MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 43 Pray

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Lu Henian is actually very busy. As the president of Lu’s family, he looks at the scenery. In private, he has to deal with a lot of official duties. He used to accompany Yunrong to deal with He Bo, and he accompanied the little girl at home one day. Things piled up a lot, so As soon as he went to work, he went to the heavy work.

Yunrong did his routine lucky work in his office. While sitting on the sofa eating snacks while watching TV, in a short while, the little girl laughed loudly in the office.

Zhang Chongming stood at the door of Yunrong's office and wanted to knock at the door. He was a little hesitant. When he was about to turn and leave, Yunrong noticed someone at the door and turned off the TV: "Who is outside, come in."

"Miss Yun, it is me." Zhang Chongming bit his teeth and pushed the door in.

"Zhang Chongming, is there anything? Is there any work for me to help?" When Yunrong saw him, he immediately stood up and thought that it was too much work and needed her to help.

"No, Miss Yun, I want to ask you something." Zhang Chongming quickly waved his hand, with a sad look on his face: "Miss Yun, I want to ask about the Suri River."

After Zhang Chongming’s girlfriend Luo Xiaoya’s younger brother disappeared, the whole family was struggling to find out, from fear to disappointment to despair. A few days ago, even because he was too sad to be hospitalized, he took the leave.

However, just yesterday, the police informed them that Luo Xiaofeng had found it. It should have fallen into the Suri River. Luo Jiaquan did not believe it. Because Luo Xiaofeng was very afraid of water, he would not say that he would go to the river, and the swimming pool would not go. What's more, Luojia is more than half an hour away from the Suri River. How can Luo Xiaofeng drown in the Suri River?

This simply doesn't make sense!

Zhang Chongming didn't believe it at first, until he accidentally saw the live video on Weibo. Others didn't know. He knew it was the voice of Miss Yun and the president. Why did they appear on the Suri River?

Zhang Chongming remembered that he bought clothes in the mall. After he checked out, he came out to hear what Miss Yun said about the fox. He thought that there was a woman with no eyes to seduce the president, but then there was a fox in the mall.

The fox is twice as big as a normal fox and is still in the zoo.

These things seem to be very ordinary, very coincidental things, but they seem to be strangely connected. Zhang Chongming has a feeling that Miss Yun must know the truth of the matter.

This kind of thing he shouldn't have asked, but his brother's brother died, and Zhang Chongming couldn't help it.

"Miss Yun, is it still so many boys and girls missing, is it related to the things in the Suri River?"

Yunrong did not expect Zhang Chongming to ask this question. He thought about it and asked: "Is there someone missing in your family?"

"It’s my girlfriend’s younger brother.” Zhang Chongming nodded. “Miss Yun, I know this is a secret. I will never say it. I just want to know the truth.”

He and Luo Xiaoya have been in contact for half a year, and they are rushing to get married. They are also their own brothers to Luo Xiaofeng. Now Luo Xiaofeng is gone, and his heart is not good.

"I told you before that I was a Xuanmenzhong. The Suri River did have a monster. It was killed by us the night before. The missing children were indeed killed by the monsters in the river."

Zhang Chongming’s sincerity, Yunrong paused for a few seconds, or said a part of the truth, but did not say that he was eaten by He Bo, after all, the Terran is paying attention to the earth, if you know that not only is the person dead, but the body is not left, then I am afraid that I am even more uncomfortable.

After listening to Zhang Chongming, he was silent for a while. He stood up and gave Yunrong a sigh. He said seriously: "Thank you, Miss Yun, although people are gone, but I know the truth, I feel much better in my heart."

"People can't be resurrected, the causal cycle is fateful, and advise your girlfriend not to be too sad." Yunrong persuaded that this time she died so many people, but her mana is no more than before, not aware of it for a while. For the sake of her, so her heart is also stuffy.

"I understand." Zhang Chongming nodded. When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned back and said: "Miss Yun, you are a man of Xuanmen. I don't know if there is a spell to keep peace. Can you sell me two?"

