MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section VIII. Advance! [first more]

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"go ahead!"

"The whole army is going forward!"

The icy command is like the most blazing flame in the snow, so everyone is burning. The body of the land, do not look at the left, one ride first, rushing ahead.

There was a sinuous bronze mask on his face, which made him look even more terrible. The black cloak was like a black flame of arrogance, hunting in the wind.

The following wars shouted one after another. They were soaked in sweat and the fog rose. They waved their strong and powerful arms, glaring and screaming.

"Pay attention to the formation!"

"Add force, don't fall behind!"



Every team member clenched his teeth and desperately urged his armor. Their eyes are on the back of the foremost, only endless fanaticism.

The whole team, like the same torrent of steel torrents, is advancing at an alarming rate in the sky.

The temperament of the monks makes people have no doubt that any war department that dares to stop them will be washed away in an instant.

go ahead! go ahead! go ahead!

No one has enough to stop us!

In everyone's eyes, the publicity of the publicity is burning and the wind is roaring around the ears. These brave and warlike Devil masters, who firmly control the magic ride, always maintain a standard assault battle!

In the distance of the horizon, a large war department is reflected in their vision. The size of this war department is more than 10,000, and it is definitely a war department.

The distance between the two sides quickly approached, and the king in front of the team did not mean to slow down.

Suddenly, Wang had a big sword in his hand!

The war of all people has suddenly climbed to the extreme, and they all know what this action of the king means.

This is the signal of battle!

The king has accelerated!

Everyone desperately urged the magic ride to keep up with the speed of the king. The whistling sound of the wind beside the ear, their blood is arrogant, the blood is boiling, and the body's power is ready to move.

The other party did not think that Zuo Mo actually ignored the number of them, and still decided to rush!

The momentum of this war madness assault is really amazing!

Even with the constraints of the warriors, the players under the instincts were instinctively panicked, they have never seen such a crazy assault!

The left-handedly raised the sword in his hand, and the icy slumber spread throughout the battlefield.


Everyone behind them raised the magic soldiers and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

The sword in the hands of Zuo Mo is like an instant light, and under the dazzling golden light, the left is like a **** of war!

Left Mo Yijian waved!

The dazzling golden light group, plunged into the battlefield of the other side, blasted open!

The golden light sea, swallowing a large number of enemies, countless mung bean-sized gold and iron, ploughing over the other side of the war, the other side of the war is a big piece.

Zuo Mo had another big sword in his hand.

Exalted again!


He took the lead in rushing towards the other side!


Everyone roared, and behind him, the mad torrent of steel torrents, without any cleverness, slammed into the battlefield!

In an instant, countless broken limbs, flying around.

No one can block the left-handed blow, and Zuo Mo is like a big bull who is invincible, slamming in the opponent's battle. Every time he throws out the light group in his hand, he will clear a large open space in front of him.

The Golden Sword can't bear the power of God. When it is just taken out, it will turn into molten iron. The left is not distressed. These irons contain the power of incomparable terror, and the number is the best weapon.

Zuo Mo feels that he is an enemy in all directions, and he does not care, just throwing golden light at his amazing speed with his hands!

A sleek, impregnated gold shovel, intertwined to form a dense air-killing net.

The enemy, like a wheat-cut, continually fell, but flew in from all directions, and fell down like a wheat...

Zuo Mo completely killed his eyes, his hands are more amazing, he constantly rushed forward.


Crazy to break into!

The enemy can't organize effective resistance at all. Even if countless people are madly rushing to the left, they can't stop them, and they can't even delay the moment!

Zuo Mo suddenly saw his eyes open and bright.

The left is a glimpse, and suddenly realized that they penetrated the enemy's battlefield!


He took the war department and quickly turned around and faced the back of the enemy war. The opponents were in a chaotic battle, and they had not had time to turn around. In the battle array, a huge gap is clearly visible, and the bodies in the gap are piled up like mountains. That is the blood path that Zuo Mo has just rushed to.

Left Mo Hao raised the big sword that he had just changed.


The people behind him were blood-red and raised their magic soldiers. They shouted in unison: "Kill!"

The big sword in the hands of Zuo Mo is quickly blazing and the light group is expanding!

Unprecedented blaze!

The volume of the golden light group is twice as big as before!

The golden light group is like the sun falling from the sky, falling in the battlefield of the enemy's chaos.


The dazzling light shines in the sky!

The aftermath of the horrible power came, and even An Mo and others felt a slight sting.

When the light is gone, there is no living thing on the ground.


