MTL - Why is This Little Brother-Chapter 25 Delusion 12

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It was the first time that Mo Qiulu fled in front of Yan Chun without getting anything good.

Yan Chun looked at Yin Yuchen inexplicably and couldn't help asking, "Junior brother, why did she run away?"

It also grows in the gutter, the little mouse will of course run away when it sees the poisonous snake, won't it wait to die?

However, Yin Yuchen is a "behaved and obedient" cutie in front of Yanchun, so naturally she shouldn't know what Mo Qiulu is running.

"Probably it's because I've done too much bad things with a guilty conscience."

Yin Yuchen put the noodles in front of Yanchun and said, "don't pay attention to her, senior sister eat it."

Yan Chun was amused by Yin Yuchen's words again. How could Mo Qiulu be guilty? She didn't know how righteous she was in front of Yan Chun every time.

Yan Chun took the noodles and mixed them with chopsticks. After taking a bite, she looked up at Yin Yuchen who was sitting across from her, wondering what she was thinking.

He asked inadvertently, "Do you think that senior sister and I really don't look alike?"

"That senior?" Yin Yuchen sneered and said, "I only have one senior. I only recognize one senior."

The corners of Yanchun's mouth were about to crack to the root of his ears, and he looked at Yin Yuchen with anticipation, waiting for his answer to his question, and also for his affirmation of himself.

"It's not like." Yin Yuchen said, "The white crane in the sky is not like the mouse in the gutter."

Although this sounded extreme, Ke Yanchun really needed this extreme right now.

She happily snorted and ate the noodles, looking at Yin Yuchen with a pair of smiling eyes from time to time.

Yin Yuchen was originally thinking about the peacekeeping place on the woman just now, but Yin Yuchen could recognize that she was completely different from Yanchun at a glance.

The eyes are the windows to the soul, and the soul inside the window is the two extremes.

But the three inches of skin above the bones, she really grew according to Yanchun.

Maybe you can't see it in the eyes of others, you just feel like it. But Yin Yuchen used to work for a living under the hands of a beast who made dolls and puppets. He could see that the female cultivator's eyebrows and outlines were a little unnatural, and it was obviously artificially carved.

There is a saying among mortals that the appearance is born from the heart, but in fact the appearance is born from the soul.

A sculpted soul is like a foot that has been shaved after the feet have been shaved. It will always leave a scar of the soul, and it will never be as natural as a person born with a soul.

But Yin Yuchen was a little scared. The pain of sculpting the soul is by no means unusual. If that female cultivator just wanted to look like Yanchun, and Yanchun robbed her senior elder brother who was the head of the sect... The price would be too high. .

Moreover, most of the carved souls are used to make dolls or puppets. This is a sorcery. No matter how the Hengjue School is a miscellaneous sect, it is also the largest sect in Nanjia Kingdom. It is impossible for anyone to practice sorcery here.

That nun...

"Junior brother, what are you thinking?" Yan Chun's heart jumped wildly, a little scared.

She is all too familiar with this dazed expression of looking at her. Her mother, father, including the senior brother, have often looked at another person through her in the past ten years.

Could it be that Junior Brother Yuchen also... want to be moved by Mo Qiulu?

Yan Chunqiang held back her sore nose, but her eyes were already red. She clutched the chopsticks tightly with her fingers and asked Yin Yuchen with a trembling voice: "Are you looking at me, are you thinking of Mo Qiulu?"

If so... then Yanchun really doesn't know what to do.

She felt that her world was about to collapse, and Yin Yuchen would be the last straw that broke her world.

She doesn't have the trust of her family now, because she can't come up with other evidence to prove what she said except the things that didn't happen in the prophecy.

Even knowing Mo Qiulu's existence in advance, because she peeked at her mother's communication jade card in order to prove that everything she saw in the mirror of life and soul was true, the foreknowledge of Mo Qiulu's existence became Crazy after seeing it.

She broke up with the senior brother whom she had admired since childhood, and her best friend became Mo Qiulu's friend. She now has only one junior junior brother, Yuchen.

Is it...

"Who is Mo Qiulu?" Yin Yuchen returned to her senses. Seeing that Yanchun was about to cry, she quickly asked, "Senior sister? Did you bite your tongue?"

"That's it... that female cultivator just now." Yan Chun blinked, she raised her head slightly, she didn't want to cry, but the tears were like rolling beans, and she couldn't control it at all.

