MTL - Whispering To You-Chapter 29 29 Whisper

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Cheng Yin couldn't wait to cut the cake as soon as she arrived at ktv.

There are eight people in total, and the four cuts are evenly divided, one for each person, and several high school students have a great time with the music of cola.

Qin Xuanyang and Wang Zhaozhao are both obsessed with adding Zhao Weilin's WeChat, and they can't wait to go to his house tomorrow to learn how to make cakes. Xie Changxing and Xie Ying are ordering songs, Nie Nan occupies the microphone, indulging in his singing, leaving Cheng Yin and Zhang Sky to chat.

"I haven't seen you going to class recently? Are you making up classes?"

Cheng Yin shook her head and said, "I didn't make up the class, but I read a lot of books every day, so I didn't have time to go."

"Yes." Zhang Sky is also a senior this year, but he is a sports student, so his homework is relatively easy. "If you don't take physical education, it is still more important to study."

"But..." He added, "You really don't plan to be a sports student?"

Although he is well-meaning, the meaning of his words is also obvious.

Having known Cheng Yin for so long, he knew that Cheng Yin's academic performance was not good, and it would be difficult for him to go to university. When she came to the club to study, the parents also made it clear that they hoped that she would enter the university with this.

"I may not be able to pass the sports exam." Cheng Yin still has a clear understanding of himself, "I'm too late to take the national second-level athlete exam, and I'm not qualified as a college sports student. ."

"How are your grades now? Have you improved?"

"It's okay... just work hard, maybe you'll pass the test."

Cheng Yin said it reluctantly, and Zhang Skye was not very good at chatting, so he said with a haha: "It doesn't matter, you are already very good, people, just live happily, right? "

Cheng Yin opened a bottle of Coke and gulped down a gulp, as if he had drank wine, and the chatterbox was opened.

"Alas, you don't know... I just don't want to be a vase."

Zhang Skye asked, "Who said you were a vase?"

"Anyway, someone said that."

Zhang Skye was also lost in thought.

In his field, very few people bear the title of "vase". After all, with the hood and hood, no one can see anyone's face, and even the live broadcast camera only captures a pair of eyes, and can only speak with strength.

"Don't take it to heart, good-looking people are always stole the limelight by their faces, and some people just don't want to admit your other benefits. I don't think you are a vase. , how good you speak English, everyone in the club likes you, that means you are very good."

This completely unconvincing paragraph did not explain Cheng Yin, she sighed and wanted to change the subject to talk about other things, but Zhang Sky thought she couldn't think of it, so he persuaded: "You are When you are young, when you grow up, others will see your light. You can see Chen Ran was like this when he was a teenager. Everyone just looked at his face and ignored his strength. You see now, Who dares to call him a vase?"

Cheng Yin blinked, "Chen Ran?"


Zhang Skye is the second Chen Ranchui in the club besides the bearded man. He often talks about Chen Ran, but it is the first time he speaks about this point. "When Chen Ran first came to prominence, many people paid attention to his appearance. As long as he made a mistake in a game, everyone said he was just a vase. But look at what people are doing now! How awesome is it?"

Although Cheng Yin is not particularly interested in Chen Ran, but Zhang Skye said he looks good, so she is still a little interested.

"Does he look good?"

Zhang Skye looked at Cheng Yin with an alien expression: "Don't tell me you don't know what he looks like??"

Cheng Yin immediately shook her head, "Of course I know! How could I not know, I mean... yes... just average, not very good-looking."

"This is not good-looking?!" Zhang Sky almost jumped up, "I have never seen such a good-looking fencer! Not to mention fencers, I think he is better than many men now. Are all the stars good looking! What kind of taste do you really have!"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Cheng Yin quietly took out her mobile phone and planned to Baidu, but the signal in the ktv was not good and could not connect to the Internet.

But she saw two missed calls, both from Chen Ran.

Holding the phone for a moment, Cheng Yin decided not to call him back.

I don't even have a birthday present, so why bother him.

As soon as he looked up, Zhang Sky was still excited.

"No, no, I must show you Chen Ran's photos." He opened the album, and there were all kinds of Chen Ran's competition photos. Lots of showings.

There are so many pictures, but they are blurry and a little distorted. If this is shown to Cheng Yin, she will definitely not accept it.

