MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 31 (1)

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The storage room is narrow and crowded, with miscellaneous objects, mostly soft fabrics, in the dark and narrow space, there is a person lying down.

"Cough, cough..."

A weak cough sounded, breaking the original silence.

Chu Chisi opened her eyes, her whole body was in severe pain, every breath seemed to be bloody, her teeth shuddered slightly, and she was so weak that she couldn't even bite her lips.

It was frighteningly quiet here, and she could hear her own breathing, heartbeat, echoing in the empty silence.

Circle after circle, there are countless tiny ripples.

The strange medicine was working, and the pheromone gradually lost its balance and lost control, stumbling out of the body, filling the entire narrow space.

The most terrifying thing is that she can clearly realize:

Pieces of sanity are being stripped away, replaced by chaotic and frenetic desires.

In every second of the subjective consciousness, the breathing became more and more rapid, as if with hot sparks, trembling and overflowing from the lips and teeth: "Um..."

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

Chu Chisi bit down on the tip of his tongue and retrieved some shattered reason from the pain.

Several ropes tied her body tightly and tied a dead knot around her hands. She tried her best to lean against the wall and straighten her body.

You can't sit still, you must first untie the rope tied to your wrist and look for something sharp and sharp.

Chu Chisi took a little breath, and his scattered eyes gathered, his eyes swept across every corner of the storage room, but his heart was half cold.

[Manager] knows what she wants to do.

The entire storage room is full of soft things such as quilts, towels, pillows, etc., leaving no chance for myself.

Chu Chisi bit his lip and moved to his side.

She couldn't see the back, so she could only feel the rope between her wrists against the iron frame, rubbing it little by little.

The medicine was flowing in the blood, and the body was so soft that it was impossible to exert any strength, as if it was about to be melted here.

The glands buried under the skin were slowly revealed, extremely bright red and dazzling, adorning her already fine white skin.

Like a broken plum in the snow.

Desire is screaming, longing for the Alpha mark.

Chu Chisi gritted her teeth, she tried for a long time, her wrists were red and swollen and painful, but the rope was still tightly bound, and there was no sign of loosening.

The thin sweat soaked through the long hair, strands adhered to the cheeks, the bound wrist hurts, the throat to which the medicine is poured hurts, and the hot glands hurt.

She felt that she was already numb and used to the pain.

But she was still afraid.

Pheromone surged and leaked out along the crack of the door. Chu Chisi heard some messy footsteps, and his nerves suddenly tightened.

"Hey, do you feel it?" "It seems to be an Omega pheromone, the smell is so fragrant, can you find where it came from?" "It should be around here, let's look for it."

Intense uneasiness swept through his body in an instant.

Chu Chisi struggled to step back. She knocked over several iron frames before, and the sheets and towels were piled up on the ground in a mess, just enough to hide.

The quilt covered her body. What was heavier than the quilt was her heartbeat. The water droplets trickled down the tips of her hair, leaving a small dark circle on the white sheet.

The forehead is so hot, the glands are so hot.

Chu Chisi curled up, she breathed shiveringly, shrinking herself a little smaller.

The sound of footsteps seemed to be getting closer, "ta-ta", "ta-ta", sounding close at hand, each step on her trembling heart, hummingly vibrating the eardrum.

Chu Chisi held her breath, her ears were noisy, her consciousness gradually slackened, and she merged into the hazy white mist.

Please don't come in.

She bit the tip of her tongue, begging over and over again in her heart, such a low and quiet wish, the only small wish.

But the voice was so soft that no one could hear it.

They said that there is a **** three feet above the head, so they built a temple and a platform to enshrine the gods and Buddhas in the temple, praying for the existence of the high and high above the distant sky to bow their heads and promise the perfection of all beings in the world.

But God does not exist.

We imagine and construct "gods", worship and worship one or many false products that exist only in our thinking, and pray to them in order to realize our wishes.

They are just a tool to respond to problems that have no unique solution, to comfort those emotions that can't be settled.

Use illusions to deceive the cerebral cortex, use lies to give hope to the desperate, and the last piece of driftwood to the drowning.

The footsteps gradually faded away, and she suddenly felt a little more at ease.

