MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section 8: Change

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Section 8: Change

Slender and slender white hand, gently holding a pink paper basket.

"Oh, it turned out to be suffering. It’s no wonder that it’s so irritating. People just wanted to scare you. Who told you to be smart and hard?"

The face of the melon seeds is as smooth as the gelatin, and the blue eyes and gem-like eyes reveal a trace of naughty, high nose under the nose, a little bit of red lips. The tube top and shorts made of silvery silver moon velvet made her look fluffy and unspeakable. The bold belly and jade legs are full of youthful vitality. As the ivory masters carefully polished to become the most perfect work, there is not a little bit of barefoot, tied with a thin bright red rope, adding a bit of enchanting. The wrist is wearing a pair of sky blue bracelets with many small bells on it, and the steps are light, leaving a series of crisp, sweet ringing sounds behind them.

"But it's really interesting people."

"Those who will be interesting to you, it must be quite interesting." There was a respectful voice behind him.

A golden-faced, headband with a sandalwood crown, looks like a repairer about forty years old. If anyone sees this person, he will be amazed, and the famous Akino real person will be so respectful to a little girl.

She had long known that she was not surprised. She laughed and said: "Yeah. Very interesting people. Not more than the mid-term repair of the foundation, it can harden the 20% of the fairy [heart charm], very Wonderful."

"Oh." Akino's real person moved: "It is indeed a material that can be made." Immediately: "Don't put him in the door..."

Fairy turned his face to the window, his eyes deep and deep: "The path of comprehension, in addition to talent, the opportunity is more important. The disciples in the door, the talents are more than a thousand people, do not say the road, it is the achievement of Jin Dan, how many people? ”

She suddenly spit out her tongue and said naughtyly: "It is better to leave it to the fairy to relieve boredom."

Akino’s real person smiled and took a bit of a favor: “According to you, you are so interested in him, why don’t we stay here for more time?”

Xianer squinted her head, and her blue eyes flickered. She thought about it and shook her head: "It’s a matter of fact, we have been here for a long time. Hey, Xianer has left a mark on him, he can escape. Not the heart of the fairy hand!"

The real person of Akino sees the innocent and cute appearance of Fairy, and can’t help but laugh.

Zuo Mo woke up, he was sore and couldn't help but make a noise.

Think about it yesterday, he felt like a dream. But the wounds in the body constantly reminded him that the fierce and unusual battle was not a dream. He still has some unbelievable things, how he defeated the cold atmosphere. He knew that he had been in a while for a while, that is, during that time, he won.

What happened during that time?

He knows nothing about it.

I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I still have no problem. He simply throws this problem aside. As for the other party’s revenge, Zuo Mo is completely too lazy to think about it.

Brother is very busy!

When you look at your fingers, you know how many things you need to be busy today. Shi Yu, the drug field, can't help but say that there is still a rain for a brother, but it is a whole hundred acres of Lingtian. The elixir in the medicine field can not control whether his state is good or not, and it is an early agreement to give the brothers the rain of one hundred acres of Lingtian.

Gritted up, Zuo Mo feels that the whole body bones seem to be falling apart at any time.

Moved to the cold fog valley at the speed of the turtle, and looked at the whole field of the drug field, he cursed Hao Min and Luo in the belly of the "the adulterer" and cursed countless times.

The curse is cursed and things are done.

And generally used to shake [Xiaoyun Yuyu], the next scene makes Zuo Mo stay a chicken.

The mist of white silk madly gathered in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, a cloud of white clouds formed. The left Mo has not had time to react, the cloud expanded rapidly, and the entire valley was covered in a short time.

In the cloud of white clouds, Zuo Mo stunned his hand, and the silky coolness slipped through his fingers, making it a dream.

He suddenly woke up with a sudden excitement, this is by no means the third layer of [Xiao Yun Yu Yu]!

His expression is dignified.

What happened? He suddenly had a hunch that yesterday's cold breath seemed to have changed a lot. Quiet mind, close your eyes, and he opened his arms in the clouds.

Soon, he noticed the difference. The clouds of countless water vapors are extraordinarily lively, and they are like a group of awakened little creatures.

This time, the cloud group has a very unique atmosphere, like the grass that just sprouted, and like the sun, it is difficult to describe it specifically. He likes this breath very much because it is very comfortable.

He couldn't help but show his joy.

He has been planting Linggu for two years. Although he does not know what this lively atmosphere is, it is definitely helpful for the growth of Linggu.

His mind moved, the clouds slammed into the rain, and the silver-lined rain silk contained a lively atmosphere that was more intense than the water vapor in the cloud.

I don't know if it is an illusion. He seems to be very pleased to see some of the leaves of the elixir plant stretch.


