MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 47 catch up

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Meng Yan and Jiao Qinyun are both young and experienced. Although they are pampered and have not participated in many battles, they can still fight.

The two of them worked together on the man wearing the ghost king mask.

The clumsy magic attack came to Duan Changqing, and Duan Changqing waved his hand to break it up.

The so-called priests in this world are actually Dharma practitioners who have spiritual power in their bodies.

Awakening to become a priest is to draw Qi into the body.

Naturally, the spiritual power in their bodies cannot be cultivated, and there is no way to figure out a cultivation method, so they should also rely on their ability to increase their strength... eating spirit beasts and spirit plants.

But they can use spiritual power to fight at a distance, and their combat power is naturally not weak. The most important thing is that they have spiritual power and can help those warriors treat internal injuries... They can heal warriors, which is the status of priests The main reason for the high.

In terms of combat power, intermediate priests generally cannot beat senior warriors.

They have spiritual power, which is their advantage when fighting against warriors, but for Duan Changqing... this is too easy to avoid!

Duan Changqing must use divine sense to deal with a ninth-level warrior like the Ghost King, but to deal with such two don't need it.

Especially when his strength has improved after these days.

Come to Meng Yan's side, Duan Changqing patted Meng Yan's shoulder: "Don't be so violent, it's not good for your health."

After he finished speaking, Meng Yan couldn't move. At this time, Duan Changqing caught up with Jiao Qinyun who turned and fled: "You walk slowly and be careful about falling."

He said, patted Jiao Qinyun on the back... Jiao Qinyun fell to the ground face down with a slap.

Meng Yan and Jiao Qinyun were surrounded by two eighth-level warriors, and they had already attacked Duan Changqing.

The companion animal of one of the two is an elephant, and the companion beast of the other is a rhinoceros, both of which are thick-skinned and thick and can block attacks.

Duan Changqing said lightly: "Although your meat is thick, it is definitely not as hard as mine."

He said, punching up.


The rhinoceros was beaten and his face was crooked. As for the elephant... Duan Changqing grabbed its trunk, pulled it up, and threw it to the ground.

The people here mostly rely on the companion beasts to fight, and their own strength is very average, at least... After he put the two companion beasts on the ground, the two warriors were afraid.

They took back the companion beast and wanted to escape.

Duan Changqing tapped on the toes, and the whole person floated up.

Although he trains his body, he also has spiritual power in his body, and even because the original owner of this body does not know what to think, he put the spiritual marrow in his body... His spiritual power is taken from Inexhaustible.

Duan Changqing landed in front of the man who ran faster: "Everyone has come, so don't leave."

After he finished speaking, he punched again.

The man was immediately beaten down by him.

One has already fallen, and the other cannot escape...

Duan Changqing ended the battle easily.

At this time, the people who besieged the ghost king have already seen him.

They are equally puzzled - there are two ghost kings?

What's more terrifying is...the ghost king they faced was very strong, but the ghost king who suddenly appeared was just as strong!

Not to mention, the companion beasts of the two eighth-level warriors, a ninth-level warrior like Shi Haiyuan, can't beat people down with one punch!

Shi Haiyuan and others were all afraid - they must have been ambushed this time!

This is the trap set by the ghost king!

They are fleeing!

These people fled without hesitation, Shi Haiyuan even rushed to the staff quarters of the plantation - he saw Xie Yunnan.

He didn't know why this Xie Yunnan was taken seriously by the ghost king and was still with him, but maybe he could be used as a hostage?

Shi Haiyuan and his companion animal rushed towards Xie Yunnan, the ghost king rushed after him, and the mercenary rushed towards Xie Yunnan desperately - he was out of control, thinking We must desperately protect Xie Yunnan.

The situation is very critical, Xie Yunnan also felt it, but at this moment, he was very awake.

When he went downstairs, he took a knife, raised the knife in both hands, and slashed hard at the lion that was charging.

Shi Haiyuan didn't take Xie Yunnan's knife to heart at all.

Ordinary people with knives can't cut down a ninth-level warrior.

However, Xie Yunnan's knife was different. His knife was wrapped in spiritual power, and half of the lion's face was instantly slashed with a deep scar.

"Not bad." Duan Changqing fell beside Xie Yunnan, grabbed Xie Yunnan's knife, and smashed Shi Haiyuan with the back of the knife.