"Calm down and find something you can use." Chu Chisi muttered to himself, "Don't forget, you are alone."

In this cycle of endless despair, you can only go on by yourself.

No one will help you, no one will save you, no one will love you.

His eyes were a little hot, Chu Chisi turned his head awkwardly, and wiped the corners of his eyes with the clothes on his shoulders.

The coat is rough and a little sore.

Chu Chisi saw several hanging hangers at the top of the iron frame. She struggled to move over and rammed herself into the iron frame.


The iron frame was buzzing, and she was dizzy when she hit her, blood gushing out of her throat, and she was bitten firmly between her lips.

Chu Chisi bumped several times in a row, but the hangers just swayed and didn't mean to fall off.

Why? I just…

What did i do wrong? why treat me like this?

She suddenly felt aggrieved and sad. He crumpled himself into a small crumpled paper ball, curled up in the dark corner, and buried his head deep in his knees.

Maslow divided needs into five stages, he said that only when the bottom is satisfied, we will think about the needs of the next class. ①

But even a newborn baby monkey instinctively seeks "warmth", let alone a person with "thought". ②

So contradictory and complicated, he spent his whole life searching for answers, pursuing his inner belonging, and craving love and warmth.

She couldn't take it anymore.

In the endless cycle of despair, which is like a deep sea, she needs something that will shine in the sand and shine in the long river of memory.


Chu Chisi trembled and said those two words softly.

I haven't called this name for a long time, and even the pronunciation is a little unfamiliar, but the words spit out are extremely clear, extremely gentle, and stunned to the point of tears.

Threads and strands, with sweetness,

Two words that let the chest fly into the butterfly.

She chanted the curse wrapped around her heart, opened the cursed treasure box, and let the loneliness and pain that she could not release overwhelm her.

In an instant, the thick heart wall collapsed and shattered into pieces.

Chu Chisi's back was trembling, every word was full of blood, with a scattered cry: "Tang Li, I...I don't know to do..."

Her throat was so hoarse and painful: "Help me."

The tears couldn't be stopped any longer, and they spread turbulently from the lower eye sockets, covering the vision with a thin layer of fog.

"Tang Li, I miss you so much."

Chu Chisi closed her eyes hard, she didn't want to cry, but the water droplets still flowed through her eyes, hanging on her long eyelashes, slowly falling down and down.

"Tang Li, I want to go home..."

She shouted with all her might, over and over, but her voice was too weak and too small for anyone to hear.

The voice trembled, as if it was about to burst into pieces, turning into tiny ashes blown away by the wind.

Tang Pear, Tang Pear.

The third star of the North Alliance, the youngest major general.

Her hands are a little bigger than her own, slender and beautiful, with well-defined joints, thin calluses due to years of training, but when they touch the skin, they are not rough at all, but rather itchy.

Her voice is very nice, she is usually lazy, always likes to laugh, likes to tease herself, and likes to say nonsense.

Only when her head is pressed to give a speech does she wear a complicated dark formal suit with a star badge.

Become that serious and serious, clear and cold Major General Tang Li.

If she were here, she would definitely bend over, hold her hand tightly, and coax softly, "Chi Si, it's alright."

She would say, "Everything will be fine."

The long brown-gold hair fell down, and the bright sun, the bright stars, the burning light and fire, blazing hot and intense, illuminated the boundless darkness.

Yes, everything is fine.

She hopes so earnestly that when she can [true death], everything will be fine.

The venue for the charity banquet is a hotel, with a full seven floors, the bottom two floors are the hotel lobby and banquet hall, and the upper five floors are a hotel and other places.

The banquet is over, but some people are still here.

Several Alphas walked around in the corridor, breathing hot, as if they were looking for something.

"Any clues?" "It should be near here, but it's hidden deep." "Really, it's fragrant and seductive, just like fluttering silk threads, intermittently."

The corridor is filled with Omega's pheromones, and the strange and refreshing aroma spreads out, surging silently.

Under the dome, there seems to be a soft snow falling softly, falling between the branches and leaves and the velvet flowers, the cold and quiet grass and trees are lightly fragrant.

Not the sweet aroma of cream, rose, peach and the like that you would normally have in an Omega.

That breath is the winter forest.

