MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 40 (1)

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Tang Li held her hand, her slender knuckles sunk into the gaps between her fingers, and the two of them interlocked with each other, like a lock that couldn't be undone.

The skin was tightly pressed, and a warm feeling spread.

Tang Li's body temperature was slightly higher than her own, and every time she touched her, she would pass over the continuous warmth, so warm that it spread out in layers like ripples.

Chu Chi nodded invisibly.

Tang Li led her to walk, the pace was neither fast nor slow, a pace that was very comfortable for her.

The campus is quiet and peaceful, and students can be seen hurriedly walking past with schoolbags everywhere. The quaint buildings stand among the trees, and the sunlight penetrates the dense branches and leaves and is cut into countless diamond-shaped light pieces.

Chu Chisi secretly quickened her pace and got a little closer to Tang Li. She didn't know why she did it, maybe it was just because the light fragrance of pear blossoms was too attractive, so she couldn't help but want to get close.

Holding his hand tightly. Tang Li seemed to have noticed the change in her pace and turned to smile to herself.

The fingertips pressed against the soft palm and scratched lightly.

The pulsating light fell between her eyebrows, like a small piece of gold foil. She blinked, and the "gold foil" fell into her eyes, lighting up the small world on that side.

There are cafes everywhere on the university campus, just a few steps away, the two pushed open the door and walked in.

Tang Li let go of her hand and said with a smile, "I'm going to buy coffee, do you want to find a seat first?"

Chu Chisi chose a seat outside the store.

The sun was just right in the afternoon, the branches and leaves were dancing, and the rustling sound was like gentle ocean waves, surging and spreading, flowing over the ends of her hair that had been rolled up by the wind, leaving scattered water.

Across the glass window, you can see Tang Li's back, her beautiful brown-blond hair combed into a high ponytail, swaying gently with her steps.

She seemed to be talking to the sales clerk, ordered a cup of coffee for a long time, and then walked to the side to wait.

Walking crookedly, it just doesn't look serious.

Tang Li came back after a while, not only holding a cup of black coffee, but also a plate of small cakes.

She put both things in front of Chu Chisi and smiled: "Wait, I bought you a cake."

Chu Chisi asked in a low voice, "What cake?"

"Black Forest Chocolate Cake," Tang Li pulled out the chair and sat down, smiled lazily, and showed off rather proudly, "I just grabbed the last piece left."

Chu Chisi was drinking coffee while stuffing the cake in small sips. Tang Li watched her from the side, and from time to time he told some inconspicuous jokes.

"Guess how I found you?"

Tang Li didn't hesitate to sell "teammates", and sold the other party cleanly: "I went to the door of your company to squat, but instead of squatting with you, I ended up squatting with Pai."

She said mysteriously, "Guess what, she completely exposed your whereabouts by saying, 'Fortunately, Sister Chi Si went to the lecture today.'"

Chu Chisi held the coffee and took a sip: "Well, if you want to find me next time, it won't be so easy."

Tang Li pretended to be shocked: "Wife, you can't do this, I'll hide your doll when I get home, and see what else you can hold to sleep."

Chu Chisi gave her a sideways glance, but said nothing.

Seeing Chu Chisi's calm expression, holding the coffee cup slowly, Tang Li's heart was inexplicably itchy, and she wanted to tease her.

The fragrance is long, clear and long.

Tang Li was sitting or not, half leaning on the table top, pressing towards Chu Chisi a little.

Chu Chisi frowned: "?"

Tang Li pursed her lips and smiled, picked up a strand of her long hair, and circled it around her knuckles a few times, twisting it into a small fan.

The small fan swayed, and gently swiped a few times against Chu Chisi's hand holding the cup.

She asked, "Chi Si, can I have a coffee?"

Chu Chisi didn't change his face: "Buy it yourself."

The small fan rubbed the skin restlessly, along the slender knuckles all the way up, rubbing slowly, rubbing, as if to please your plush puppy.

The tips of the hair rubbed a little bit, itchy, and the movements were gentle, not only tugging at the heartstrings: "I just want to drink your cup."

Chu Chisi reminded: "It's very bitter."

Tang Li was aggrieved and reluctant to part: "You haven't given me a drink, how do you know I won't like it?"

As she said that, she began to play her acting skills again, distorting the topic: "Could it be that you know me so well, wife, that you even know things that I don't like bitter?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

After a while, Chu Chisi put down the coffee cup, opened the lid, and pushed it silently in front of Tang Li: "Here."

