MTL - Within Ten Meters, Fly In Situ-Chapter 39 Opening day

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It was still a little while away from Maoshi, and there were so many seekers that they almost crushed the mountain gate. At a glance, they were all people, densely packed, without even the slightest gap.

With her low stature and small bones, Yun Wan successfully squeezed into the front row and occupied the most conspicuous position. Apart from the smelly body odor of the brother next to her, she had almost no shortcomings.

The sky is getting brighter, and a white belly leaps out in the distance.

There was a creaking sound, and the mountain gate opened wide, several disciples dressed in moon-white uniforms stood side by side, surrounded by three young people, both men and women, and they were all inner disciples in their clothes.

Although the practitioners were excited, they didn't dare to make a fuss. They calmed down for a moment, and waited for them to speak respectfully.

The woman standing in the middle began to speak: "Thirteen to eighteen years old, come forward."

The age of thirteen is the age when the aura is awakened, and the sect is more inclined to cultivate it; the roots and bones are mature at the age of eighteen, which is the most suitable for cultivation, and those over this age will not be accepted.

Among the thousands of seekers, half of them stood up, and Yun Wan followed to the middle of the team.

"The rest please go back."

The sect did not give them a chance to speak, and when everyone entered, the ancient and heavy mountain gate was closed again, and at the same time, a protective array was set up to prevent the unwilling seekers from breaking in.

A total of 500 disciples gathered in front of the hall gate, even so the hall platform was still wide.

"Men stand on the left, women on the right, stand side by side, don't disturb the order."

The beginners lined up one by one, Yun Wan was confused.

Coincidentally, whispers came from the side, and a boy asked in front of him, "Dare to ask what you are doing?"

The man was not stingy, and replied: "Touching the bones." He said in a low voice, "The Zongmen will touch the bone age of every entrant for fear that someone will lie about their age; the second is to see if the entrant's root bone is It is suitable for cultivation. After touching the bones, you need to test your spiritual root and wisdom root. If your spiritual root is excellent but your wisdom root is low, the sect will still not accept you."

Obviously, the sect doesn't want idiots, even if you have excellent spiritual roots.

The line was long, and it took several hours before it was Yun Wan's turn.

The one who was in charge of the bone measurement was the best bone-touching master of the sect, and also one of the famous masters of the Kunlun sect who was in charge of medicine cultivation.

"Raise your hand over here."

Yun Wan rolled up her sleeves and put her wrists on the table.

When the old man touched his fingertips, he quickly moved away, "The root bones are soft and weak, and the foundation is unstable and fragile. Although there is spiritual power, it is difficult to condense and practice. Please go back."

Yun Wan was taken aback for a moment.

Did this old man figure out her cultivation, but he still dislikes her poor physique and refuses to take it?

Yun Wan was a little bit unconvinced: "Wait, my bones are weak, but I have great strength, can you..."

"Send her out."

Before Yun Wan could finish speaking, the two disciples carried Yun Wan to the side courtyard.

Take a closer look at the eliminated beginners in the yard. They gather here first, and then send them out together after they are finished.

There are quite a few people here who have waited five years for this opportunity. Facing the elimination, they bowed their heads and lost their energy.

Yun Wan was still thinking, she is also a foundation builder after all, so she won't be able to start the game, right?

It's good now, I didn't even survive the first round.

But Yun Wan wasn't discouraged, as long as her thoughts didn't slip, there were always more ways than difficulties.

She had another idea, and Ma Liu came to the guarding disciple: "Fellow Daoist."

The disciple looked unhappy: "It's useless to talk too much, you have already been eliminated, and I will send you back together later."

"No." Yun Wan said, "I just want to ask if you are recruiting small workers in the outside world? Moving bricks and doing laundry?" The most urgent thing is to stay in Kunlun. She has earned it with blood for several years of study. The most important thing is that Bafanggang is connected to Kunlun one after another. If Yu Wuya finds something, she can protect the half-monsters of Su Wenzong to evacuate in time.

The disciple has been in charge of the opening of the mountain for so long, and this is the first time a woman has asked this question.

He couldn't help but look at Yun Wan, who was thin, ordinary, mediocre, without any bright spots, with two arms as dry as firewood, and she didn't look like someone who could do heavy work.


"Ah I."

Not only the disciples, but all the people behind laughed too.

"Girl, don't be a laughingstock. You've been cut down so much, there's no need to beg for nothing."

"That's right, seeing that you are not too young, if you really can't do it, go back and find a man to marry."

The group laughed loudly, but Yun Wan was unmoved.

When everyone was laughing happily, they heard a gentle voice not far away: "Why are you making so much noise? Disturbing the cleanliness of the mountain gate."

Hundred pairs of eyes looked at each other, and fell into a long silence for an instant.

The woman walking towards her was no more than twenty, with a graceful figure and a swaying skirt, her head full of black hair was adorned with a single plain hairpin. The different moon-white robes are all outstanding.

Everyone was ordinary people, who had never seen such beauty, they were all dumbfounded for a moment.

When she approached, countless pairs of eyes were all glued to her body.

"Senior Sister Changxi."

When the disciple exited, everyone was shocked.

Yun Wan has a little impression of this name. It is mentioned in the original book that Changxi is famous for her beauty. According to legend, she practiced Qi at the age of ten and established the foundation at the age of eighteen. She was born in a mortal family, but she is a doctor who is rare in a thousand years. Xiu Tian finally entered the Kunlun Sect and became the only female disciple of the Elder Medical Xiu.