This time, Luo Xiaofeng said that he did not have it. He also let Zhang Chongming understand that life and death are sometimes very sudden. He is the only son in the family. His parents are not in the maritime market. They usually cannot take care of them, so they want two.

First, the first single business is on the door?

Yunrong stunned, and immediately thought of the last time Weibo sold a safe sign to Jiang Yan, she was really envious, she still remembers the price, 100,000 pieces!

The peace symbol is the simplest spell. She can draw hundreds of pictures a day!

Zhang Chongming saw Yunrong not talking, thought it could not be sold, and quickly said: "Miss Yun, I took the liberty, if not, even if..."

"Well, why not!" Yunrong saw Zhang Chongming turned and left, and quickly pulled her arm: "Five thousand one, how many do you want?" Zhang Chongming is also an acquaintance, Yunrong is not so much, What's more, the safety symbol is not difficult at all, she can't say 100,000 pieces.

Miss Yun can even have uniforms for the monsters who eat people. It must have real skills. Usually, there are hundreds of thousands of spells that are not used in temples. Now, as long as 50,000, Zhang Chongming thinks the value. !

"I want two!" Zhang Chongming immediately took out his mobile phone, as if he was afraid of the cloud and repented: "Miss Yun, I will transfer it to you now."

The money was quickly transferred to Yunrong. Yunrong looked at the balance on the mobile phone and smiled on his face. "I didn't bring the spell. I will bring it to you tomorrow morning."

She has heard about it last time. The spells of the Terran are painted with cinnabar yellow paper, which is professional. Although it is a little troublesome, it is her first business. She is perfect and she is qualified. The image of a man in Xuanmen.

Therefore, Yunrong is ready to buy cinnabar and yellow paper after work, and draw a professional to Zhang Chongming.

Zhang Chongming still has nothing to agree with. He said that it doesn't matter. He also asked how to wear it. When the two people said that they were energetic, there was a cold voice coming from the side.

"What are you doing?"

Yunrong turned his head and saw Lu Henian standing at the door of the office. He looked at her and Zhang Chongming with a faint look. She smiled and said: "Second brother, Zhao Chongming bought me two peace signs."

Zhang Chongming would not be so calm, he only thought that the president looked at his eyes all the way through the killing, could not help but shake, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and Yunrong suddenly opened a distance of five meters.

"President, I still haven't finished my work. I, I will go back to the office first..." Zhang Chongming stammered and said to Lu Henian, and turned his head to Yunrong: "Miss Yun, the spell will trouble you." ,I go first."

After that, a swift thunderstorm disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"I haven't finished yet." Yunrong saw Zhang Chongming ran away, smashed two sentences, and turned to ask: "Second brother, how come you?"

"Today's neck is a little uncomfortable." Lu Henian saw Zhang Chongming go away, his eyes softened in an instant, and he casually said that he couldn't say that he was half-working to see the little girl.

When Yunrong heard it, he suddenly thought that he was sleeping and pressed to Lu Henian. He was a little embarrassed. He quickly came over and touched his neck. "Is it here? The president, I blame me for pressing you..." Hotel.

The little girl’s hand is as soft as a group of cotton. Lu’s cockroach is dark and dark, and low and low, she said: “It’s my own sleep.”

He had just said it casually, but now he didn't want to explain it. He also raised his hand and rubbed his neck and made an uncomfortable look.

Yunrong looked at him like this, and his heart was even more unwilling to go. He thought about it: "Second brother, I will give you a glimpse." When he said that he did not wait for Lu Henian to answer, he took him into the office.

Yunrong took Lu Heinian to sit down and stretched his hand on his neck and said: "Second brother, if you are not feeling well, you said to me, I have not done it before, but the neck pain is generally poor blood. I will use a reiki to give you a pass."