Tang Li was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that his aggressive tactics would actually work, so he hurriedly brought the coffee and took a big gulp.

Immediately afterwards, the bitter taste exploded on the tip of the tongue, and went straight to the brow, stirring the world upside down. Tang Li was dumb and couldn't express the bitterness of eating Huanglian, and his expression twisted uncontrollably.

Can this little broken body get better? !

Tang Li frowned, covered her lips, and swallowed the coffee in her throat abruptly, thinking of dismantling this broken system that bound herself with **** A every day.

Chu Chisi asked, "How?"

Tang Li swallowed the overwhelming bitter taste between his lips and teeth, raised his eyebrows and smiled brightly, and said in a soft voice: "It's delicious, what my wife gives is sweet."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi: "...Sweet?"

She held her white fingers together, her cold eyebrows narrowed slightly, and her smile was weak: "It's rare that you like it so much, so let's finish drinking before leaving."

Tang Li: "..."

After digging a hole and burying himself, he has been in power for 800 years. After catching Tang Li, who was trying so hard to "disaster" Chu Chisi, he finally experienced the feeling of being pitted again.

But well, he is a wife and not an outsider.

She was willing to kick herself into the pit, and then pitifully begged her wife to pull her out.

The two were talking and chatting here, but they didn't know that someone was watching them not far away.

The woman in the wide-brimmed hat sat lazily, with big wavy curly hair draped over her shoulders and neck. She weighed a small silver spoon and slowly stirred the coffee in front of her.

The mist was hazy, and wisps rose.

"That... that raider is too bold, and even dared to pour your coffee, are you really going to let her go like this?"

A familiar voice rang out in his ears, as if it appeared out of thin air. He couldn't find the source of any voice, it just floated in the air, and only she could hear it.

The woman hooked Hongyan's lips: "No hurry."

The coffee was still scalding hot, and a misty white mist rose up and gradually melted into the air: "The betrayal from the person you trust the most, the person you love the most, is more interesting, isn't it?"

The voice suddenly realized: "So it is! You are still more powerful."

The woman did not smile, she picked up the coffee in front of her and took a sip, the mellow and bitterness spread on the tip of her tongue, turning into a bottomless smile.

"However, she has to suffer a little."

The coffee cup was placed on the table, and with a soft "click" sound, the woman put her fingers together and instructed, "You go to modify the background data and add an abnormal state to the Raiders."

She warned: "Be careful with Chu Chi Si, remember to do it without leaving any traces, understand?"

The voice responded and disappeared into the air. .

With Chu Chisi smiling but not smiling, Tang Li finally resisted the pressure and just filled half a cup of black coffee.

Because the original body is too sensitive to bitterness, Tang Li, a person who is not interested in sweets at all, put a bunch of candy in his mouth for the first time after returning to the villa.

The past few days are the summer solstice, and Lingang, as a coastal city in the Northern Allied countries, is even more humid and hot.

But what Tang Li never expected was that he just turned down the air conditioner a few degrees so that he could sleep, and this little body was abruptly caught by the cold wind.

"Ding Dong, the [I want to fall in love] series of tasks has been updated, please complete it in time today, or you will be punished!"

The familiar system prompt sounded, but Tang Li didn't have the strength to turn it on. She fell groggy on the pillow, her voice slightly hoarse: "What time is it?"

System: "Task update, it means nine o'clock in the morning."

Tang Li stumbled "Oh", turned over and went back to sleep. The breath was hot and the throat was dry.

"I...have a fever."

Tang Li had a severe headache, and rubbed her forehead: "I really didn't expect that I could fall ill just by being blown by the air conditioner."

The system said: "Indeed, seeing you live and dancing on weekdays, you are suddenly so decadent today, which makes me a little unaccustomed to it."

Tang Li was so angry: "Go away."

The system sighed: "It seems that he is seriously ill, and even the word 'roll' is so weak."

Tang Li: "…"

[Remaining HP: 87]

[Fever status: HP-1 per hour]

Compared with the previous Bleeding negative state (-3 health per minute), this time the fever negative state is much gentler, only reducing 1 health per hour, which is enough for her to recover.

Tang Li can't keep burning for 87 hours.

That way people will be burnt stupid.

"If you're not used to it, help me delete the fever. I'm in a daze now, and I don't even know where I am."