It's too cold, but it's very seductive.

It tempts people to approach and touch, and the heart is beating restlessly, wanting to dye this clear fragrance with temperature and mark it with its own unique flavor.

Several people covet their breath and tried to find the hiding spot of the Omega, but they found nothing after searching for a long time.

As they talked, they walked to the corner.

A hint of floral fragrance was suddenly mixed in the air, repelling the pheromones of several people, but before they were alerted, they were severely suppressed to the ground.

Someone rushed out of the shadows, his movements were neat and tidy, his goal was clear, and when his arm was twisted around his neck, he instantly brought down the two companions beside him.

Before Alpha could react, a pair of slender hands grabbed his hair. The man pressed his knees against his back and smashed his head to the ground with a thud.

Several companions wailed and fell beside them, the shadow was suppressed, and an extremely cold voice fell from the top of their heads: "The Omega you mentioned, where is she?!"

"What, let me go!" Alpha struggled, but he held his hand firmly and didn't even move, "We didn't find it either!"

The man who restrained himself lowered his head, and his long brown and golden hair fell down, blocking his face and expression. It was pitch black, and only her deep and cold eyes could be seen: "Really?"

She gritted her teeth: "Useless things."

The majestic pheromone poured in, and under the violent rejection, another Alpha was silently brought down and fainted on the ground.

Tang Li stood up, the system screen beside him was brightly lit.

【warn! The remaining health is less than 20%]

【Please rest now! Rest now! 】

The automatic alarm sound gave people a headache, Tang Li opened the system page and glanced at it, and sneered: "15 o'clock is enough, what's the noise."

She kicked away the few people who were lying on the ground blocking the way, and pushed her blood-stained hair behind her, her steps were hurried and violent, and she looked around in the corridor.

Damn, where is it? !

Omega's pheromone is intermittent, and her own state is not very good. The original wound on her abdomen has not fully recovered, and now there are many bloodstains added to the previous fight.

In the final analysis, it is still 'self' too weak.

Tang Li panted slightly and raised her hand to support the wall.

She was a little deprived of oxygen from overrunning, and the bleeding wound that she couldn't handle made her dizzy for a while.

There are Chu Chisi's pheromones everywhere in the corridor, but they are too weak and spread too wide. According to her current physical state, it is very difficult to locate the specific location.

Tang Li gritted her teeth and hammered the wall hard.

There was a muffled "dong", and the phalanx was smashed into pain, which suppressed a little restlessness and calmed her down a little.

Omega pheromone is like honey to Alpha, like poison, even after strict control training, it can easily disturb the mind.

The tip of her nose is her scent.

The fine snow and vegetation are also mixed with a faint, inaudible... blood energy?

Tang Li suddenly tightened his mind and followed the weak **** aura to find it. In this extremely hidden corner, there was a secret door in the [storage room].

She just got closer, and the breath of pheromone became a little thicker, and it slowly poured out from the gap.

A faint noise could be heard faintly.

Before she could think about it, her body moved faster than her thoughts. She slammed the door lock hard, one after another, her voice hoarse: "Chu Chisi?! Are you inside? Can you hear me?"

[Wrist and knuckle scars +5, HP -5]

【warn! Please rest now! 】

[Remaining HP: 10]

The locked door was finally smashed open, blood beads slipped down his knuckles, and the knuckles trembled because of the force. Tang Li grabbed his wrist and kicked the door open with a bang.

A gleam of light hit the dark storage room.

The entire room was immersed in Omega pheromone, which was stronger than the pheromone. It was a **** smell that was sticky and dripped from the air as if it could condense into an entity.

The white sheets and pillowcases were scattered all over the floor, covered with scary scarlet bloodstains, mottled and meandering all the way, leading to the deep corners of the storage room.

Tang Li's heart was trembling: "Chi... Chi Si?"

The sheets rustled and slipped down the soft hair, revealing the porcelain doll that was hidden inside, such a small, delicate person who could hold in the palm of his hand.

Chu Chisi turned her body sideways, her eyes cold.

The ropes were frayed and snapped around her body. The slender wrist was covered with hideous bloodstains, and blood beads were slowly seeping backwards.