So Zhang Sky decided to go online to find some frontal photos of Chen Ran.

"Let me tell you, you just haven't seen the real person Chen Ran. I took a look at last year's game from a distance. It's really handsome, isn't it? It's definitely the type that your girls like. "

Cheng Yin held her chin, not listening to Zhang Skye, just staring at the phone.

Let's call him back.

What if he changes his mind?

But it's nine o'clock, she has to go home at ten o'clock, otherwise Cheng Sheng will definitely not let her go out.

And in case he doesn't come when I call...

As I was thinking, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

It was Xie Ying who saw it first, and hurriedly pulled Cheng Yin aside, and shouted: "Yeah! Chen Ran, you're here!"

Cheng Yin was surprised and delighted, she stood up immediately, blushing and said, "You, are you here?"

Chen Ran glanced around and saw that there were only coke and cake on the table, so he nodded.

The Zhang Sky beside Cheng Yin was petrified.

Chen Ran walked in slowly, Xie Ying moved her position automatically.

He sat beside Cheng Yin, looked at the cake that was eaten in pieces, and a few boys around her, and said lightly: "Why don't you go home so late? "

Cheng Yin was full of joy, and she was frowning just now, but now her eyebrows are curved, and her tone of voice has become light.

"My brother told me to be home at ten."

Chen Ran looked at his watch, "Then it's time to go now."

Cheng Yin nodded with a smile: "Mmmm!"

Xie Ying: ? ? ?

Nie Nan: ? ? ?

Others: ? ? ?

"It's not too early, thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday today." Cheng Yin stood up and said, "Then let's go home."

Xie Changxing hurriedly said: "No, I haven't sung two songs yet, I..."

Xie Ying immediately covered his mouth, "Don't you have to go to make-up classes tomorrow morning? Go home early, your parents will be scolding later."

Even Xie Ying said so, and everyone stood up one after another.

Only Zhang Skye was sitting still, like a stone sculpture.

Cheng Yin tugged at his sleeve, "Let's go, go home."

Zhang Skye opened his lips and complained: "Chen, Chen..."

"Ah yes, let me introduce you." Cheng Yin pointed at Zhang Skye and said, "This is my senior brother Zhang Skye."

He pointed to Chen Ran and said to Zhang Sky: "This is my roommate Chen Ran"

"Same table?"

Zhang Sky suddenly answered.

"Yes." Cheng Yin glanced at the time, "Then let's go."

"Same, same table..."

Nie Nan, who was already familiar with Zhang Skye, took the landlord on his shoulders and took him out, "Let's go, buddy!"

ktv Downstairs, Xie Changxing and Zhao Wei approached a taxi, and they stopped by.

Nie Nan asked, he didn't get along with Zhang Skye, but he liked sports since he was a child, so he liked to chat with Zhang Skye, so he offered to take a car with Zhang Skye.

Zhang Skye stared blankly at Chen Ran behind him: "He, he..."

"Don't look at it, I know he's handsome, but don't be so gay." Nie Nan shoved Zhang Skye into the taxi, "Let's go!"

Cheng Yin sent the classmates away like this, only Xie Ying had not left, standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus.

"That..." Cheng Yin stood beside Chen Ran and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here suddenly?"

Chen Ran stared at Cheng Yin and reached out to scrape the cream from the end of her hair.

"If I don't come, are you going to play all night?"

"No, I was going home at ten."

Cheng Yin secretly glanced at Chen Ran again to make sure he didn't bring anything, so he was inevitably disappointed, "No birthday present?"

Chen Ran: "Huh?"

Cheng Yin stretched out her feet and kicked the steps in front of her, and whispered: "Don't you give me gifts?"

So the cake was not received?

Really fucked.


Go back and complain.

Seeing the little girl lost, Chen Ran couldn't bear it.

"I'll send you..."

Cheng Yin raised her head and looked at him expectantly.

“What for me?”

"I'll take you home."

The taxi drove smoothly on the road.

When she was about to get into the car, Xie Ying insisted on going home alone, and said nothing to get into the car with them.

Cheng Yin didn't understand what she was stubborn about, maybe she didn't want to ride in the same car with Chen Ran.

Yes, except for her blindness, who else would want to be with someone like Chen Ran.

Two people sat in the back row with a space in between.