Tang Li took a deep breath and frowned: "If this goes on, there's no way to do the daily tasks. When I wake up tomorrow, I'll be one step closer to the reset point."

The system spread its hands: "I don't have permission, I'm sorry."

Tang Li turned over and wrapped herself in a quilt, her voice muffled inside: "What do you want?"

She slept in a drowsy state for a while, the burning became more and more fierce, and the pain in her head became more and more painful.

Tang Li lay down for a while, and vaguely heard the knock on the door, which sounded like the housekeeper in the villa: "Miss Tang, do you want lunch?"

"...Eat, wait for me for a while."

Tang Li sat up reluctantly, and when she touched her forehead, she realized that her forehead was covered in fine sweat. She washed her face, changed into clothes, and walked out the door with heavy steps.

The butler asked, "How are you?"

Tang Li sat at the dining table, covering her hot forehead with her hands, her voice a little hoarse: "Fortunately, I can't die."

The food was delicious and fragrant, but she had no appetite and only drank some porridge in a hurry.

The system said: "Today's daily tasks are a bit difficult, are you sure you don't want to read them first?"

"I'm a little uncomfortable, I'll see later."

Tang Li shook her head. She was so uncomfortable. She poured ice water into her throat and asked the housekeeper, "Where's Chu Chisi?"

The housekeeper did his due diligence, followed the program settings, and replied in a straight-forward manner: "Miss Chu is not here."

Tang Li took another sip of ice water. The water had no taste, but she felt a little sour and astringent for no reason. The bitter taste stayed on the tip of her tongue and refused to disperse for a long time.

She took care of Chu Chisi when she had a fever.

What about when you have a fever?

The scorching temperature oppressed reason, and Tang Li felt that his brain was a little awake, but he felt sad and aggrieved for no reason.

The stomach is sour and sour, like chewing a lemon.

However, she didn't even know what she was feeling sad and wronged.

Seeing that she seemed to be in a bad mood, the housekeeper took a few steps closer, bent over and asked, "Do you have a fever?"

"The antipyretics that Miss Chu bought last time, the painkillers should still be there, can I get them for you?"

Tang Li hoarsely said, "No need."

She has survived by herself since she was a child. How could she have used such a luxurious thing, drink more water, and get a good night's sleep.

Tang Li sighed, her knuckles pressed against her forehead, and she pulled it back and forth, making the system unable to resist complaining: "If you keep rubbing your forehead, your skin will almost wrinkle."


Tang Li's voice was sullen, wrapped in a thick burnout, and sounded weak.

She turned off the computer screen and simply lay down on the bed.

His forehead was still hot, and it didn't seem to get better. The ice cubes on the head of the bed slowly melted, and the water droplets flowed down the wall of the glass, forming a small pond on the table top.

Tang Li was drowsy and didn't know how long she had slept. She was covering the bed so hot that it was like a small heated kang.

"Knock, knock."

With two soft clicks, someone knocked on the door.

"Sorry, I don't have dinner." Tang Li shouted with her eyes closed, but her voice was too hoarse and weak, and she didn't know if the other party heard it.

The door was pushed open gently.

The sound of footsteps came from far to near and stopped beside him. Tang Li was so burned that he couldn't open his eyes. He wrapped himself in a quilt and huddled in the corner of the bed.

Someone was pulling the quilt over his head. Tang Li tried to resist, but her body was limp and failed.

Under the heavy quilt, there was a pitiful little face with closed eyes. Tang Li's cheeks were slightly red, her long eyelashes were dense, and her lips were dyed with a hint of water: "Sleepy..."

The man looked at her, stunned inexplicably.

As soon as she let go, Tang Li fell back and planted on the soft pillow.

The person: "…"

Tang Li whispered, "I'm a little uncomfortable."

The window was opened, and the cold wind blew past her side, mixed with a wisp of pleasant fragrance, like the clear branches and leaves spreading out from the fine snow, which made her feel a lot better.

The knuckles were pressed against his forehead, a little cool.

Her voice was cold, like a jade falling to the ground: "The housekeeper said that you have a fever, and you refused to eat or take medicine. You have been bored in the room for a day."

Although the person who spoke was cold, his voice was really nice. Tang Li thought in a daze, and her voice was vague: "Really..."

The man paused, then said, "Do you want to die?"