What's worse, she was holding a broken piece of iron tightly, and the rusty tip was pressed against the skin of the back of the neck, where the gland was buried.

With a little force, the iron piece pierced a few times fiercely.

"Chu Chisi?!" Tang Li rushed forward, but stopped abruptly.

As soon as Chu Chisi's hand turned, the iron piece brought out a string of blood beads, which tickly smashed to the ground, splashing bright red all over the ground.

The pointed head, which was dyed bright red, was facing Tang Li.

"No...don't come here."

Chu Chisi took a deep breath, and his voice sank a little: "Don't come here, get out of my way."

This may be the first time, and perhaps the last time, that Tang Li has violated Chu Chisi's wishes in a sober state.

With a "bang" sound, the iron piece was thrown to the ground, deeply stuck between the layered sheets, and the tail was still buzzing and vibrating.

The wrist was held and hung in the air.

Chu Chisi was stunned and raised his head blankly: "You..."

Tang Li's actions were fierce and violent, his eyes were bloodshot, like an untamed, hungry wolf.

But the hand between the wrists is so soft and careful, like holding a light feather, for fear of hurting himself.

"Chu Chisi, don't do this."

She looked so fierce and her eyes were so red that Chu Chisi always suspected that she was about to cry in the next moment, but she didn't until the end.

"I'm sorry, I'm still late. I've been looking on the second floor. I smashed a bunch of doors, removed several chains, and many people blocked the way. I...I..."

Tang Li held her tightly, bowed his body, and his long brown blond hair fell on his shoulders.

Her breath was trembling, and her knuckles were trembling: "Chi Si, please..."

Her voice was so soft and gentle.

The touch spreads across the skin, tangled like thin threads around flesh, around scarred bones.

The hand on his wrist loosened.

Tang Li was defeated and knelt on the ground in defeat. She seemed to want to hug herself, but the raised hand was finally put down, and she just pressed her head down on her shoulders.

Breath creeps into the collar, warm and moist.

Her voice was hoarse, falling on her ear intermittently: "Chi Si, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I..."

If only I could find you sooner, would everything be different?

But there is no if in this world, the interaction of variables is constantly changing, and the entropy value will never decrease irreversibly.

We are heading towards chaos, the law of the universe - a sign that the past is a foregone conclusion.

Tang Li didn't even have the courage to hug her, she could only say palely: "I will definitely take you out, I promise."

Tang Li stood up straight, with a thin smile forced out on her face, she said decisively: "I will take you home."

There was only coldness in Chu Chisi's eyes.

She doesn't believe in herself.

Tang Li lowered her head, dragged a sheet sideways, and tore it with both hands, trying to tear off one as a temporary bandage to help Chu Chisi wrap up the more serious wounds.

As a result, Tang Li's five fingers trembled violently, her breathing was fast and disorderly, and she tore the sheet for a long time, without even opening a small gap.

Chu Chisi watched quietly from the side.

Tang Li tore for a long time, finally gave up, and reached out to Chu Chisi, "I'll help you stand up, slowly, okay?"

The hand hovered for a long time until the wrist was a little sore.

She finally put herself into the palm of her hand.

Tang Li clenched the blood-stained fingertips, and her heart was also broken into five, six, seven or eight petals. She did not dare to use too much strength, and slowly supported Chu Chisi to stand up.

Chu Chisi's body was extremely hot, and her breathing was not stable. Just as she tried to stand up, she fell headfirst into Tang Li's arms.

The glands were still damaged, and a bloodstain was drawn on the skin. The familiar pheromone became somewhat fragmented, and the person who fell into his arms was also fragmented.

But it doesn't matter.

She would pick it up piece by piece and piece it together slowly.

"It's alright," Tang Li stroked her long black hair and asked her to shift her focus to herself, "It's alright, I've dealt with all the people outside."

Chu Chi Si was silent and just looked at her.

"Paipai and Xiaoxi are waiting outside," Tang Li continued, filling the silence between them with words, "Let's go to the hospital quickly, all your wounds will be treated—"

Chu Chisi suddenly shook his head.

"No," she said, "I don't want to go to the hospital."

Tang Li was a little anxious, "How does this work? Your glands are seriously injured and you must go to the hospital for an examination."

