MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 43

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Su Qian let go of Su Yuzhou, got up and called the hotel person to deliver the meal.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked.

Su Yuzhou has eaten a chocolate bar since the afternoon and is really hungry.

He thought about it and said, "I want to eat meat."

Su Qian paused, then nodded, "Okay."

Next, he explained a few words to the waiter on the opposite side of the phone in fluent S language.

When Su Qian put down the microphone and looked away, he saw the young man beside him sitting cross-legged and looking at him with bright eyes.

Su Qian paused slightly, expressing doubts with his eyes.

The young man grinned, and said with a bit of admiration: "Brother Su, you are so amazing, you can actually say the words here."

He can even speak the international lingua franca, not to mention the minor languages ​​of S country.

Su Qian reached out and rubbed his head, probably because the stomach pain was not so serious, and his expression softened.

"Want to learn?" he said casually.

Su Yuzhou said: "Okay,? Do you want to teach me?"

Su Qian hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Learn a few everyday expressions, and you will never be wrong."

So, while waiting for the waiter to deliver the meal, Su Qian sat on the head of the bed and taught Su Yuzhou some common phrases in the S country.

Su Yuzhou sat cross-legged beside him, he said a sentence, and he repeated it.

I don't know if he has a good memory at a young age? Or is he really talented. He memorized every sentence Su Qian taught.

And in the subsequent spot checks, ? also performed very well.

Su Qian is also a surprise, but thinking that he has just become a top Alpha, a top A known for his talent, it seems not uncommon to have such a memory.

He looked at the smiling young man, but couldn't help touching the top of his hair, and said softly, "Maybe you can study it seriously."

Su Yuzhou tilted his head and said with a smile, "If you teach me, I will learn."


Su Qian looked back at him, but before he refused or agreed, the young man had already counted his fingers, and then made a gesture.

"The ninth requirement."

Su Qian pursed her lips, and finally sighed helplessly, and replied, "Okay."

Actually, even if he doesn't use conditional times, he...will agree.

He seems to have no way of rejecting him now.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but glanced at the smug-looking little Alpha again, thought about it, and added, "Just don't regret it."

Su Yuzhou froze, the pride in his eyes was replaced by apprehension.

It's not going to be a pile of homework, is it? Little Alpha, who had just been released from the third year of high school, suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

He looked at Su Qian pitifully, reached out and tugged at his sleeve, and said softly:

"Teacher Su, be merciful."

Su Qian glanced at him, and soon forced himself to look away.

If it weren't for the stomachache, and I had trouble with him last night because of this business trip, I don't know how he is recovering, he must now…

Su Qian sighed in his heart and said in a low voice, "Look at your performance."

"How do I behave?"

Su Yuzhou lay down, resting his head on the man's lap very naturally, and when he looked up at him, the top of his hair touched Su Qian's abdomen.

The young man didn't seem to realize how ambiguous and intimate this posture was. He bent his eyes and smiled: "You have to say a standard."

Su Qian: "…"

He didn't say anything, put his hands on his cheeks and lowered his head to kiss him.

The upper half of Su Yuzhou's face was pressed against his chest, the man's scorching body temperature made him dizzy, feeling that such a misplaced kiss was very novel.

The scent of coconut and chestnut permeates the room.

The kiss didn't last long.


The doorbell rang.

Su Yuzhou stretched out his hand and pushed Su Qian away, the man let go of him reluctantly, watched him get up to open the door, and then walked in with the dining cart.

He finally stopped at the table.

Su Yuzhou opened the lid and put all the food on the dining table. Unexpectedly, there was his favorite fried chicken thighs. He couldn't help swallowing when he smelled the fragrance.

"Brother Su, are you really not going to eat a little?" He looked at Su Qian and asked.

Su Qian shook his head, he really has no appetite now.

Next, he leaned on the head of the bed and watched Su Yuzhou sweep away everything on the table.

He doesn't seem to be a picky eater at all.

They are all dishes from country S. He eats things that he is not used to, but the young man eats them with relish.

Watching him eat always makes people feel happy.

Su Qian didn't realize that the eyes he looked at Su Yuzhou at the moment were as gentle as melting snow, surging with feelings that neither of them noticed.

In his impression, Su Qian has always been strong and powerful, and Su Yuzhou has never seen him like this.

I always feel…

It seems that I got closer to him and saw a different Su Qian.

It is the right time to come to S country this time.

Su Yuzhou got up lightly, walked over and pulled up the blanket, gently put it on Su Qian, then turned to open the backpack, took out the toothbrush and towel to take a bath.

Next, he found a problem...

He forgot his pajamas!

Su Yuzhou frowned for a while, looked back at Su Qian, he still closed his eyes, so...

He stretched his claws to Su Qian's suitcase.

Just as he opened the zipper and opened it to see if his nightgown was there, he heard a man's voice behind him: "Zhouzhou, what are you doing? "

Su Yuzhou was startled, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, he picked one up randomly, and said without looking back:

"I didn't bring pajamas, lend me your clothes!"

Then hurried into the bathroom.

Su Qian looked at his back and frowned. The one he was holding was…

Soon, the sound of water came from the bathroom.

