MTL - World Controlling God-Chapter 1689 Two extreme peaks

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The Lei nationality patriarch and Lei Xiaogang's strength is already the top of the world.

Their body speed is at least not much worse than the average wind attribute, and they are also taking the speed of the drug. The speed can be described by the wind.

When Ling Xiao’s speed has just slowed down, they have already intercepted Ling Xiao!

"Kid, you are letting us catch up!" The old patriarch of the Lei family looked at Ling Xiao and flashed the killing path.

"Pay attention to the person who is invisible!" Lei Xiaogang said to the old patriarch of the Lei family.

"Do not talk nonsense, today is a good fight with you, whoever wins is not necessarily!" Ling smiled and shouted.

Now only two people are chasing, but the strength of these two people is strong, even if they are alone, Ling Xiao is not sure to win it, but now this situation is only exerted its full strength!

It is a pity that his soul attack has little effect on the Lei people. They are all the sea of ​​Lei Hai. The soul attack can not kill them.

Really count, the Lei people are afraid of being the real nemesis of the soul people!

Fortunately, Ling Xiao is not just a talented person. He is still a person with a bloodline of the golden family. It is impossible for them to completely suppress it!

Ling Xiao Shen is invisible, no longer holding the shadow sword, and Ling Xiaozhen is holding the shadow sword, both of which are powers, and the 70-fold battle is on the peak.

Thunder Dragon and Xiao Jin are a group, staring blankly at the Heavenly Beast and roaring from time to time. In terms of strength, Ling Xiao is already at a distinct disadvantage!

"Since you are stubborn, you will marry you first!" The old patriarch of the Lei family snorted and had a pair of thunder cones in his hand, attacking Ling Xiao.

The thunder of lightning in the sky came out, and the thunder of the original source was filled with the power of destruction to ravage the Quartet.

Lei Xiaogang also moved at the same time, and he had a pair of thunder knives screaming out, and the knife was like a crack!

At the same time, the two top-level supremes were dispatched, and the power of the Thunder was so powerful.

It is close to the chaotic minefield, which is regarded as the outer zone. There are many lightning powers for them to attract and enhance the combat effectiveness. This is very unfavorable for Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao can't take care of it, and now it's back, there is only one battle!

The spirit of Lingxiao greeted the old patriarch of the Lei nationality. At the beginning, he did his best. A golden emperor came out of the air, roaring and ravaging the world, and colliding with many thunders.

He took the strong tactics of the old patriarch of the Lei nationality with the power of the soul. He still felt a little difficult. Fortunately, he was a battle, often strong and strong, and there was nothing to fear.

It’s just that he is able to block the old patriarch of the Lei family, but his real body is incapable of blocking Lei Xiaogang.

Lei Xiaogang refines the shackles all the year round. From time to time, he picks up the thunder and washes. Only the flesh is comparable to the high-order ancient artifacts. It is no less than Ling Xiao, and he has used his top thunder knife. And next.

Ling Xiao did not dare to block, immediately plucked back, but the knife shadow is intensive, he simply can't hide, can only wave the shadow sword to block it.

But when he first came into contact with these forces, he only felt that his arms were numb, and the tigers burst into flames, and the blood rushed out. He almost got out of the shadow sword.

He is only a mid-level peak strength, even if it is a 70-fold increase in combat power, it is only a high-end supreme strength, and you can compete with this level of Lei Xiaogang.

Ling Xiao was not willing to be killed in this way, summoning all his gods and corpses, and blocking the past toward Lei Xiaogang.

"It really means a lot of means, but it depends on these

I want to block me when I use it, you are too naive! Lei Xiu steel dismissed a sigh of relief, and the knife struck around. After the knife touched the cockroaches, the cockroaches burst open.

Just a few of them were smashed under the thunder knife of Lei Xiaogang.

However, Ling Xiao also got a chance to breathe, which made him a strong blow.

"Only if you are desperately trying to break down, you have a chance to escape. Otherwise, you can only enter the minefield!" Ling Xiao snorted, and five true dragons of different colors rose up behind him, and finally gathered together. Formed a fierce five-color real dragon!

When the five dragons were in one, the colorful dragon beast was like a stunning emperor, and with a sigh of breath, it slammed into the thunder of Steel.


This colorful dragon power is terrible, and the moment it rushes to the top of Lei Xiaogang's steel.

Lei Xiaogang has already realized that Ling Xiao is gathering hard. Now he feels that Ling Xiao has come to this blow. The old eyebrows are wrinkled. He can feel that this power has already made him threaten!

Lei Xiaogang stunned, and the thunder knife was staggered. The power of the two thunders formed a cross and directly rushed to the colorful dragon!


The terrible power is colliding, and many forces are splashing out in all directions.

This neighborhood is like a terrible natural disaster, which has caused many spaces to be shattered.

This colorful dragon power can incite the general peak supreme, but unfortunately it is difficult to compete with Lei Xiaogang, a figure comparable to the supreme list.

The power of the Thunder knife has turned this colorful dragon into a few pieces, making it disappear into invisible!

Only when this colorful dragon disappeared, there was another two-color **** that suddenly struck toward Lei Xiaogang. God controls the world to float astronomy

Lei Xiaogang sneaked a sigh of "the light of bonfire!".

His knife smashed directly toward the finger, but the mang suddenly changed, turning into countless light, like a raindrop, wrapped around him.

Such a change made Lei Xiaogang's look slightly changed, but it was not enough to make him feel that there was anything remarkable. The power of his thunder and lightning turned into a layer of strong defensive light, which blocked the light.

It’s just that these radiances are incomparable. They actually infiltrated the power of lightning defense directly, and struck over the body of Lei Xiaogang.

"What! What can actually break my defense!" Lei Xiaogang ~ some surprised.


"The terrible destructive power is no less than the thunder and lightning of my family, but the strength is still weak." Lei Xiaogang stunned and breathed in an instant, and the devastating forces that infiltrated the flesh broke away. go with.

Lei Xiaogang is incarnate and it is not easy to really hurt him with these destructive forces.

Ling Xiao has already guessed it, and his last trick has been taken out.

I saw two dZi beads behind him, one black and one red, and the characters on the two lists confronted each other.

The power of the Thunder knife has turned this colorful dragon into a few pieces, making it disappear into invisible!

Only when this colorful dragon disappeared, there was another two-color **** that suddenly struck toward Lei Xiaogang.

Lei Xiaogang sneaked a sigh of "the light of bonfire!".

His knife smashed directly toward the finger, but the mang suddenly changed, turning into countless light, like a raindrop, wrapped around him.

Such a change made Lei Xiaogang's look slightly changed, but it was not enough to make him feel that there was anything remarkable. The power of his thunder and lightning turned into a layer of strong defensive light, which blocked the light.

It’s just that these lights are very comfortable, they actually hit those lightning defenses directly.


This colorful dragon power is terrible, and the moment it rushes to the top of Lei Xiaogang's steel.

Lei Xiaogang has already realized that Ling Xiao is gathering hard. Now he feels that Ling Xiao has come to this blow. The old eyebrows are wrinkled. He can feel that this power has already made him threaten!

Lei Xiaogang stunned, and the thunder knife was staggered. The power of the two thunders formed a cross and directly rushed to the colorful dragon!


The terrible power is colliding, and many forces are splashing out in all directions.

This neighborhood is like a terrible natural disaster, which has caused many spaces to be shattered.

This colorful dragon power can shake the general peak, but unfortunately it is difficult to compare with Lei Xiaogang, but he is also injured.

His top Supreme is actually hurt by a younger generation who is weaker than his own strength. This is really hitting his face!

Angry and roaring!