Chu Chisi just shook his head: "No."

She was so stubborn, and Tang Li was in a hurry. Just as she was about to persuade a few more words, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her mind:

"Listen to her, don't go to the hospital."

The system warned: "There is a garbled area over there. All the data and NPCs are in a weird superposition state, which is very dangerous and must not be approached."

Tang Li paused and smiled: "Yeah, I've been disconnected for so long this time, I didn't even have a shadow when I needed you, and now I'm finally willing to come back?"

I always thought she was a little bit yin and yang.

The system murmured and explained: "I just went on a business trip, and there are some things at the headquarters that I need to deal with."

Since Chu Chisi and the system have said so, and the hospital area is such a dangerous place, Tang Li has no reason to refute, and in the end he is defeated.

"Okay...Okay," Tang Li sighed, "Then let's go home first and see a family doctor."

Chu Chisi nodded. .

The two assistants were taken aback when they saw them, and they never thought that an ordinary banquet would turn into such a tragic outcome.

Pai Pai was stunned, with big eyes full of tears, looked at Chu Chi Si at a loss: "Chi, Sister Chi Si..."

"'re covered in blood," she said in a trembling voice, "are you really not going to the hospital, it looks too dangerous..."

Chu Chisi shook his head: "It's okay."

She drooped her eyelashes and sounded tired.

Among the four, only Assistant Xi is currently able to drive, so Pai Pai left alone as originally planned, while Xi Bianqi drove the two back to the hilltop villa.

The effect of the drug has not yet faded, and Chu Chisi's pheromones are still a little messy, wisps surging outwards along the broken glands, weak and ethereal.

Fortunately, Assistant Xi is a Beta and is not sensitive to Omega's pheromones. Her driving hand was steady, and Tang Li in the back seat was a bit miserable.

The car was full of the fresh fragrance of grass and trees, surging quietly in the still air, like a dense net, entangling her and trapping her, and there was no way to break free.

Tang Li took a deep breath.

She silently discussed with the system: "Can you go to the background to change the value or something, and help me suppress the pheromone."

The system says nothing can be done: "Pheromones are global variables locked in the program, and I don't have permission to change them."

Tang Li scorned: "What's the use of you, other people's systems are all assists, but you are an out-and-out trash, useless thing!"


Did this person take fried medicine today? He seems to have a particularly grumpy temper, the kind that burns at a little bit.

Tang Li sighed and rubbed his brows.

The knuckles went around the back of the neck, and sure enough, the glands that were originally hidden between the skin were slightly protruding at this time, and when you touched it, you could feel the swollen lumps, which scalded her fingertips.

Tang Li pressed hard.

A burst of pain exploded, she frowned and endured it, but the program didn't seem to think so: [Gland is injured, HP -5]

Tang Li: "??????"

"Just kidding," Tang Li quickly reasoned with the system, "Pressing the glands for such a small pain can deduct five health points from me? Hurry up and make it up for me."

The system disagreed: "The glands are one of the most vulnerable parts of Alpha and Omega. It hurts to tear even a little bit of skin, not to mention that you are so cruel to yourself."

Tang Li glared at the screen and said nothing.

Looking at the bright [Remaining Health: 5] on the panel, she only felt that she was like a candle in the wind. Maybe she tripped over a small stone and fell, and she would go directly into a blood-locked coma.

He lost 5 health points with one hand, but Tang Li never dared to move his glands.

Although the pain temporarily suppressed the restlessness, it was only temporary after all. As the pain dissipated, the uncontrollable, dark tide of dryness and heat entangled her again.

The ancients said that eating marrow knows taste, and Tang Li knows this.

You bastard, you beast, **** scum, Tang Li scolded himself in his heart, you still think about these messy things in this state of thinking, are you embarrassed?

After scolding, Tang Li was refreshed.

Assistant Xi sat in the front row, Tang Li and Chu Chisi sat in the back row. Originally it was one person on the other, but Chu Chisi seemed to have fallen asleep, feeling cold and trembling.

Tang Li took her over and let Chu Chisi lean on his shoulders so that he could sleep more comfortably.

Chu Chisi lowered her eyelashes, the tip of her nose and cheeks were dyed with a little blush, and her body was warm and soft, as if it could melt into water in her arms.