Fortunately, the bathroom door of the hotel is no longer made of frosted glass. However, listening to the sound of water and the movement of the youth, Su Qian's mind couldn't help but flash through the night in the company...

He closed his eyes, trying not to think about it.

After a while, the sound of water in the bathroom finally stopped.

Su Qian sighed in relief.

Just don't know why, Su Yuzhou dawdled in the bathroom for a long time, but he didn't come out.

Nothing will happen?

Su Qian raised his head and glanced at the clock, it took him so long to take a bath.

He frowned, and finally couldn't help getting out of bed, clutching his stomach, and came to the bathroom door, leaning on the door frame, and knocked on the door.

"The boat?"

His tone was visibly concerned.


There was a short reply from the young man, which didn't sound like something was wrong.

Su Qian couldn't help but have some doubts.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, I'll be out soon."

In the bathroom, Su Yuzhou raised his voice and responded, then looked at his dirty clothes, and then at the "pajamas" he had put on, frowned and scratched his hair.

In the end, he came to the bathroom slowly and carefully opened the bathroom door.


Unexpectedly, Su Qian was leaning against the door, Su Yuzhou was startled, holding a towel to cover, he couldn't help falling to the ground.

He lowered his head in panic, and Su Qian also moved his gaze down.

The young man was wearing his white shirt, with the wide hem hanging down to cover his big-legs, revealing two straight, long, white legs.

Su Qian's breathing stagnated.

The young man quickly took a step back, hid behind the door, and leaned over to look at him, "Do you still have any pants you can put on for me?"

Su Qian looked at him and suddenly remembered the warning he gave Su Yuzhou in the hotel.

From then on, young people are well behaved, even if they wear loose house clothes, they should put on trousers.


"No." He said quietly.

Su Yuzhou bit his lip, just after taking a shower, he stared at him with some watery eyes, "Then if I go out like this, will you hit me?"

Su Qian raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you see it all long ago?"

He felt that this little Alpha was either teasing him, or... a warning to him before accusing him.

Su Yuzhou snorted softly, but really opened the door generously and walked out of the bathroom.

"Where do I sleep tonight? The sofa?"

Su Qian looked at his back, his eyes fell on his legs, the young man's skin was very white, so the marks printed on it were also particularly conspicuous, it was clearly...

The kiss mark he left last night.

The man's Adam's apple couldn't help rolling, he couldn't help closing his eyes, but the picture in his mind did not disappear because of his escape.

Su Yuzhou…

Since when did it affect him so much?

"Go to bed."

Su Qian responded, walked over to the suitcase to get the nightgown, turned and hurried into the bathroom, slamming the door.

The sound of water soon came out.

He said so, and Su Yuzhou was not polite to him.

Lay on the bed, pull the quilt over her, and wait for Mr. Su to come back.

Mr. Su is so squeamish, shouldn't he sleep on the sofa?

Before falling asleep, Su Yuzhou thought in a daze, and when he woke up again, he found that the lights in the room had been turned off, and there was a warm source next to him.

He grinned, turned over, and wrapped his hands and feet on the ground.

Su Qian, who had just squinted, was awakened by him, opened his eyes and glanced at him, then naturally stretched his arms around him, pressed his chin to the top of his hair, closed his eyes and forced himself fall asleep.

The stomach medicine has taken effect, and his brain is dizzy and sleepy.

However, soon, feeling something, Mr. Su opened his eyes again, and his eyelashes blinked in surprise.

"Su Yuzhou?" He said subconsciously.

An Alpha who is full of vitality and has just grown up!

The one held by him is still sweet, his favorite Omega…

In the darkness, there was a rustling sound.

The young man released his hand, turned over, turned his back to Su Qian aggrievedly, and shrank himself into a ball.

Su Qian lowered his eyebrows slightly and looked at him through the moonlight.

It was dark in his vision, and he could feel the embarrassment and grievance of the youth from this dimness.

He couldn't help but laugh.

Su Yuzhou curled up and tried to calm down, but the dryness in his body became more and more boiling when he smelled the chestnut fragrance in the air.

He wanted to bury his face in the pillow.

This is embarrassing...

He knew that Su Qian hated Alpha treating him like this, and he also said that he would not accept any Alpha marks...

Su Yuzhou picked the wool on the mattress, trying to divert his attention.

At this time, he heard a rustling sound behind him.

As the bed board babbled, the man turned over and hugged him from behind.

Su Yuzhou blinked, leaning against his warm and thick chest, his heart suddenly calmed down, but then, feeling the man's movements, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Brother Su?"


The man pressed close to him and kissed softly behind his ear, the warm breath sprayed on his ear, making him feel that his ear was sure to turn red.

Soon, Su Yuzhou had no time to think about anything else.

The young man clung to the sheet tightly with his clean hands, suppressing the voice at the bottom of his throat, and finally couldn't hold back, and a few thin and small hums overflowed.

“Brother Su…”

His voice became hoarse, with a faint cry.

Su Qian paused for a while, then continued to hold him, and in the end, he leaned slightly and kissed the young man's wet eyes softly.

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