Tang Li turned her head, her blond hair was scattered on the pillow, her eyelashes were dyed with mist, and the tip of her nose was flushed, she said, "I don't want to die, I'm thinking of my wife."

"Why is she always ignoring people?"

Tang Li closed her eyes sleepily, her long eyelashes drooped down, and whispered, "But she's so cute."

That person: "..."

The system was stunned and couldn't help but ask, "Are you confused or awake?"

Given that Tang Li usually looks like she's out of character, she speaks one by one, and even the system can't tell whether she's joking or if she's speaking seriously.

Tang Li closed her eyes and muttered in her heart, "I don't know, my headache is about to explode..."

The system turned on the background, looked at the [high fever state] and muttered: "I saw that you were beaten until you only had 1 HP left, and it didn't hurt or itching. How did you get a fever like this?"

Tang Li said, "That's different, that time was a physical attack, this time it's a magic attack."

The system is sincere: "Let's play less games."

Tang Li didn't know what to say, turned over and stuffed herself into the pillow.

Someone put a hand on her shoulder and pushed gently: "Get up and take your medicine."

Her voice is nice, clear and cold, the type she likes.

Tang Li planted between the pillows, revealing half of her rosy cheeks: "No."

Chu Chisi stood beside the bed, frowning slightly.

Tang Li's breathing was heavy, and the alpha pheromone, which was usually well controlled, leaked out a little, entangled in the flowing wind.

It seems that as long as you stretch out your hand, you can touch the fluttering snow-white petals and bring back the light fragrance full of them.

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment.

Touching Tang Li's cheek with his fingertips, he picked up a bunch of fine hair scattered on his brows, and gently passed it over his flushed cheeks, pulling the strands of hair behind his ears.

Then, she was stunned for a while, and lowered her head in a daze, staring at her fingertips in a daze.

Tang Li was confused by the burning, "Uh..."

The fingertips are slightly cool, delicate and soft. When they lightly stroke the skin, they also seem to touch the heart, leaving a thin and cold mark.

Cool, so itchy.

It's a pity that the touch is fleeting, and it is as light as a dragonfly. Tang Li almost subconsciously wants to grab the thing that left.

Very unfortunately, she fluttered.

With a "bang" sound, Tang Li smashed the quilt onto the ground. Her bones hurt from the fall, but she just frowned and didn't make any sound.

Someone squatted down beside him, his voice was very close, a little more lingering, a little more tender: "Do you know—"

"What are you doing?"

The knuckles covered his forehead again, hesitantly probed the temperature, but when he tried to pull it away, he was grabbed by someone.

Fingertips are hot, with a heart-shattering temperature.

Chu Chisi looked cold, looked down at the hand held by Tang Li, instinctively wanted to break free, but she hesitated and let the other party hold her.

It shouldn't be like this.

Tang Li tugged at her, and pressed her cheek against the back of her hand intentionally or unintentionally, and rubbed softly a few times, like a nostalgic cub, always making people feel soft-hearted.

The cheek skin is soft, incredibly delicate to the touch, and melts into water when rubbed on the back of the hand.

Chu Chisi froze, "Let go."

Tang Li held her tightly, her long eyelashes caressed the back of her hand softly, and her words were soft like babbling: "It's so cold..."

His breath ran hot between his fingers, almost digging into his skin, igniting a thin flame.

"I said, let it go!"

Chu Chisi gritted her teeth and took her hand away. She kept backing away until her back slammed into the closed door, and then she suddenly came back to her senses.

She looked at her hands.

It was empty and there was nothing there.

But she always felt that a soft and dense touch still remained in her hand, and a wisp of ethereal fragrance was still entangled in her knuckles, and she was reluctant to disperse for a long time.

Soft and warm, it tickled my heart.

Chu Chisi rubbed her fingers, her expression gloomy, she looked up, but saw Tang Li lying curled up on the ground, her shoulder blades seemed to be shaking slightly.

She lowered her head, her long brown-blond hair was scattered on the floor, and the white quilt was spread out under her body.

Like a bird with its wings ripped off, weak and pale, it can't go anywhere but seeks its own shelter.

Chu Chisi suddenly felt a little soft-hearted, even though she knew that she shouldn't do this, she should always stay awake and rational.

But the man looked miserable.

Chu Chisi was silent for a long time, the hand on the doorknob hesitated, twisted a few times, but stopped again, as stiff as a stone.