In the original book, she didn't have many roles, other than that, Yun Wan couldn't think of any other characteristics.

"It's this girl who didn't give up after being eliminated and wanted to join our sect as a coolie."

Chang Xi looked at Yun Wan upon hearing this.

She looked over generously, and the other party smiled, "What's your name?"

"Wandering freely, without a surname, only take a single word for one night."

She showed off her pity, and Chang Xi was really moved.

"The spirit root is not working?"

The disciple said for her, "It's the root bone."

Changxi was helpless for a moment: "Little girl, if your spiritual roots are mediocre, there are other ways. If your roots are mediocre, I'm afraid I won't be able to let you get started."

"I know." Yun Wan said, "I just want to find a job."

As she said that, her eyes turned red: "Sister, you also saw that I have no father and no mother, and the outside is sinister. Earlier, someone wanted to sell me to a brothel. Later, I met a fortune-teller who said that I am a bit spiritual, so I can find a sect I tried the door and heard that the Kunlun Zongbo was generous and inclusive, so I came all the way from Jingshan Mountain. Sister, if you let me out, you will let me die. It’s really not good. I’m working as a handyman at the outer door Yes, my strength is really great."

After speaking, I started to cry.

Yun Wan cried passionately, brewing three parts emotion and seven parts acting skills.

Changxi was astonished: "You, are you from Jingshan?"

Yun Wan nodded and shed two more tears.

Changxi couldn't help feeling sorry for her, and even the people behind her were affected.

"Senior Sister, speaking of which, it is really short of staff recently." The female cultivator who followed behind muttered, "It just so happens that we are also looking for staff, why don't we... let her try?"

"But..." Chang Xi bit her lip, with a troubled look on her face, "It's all dirty work, she's a little girl..."

These words reached Yun Wan's ears word for word.

She put away her tears and took the initiative: "It's okay! I can do it, let me try it, if it doesn't work, let me go!"

"Okay then, come with me."

Seeing Chang Xi nodding, the people behind looked at each other in blank dismay and asked for help: "I can do it too! Let me go too!"

"I am a farmer who goes to the fields, and I am stronger than this little girl!"

"That's it! Count me in!"


Damn, you didn't say that before!

Chang Xi had no choice but to open the back door to Yun Wan alone, so she took a few dozen people to Zhang Xiansi.

As the name suggests, Zhang Xiansi is doing outside business.

Many of the disciples of the outer sect were still young, and before they reached bigu, they needed to be in charge of purchasing meals, washing and boiling water, fertilizing the fields, feeding chickens and pigs, and other miscellaneous things.

It is impossible for the disciples of the main gate to do this kind of work, so every day when the gate is opened, the chief executive will select a few beginners who have not passed the spiritual root test, and then give some monthly money, often many people are willing to stay .

However, a few people have died recently, and there is not enough manpower in the palm of the hand, so people have died one after another, and the manpower shortage is even tighter.

Hearing that Changxi was here to give away the manpower, the manager of the palm office immediately came out to greet her.

"Fairy Changxi, welcome from afar."

Chang Xi said: "These are picky climbers, let's see if the manager can arrange some errands for them?"

The person in charge glanced around: "Did you pass the spiritual root?"

"Root bones."

This is a bit difficult.

Generally speaking, if you can pass the first round, it means that this person is in better health than ordinary people, at least twice as good. It's no different from ordinary people.

In addition, those with weak bones will not live to be eighty, and when they die, they will be short of manpower. It is very difficult to recruit a suitable disciple of the Academy.

"Fairy Changxi, if the spiritual root is eliminated, you can still accept it, but if the root is picky, I'm afraid it won't work..." The manager is very embarrassed, "Our work here is rough, and everyone dislikes it, so we must recruit capable people. until the age of eighty."

Yunwan gasped.

Eighty years old?

Good guy, even the donkeys in the production team dare not do this!

Sure enough, I heard that many people had retired at the age of eighty, and there were only five or six young guys who were similar to her.

Chang Xi didn't make things difficult either, "It's okay, don't you guys still have to choose people later, let these people be with them, if they pass the examination, they will stay, if they don't pass the test, it's fine, what do you think?"

Changxi pulled her face down and begged him, since it's not easy to shake people's face in charge, so she agreed immediately. Anyway, one more is not too much, one less is not less, and in the end it makes no difference.

Chang Xi looked back at Yun Wan with apologetic eyes: "I can only do so much. Whether you stay or leave depends entirely on your own destiny."

Yun Wan naturally knew this and smiled gratefully at her.

She smiled back, and before leaving, she did not forget to tidy up the crooked hairpin for her, then turned around, leaving Yun Wan a swaying figure.

"Fairy Changxi, really lives up to her name..."

The man was still yelling at the direction she was leaving, and someone else punched him twice: "Don't be a toad who wants to eat swan meat, he is a fairy in the sky, and you are an earthworm in the mud. It is your blessing in this life to be able to see it today. What are you asking for?"

During the conversation, twenty or thirty people walked into the Zhangxian Division, and they were all climbers who were eliminated after being eliminated like Yunwan.

Seeing that everyone was here, the chief said: "Although I am a small department in charge of miscellaneous affairs here, I will not accommodate you easily and let you in casually. Only those who can pass the assessment tonight can stay in the general department. "