MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 662 Ban Dingyuan

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"Sun Wu... I have no such person."

"White up... check no such person."

"Chen Qingzhi..."

Just now, Qin Xiaobai, who has reached the master level since the history of Huaxia, has now touched the wall one after another.

However, Qin Xiaobai's move is actually a deliberate move, starting his search for the top ranks of his ability, although he knows that this column of people is absolutely golden.

But the people behind them, from where they started to become red, don’t know.

Therefore, according to his own ranking in his heart, Qin Xiaobai searches for it one by one. When the first search is made, even if it is not a gold level, it must be a deep red level that is not far behind.

This is the most stupid way, but it can be the most practical way.

And the historical figures who can reach the golden level, even if they look at the whole of China, there are not many.

After searching for a short time, Qin Xiaobai immediately searched for a long list of characters, Bailitun, Mengzi...Dongfang, Sima Qian...Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong...Su Dingfang, Guo Ziyi... Bao Zheng, Wang Anshi...

These historical figures undoubtedly have a characteristic, that is, the dynasty that Qin Xiaobai has a dragon, after all, is a 50% discount, saying that he can not give up...

"Who should I choose?"

Qin Xiaobai looked at the talented people and was excited and excited. These historical and famous ministers all came to him and wanted to call anyone.

He was only a little tangled, and he couldn’t help but hesitate a little because he wanted to kill one of them...

It’s just that this is obviously impossible. As for how to choose between the fish and the bear's paw, it has to use one of the most fair methods. That is, Qin Xiaobai points to who is the soldier's point...

Just when Qin Xiaobai was preparing to cast a spell, suddenly his mind turned off and thought of one thing, that is the Silk Road.

At that time, after returning from the copy of Chu and Han to the Eastern Han Dynasty, Qin Xiaobai suffered a crisis of the same Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road, and finally the Maritime Silk Road. Qin Xiaobai fully supports Bay Bay. After the fight against the Vietnam War, the Maritime Silk Road gradually returned to its original state.

The problem of the onshore Silk Road has never been resolved. At that time, Qin Xiaobai indirectly exerted pressure on the Western countries through the influence of the Xiongnu. This barely allowed the countries of the Western Regions to converge slightly, reducing the exploitation of the Han traders on the Silk Road.

But no doubt, this is just a matter of expediency.

In particular, the historical plot of Wuhu Chaohua opened. After the official war between the Xiongnu and the Dahan, although the Silk Road is the common interest of both sides. The Xiongnu did not move it, but if it was said that it was not affected at all, it was impossible.

Seeing the Central Plains turmoil. The countries of the Western Regions, which felt that they could take advantage of them, began to gradually increase their exploitation of the Han Dynasty business travellers.

In fact, compared to the Maritime Silk Road, which is still in the development stage. The benefits of the onshore Silk Road with system bonuses are undoubtedly much bigger.

Now that the Silk Road on the land has been so crushed by the countries of the Western Regions, it is tantamount to breaking an arm of Qin Xiaobai. It can even be said to be a thigh.

After all, the key to fighting is the money and food, especially the national difficulties that need to be dealt with by the power of the whole country. If he has financial problems, it will inevitably shrink.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai actually tried to solve the problem of the Silk Road on the land.

In order to cope with the battle with Wuhu, Qin Xiaobai has always been busy, especially when Vietnam sneaked into the air and caused the East Han turmoil.

More importantly, he does not have a suitable executor to handle the affairs of the Western countries.

After all, even if you want to come up with a better way, you need to have a strong person to implement it.

Now that Qin Xiaobai has settled Vietnam, and the candidate is now, now that there is a dragon call system, Huaxia Yingcai has chosen him. At this time, he will not solve the problem of the Silk Road, but when?

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai directly entered the name into the search box.

This executor, Qin Xiaobai has already had a candidate in his heart, and that is the class overtime.

Whether the class is able to take the first-level force from the army, or the commander of the united army, it may not be the strongest.

Even if he is famous, he may not be the opponent of many of them, but he is the best candidate.

Want to really ensure that the Silk Road is unobstructed, the most important thing is to mess up the Western countries.

Ban Chao is the only one in the history of China, who has settled the countries of the Western Regions with the least price.

To be precise, he only used 36 people, and he turned to the countries of the Western Regions. He decided to razed more than 50 countries in the Western Regions, making it possible to retreat from the Western Regions.

Such talents are simply for Qin Xiaobai to reopen the Silk Road.

If you can summon it, you don’t even need Qin Xiaobai’s idea to send the person directly to the Western Region. I believe he can get the Western Region Hu State...

In fact, Qin Xiaobai is still a little embarrassed about whether he can search for the class, but after all, the ability of Ban Chao is not well defined.

It is said that he has abuses, only to calm down the Western countries, not the Xiongnu, the Central Plains dynasty.

It is said that he is not terrible. With just over 30 people, he has messed up the countries of the Western Regions.

This courage, this strategy, if you want to say that he is a gold-level attribute value, may not be too much.

Fortunately, this evil system did not hang him. After Qin Xiaobai hit the name of Ban Chao in the search bar, he only listened to the bang, and Ban Chao appeared in the Dragon Gas store.

Qin Xiaobai saw this in his heart and chose to summon without hesitation.

"The subordinates see the Lord."

Immediately after the white light flashed, a teenager who seemed to be weak and still angry with a few books appeared in front of Qin Xiaobai and bowed to him.

Ban Chao is not a generals in the ordinary sense. His brother and sister are famous literary and historians in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

When Ban Chao was a teenager, he was also a knife and a pen. Later, he thought that the husband should be built outside the field. Therefore, he abandoned the text and went to the army. The idiom from the pen is from him.

"You don't need to be polite, please pick it up."

While Qin Xiaobai was pleased to help the class, he looked forward to seeing his information.

Name: Ban Chao

Attributes: Commander 90, Force 85, Intelligence 92, Politics 91, Charisma 99.

Potential: Commander 0.8, force 0.8, intelligence 0.9, politics 0.9, charm 0.9.

Qualification: S grade, historical NPC.

Level 100, loyalty 100, reputation: no, position: ambassador

Skills: to control the country: increase 20% to successfully persuade the foreign small country in military and political cooperation with the country's strategic intentions, an additional 50% to the Western countries.

"Really, it’s the best person in my heart to settle the Western Region."

After seeing the properties of Ban Chao, especially the skills of Ban Chao, Qin Xiaobai became more and more happy.

With such a glamorous value, coupled with its skills to control the country, it can not only solve the problem of the Silk Road.

Moreover, it may even allow Ban Chao to unite with the powers of the Western Regions to attack the Wu Hujun from the back at a critical moment.

That way, the value of Ban Chao can be even greater.

Qin Xiaobai could not help but be his own wise move, once again feeling deeply admired... (to be continued.)

PS: Thanks: Sally 丶 孽 落 落 落 落 落 落 落 落 落 落 落 落 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ~Enable new URL