Mo to get time, the sacrifice of Pu Yao and Wei, saved his life, and the master and the ghost destroyed the gods, even if it was already the end of the powerful, Zeng Ru and Zong Ru and I left. They are still entangled in their own gods, creating conditions for Zuo Mo’s one-shot kill.

The opportunity for him to survive is that everyone exchanges their lives.

"Come on!" Wei Sheng looked up at the sky and urged him.

This world is going to collapse!

Zuo Mo’s hand rested on Wei Sheng’s shoulder and suddenly smiled at Wei Sheng: “Master, I will not listen to you this time.”

Wei Shengyi.

A divine power was injected into the body of Wei Sheng from the hand of Zuo Mo.

Wei Sheng only felt a golden front and was not awake.

Zuo Mo carefully placed Wei Sheng's body on the ground, Wei Sheng's body surface, and the complex golden **** lines appeared.

"Master, everyone exchanged my life for life, how can I abandon everyone?"

Zuo Mo said to himself, he went to the ghost and put his hand on the ghost.

"A ghost, the young master is really useless, the young master said to protect you, and the result is like this. The young master will certainly wake you up, no matter what method!"

The golden gods appear on the ghosts, and the atmosphere of the ghosts is completely sealed down.

The flame on Zuo Mo has been much faint.

He did not stop, and went to Zeng Peier, Zong Ru, and I left the front, and I did the same.

After entering the ranks of God, his understanding of the gods is equally thorough. The ban imposed by him has only one effect, allowing time to stop.

Five people will always maintain this state.

This kind of ban is not easy to use for Zuo Mo.

At this time, all the sun on the sun **** tree in the body disappeared, and the trunk appeared to be scarred. His horns turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his life was rapidly reduced.

Zuo Mo did not hesitate to hesitate. After completing the imprisonment of five people, white spread from the horns to the ends.

The opportunity to live by yourself is exchanged by everyone. Now that he has survived and stepped into the ranks of God, he will use his own life to change the chances of everyone living together.

Maybe they will die together, and the smile will bloom on the face of Zuo Mo.

It has nothing to do with reason.

The young figure in the wind, white hair wins the snow.

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