Lu Henian was tense from the time he sat down, feeling the little girl's hand gently pinched on his shoulder. I don't know if I used aura. I always felt that there was a hot, crisp and tingling touch.

He took a few deep breaths and relaxed: "You are very good and very comfortable."

Yunrong listened and smiled: "That's good."

Ten minutes later, Lu Henian looked at the time, afraid that the little girl was tired, and said: "Well, I am much better, I will go back to my office first."

Yunrong nodded and sent away the door of Lu’s office, which was just about to close the office. He saw a middle-aged woman holding a mop in one hand at the end of the corridor, carrying a bucket and bending over.

She knows this woman, is the cleaning staff responsible for the top floor hygiene, surnamed Zhou, her office is cleaned by Zhou Jie.

Yunrong frowned, feeling a bit strange, usually Zhou Jie was dragging the ground at eight in the morning, how to clean this time today, when Zhou Jie approached, she found her eyes red and swollen, as if she had just cried.

"Sister Zhou, what's wrong with you?" Yunrong went over and asked, Zhou Jie was usually very diligent, clean and neat, and she always looked at her with kind eyes, so Yunrong’s impression of Zhou Jie was very it is good.

Zhou Yufeng was still immersed in her own thoughts. She was screamed by Yunrong and slammed back to God. She still slipped out without tears in her eyes. She quickly reached out and wiped her eyes. "It's okay, nothing. Miss Yun, do you have anything?"

"Sister Zhou, are you crying?" Yunrong saw the tears of the people who first met, and he was a little nervous: "What happened?"

The little girl asked a gentle question, so that Zhou Yufeng couldn't easily press down the sad thing. She shook her face with her hand and whispered. The thin body was even shorter, and it looked very pitiful.

"Sister Zhou, don't cry, what happened to me to tell me, there is always a solution." Yunrong saw Zhou Yufeng crying, suddenly unable to take care of himself, and quickly took her into the office.

Yunrong took Zhou Jie to sit down on the sofa and poured a glass of water on her. Then she said, "What happened to Zhou Jie?"

Zhou Yufeng also had no place to say that the hot air that came out of the water made her feel relaxed. She paused for a while before she said things.

It turns out that Zhou Yufeng has a daughter. It is just 18 years old this year. The exit is very beautiful and well-behaved. The academic performance is good. This year, the college entrance examination was admitted to Haishang University. Haishu University is the third-ranked university in China. They are all sharp in the top, so the daughter is the greatest pride in her heart.

Zhou Yufeng worked hard in the sea market, just for this daughter to live better. She was born in a small mountain village. She had a daughter for more than ten years ago. She was injured and couldn’t get pregnant again. She was abandoned by her husband’s family, so she divorced. It is said that it is a divorce, and the small village that is backward in thought is actually being driven out.

Zhou Yufeng also took a hard time and brought her daughter back to her family. She went to the city to work alone. For more than a decade, she did not want to find another one. She almost pinned all her hopes on her daughter.

I thought about the summer vacation, my daughter came to the sea to go to school, my mother and daughter could reunite, I didn’t expect the accident to happen. A few days ago, when my daughter went to work in the county, I fell down the mountain and fell to the head, although soon I woke up, but my ears could not be heard. The doctor said that I had a brain stem and I was temporarily unable to determine what went wrong.

The problems in the brain, many of the modern medicine can not be healed, the doctor's words are vague, the eye-catching people will understand, this ear wants to hear the sound again, it is difficult!

When she thought that her daughter might not hear the sound for a lifetime, Zhou Yufeng felt that the sky had collapsed, but the work had to continue. She didn’t work for the money, so she cried a lot this morning, or came to work at the company.

"Miss Yun, I am really sorry, I really don't talk." Zhou Yufeng said, while apologizing, she is not willing to trouble others, or if she can't help it, she doesn't even want to show it in front of outsiders. "My family is sensitive." Min is only 18 years old, and he still has a long life. I don't know what to do."

