MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 714 No Chinese after the death

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There is no China after Cliff Mountain, and there is no China after the death.

This historical event said that the history of China was preceded by the Chinese Orthodox before the Song Dynasty. After the battle of the last battle of the Mongolian attack, the Chinese orthodoxy was also destroyed along with the Song Dynasty.

Later, Zhu Yuanzhang expelled Hu Wei and resumed the establishment of the Ming Dynasty in China. It was a restoration of the civilization of China, but immediately after being filled in the Central Plains, the Chinese civilization completely disappeared.

In fact, this is a foreign history and a sloppy conclusion when looking at Chinese history.

The Chinese civilization may have its weak period, but the history of five thousand years has been passed down, and there has never been any extinction.

Perhaps in the military force, the Song Dynasty lost to the Mongolian iron rider who hit the invincible hands in the world, and the Ming Dynasty’s external worries caused a full leak.

In the history of civilization, any foreign forces want to enter the Central Plains, and the final result can only be swayed by the profound civilization of China.

Looking at a situation now, no doubt, the system is to release Mongolia and Manchu.

However, the system, but it is used as the last historical story of China's national hardship, it is also reasonable.

After all, whether it is the Wuhu chaos or the Eight-Power Allied Forces, it can only be regarded as the history of humiliation of China, the history of blood and tears, the history of dark turmoil, but it has not yet reached the extent of completely eliminating the country.

Really as an alien invasion, the people who belonged to the Central Plains unified the world, only the Yuan and Qing Dynasty.

However, no matter how reasonable, for Qin Xiaobai, it is undoubtedly still a huge pit...

"Still a familiar formula, or a familiar taste..."

Qin Xiaobai used his hands to help all kinds of tears. Originally, he thought that the system had changed from good to good. I didn’t expect this product to change at all, from the beginning to the end...

Now, Qin Xiaobai finally understands. Why is there no famous monk of the Yuan and Qing dynasties on the lucky turntable of Tianshu, who has been waiting for him here...

really. Then a system announcement appeared:

"Hey, System World Announcement, Nurhachi led the 50 million Manchu Empire Eight Banners Cavalry. It appeared in the Far East region of Huaxia District. Genghis Khan led the 50 million empire of the Empire, and appeared in the Mongolian country of China, the two army will Ten days later, a full-scale attack was launched to invade the Central Plains of China."

“Oh...” After the system prompts, the world’s sizzling sound is not weaker than when the city of the world was opened.

Because in the eyes of players from all over the world, this undoubtedly represents China, which has been greatly restrained. Will lose the qualification for hegemony in the city of the world.

Not to mention the G8, even the players of a slightly ambitious country will be schadenfreaked.

"Ha ha ha, the plot sometimes turns so fast, just China is still the world hegemon of the world, and it is impossible to live in the sky. But now it is foreseeable, and it will not be the ruins of the entire Huaxia District in the future."

The players of the G8, after learning the news, are even more excited.

Especially their top players. It is even more rapid, and even has begun to discuss at this moment, after the opening of the city of the world. They are jointly in charge of the city of the world by the G8, and then once again the Eight Kingdoms invaded China, and they slashed China in one fell swoop.


The players inside the Huaxia District, after getting this news, suddenly felt heart-wrenching and completely panicked.

Just kidding, the entire Chinese army is only about 200 million troops, but the Mongolian army is 50 million, plus 50 million of the Manchu army. But there are enough 100 million.

On the bright side, it seems that the enemy has only half of its own strength. But in fact, the other party is all grassland cavalry. The Chinese soldiers are mostly infantry, and the natural ones are passively weak.

Moreover, under the leadership of Genghis Khan and Nurhachi, the power of the Mongolian Iron Rider and the Manchu Eight Flags, almost any Chinese, are very clear and know how embarrassing.

This time, the crisis facing China is far stronger than the Wuhu.

What's more, China has more than internal worries and external problems.

While Huaxia is fighting with Mongolian and Manchu, the city of the world is also playing. If other countries are allowed to take control of the city of the world, no matter who they are, China will undoubtedly become the first target.

At that time, I am afraid that Mengyuan and Manchu have not yet done anything, and China will have to face the coalition forces of the countries.

This is equivalent to the Huaxia meeting, which must face the enhanced version of Wuhu Chaohua and the enhanced version of the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

Such a desperate situation, how can we not let Chinese players panic.

However, this time, the situation has dropped. The Chinese players are heart-wrenching. On the contrary, Qin Xiaobai has become fearless and even war-torn. He directly said:

"China has never been a day since the founding of the country, and the big winds and big waves have come over. What are the difficulties and obstacles?"

The current situation of China, although it has indeed encountered an unprecedented crisis, but Qin Xiaobai's prestige in China, is indeed no one can rival.

After he personally promised to lead China out of desperation, the various turmoil inside China suddenly subsided.

"Lord, what the battle... how to fight?"

The current situation in China is too dangerous. Even the think tanks such as Zhang Liang, Chen Ping, and Jia Wei can't come up with the best policy, so they can only ask the Lord.

"The key moment to truly determine the fate has never been a perfect solution. Now the Huaxia National Games is here, and the narrow road meets the brave."

Qin Xiaobai has always been, all the way to rely on the pits and abductions, wretched and fled to the point of today, including the Wuhu chaos in the great crisis before China, and the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

He used to do this because he had the advantage of reborn the prophet, he didn't have to use it, and because he didn't have the strength, he had to do it.

Now, as time goes by, Qin Xiaobai’s butterfly is moving more and more, and his prophetic advantage is more and more gone. Just like the current world-class history The plot, what Qin Xiaobai had never had before.

But with the changes, there is his strength.

Now Qin Xiaobai’s strength, or the overall national strength of Huaxia District, has reached an unprecedented height.

Because of its strength, Qin Xiaobai has the confidence to promise them to take them out of the world.

As long as you don't give Qin Xiaobai, too many restrictions on potholes, such as using five million people, single-handedly hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses around the world.

It will enable him to fully exert his strengths.

Then, even if it is a god-like opponent, he is not afraid.

"What is the Mongolian Yuan, the Manchu, the Tsar, the Emperor, and it will be a good fight to fight." (To be continued.)

Ps: Two days off, suddenly there is something to go to the field, and on the 23rd, I will update Xiaobai’s last battle...