Even Chu Chisi didn't know what she was hesitating and waiting for.


Chu Chisi sighed, she let go of the door handle, walked back to Tang Li in small steps, and knelt down in front of her.

She pursed her lips and pushed Tang Li's shoulder: "Wake up."

Tang Li opened her eyes in a trance, and in her sight covered with water mist, she could barely see a vague figure.

The strings of reason are burned to the point of being unbroken.

Tang Li told herself that she should step back, but there was always a strange aroma that was bewitching and leading. Seduce her and make her reach out.

"—you, what are you doing?!"

The soft and gentle man slammed into his arms, his arms wrapped around his waist involuntarily, and softly hugged Chu Chisi in his arms.

The strength is not great, but it is difficult to break free.

The long brown-blond hair was scattered on the white shirt, like a fluffy puppy, rubbed and rubbed again.

Chu Chisi's voice changed. His eyes that were always warm and cold were filled with anger, and his fingers were taut: "Let me go!"

"But my head hurts." Tang Li murmured, her guttural voice was subtle, scratching her heart: "It hurts..."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi was knocked to the ground, his long hair was scattered on his shoulders, and he seemed to be hurt by being hit, and the corners of his eyes were stained with a little bit of red.

She propped up her body with her arms, and the person who was hugging her waist also slipped a little and fell between her legs.

The breath poured into the folds of the clothes and leaked in through the gaps in the fabric, giving the illusion of blowing on the skin.

Too close, too abrasive.

Chu Chisi frowned and pushed Tang Li perseveringly: "Stop hugging, let go."

I don't know if Tang Li heard it or not, but she hugged a little tighter anyway.

Chu Chisi had never had such a headache in his life and was so helpless. The tense shoulders loosened, and he sighed helplessly: "Alas."

When you're awake, it's enough to make you feel relieved. Why does it become more difficult after a fever?

Can't talk, can't move, can't push.

What can she do? .

Tang Li closed her eyes, half-dreaming and half-awake, as if someone was fiddling with her long hair, the rustling sound fell on her auricle, which made her feel at ease for no reason.

"OK OK."

The knuckles covered the top of her head, and she slowly slid down her long hair, comforting her softly, "Does it still hurt?"

The warm and delicate fragrance wrapped around the tip of her nose, making her land among the thin and soft clouds. Tang Li closed her eyes and felt that someone was gently stroking her long hair.

So gentle.

The man let him wrap his arms around his waist, but still coaxed him softly. Although his voice was cold, it somehow made people feel at ease.

"It's alright, it'll be fine," she said softly.

The tip of the nose can smell the clear fragrance, wisps, wisps, carefully woven into a flexible net, lure ignorant and ignorant prey step by step into the unknown trap.

There was nowhere to run, and she was happy.

Tang Li was a little tired, and the arm that was holding the other person unconsciously loosened a little. As a result, the person seized the opportunity and disappeared in an instant.

Footsteps sounded in my ears, and the door was opened with a "click" and closed again, leaving Tang Li's room full of silence and desolation.

She felt so sad when her arms were empty.

The ground was hard and cold, and the thin quilt covered her body a little, but Tang Li still felt cold and shivered.

I don't know how long it took.

The door was reopened again, but this time the sound of footsteps turned into two, coming in front of him one after the other.

Tang Li was not very happy, she just wanted to be alone.

That Qingling Siyu was particularly nice, and I liked it very much, but always said in a cold voice, "You give her some cold medicine."

Another hard-working voice who helps himself to shop, buy games, pick up and drop off every day, and wants to resign every moment says, "Miss Chu, aren't you embarrassing me?"

Leng Bingbing: "Pry her mouth open and stuff it in."

Want to resign: "This, this is not included in the responsibilities of the housekeeper. You have brought the medicine, just ask Miss Tang to sit up and feed her."

Bingbing: "Impossible."

Want to resign: "..."

He wanted to resign and sighed, reaching out to touch Tang Li. She didn't have that kind of sultry and clear breath on her body, which made Tang Li instantly vigilant and nervous.

Tang Li rolled over and sat up, moving very quickly, his forearm slammed against the man's neck, suppressing his breathing and the gate of life, and the other hand clasped the man's hand in place.

The blonde hair fell, and her eyes were cold: "Who are you?"

Want to resign: "..."

"Miss Chu, I'm quitting, I'm going to resign today," he said with a blank face when he wanted to resign, "I think my life is more important than money."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi sighed, "Let go of the housekeeper."

