MTL - Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince-Chapter 267 : Really be my woman

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If you are holding a white proud snow next to the night, you don’t want to let go.

Bai Aoxue was also stunned by the night, and it was only after such a day that she could see each other. She cherished every minute and every second.

Because, after a long time, they have to be separated. This separate day may be longer than this. And she... is also very reluctant to this man.

"The master, to the nearest mountain." The sound of calmness came.

Jun night faint should be down: "We should rest here for a few days, and it is not too late to discuss everything."

Bai Aoxue nodded and Qi Tiance did not object.

The first frost fell on the carriage, and when she got off the carriage, she used to bend down slightly, as usual, waiting for Bai Aoxue to come down and pick her up.

But after waiting for a while, there was no movement, and the frost was suddenly realized. Yes... now the person who is carrying her is no longer him...

Jun night looked at the action like the frost, eyes cold, turned to look at Bai Aoxue: "What happened to the feet?"

Bai Aoxue listened to the question of the night of the night, a slight glimpse.

Yes, when she fell off the cliff that day, the night of the night came, she did not know, her foot bones were interrupted by ink.

"Nothing is better now, it is just a little inconvenient." Bai Ao Xue shook his head slightly, as if everything was not in the heart.

And Junyue knows that the more she said the lightness of the wind, the pain she experienced.

He knows her better than her, she is stubborn and proud, he knows, so she never poses in front of him, showing a weak look.

Even though she had experienced nine deaths, she was only crying because of his arrival, but she did not have a tear because of her own experience.

This is his beloved woman, who makes him feel bad, and wants to protect and care.

Jun Ye魇 gently held Bai Aoxue and got off the horse lane: “Take a few people to go to the room to rest, prepare meals, and get some nourishing.”

Nodded, I didn’t dare to neglect.

When I passed the scent of frost, I only used the sound of frosting and the sound that I could hear. Jun night faintly said: "Thank you."

The frost is like a smile, it seems that I don’t care about the thank you.

"It’s just what I should do." Until the night of the night, the frost was slowly opening.

After that, he left with Qi Tiance and his party.

Jun night squatting on the path of Bai Ao Xue’s self-satisfaction and walking slowly.

Bai Aoxue's hands hooked the neck of Jun Ye's night, and the breeze blew through it, bringing a burst of fragrance.

"Osmanthus opened."

Jun night nodded and said: "I was here a few years ago, brewing a lot of sweet-scented osmanthus, I will take some people for a while, drink a little wine, it is good for you."

Bai Aoxue heard that there is sweet-scented osmanthus, and the phoenix is ​​bright and shiny.

"Okay! I really want to drink a little, you brewed wine, I really want to drink." Bai Ao Xue lightly opened his red lips and said slowly.

Jun nighting is just a smile, no more to say.

After a short time, I came to a small courtyard. The light osmanthus fragrance was around the tip of my nose. Bai Aoxue wondered: "How did you get such a place?"

When Jun Jun heard the problem of Bai Aoxue, it seemed that he did not expect Bai Aoxue to ask like this, a slight glimpse.

In my heart, I remembered some things in the early years.

Bai Aoshen sees the night of the monarch, and his heart is slightly moved, but there is no sound.

Just waiting for the breeze to blow through, the sweet-scented osmanthus has been falling and falling, it is raining in general, across the cheeks, itching with aroma, and the night owl is only coming back.

"There is nothing. I happened to pass by here, and I got to know an old man and gave it to me. I thought I wouldn’t step into this life. I don’t want to come here again." Jun night shook his head slowly.

Bai Aoxue nodded thoughtfully as soon as he heard the night of the night.

Ashamed as she is at the moment, she seems to never know the night, whether it is ever or now.

The dream of nothingness, let her know the night of the young night, but in the years that followed, she did not participate in the blank years, how did the night 魇?

"Jun night, I have always heard that there is a person who can match the emperor in the mainland. No one knows what he is like, where he comes from, only knows him, there is a group of loyal to death guys, only know that he has A person who is consistent with him, that person is you." Bai Aoxue looked up at the night, the tone of the statement, there was no doubt.

Jun night nodded slightly: "I thought, wait for us to meet the South, I will tell you. I don't want you to know. So, I have nothing more, can hide your secret."

In the sound of old-fashioned wine, with a bit of relief.

Bai Aoxue smiled slightly: "There is no best. I trust you is one thing, but it does not mean that you can hide anything from me."

Jun night looked at Bai Aoxue's appearance, like a young leopard, clearly weak at the moment, but has already discovered the fangs, with a tender edge, not afraid of any disaster.

"Know it. In this life, there will definitely be no more concealment." Jun night laughs, but the words are very serious.

Bai Aoxue did not do more research, faintly said: "Quickly let people take peach blossoms, I have to sleep to drink."

Jun night nodded, but in the place where Bai Aoxue could not see, the bright light appeared in his eyes.

