MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 2 Single Lingen

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  Chapter 2 Single Lingen

  Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou have only one thought in their minds: it's over, they actually discussed how to cheat in front of the examiner.

  The elder sister Yunzhi seemed to be ignorant of the two's cheating plan, she cast a glance and then did not take a second look, and began to organize the test.

   It can be seen that she is still very prestigious among the disciples of Wendao Sect, and can be called a ban.

   These Wendao Sect disciples are all powerful figures in the outside world, they are sought after by others, they are the favored sons of the heavens. These arrogants all obey her orders without any disobedience or slacking off, which shows the high status of the elder sister Yunzhi.

"Gengu is the first hurdle on the road to immortality. There are not enough root bones. No matter how many resources you have to instill, you will not be able to cultivate immortality. The content of the first level is to test the root bones. Everyone will go forward one by one. , you can leave on your own.”

   No one leaves.

  Those who can participate in the Daoist Sect assessment know their roots well. There are very few people like Lu Yang who come to Daoist Sect to try their luck because they are close to home.

   Dao Dao Zong's move is to prevent those who don't meet the requirements of Dao Dao Zong and want to get away with it.

  Generally speaking, root bones are tested with root bone stones, which are huge and conspicuous. Judging from the empty space in front of Dao Dao Zong, it is obvious that Dao Dao Zong did not plan to use root bone stones.

A disciple of Dao Dao Sect was sitting at the front, named Dai Bufan. He practiced very special exercises. His aura could travel around the opponent's body, and he could know what the opponent's roots were, what the exercises were, Where is the gate of life... like a duck to water in battle.

  Dai Bufan is the same as an old doctor of Chinese medicine. He can accurately know the other party's root bones by placing **** on his wrist.

   "Gold, water and fire three spiritual roots? It's okay, you go there."

   "Water and fire dual spiritual roots, not bad."

"The two spiritual roots of water and wood have been damaged. It should be that you suffered a serious trauma when you were twelve years old. It stands to reason that you should have left hidden dangers, but you should not die. You met an expert. The expert was kind and healed you. Well, you, your medical skills are even more superb, which complements your foundation."

The man was slightly shocked, but he didn't expect Dai Bufan to see it so accurately: "When I was twelve years old, my mother died of illness, and my stepmother was in charge of the power alone. The stepmother was worried that my existence would affect her son's status, so she planned to harm me. I fell into a coma. When I woke up again, I was fine, and my father told me that an expert passed by and rescued me, but he did not leave his name when he left."

  After the man left, disciples of Wendao Sect stepped forward to congratulate Dai Bufan on his progress in cultivation: "Just by taking a pulse, I can deduce the cause and effect of the incident, as if I saw it with my own eyes! Senior brother Dai has advanced in cultivation, so we should congratulate him!"

  Dai Bufan said indifferently: "Oh, it's nothing. That expert is me. I was in a hurry and forgot to leave my name after saving the person."


  During the speech, Dai Bufan waved to the next tester: "Eighteen years old, beyond the age, you go back."

  A cute young monk, led by the great monk, came to Dai Bufan and saluted seriously.

  Dai Bufan cast a glance, and threw the young monk to the big monk: "What is the novice from the Xuankong Temple doing here? You have the imprint left by the abbot of the Xuankong Temple in your body. Go and go back to your Xuankong Temple."

   "I remember that the Hanging Temple is one of the five immortal gates?" Lu Yang asked Meng Jingzhou in a low voice.

Meng Jingzhou nodded, and said seriously: "The Hanging Temple has the fewest disciples among the five great immortal sects. At the least, there are only the host and one disciple. When there are many, the number of people will not exceed ten. This young monk has not practiced yet, but he is already a disciple. Disciples of the Hanging Temple must have profound Buddha nature."

  He looked at the little novice monk who was picked up by his brother Xuankong Temple, as if he was facing a big enemy: "I thought that in the future practice world, I would be the one who would dominate the crowd, but I didn't expect that there would still be someone qualified to be my opponent."