Strangely enough, Tang Li suddenly stopped moving and let go of the housekeeper.

The light-colored pupils looked over, showing a little bit of chill, but they melted the moment they saw her, hiding a kind of docility that was easy to misunderstand.

The housekeeper got up: "I want to resign."

Chu Chisi said coldly, "Give me the cold medicine."

She took the small vial from the butler, poured out two, paused, and poured out another.

The green and white pills were rolling in the palm of his hand, Chu Chisi stared at Tang Li and said, "Open your mouth."

The process of feeding the medicine went very smoothly. Tang Li was half asleep and half awake, and in a state of confusion, he actually obeyed Chu Chisi's instructions.

She took the medicine from Chu Chisi's hand in a daze, poured it into her mouth without any hesitation, then took the clear water from the other party and drank it in one gulp.

The neck moved, a swallowing motion.

A drop of water trickled down the thin white skin, traced a narrow water mark, and disappeared between the slightly open collars.


Tang Li obediently handed back the water glass.

The long smooth brown-blond hair was completely messed up and scattered on her shoulders. She lowered her eyelashes and her cheeks were reddish, looking defeated and depressed.

Chu Chisi took the water cup.

She paused, stretched out her hand hesitantly, and carefully stroked Tang Li's hair: "It should be fine, let's go."

Tang Li was silent, and let her mess up her long hair a little bit. The soft fragrance wrapped around the tip of her nose, making people feel at ease for no reason. .

Antipyretics work quickly.

When Tang Li woke up the next day, the sun was shining outside, and he could hear the brisk chirping of birds, beating notes that fell into the house and landed on his feet.

The system came out: "Yeah, are you awake?"

Tang Li rolled over and sat up, covered her forehead, and probed her own temperature: "It's strange, it doesn't seem to hurt much anymore."

"Then no, I threw Chu Chisi to the ground, hugged him for a long time, almost killed the housekeeper who worked so hard to take care of you, and in the end still pestering Chu Chisi to force her to give you medicine—"

The system said quietly: "That must be fine."

Tang Li was completely stunned.

Her expression was like being struck by lightning: "What did you just say? What did I do to Chu Chisi??"

System: "Are you just reacting now? If you don't believe what I said, open the daily task page and take a look."

Tang Li's breath trembled uncontrollably. With a flick of her fingertips, she quickly opened the system interface and found the records of previous daily tasks.

【Daily Mission (1/1)】

[Task Details] Every day I can't help but sigh, my little wife is so soft and cute! Throw into her arms like a fluffy puppy, and act like a spoiled brat around her waist!

[The mission has been completed, the Raiders please make persistent efforts! 】

Tang Li took a breath: "This..."

She stared at the screen for a long time, her knuckles hanging stiffly in the air, not going up or down.

The system looked at her: "What's wrong with you?"

Tang Li has always been calm and calm.

She doesn't seem to care about anything, and she is affectionate but cruel and ruthless. She can break sweet words into countless petals and send them to countless beautiful girls, and then smile and say that she has never left a trace of sincerity.

It was the first time the system had seen Tang Li so shocked, as if the world was collapsing.

But rather than surprise, the system is more curious: "Don't you remember at all? What happened yesterday."

Tang Li opened his mouth, but his throat was dry and hoarse. After a while, he spit out three words mixed with blood: "I don't remember."

Not right.

Something is wrong.

Alarm bells ringing in my heart, my eardrums humming. The sound of breathing fell down, down, into the endless black abyss.

She actually-

affected by this body.

Tang Li prided herself on being extremely strong in willpower and restraint. She was well prepared before entering the time-travel game, and she had to remain calm and rational no matter what the situation was.

Even if she was forced to drop the [Alpha Pheromone] punishment by the program before, she could still maintain a sense of reason and restrain herself from touching Chu Chisi.

But this time is different.

The impact this body can have on her is far greater than Tang Li imagined, causing her back to shiver instantly, and a heart in her throat.

Tang Li can feel the exhaustion that "she" can feel, taste the "bitter taste" that "she" can taste, and bear the pain that "she" can only bear.

"She" has a fever, "she" is uncomfortable, and "she" loses consciousness, all of which will be reflected on her body, silently affecting Tang Li's reason and judgment.

Like a smooth mirror.