"Sister Zhou, you are full, eyebrows and kindness, is a blessing, relax your heart, this matter will soon pass." Yunrong listened carefully, carefully read Zhou Yufeng's life.

"I don't believe this, these are all..." Zhou Yufeng casually said, looking up at her, just looking at Yunrong gently looking at her, obviously a girl less than twenty years old, her eyes looked like a younger generation, grief Peace, let her restless heart calm down.

Ghosts make God worse, Zhou Yufeng said: "Miss Yun, don't hesitate to say, if the gods are really awesome, bless my family Min Min can get better, I am willing to offer the first fifteenth fragrance, I will be grateful for a lifetime."

Yun Rongyi, did not expect Zhou Yufeng to make a wish, she has not heard the wishes of the Terran for many years, she smiled and said: "Speaking words will be honored."

The little girl stood behind the window, and the sun came in. It seemed that there was a radiant glow behind her. A strong pressure-pressure pavement came from the solemnity. Zhou Yufeng looked at it all at once, and her heart suddenly trembled, hurriedly bowed her head, as if many It’s awkward to look at.

"I can do it when I say it!" Zhou Yufeng replied solemnly, and there seemed to be some kind of induction in his heart.

Her voice just fell, and the smile on Yunrong's face was even bigger. In the place where Zhou Yufeng could not see, a pale green imprint appeared on her shoulder, which was the mark of the mountain god.

The promise to the mountain **** cannot be violated.

Yunrong turned from the cupboard, in fact, took out a stem and fruit from the Qiankun bag (Note 1) and handed it to Zhou Yufeng: "Zhou Jie, since you believe me, take it back to your daughter to eat, and then I will I can hear the sound."

Zhou Yufeng glanced, and there was a fruit of the size of the winter jujube in the palm of his hand. The whole body was red, like the ruby ​​in the jewelry store. It was clearly a fruit, but it looked like a golden jade.

If placed in the past, Zhou Yufeng will certainly not believe that a small fruit can cure the deafness that the big hospital can't look good, but now looking at Yunrong's calm look, she seems to have a voice in her heart to tell her. This fruit can really cure her daughter.

Zhou Yufeng held the stem and fruit and stood up. She excitedly asked: "Miss Yun, this is really..." Seeing Yunrong nod, she quickly turned around and turned around and walked: "Miss Yun, thank you, me. Take it to my daughter and try it, thank you very much..." Speaking, I didn’t wait for Yunrong to answer, and turned and ran out of the office.

After completing the pledge of the Terran, Yunrong was in a good mood. While watching TV and singing songs, I received a call from Wanbo in a short time. It turned out that Wanbo wanted to ask her to eat dinner with Lu Henian, and to deal with He Bo last night, go back. They squatted and raised their body for two days to get up. Wu Xuangang and Dianxiang had just recovered a little and needed to go back to Beijing, so this meal was considered a practice.

Yunrong is no problem. She has time, but she needs to ask Lu Henian. His schedule is arranged well. Coupled with her two days ago, a lot of work has been suppressed.

Yunrong took the phone and knocked on the door of Lu Henian's office. Lu Henian was reading the document and saw the little girl coming in and asked, "What happened?"

“Wanbo called to say that I would like to have dinner at noon. You are going to go to the second brother? If you don’t go, I will go by myself.” Yun Rongdao.

Lu Henian’s impression of Wu Xuangang was not very good. She was afraid that the little girl had been bullied in the past, and she was worried that the little girl would run into the rogue by car. She licked her lips and said, “I will accompany you.”

"Okay." Yunrong laughed, as if he was very happy with Lu Henian, she whispered: "Wanbo treats us, we eat well." Said, rubbing his eyes.

Wanbo at the end of the phone: ... Grandma, you haven't hung up yet.

Lu Henian laughed involuntarily and nodded. "Okay, knock them."

This time, He Bo can solve it. It depends on Yunrong. It doesn't need Yunyun to open. Wanbo chooses the more high-end restaurants in Haishi. When Lu Henian and Yunrong arrived, everyone has arrived, and the dishes have not yet been served.