Like a kitten, very cute.

Tang Li couldn't help raising her hand and poked her soft cheek, but the other party didn't move, not even the eyelashes fluttered.

Must be completely asleep.

The originally messy breathing became stable, she leaned on her shoulder, her cheeks were a little pale, and she looked pitiful.

When Tang Li came out, she took the sheep with her hand, and unceremoniously took out a lot of tissues in the banquet hall. Thinking that it might be useful, she folded it and stuffed it to Assistant Xi beside her: "Here, I don't have a pocket."

Xi Bian's expression at that time-

Shocked and bewildered.

She said, "Miss Tang, what are you doing with so much tissue paper? How long does it take? Don't you have any at home?"

Tang Li said: "It's free anyway, if you don't take it for nothing, we don't take it for nothing. Our family has contributed so many auction items, why can't we get some tissues?"

Xibian: "..."

Her expression was very complicated. She probably didn't expect that Sister Chi Si, whom she admired and admired, would actually marry such a shameless, sinless, and meticulous villain.

Will Tang Li be the one who cares about this?

If it wasn't for Pai Pai looking at her with condemning eyes, Tang Li would have been staring at the remaining dim sum in the banquet hall.

She originally planned to pack all Chu Chisi's favorite food, carry a large bag back to the car, and was stopped by the banquet manager hoarsely, and then she gave up.

Tang Li took out some tissues, carefully folded them into a small square, leaned down, and helped Chu Chisi wipe off the blood on his face.

Chu Chisi closed his eyes, his long eyelashes were fine.

Tang Li didn't dare to move the slashed glands on the back of her neck, so she could only moisten a little tissue with mineral water to help her wipe other parts.

The tissue was dyed light red, and she wiped her brows and eyes, the tip of her nose, and her lips little by little, allowing her to peel off a fine white and beautiful beauty.

Tang Li was a little satisfied and put away the tissue.

The wound on her forehead had stopped bleeding. She lowered her head. There were red marks on her wrists that had been strangled by the rope, and the scratches caused by the broken rope looked extremely hideous.

Seeing that Tang Li was furious.

She raised her legs, pressed her forehead, and her eyes fell outside the car window, which condensed into thick ice.

Chu Chisi didn't actually fall asleep, or rather, she was forcing herself to stay awake.

It's a habit that's been honed.

She must stay awake at all times.

The pain was like a surging tide, her wrists, back, throat, torn glands, there was not a single spot on her body that didn't hurt.

But strangely, when that person took her over, she didn't feel much resistance.

She didn't even want to push him away.

It may be the effect of the drug, or the body is too weak, the mind is not clear and confused, and she has no strength to resist.

In fact, these are all excuses.

Chu Chisi knew this very well. She just covets her hug, her warmth, and the light fragrance of pear blossoms, so she didn't resist.

The two were so close that they could hear breathing.

That person's embrace was so warm, and she always made herself unable to resist being greedy, to get one centimeter closer to steal the warmth in her arms.

She could hear the man's heartbeat, clear and powerful, beating between his chest, sending blood to his limbs.

She could hear the person's breathing, which was a little messy, but she deliberately lowered it, for fear of disturbing the sleeping herself.

A thin stream of warmth flowed slowly along the auricle.

Incredibly warm.

The man took some tissues and carefully and gently wiped the blood droplets off her face, but kept her senses and did not touch the glands on the back of her neck.

The gland was slashed and destroyed.

But she still feels hot, is it because of the medicine? But after such a long time, the effect should be almost dissipated.

She secretly opened her eyes.

The man's original red dress was torn and tied into a pair of "shorts" that could move freely. It wasn't very good-looking, but it was inexplicably handsome.

It was only then that Chu Chisi noticed that the man was actually injured and looked in a state of embarrassment.

There were purple bruises on her arms and neck, which were particularly conspicuous against the soft white skin, and there were large red marks and scratches on her knuckles, some of which were still bleeding outward.

With his slender legs folded, the man held his chin and stared out the window, his brows furrowed and his eyes cold.

Is she angry?

Why is she angry?