The world is incredibly real, real to a terrifying level. Tang Li's breathing sank, and cold sweat broke out from his palms. The boundless chill ran up the spine.

Like an endless swamp, engulfing her to the top.

Tang Li was silent for a long time, until the system was a little puzzled, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"No...not very good." Tang Li pursed her lips, her willow-like eyebrows tightened tightly, and her knuckles tugged at a few strands of long hair, pulling hard.

She sighed and released her hand: "My memory is messy. I can remember a few pictures sporadically, but most of the actions—not by my own will."

The system said: "The original is delicate and weak. I grew up in a pampered way. I haven't done any training. It's inevitable that you will be affected."

Tang Li paused: "Maybe.".

Tang Li washed off the greasy sweat all over her body and changed into fresh and refreshing casual clothes. As soon as she opened the door of the bathroom, the system prompt sounded as expected:

"Ding Dong, the daily task has been updated!"

【Daily Mission (0/1)】

【Quest Details】Emotions need to be managed by two people together, and it can last for a long time. There are never too many surprises and cute gifts on the anniversary. Buy your lover something she likes!

【Failure Penalty】Death after accumulating the number of failures (0/2).

"Today's task is so simple?"

Tang Li raised her eyebrows and glanced at the screen, then folded her arms: "You finally found out in your conscience, are you ready to give me a breather?"

The system snorted and whispered: "The task is random, you are lucky."

The task is simple, and Tang Li is in a good mood.

She hummed a little tune and wandered all the way to the living room. She was about to find something to eat when she suddenly froze.

Chu Chisi is also here.

There was a pile of paper on the dining table, and he could vaguely recognize the previous "Marriage Contract". Chu Chisi was talking to the housekeeper carefully, and raised his head when he heard the sound.

The two looked at each other, and Tang Li was taken aback.

"Are you cured?"

"Chi Si, you didn't go to work?"

The two questions overlapped, and then fell into an eerie silence. Tang Li smiled and said, "Okay."

Chu Chisi nodded: "Well."

There was another awkward silence. At this moment, the housekeeper deeply regretted why he was tempted by money and did not resign decisively last night.

"Miss Chu, then I'll go first."

The housekeeper got up and was about to leave, but was quickly stopped by Tang Li. She tilted her head and smiled lightly: "Hello, can you go out with me later?"

The butler said, "What's the matter?"

"I want to go to the pedestrian street, the game city," Tang Li blinked and said nonsense without changing her face, "I want to buy game accessories."

The housekeeper glanced at Chu Chisi, then nodded: "Okay, call me when you're ready."

Chu Chisi sat on the right side of the restaurant, and Tang Li deliberately took a long detour to avoid touching her.

Tang Li took out two pieces of bread from the refrigerator, and regarded it as his own breakfast, then trotted to the housekeeper: "Let's go."

The housekeeper was stunned, "Okay."

Chu Chisi didn't speak the whole time, his eyes wandered, he looked at the documents that were spread out, and then looked at Tang Li's distant figure.

Tang Li turned around at the door and waved from a distance: "I'm leaving, my wife bye."

Chu Chisi was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but fell silent again, unable to say anything.

She rubbed the paper with a rustling sound. .

Tang Li only said two words to Chu Chisi, staying far away from her the whole time, leaving quickly and dashingly, leaving only the back of a scumbag who "runs away".

He was so eager to stick to Chu Chisi's body on the day of peace, always thinking about how to rub against others, it was like a different person.

The system was very dissatisfied: "What are you doing, you are so indifferent to the target of the attack, and you don't even say a few words?"

Tang Li leaned against the back of the chair without raising her head: "What's your task today?"

The system was stunned: "Buy... buy a gift?"

Tang Li spread her hands: "Isn't that right? I just need to buy her a little gift that I like. There's no need to talk to her or get close to her."

Although, that's true.

But the system always felt that something was weird, as if Tang Li had changed since yesterday.

Of course Tang Li has not changed.

The scenery outside the car kept passing by, Tang Li frowned slightly, and tapped the edge of the window with his fingertips, making two soft clicks.

She had promised Chu Chisi that she might lie, she might lie, but she would never hurt her.

But what if the body is out of control?

It was just a common cold and fever, and she strongly violated Chu Chisi's wishes, overwhelmed and hugged her, and even nearly killed the housekeeper.

Then, in another situation: if you are accidentally drugged, or the susceptibility period arrives—

Tang Li dare not go