  Lu Yang didn't know where Meng Jingzhou's confidence came from: "Are you not worried that Miss Yunzhi will kick us out?"

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you read that it's always written like this in the story books? The big sect has no eyes, false accusations, and kicks the genius boy out of the sect. The genius boy is regarded as a shame. Become a large sect looking down, oh no, looking up."

  Lu Yang was silent for a while before reminding: "...but Miss Yunzhi doesn't seem to need to falsely accuse us."

   "Makes sense."

   So Meng Jingzhou also panicked.

   "The breath in your body is endless and circulates on its own. Judging from your clothes, you don't look like a family of cultivation. Could it be that you have taken the green tree fairy fruit by chance when you were young? Let's go."

   "Hey, your physique is interesting." Dai Bufan put his fingers on a bronze-skinned brawny man, his eyes lit up, "I haven't seen the ancient barbarian blood for a long time."

  The brawny man is tall and burly, with a shiny head, and his skin is reflective under the sun. Judging by his appearance, people who say he is in his mid-twenties would believe him, but Dai Bufan did not question his age, which means he is not yet sixteen years old.

  Lu Yang can only say one thing about how well developed he is.

  The crowd was slightly disturbed, and the ancient barbarians pulled up the mountains and rivers, swallowed the sun and the moon, prospered to the extreme, and then disappeared in the long river of time.

  It has been a long time since the ancient barbarian bloodline appeared in the Central Continent. Everyone thought that this ancient bloodline had disappeared, but now one of them unexpectedly appeared in the Daoist sect's test.

  Dai Bufan yawned, he had already inspected half of the people, why didn't he even see a single spiritual root, they were all taken away by other sects.

  Meng Jingzhou stood up boldly, and Dai Bufan didn't expect much, but when his index finger and **** rested on Meng Jingzhou's wrist, his eyes suddenly widened, and he stood up with a bang: "It turned out to be Shan..."

   Hearing what Dai Bufan said, there was a lot of discussion below, it turned out to be a single spiritual root!

  What does a single spiritual root mean? The bottlenecks of each realm are much looser than others, and they are destined to become a great monk of the immortal way.

   Everyone focused their attention on Meng Jingzhou with eager eyes. There is no harm in making friends with such people in advance, only benefits!

  The elders hurriedly told the younger generation that when they enter Dao Dao Sect, they must establish a good relationship with Meng Jingzhou.

  The Meng family, Shan Linggen, disciple of Wendao Sect, these three identities combined, the future is sure to be a powerful figure in Wendao Sect, and a great immortal cultivator with a long history!

   "Single spiritual root." Dai Bufan said the full name of Meng Jingzhou's spiritual root, and the scene was silent.

  Meng Jingzhou was furious. What the **** is a single spiritual root? Are you single for the rest of your life?

   "I don't know much, don't frame me!" Meng Jingzhou's veins bulged, and the table slammed loudly, very angry.

   "Junior Brother Dai, don't play tricks on others." A ethereal voice came, and Yunzhi appeared from a cloud of mist, glared at Dai Bufan, and Dai Bufan shrank his neck guiltily.

  Meng Jingzhou calmed down a little, right, Dai Bufan must be lying.

  Yunzhi said to Meng Jingzhou again: "However, Junior Brother Dai didn't lie to you. You are indeed a single spiritual root. This is the scientific name. It's just that in the world of cultivating immortals, everyone is more used to calling it the common name, Chunyang spiritual root."

  Meng Jingzhou: "..."

  He finally knew the reason why the clan elders and parents didn't tell him about his spiritual roots.

  You will know when you arrive at the Five Great Immortal Gates, obviously they are too embarrassed to tell themselves!

   No wonder my parents asked me if I wanted a younger brother or a younger sister after I finished the root bone test.

  Variation single spiritual root, pure yang spiritual root, Zhigang to yang, ghost killer.

  Keep the body of pure yang, and the cultivation base will make rapid progress, but if the body of pure yang is broken, the cultivation base will drop by a thousand miles.

  (end of this chapter)