"How? Can you eat it?" Fei Lei wiped his face and was wet with sweat, he asked with concern.

Cool and desperately wheezing, trying to calm down his breathing, the throat is like a smoke, the brain is blank. After a while, he felt a little slower and squeezed a smile: "It's still!"

Beside him, several demon warriors, like the suffocating fish, gasped desperately. The body of the Yaozu is naturally incomparable to the Mozu, and their bodies are weak. In such a long and fast-paced battle, this weakness is undoubted.

too fast!

This rhythm!

Cool and simply can't believe it, even if he ran a thousand miles in the past, compared to this time, the rhythm and intensity of the battle is inferior.

The horn of the king is only responsible for the flank, the task of the battle is much lighter, and more often, they only need to keep up with the speed of the home team. But even so, almost everyone is exhausted.

The home team led by Wang is even more horrible. The highest record is one day, even the 12 divisions!

This war is like lightning, no one can stop them! The warriors of a thousand people can't even stop them for a moment, often as a rush, like the ruin, the opponent's warfare will be ruined.

Later, Wang Shang was even too lazy to spend on the remaining enemies.


Crazy to break into!

This speed has never been seen in the history of war.


Totally unreasonable!

But this is an unreasonable rush, but there is no war department that can stop their pace. Cool micro from the beginning of the shock and unbelievable, gradually accepted.


Cool eyes, involuntarily fell on the king. The king sat on the back of the bronze owl, as if he had never moved.

Isn’t the king not tired?

Is it really possible for human power to reach such a point?

Cool and a little lost.


Zuo Mo jumped from the back of the King of the Bronze Birds. For seven consecutive days and seven nights, the situation was like a broken bamboo. No one could stop it. Everyone's morale is extremely high, but Zuo Mo knows that they are also physically exhausted.

Even on the face of An Mo, it is rare to show the color of tiredness.

"Today's rest, starting tomorrow morning, there is no need to arrange a whistle." Zuo Mo ordered.

No one questioned his orders, and everyone took all the time to restore their power.

The entire camp is quiet.

The sun is moving through the crowd, and from time to time, green light is emitted, and the light melts into the wounded body, and the scar disappears quickly.

Zuo Mo did not idle, his consumption is not large, the recovery speed of the god-level power is unimaginable. He took a piece of material out of the ring and began to concentrate on refining the costume.

The sun is in his hands and tame.

This is the first refiner after his recovery, and it feels different. Although he used to have a god-level realm, his body has no power at all, and he has received many limitations.

It’s good to have no bondage!

Under the mind of his mind, the divine power turned into a complex and delicate pattern, which fell into the flame like a raindrop.

In a moment, a gray costume was completed. Gods are not beautiful. On the contrary, the simple and rough lines are like a bone that is randomly assembled. It is very simple to look at. However, each bone is covered with a very fine pattern, which makes it full of beauty.

After the first piece is completed, Zuo Mo's speed is getting faster and faster.

Later, he even refining several costumes at the same time.

From the corpse to get high-grade martial arts, he did not have a little left to spare, and invested in these costumes at no cost. These days of fighting, he found the subordinates of the gods, the level is very bad. Soon, the costumes in front of him piled up into a hill.

He did not rest and continued to refine.

When the sun rises from the horizon, the first rays of the sun break through the darkness.

An Mo and others have woke up, they were shocked by the shattered gods!

The morning sun shines on Zuo Mo's body, and even if his face is covered with a mask, he can still feel his concentration and intention. In the beating flame, a costume is shaped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is no rest on the king, and they are refining their costumes all night!

"Wang Shang..." An Mo bite his lips, and his heart is inexplicable. He only had one idea, and even if Wang Shang now let him die, he did not hesitate.

"Let everyone change, ready to go." Zuo Mo's tone is cold as usual.

If we say that everyone just worshipped because of the strength of the horror of the king, this moment, everyone swears in the heart, this life will always follow my king!

Everyone took off their damaged costumes for seven days and seven nights. The gods on them were covered with scars and broken.

The new gods were replaced and the whole warfare was completely renewed.

These Mozu masters, who loved the costumes of their bodies, smirked.

The high morale and clean lineup all have strong self-confidence and resolute warfare.

In just seven days, Zuo Mo used a fascination like a myth, and this battle was like a broken bamboo, which made this warfare reborn. They are fanatical, tenacious, and not afraid. They have the confidence to defeat any opponent, and their firm beliefs will make them never give up even in times of adversity.

My king is on!

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