In the same way, the hands in the white proud sleeves are tight, with a few decisions.

"Know it. You take a break first, I will come when I go." Jun night 魇 put Bai Aoxue on a soft chair and got up and said.

Bai Aoxue nodded and watched the night walk away.

The porcelain bottle held in the hand was slowly taken out, and under the warm yellow light, there was a slight soft light.

The poison of Junyin’s body must be solved as soon as possible, but this kind of poison can not be solved by taking medicine. She just quietly took the pulse for the night, and if the night of the night, take medicine and dissolve the medicine, it must be more than ten days. In order to completely remove the poison.

For more than ten days, Jun night must be in a state of drowsiness. She has been delaying for too long, and she must rush to Mobei as soon as possible. Before Luozao is married, she must go to Mobei.

All the grievances and grievances must be understood!

And Jun is absolutely impossible, let her go to Mobei alone, only for a while, she quietly mixed the antidote in the wine, let the night drink, and anyway, the efficacy will take effect tomorrow, she is not afraid of Jun. Nightingale will doubt.

After a while, Jun nights will carry a scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, followed by a few people who are behind the dishes.

Everything is placed well, and the next person will retreat. Bai Ao Xue said: "What about them?"

"They will let me take care of it. Now we only have two of us. I hope that you will mention other people." Jun night sullenly looked at Bai Aoxue.

Especially the man... this sentence is boring in my heart.

Bai Ao Xue smiled, but did not mention others.

Jun night smashed Bai Ai Xue in his arms, Bai Ao Xue was shocked: "Sit, you hold me what to do."

The thin lips plunged into the white arrogant ear, and Jun night whispered gently: "I will feed you."

Bai Ao Xue shook his body and couldn’t understand what happened to Jun Ye’s night. It’s always like this evil charm...

"I will give you a glass of wine first." Bai Aoxue wants to stay away from the night, but the night is still holding her more, not letting her move half a minute.

Bai Ao Xue trembled, took the wine cellar, put the fingertips into the wine cellar, opened the osmanthus brewed wine cover, the nose of the sweet-scented osmanthus, fresh and pleasant, with a bit of intoxicating wine.

I also poured a cup for myself. Bai Aoxue will have an antidote wine cellar and hand it over to Jun Ye.

Jun night smashed the wine cellar and smiled and drank the wine. The mask has already gone down. When drinking, the slightly cocked chin is unusually soft under the warm light.

A face like a god, with a strong sense of existence that cannot be ignored.

Xu was drinking some wine, the original narrow and long phoenix, at this moment actually brought on, a bit of sinful charm.

The gleam of the corners of the eyes makes Bai Ao Xue’s heart slam.

evildoer! Bai Aoxue secretly whispered, and he hurriedly turned his gaze. Some of the urgency was to save himself in his cellar.

Jun night looked at Bai Aixue's slender neck, and when he was drinking, he slightly crooked his throat, and his heart seemed to have one, and the nameless fire burned.

Quietly light the thin lips, squatting up and down, some dry mouth.

Bai Aoxue's low eyebrows, I saw this very tempting scene, can not help but shake my mind, calm my mind, Bai Ao Xue secretly useless, I don't know why, today she always feels that every night, for her, for her, It is too challenging.

But Bai Aoxue did not know, her appearance at the moment, in the eyes of Jun night, how is a peerless posture.

Drunk and fascinated, picking up a little, a little strange look at him, arrogant and feminine.

The pale lips of the past are like today's dyed red, so people are coveted.

"A Xue..." At the beginning of Nana, Jun night obsessed with Bai Aoxue, not letting her every expression and movement, like to keep it in the bottom of my heart.

"Well?" Bai Ao Xue turned his head and looked at the night when he was puzzled. The corner of his mouth was covered with rice.

It didn't turn around, but when I turned my head, I was on the golden shackles of the night, and the depths of the pupils seemed to have caught a fire. Whoever sees it will burn anyone, so that the bones are gone.

Bai Aoxue was a little scared and wanted to stagger the line of sight. Jun nighting was faster, and his hands were covered with white arrogant cheeks.

"Don't hide! Look at me!" The low, dull voice, with a bit of confusion.

At this moment, Bai Ao Xue seems to think that she has heard the voice of confusion. Among the seven sins, she seems to have suffered two crimes.

When human beings were born, they took the original sin.

Unconsciously, the night of the night, the thin lips actually came to the white arrogant lips. When Bai Aoxue thought he wanted to kiss, he put out his tongue and took the rice in her mouth.

Bai Ao Xue only felt a shock, his cheeks seemed to be burning at this moment, and he was tempted by the sound of the night screaming. At this moment, he also returned to God. He just wanted to blame, but the night singer had already kissed him.

Undoubtedly, it is generally possessed.

There are thousands of melody in the world, she has never been confused once, but this time alone, she lost her soul.

"Really...become my woman." The ear was roaring, echoing his voice. R638