Everything that happened yesterday is like dreaming. What is happening today is more like dreaming.

Is this the fourth layer [Xiaoyun Yuyu]? He is not sure. The jade he bought about the "Xiao Yun Yu Yu" is only on the third floor, there are many places he did not think of. He admires the disciples of the big men. No matter which kind of law, after reaching a certain level, they need to realize themselves. However, if they have the understanding of their predecessors, they can greatly reduce their detours.

No one can ask, don't say that the head and the uncles are the inner-door brothers. It is not easy to ask for advice. Moreover, he is very skeptical, who is the inner door brother who puts time and energy on the low-grade, non-competitive law of [Xiaoyun Yuyu].

The empty sword gate is a sword repair sect. It is mainly based on sword repair. If you don't need Linggu, I am afraid that they will not recruit these foreign disciples. Among all the repairers, the sword repair is known for its attack power. They only repair the sword, and the emphasis is on a sword.

The five elements are self-contained, easy to learn and difficult to master, and most of the cultivation is scattered. Therefore, in the scattered repair, the number of Ling Fufu is the most.

After the rain was finished, he went to the old brother who had already agreed to apply rain.

After two consecutive rains, Zuo Mo, who was hit hard, looked crumbling, scaring the brother to let him go back to rest.

Today's mission is completed, exhausted Zuo Mo, back to the small courtyard or insist on meditating. Yesterday's encounter gave him a deep understanding of a reality. In the eyes of those powerful practitioners, the low-level cultivators are ruthless.

I don't know if the body is in urgent need of compensation. The time for this appointment is almost twice that of usual.

His body is like a hungry beast, desperately absorbing the spiritual power in the surrounding air. The small veins under the futon play a vital role at this time, and it continues to provide spiritual power. The spiritual power that was taken by the left was not stored in his meridians as usual, but penetrated into every part of his body.

Have to say that Zuo Mo's talent is very good. [Ten Zhengxin] is not a high-level mentality, but he has won the "peace and righteousness" four words, the cultivation effect is quite good.

For six consecutive days, Zuo Mo set a record for him to run the most on Sunday.

When he withdrew from the entry, he suddenly found that the wounds of the whole body were so good.

Checked the repair, there is an increase, but not outrageous, still stable in the eighth layer of the refining period. Somehow, he not only did not disappoint, but he was relieved. If something is abnormal, it is a demon. There are too many abnormal things in these two days, which seriously tests his psychological endurance.

When I remembered yesterday, he moved in his heart and took a handful of [Geng Jinxuan].

So, he demon.

Geng Jinqi Mang turned around his fingers cheerfully, like a group of gold sand rolled up in the wind, shaking the eyes. Before the pale gold, the mang, now turned into a pure golden yellow, with the unique metallic luster of gold, the golden light flashing, blurred people's eyes.

Numerous messages poured into his mind. The information that he never thought of and never touched, with the finger Geng Jinqiang every time he turned, gradually improved in his mind.

[Geng Jinyu] is really an attack law.

If he said that he had only guessed before, he was very sure today.

The characteristics of [Geng Jinyu] are revealed in the second layer. Through Yu Jian, he was sure that he had broken through the second layer of [Geng Jinyu].

Overnight, [Xiaoyun Yuyu] broke through the third floor, [Geng Jinyu] broke through the second layer, such a speed, so that he dared to be timid, he always seemed to feel uncomfortable.

The improvement of strength is somewhat illusory, but the pleasure brought by it is real. However, he does not want to come again, even if he left the three words very hard yesterday.

Safety first!

His body and mind recovered well and his life quickly returned to normal. The horrible pink Xiao Qianhe did not appear again, and Zuo Mo was very pleased.

On the table are various pieces of crimson, deep red inflammatory iron ore, a bronze ingot, and about seven feet of pine poles...

These are the complete sets of materials he bought from Fei Yun that were used to make [Zhen Ling锄].

The refiner is the master of every repairman, almost everyone will be a little, and is the most popular course for foreign disciples. For foreign disciples, it is easy to find a stable job in a refinement of a refiner.

But for the inner disciples, especially the sword repair sects, there are often only a few people who are skilled in refining.

Sword repair habits use the sword to conquer the world, use the sword to get what you want and need.

Like this door, only Xin Yan Shi Shu, the pulse of the refining device, Xu Yi brother is the proud disciple of Xin Yan Shi Shu. But whether it is the brother of Xin Yan in the division of the teacher, or the brother of Xu Yi in the second generation of disciples, the status is not high.

These have nothing to do with Zuo Mo.

At this moment he is a little excited, the first refining of life, is about to begin.