Cheng Yin looked out the window angrily, not wanting to say a word.

Smelly man.


Chen Ran suddenly spoke.


Chen Ran turned sideways and looked at Cheng Yin's face reflected on the car window.

Seems really angry.


He sighed and said, "Didn't you get the cake today?"


Cheng Yin suddenly turned around, her eyes gradually returned to light, "You gave that cake today?"

Chen Ran nodded.

"Ah! You said it earlier!"

Cheng Yin immediately reached across the car seat and patted the driver on the shoulder, "Master! Now go to No. 3 Middle School!"

The driver didn't ask anything, just turned to Sanzhong.

"What are you going to do in No. 3 Middle School?"

Chen Ran asked.

"I forgot the cake at school! I'll get it now!"

Cheng Yin was very excited, her eyes were sparkling, as if a cake was a rare treasure.

Chen Ran closed his eyes.

When I opened it again, my usual calm was restored.

"It's too late."

"But I..." Cheng Yin paused, "I like cake, I like it very much."

At No. 3 Middle School, Cheng Yin ran to the guard room, leaned on the window and said a few words, then came back with a big cake.

There is space in the back seat for cakes, but Cheng Yin thought about it and decided to go in first, sit next to Chen Ran, and hold the cake on his legs.

"I thought you really didn't give me any gifts."

The small interior space of the car was filled with the fragrance of a girl's shampoo, and her voice of joy.

"But we have been at the same table for so long, I know you will not forget it. Speaking of which, is your friend's side over?"


Chen Ran just remembered.

He took out his mobile phone, and there were more than a dozen missed calls on it.

Chen Ran turned his face away angrily, and quickly replied to a few friends.

"Which friend's birthday is it? It's the same day as me."

Chen Ran replied casually, and Cheng Yin was still chattering.

"Zheng Wenxing drank too much, I'll take him home first."

A friend sent a message to Chen Ran.

"I don't think I will come when I send it home. I have something to do tomorrow, you guys have fun, Chen Ran, congratulations, you are finally returning to the team, work hard, I will wait for you to win the championship next year. You When you return to the team, let me know in advance, I will definitely go out for closed training, and I won't see you for several months, so I will practice it for you."

Chen Ran typed a few words and went back, and when he turned his head, he saw Cheng Yin's bright eyes.

She laughed until her dimples came out.

"When is your birthday?"

"It's still early." Chen Ran's voice was unusually calm, "Ayin, let me ask you something."


"Do you have someone you like?"

Cheng Yin suddenly froze and turned to look out the window with a blushing face.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, I'm just asking."

Cheng Yin twisted the silk on the cake with her fingers and said, "What if there is someone you like."

Cheng Yin knew that Chen Ran was looking at her, and slowly put her finger on the car window.

She let out a sigh of relief, and a haze formed on the window.

Cheng Yin slowly wrote the letters "cr" on the car window.

"I like Chen Ran."

I didn't expect her to say it so directly, and Chen Ran's heart skipped a beat.

I don't know how to answer the call.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yin turned his back to him and smiled and said: "It's not you, don't be selfish, I'm talking about the world champion, do you remember? I told you , He is so powerful and handsome, he is simply my dream lover."

Behind him is Chen Ran's unsteady breathing.

For a long time, he said, "Hmm."

Cheng Yin saw his normal expression from the window, then turned around and said, "I'm home."

After getting off the bus, Cheng Yin walked into the community with the cake.

The elevator has just gone up and it will take a while.

The cake was too heavy, and her hands were sore, so she put it on the ground and took out her mobile phone.

Opening it, Zhang Sky sent her a lot of messages.


"Cheng Yin, I killed you!! Why didn't you tell me earlier!! You and Chen Ran actually knew each other!! He even came to celebrate your birthday!!"

"The world champion is celebrating your birthday!!"

"The world champion is still your same table!!"

"You want me to be jealous!!"

"You still pretended not to know Chen Ran with me today!!"

"I killed you!!"

Cheng Yin watched for a while before she understood what Zhang Skye meant.

Chen Ran is that Chen Ran.

It's Chen Ran in her composition.

Cheng Yin recalled what she had just said in the taxi, and a "?" appeared on her head.

The author has something to say:Dog Ran: You can shoot any card, hee hee.

There is a second update today, it should be very late, don't wait.