Following, he caught up with another ninth-level warrior.

As for the lower level... Ghost King and Xia Qing are not vegetarians.

Especially the ghost king... At this moment, those people are still bewitched by the ghost king from time to time.

Of course, the ghost king didn't know this, he just thought it was his ability to confuse him.

The exercises Duan Changqing gave him are really useful!

The people who came in were knocked out, and Xia Qing and the three were stunned.

Others can't recognize the ghost king, they can!

The three of them were adopted by the ghost king when they were children more than ten years ago, which is equivalent to the apprentice of the ghost king.

Even if their boss didn't wear a mask, they wouldn't admit it.

In this case, who is this person wearing the ghost king mask?

This man is even stronger than their boss!

By the way...they are still a little uncomfortable at the moment - seeing the boss, one of their hearts can't help but "thump".

The boss is so handsome!

The Ghost King didn't use the practice method on Xia Qing and others, they were not affected much, but it was still a little bit.

"Someone is here again." Duan Changqing said.

"It's mine." The ghost king said immediately.

I found someone attacking me before, he sent a signal for help, now... those people should come too.

The one who is indeed the ghost king is here.

The ghost king asked his subordinates to go out to find people, and his subordinates soon found some people to come to Hongye City. In the past two days, many people have arrived and are lurking nearby.

The fringe area is a mess, they hide here, and those in the central area are hard to find.

However, there are not many of these people, and the strongest among them is the eighth-level warrior.

At this moment, everyone is rushing towards the ghost king. Among them, those who are very loyal to the ghost king are fine, and some people who only attach to him because of the ghost king's reputation are just beating.

I even pondered, if the situation is not right, run immediately.

When they came to the vicinity of the plantation, they stopped when they found that there was no movement inside.

"Why didn't you leave?" The ghost king's men were anxious.

"The two middle-level priests from the Holy City brought a lot of people with them, the ghost king may have an accident at this moment... We should be careful!"

"Boss needs someone to help!"

"We can't just die in vain!"

The Ghost King's subordinates didn't care about them and rushed in first, and the others rushed in after seeing this.

There are hundreds of them in total, plus their companion beasts, they add up to a mighty group.

And as soon as they entered the plantation, they heard a voice: "Stop!"

Who stopped them? Why?

These people looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the "Ghost King" standing on the top of a tree not far away.

Is the ghost king okay? Everyone stopped, and the ghost king's subordinates felt that something was wrong.

The voice of their boss is not like this...

"Since you're here, let's help clean up the venue." Duan Changqing, who had robbed him of his father-in-law's identity, said lightly and left.

It's over, he should go back!

Those people who came here are a little confused - clean up the venue? What venue to clean up?

As soon as they finished wondering, they saw a mess on the ground and many people laying there.

Among them were the intermediate priests they knew, as well as Shi Haiyuan and others.

How long has it been since then, these people have already been wiped out by the ghost king?

The ghost king is so strong? !

They walked forward to see clearly, when the ghost king said: "Stop! I told you to stop! The ground under your feet has just been planted, don't step on it!"

The land was planted by Xie Yunnan with the children!

"Who are you? Who are you yelling at me?" Among the people who came, an eighth-level soldier spoke in dissatisfaction.

He is a friend of the Ghost King, who only recognizes the mask and is not familiar with him.

Or can't say friends, just say...they have the same goals.

The ghost king snorted coldly: "I am a ninth-level warrior!"

He's a little pissed! Duan Changqing robbed him of his mask, and he couldn't tell anyone that he was the ghost king!

The eighth-level soldier paused, walked out of the ground silently, and walked to the ridge next to him.

The ninth-level warrior... can't be bothered.

The ghost king's subordinates were dumbfounded.

This one is clearly their boss!

He is the ghost king!

Who was that masked man? What happened to their boss?

However, the ghost king stood there well, and they didn't ask much, and began to help clean up.

This plantation is very, very large, and can accommodate several "small towns" where Xie Yunnan lived before. During the battle just now, there were many pits here. Xia Qing planned a new building to be built. The house had been laid on foundations, and now that foundation has been destroyed.

It is also the staff dormitory they lived in before, because they deliberately avoided it, it was not affected much.

But the whole building is also a little crooked.

The person who came to help: "..." Intermediate priests and ninth-level warriors, is it really good to throw them like this?