She doesn't want to be betrayed by everyone, at least she doesn't want to be a lonely star before she becomes a lonely ghost.

"Mo Qiulu? Her surname is Mo?" Yin Yuchen frowned, showing obvious disgust.

He looked at Yan Chun, took out a handkerchief to wipe Yan Chun's tears, but was caught by Yan Chun's wrist. Ignoring the strange gazes of the disciples in the dining hall, Yan Chun asked Yin Yuchen eagerly, "Did you miss her just now? Do you also think she is very similar to me, better than me..."

Yanchun's grievances are like torrents, and the village is about to be washed away.

Yin Yuchen even nodded: "I was thinking of her."

Yan Chun shivered, stood up from the table, and was instantly taken out of his soul. He wanted to leave here, but he didn't know how to move.

"She's not right." Yin Yuchen didn't know what happened to Yanchun, she stood up and approached Yanchun and said in a low voice, "Let's talk in another place, Senior Sister, I see a little problem in her."

Yan Chun's grievance that he was about to burst the embankment was suddenly stuck.

"Ah? What's the problem?" She looked up at Yin Yuchen, never feeling that he was so tall and reliable.

She has to kneel on the ground with weak legs now. No one can understand how terrible it feels to be ignored by everyone and abandoned by the whole world. It's like being strangled by the neck, and even breathing becomes difficult.

"Are you full?" Yin Yuchen supported Yanchun and wiped the tears from her face, because few disciples saw it because she was blocking it with her body.

"Don't eat." Yan Chun said with his head lowered.

Yin Yuchen put on a handkerchief, pulled her wrist and said, "Then let's talk in another place."


Yan Chun was dragged out of the dining hall by Yin Yuchen softly.

"Where are we going?" Yan Chun asked in a dreamy voice.

What Yin Yuchen wants to say to Yan Chun is not suitable for anyone to hear, and it may be related to the evil cultivator hidden in the sect.

Yun Ruicheng and the group of outer disciples must still be making noise in the cave now, and they can't go back to the cave.

He asked Yanchun: "Senior sister, Shuangzun is not here, why don't you take me to the Corning Institute, I want to see where Senior Sister grew up."

This is true. Yin Yuchen wanted to see the yard where Yanchun grew up that night, but he was afraid that he would not be able to control it.

Now that the sky is clear, he still has things in his mind, so he won't always have some beastly thoughts.

In addition, if the two statues are not present, the large formation of the Corning Institute can naturally block all prying eyes, which is more secure than the cave where Yin Yuchen has set up a crude barrier formation.

Yan Chun nodded, "Okay..."

When they walked out of the dining hall and walked up the mountain, they met a lot of inner disciples. Yin Yuchen was not suitable for holding Yan Chun again, so he released his hand and the two walked in tandem.

Neither of them said a word, their thoughts were flying.

Yan Chun was originally very happy that Yin Yuchen had been selected as an inner disciple, but today's appearance of Mo Qiulu made Yan Chun feel an indescribable panic in his heart.

If Yin Yuchen finally moved to Mo Qiulu after entering the inner door, would he still help himself?

If...if the last straw in her hands was to defect, Yan Chun would really only be able to fight and lose her soul.

Yin Yuchen's importance to Yanchun is of course incomparable to his parents or even Jing Yangyu, but to Yanchun, his existence is like a path leading to a house with lights in the vast snowfield, if it is also covered with traces of wind and snow , then she can only freeze to death in the ice and snow called "Fate".

I can't complain that Yanchun has no confidence in Yin Yuchen. After all, even her biological parents have lost all trust in her words under the premise of being unable to verify what she said for so many years.

The Corning Institute was in front of her, and Yan Chun stood on the steps, looking back at Yin Yuchen who was following behind her.

If she told her everything, would this junior brother who had been benevolent to her and now begging for her, would believe her and stand on her side?

"Senior sister?" Yin Yuchen stood under the steps, looking at Yan Chun's desolate expression at the moment, she almost couldn't help hugging her.

He didn't know why Yanchun's silly personality showed such an expression, until the two entered the Corning Institute, Yin Yuchen didn't wait to speak, Yanchun raised his hand and touched his neck, unlocking the hidden The technique of the symbiotic neck ring.