"Cloud predecessors." When the two entered the box, everyone stood up, and even Wu Xuangang did not hesitate.

Before the king's eight little nephews, the nostrils were facing the sky. Today, the face was a little respectful. Yun Yun glanced at him. He looked at him more and walked down in the empty seat. He couldn’t help but ask: "Wu Xuangang, you Is it still not hurt?"

Wu Xuangang sighed, thinking that Yunrong was concerned about him, and his face showed a trace of sorrow: "Thank you for your concern, I have a tortoise shell, it is no big deal."

In this way, there was still the last time in the special tone, Yunrong felt even more strange, and asked: "Would you kill He Bo that he was beaten by He Bo?"

Wu Xuangang did not speak, and the dyed scent of the other side smiled: "Wu Xuangang, don't forget your body, the dog will have nothing."

"Big sachet, you are not happy with me one day." Wu Xuangang heard, the face of the sorrow disappeared without a trace, the eyebrows wrinkled, it is necessary to jump from the chair.

"Well, well, the two predecessors, we are all thanking the cloud predecessors, there is something to say." Wan Bo saw two big demon to fight, and quickly stood up and advised.

Wu Xuangang glanced at Yunrong, don't sit down and scream: "Look at the face of the predecessors of the cloud, good men don't fight with women."

"The cloud predecessors did not give you this face, you just can't beat me!" The dyed scent also whispered.

It happened that the waiter came in with the dishes. Wanbo was afraid that the two people would quarrel again. They urged everyone to eat food. He didn’t dare to ask colleagues in Beijing for help. The temper of these two people was too explosive.

Yunrong didn't expect to ask the two people to quarrel with each other. He looked at Lu Henian with a sly look. Lu Henian returned with a soothing smile and put two lobsters in the bowl of the little girl. The little girl usually likes to eat seafood. .

Everyone ate a few dishes, the atmosphere was eased, the scent was eaten very little, and after eating two, they put down the chopsticks and looked at Yunrong: "The cloud predecessors, this time Hebo’s killing relied on the help of the predecessors. I and the Beijing Special Cod Office said this thing, the leaders are very attached to it. The entire Chinese country like the predecessors can hardly find a second one. I don’t know if the seniors are willing to join our Beijing Special Office. The treatment is very good."

"The treatment is very good? How good is it?" Yun Rong was not in the heart, and the treatment was very good, and he could not help but ask.

The eyes of the maritime special commission have also gathered on the body of the dyed incense, who does not want to know the welfare of the head office.

Only half of Lu’s actions to peel the shrimps, he looked up, glanced at the little girl, she was a greedy, if the treatment is better than Lu, I do not know if the girl will change jobs.

"The salary is not much for a month, it is five or sixty thousand, there are five insurances and one gold. However, there are special subsidies for more than a thousand years. It comes out to kill the evil spirits and subsidies. It is more than enough to live in Beijing. "The scent of incense was originally said to be a good salary. I didn't expect Yunrong's concern to be treated."

If you want to say wages and salaries, you really don’t care. After all, you don’t have to rely on money to eat. This salary is not enough to smother your teeth. The reason why everyone stays at the special office is that there is a stability for China. A sense of responsibility and a sense of mission.

Generally, people who care about wages and salaries are low-level monsters. They have just become adult-shaped, or they have been reduced to a low level. They can't make a valley, and they can't practice the law. Therefore, they have to live like a human race, and naturally they have to use the money.

However, since Yun Yun asked, she simply said it, and said: "If the cloud predecessors can come to the special office of the capital, the treatment will definitely be better than me. With your cultivation, many of the talents are free. in use."

The author has something to say: Note 1 stem fruit: "Shan Hai Jing" records that the stem grows on the Fushan Mountain in the Xishan Mountains, the fruit of the knot is like jujube, and people can treat deafness.