Chu Chisi was a little sleepy, which was not in line with the principle of stress response, but she really wanted to fall into that person's arms, just fall asleep lightly and never wake up again.

Memories are messy and disordered, and are forcibly torn apart.

She is the only daughter of Dr. Chu. Ever since she was officially adopted, she has been skipping grades all the way, and was admitted to Beimeng University by exception when she was very young.

Those papers, which now seem a little immature, were admired by a bunch of professors. Before she officially entered the school, her reputation had spread, and everyone knew her.

However, she didn't know anyone.

She is too young and doesn't know how to communicate. Everyone hates her and doesn't play with her. The white rabbit in the lab, which is used to measure the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex, is more popular than her.

She had to hide herself.

Even, no one notified her about the relocation of the dormitory, and everyone left silently. It wasn't until the counselor came to check that she began to pack her things in a daze.

It was so dark that night.

Chu Chisi carried and dragged several large bags on his back. She couldn't bear to assemble any of the secretly assembled machines. She took them all away. The metal crashed all the way, and he staggered on the road to the new dormitory.

But as soon as he left for a while, he was stopped by someone.

She didn't recognize that person, but she recognized the star badge she was wearing on her chest: Admiral of the North Alliance came to the school to give a speech today, and it seemed that he was accompanied by several outstanding privates.

That person is one of them.

The man was panting, as if running all the way. She was wearing a dark uniform and boots, and she hadn't even had time to change her uniform.

The star badge is shining, so beautiful.

Under the dim light, the man's face seemed to be a little red, and he stroked his cheek with his index finger uncomfortably, and asked in a clear voice:

"That... do you need help?"

That night, they walked a long, long way. For the first time, someone would talk to her so much, they would try their best to make her happy, smile so tenderly to themselves, and send her all the way to the door of the new bedroom.

The bag was full of metal objects, which made the man's shoulders red, but she looked very happy, even after she went upstairs, she could still see her waving downstairs.

The star badge shines brightly.

She watched, and even her heart brightened.

Then, the supervisor who guided her doctoral dissertation was an amiable old professor who specialized in engineering physics, but was particularly interested in the humanities and social sciences next door. After each lecture, he would introduce a small poem to the students.

Chu Chisi is not very interested in these, and would rather spend more time studying his insoluble problem.

There was only one sentence that impressed her deeply, so she secretly wrote it down and wrote it next to the full calculation formula.

I long for you like a deer longs for a stream. ③.

After an extremely tormenting journey, the car finally drove back to the hilltop villa.

Tang Li looked at the lights in the villa, and was so moved that she almost washed her face in tears: Finally, finally, she came back.

A little later, she couldn't hold it any longer.

Everyone has limits, Tang Li is not a saint, no matter how many years of training, he can't hold up this round of tossing.

Not to mention such a weak body.

Xi Bianxi and the housekeeper helped them into the villa. The family doctor was already waiting inside. Tang Li waved her hand and asked her to take care of Chu Chisi first, while she planned to take a bath.

"Oh, it's really shocking..."

Tang Li looked at her pitiful [5 points] health and was a little desperate: "Are you sure, you won't deduct blood after taking a shower? I don't want to be in a coma in the bathroom naked."

The system said very intimately: "Don't panic, even if you are unfortunate enough to deprive you of blood, it will be fine. We have a mosaic automatic shielding program to protect your privacy in 365 degrees."

Tang Li: "???"

This broken system, what is the use of you.

This was the most painful bath she had ever taken, and she was so terrified that she didn't even dare to turn on the water too hot, for fear that this delicate body would faint if it was washed by the water.

Fortunately, nothing happened, Tang Li pushed open the door smoothly and walked out of the shower alive (remaining HP: 4).

That point of health was that she saw Chu Chisi's thorn ball being succulent and fun, and stabbed it down, and as a result, the system cruelly deducted 1 point.

Simply unreasonable, very arrogant.

Chu Chisi's condition seemed to be very serious. The family doctor took her to the guest room. It took two hours after the door was closed. After she came out, she called several other doctors to come over.

Tang Li was also anxious, but there was nothing to do.

She only knows a little about medicine, but she doesn't know much. It's okay to help people bandage wounds and deal with bleeding, but she really can't do anything about the loss of Omega's glands.