When Yin Yuchen saw clearly what Yanchun was wearing on his neck, the eyes behind the shark veil were shocked, and he trembled in astonishment.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Yuchen figured out all the reasons, why Yanchun came out of the cleansing pool, why there is a female nun who looks so similar to Yanchun, and why Jing Yangyu's temperament can be tolerated.

It turned out that Shuangzun used sorcery to lock Yanchun's life with the female cultivator.

Yan Chun had tried Yin Yuchen before to see if he knew the technique of symbiosis. Yin Yuchen only said that he had heard of it, so Yan Chun thought he didn't know much about it.

After exposing the symbiotic neck ring, she took a deep breath, not knowing where to start.

Yan Chun looked at Yin Yuchen who was standing in front of her, and her voice unconsciously brought a prayer: "Junior Brother, I actually want to ask you something."

Yin Yuchen controlled his breathing and stared at the collar on Yanchun's neck. As soon as he glanced at it, he could see from the fine runes on it that it was an inferior product.

The rune drawn on it is a puppet formation that not only cannot restore Yanchun's health, but will slowly turn her into a puppet!

Who is it? What a guts!

Yin Yuchen tried his best to control his breathing, but it gradually became heavier, Heng Jue Shuangzun? Hengjue faction on behalf of the head? Really stupid!

Yin Yuchen's head and ears were buzzing with rage, and his fingers were clenched into fists under the sleeves of his robe.

The "Crane" that he couldn't bear to touch even did not know when he was entangled by the sinister water plants, and would be dragged into the undercurrent of filth. How could he not be angry, how could he not be crazy!

"Junior brother..." Yan Chun watched Yin Yuchen staring at the symbiotic collar on her neck motionless, thinking that Yin Yuchen was frightened by her sorcery.

"This is the symbiosis neck ring, but junior brother, don't be afraid, I know it's a sorcery, but it doesn't harm anyone." It doesn't harm anyone other than her.

Yan Chun was afraid that Yin Yuchen would be scared away, so he quickly explained.

Yin Yuchen's voice was a little distorted, full of gloom and sarcasm: "Doesn't hurt anyone?"

This is clearly something that harms people, and what harms the lives of the people he cares about the most!

Yin Yuchen took two steps forward, walked to Yan Chun, raised his hand to touch the collar, turned around and squinted at the rune on it carefully.

Yan Chun hurriedly said, "Yes, it won't hurt anyone, and it won't have any effect on the people around you."

Yan Chun looked up at Yin Yuchen who was playing with the symbiotic neck ring around her neck and said, "But I want to untie it, junior brother, can you help me?"

"You also know that this is a sorcery." Yan Chun opened his mouth, and seeing that Yin Yuchen was not scared away by her, she said it smoothly.

"Junior Brother should have heard about the brokenness of my Lingfu more than ten years ago," Yan Chun sighed and bowed his head: "My parents were reluctant to let me die, so they pressed me under the purifying pond and searched everywhere to restore the Lingfu for my life. way..."

Yin Yuchen had already seen the symbiotic neck ring thoroughly, with a gloomy expression as if he wanted to eat people.

He used to be in the door of the old beast, and he was most exposed to this kind of sorcery. How he used this thing, there were several sets of runes, what was the function of each set, and what effect could be achieved by changing it.

He thought that this thing might come from the female nun whose soul was carved, and she had already smashed her corpse into tens of thousands of pieces.

However, Yan Chun lowered his head and said, Yin Yuchen's full of anger, but the more he listened, the more intense it became.

It turned out that this thing... turned out to be found by Shuangzun from Wujiandi, and together with Jing Yangyu, forced Yanchun to accept it.

Is there anything more absurd in this world than this?

The puppet arts practiced by the incessant stragglers are all self-created crooked ways.

Although the puppet art itself is a crooked sect, the crooked sect and wicked way are not chaotic. The real demons and evil cultivators have the origin of the sect. In the past, it was also called the uninterrupted hell. The monks gathered there were the mortals who rebelled out of the sect and were killed. It is a gathering place for people who are chased by the right way, and even those who are not allowed by the magic way.

In the past few years, a Wujiangu master has emerged, who has cultivated into a loose immortal, and has reluctantly gathered the situation that the Wujiangu has been torn apart for many years. How rotten?

Yin Yuchen can understand that the two beloved daughters are eager to "hungry for food", but they actually dare to use such sorcery on their daughters, which shows that they are crazy!

"They all think it's crazy that I don't accept it." Yan Chun said, "But I don't want to be compatible with another person and have the exact same face."

Yan Chun was afraid that Yin Yuchen would not be able to accept it for a while, and there was no strong evidence to prove himself, so he omitted the fact that he had seen the mirror of life and soul.

I just said that I want to unravel the symbiosis.

Yin Yuchen's eyes were red and blood soaked under the shackles. He raised his hand and touched Yanchun's tear-stained face, finally knowing why she had shown such a desolate look on the stone steps before.

She is still saying: "Junior brother, you may not understand, that feeling of being gradually replaced by another person, feeling that your skin is not your own, like a piece of clothing that does not belong to you..."

"I know." Yin Yuchen said.

He knew best that he was the man who almost became the most evil puppet. What is this inferior symbiotic neck ring? His puppet rune is directly drawn on the puppet silk, and has grown in his flesh and blood meridians for more than ten years.

Being manipulated, replaced, losing himself, slowly becoming a breathing weapon, he knew it all too well.

"Can you..." Yan Chun looked up at Yin Yuchen, her eyes full of eager tears, she grabbed Yin Yuchen's neckline and said, "You can understand, can you help me?"

She was very confused. Yan Chun didn't know much about the symbiotic neck ring. She kept talking about her feelings and how broken she was. The female cultivator named Mo Qiulu wanted to replace her, but she couldn't take it. any evidence.

She had no proof, and her words sounded like crazy.

She didn't dare to mention the life-soul mirror that her cultivation base could never see, and she didn't want to be regarded as a lunatic again.

But when she listened to what she said, she seemed to be talking crazy.

Yanchun was so anxious that her tears rustled. She knew that she was too anxious, and she should speak slowly. I should tell Yin Yuchen little by little that Mo Qiulu shouldn't be agitated, so I just told everything impulsively.

Yan Chun felt that she didn't make it clear at all, she asked Yin Yuchen, "Will you help me? Do you believe it?"

"Junior Brother Yuchen," Yan Chun asked with a weeping voice, "Will you believe what I said?"

After she finished asking, she was afraid that Yin Yuchen would really not believe it, so she didn't dare to listen to his answer immediately.

He quickly said: "I... I have a lot of good things, and I can get more. You do me two small favors, and I will give you all those things!"

"Come with me and I'll show you!"

"Junior Brother Yuchen..." Yan Chun pulled Yin Yuchen, and Yin Yuchen stood still.

Yanchun is like a drowning person who is about to drown in the turbulent torrent of fate in a violent storm.

She didn't even want to survive the person on the shore, Yin Yuchen, he just asked him to try to cut off the water plants that were entangling her ankles. She wanted to go down the water and die cleanly, instead of being food for fish and water rats and letting them rot. traversing her body.

She used everything she could to tempt Yin Yuchen, to tempt this outer disciple who she should not believe or ask for help.

She dragged Yin Yuchen to her own room, opened her own treasure chest, and said to Yin Yuchen flatteringly, "These are all for you, all for you!"

"Ah, also, I still have a top-grade robe that I haven't worn a few times. It's all made of shark yarn. You must look good in it, and it matches the shark yarn on your face. There are no male or female styles. I'll find it for you. you…"

"Senior sister." Yin Yuchen pulled her with tears streaming down her face and looked mad. He opened his arms and hugged her tightly behind him.

Then he slowly turned her away from his arms.

With his plain white fingertips, he slowly raised Yanchun's muddy face, lowered his head, and almost pressed the tip of his nose against hers.

"Take a deep breath and calm down."

Yin Yuchen said, "I believe everything you say."

"I'll help you." Yin Yuchen's distressed breath was trembling.

Yan Chun was stunned as if her soul had been extracted. She was short of breath and pressed against Yin Yuchen's scorching hot arms. She didn't feel that they were too close now. Yin Yuchen's attitude towards her was too intimate.

She can't feel anything now, she only feels that her feet are loose, and the water plant called fate temporarily loosens her sinister palm.

She can breathe.

She was breathing heavily, too fast and too hard, and there was even a screeching sound in her throat.

She stared blankly and blankly at Yin Yuchen, her upturned face was still full of helplessness and despair that could not be dissipated in the future.

He believed her.

He said he believed in himself.