MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 71

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Ocean of omniscience.

Just listening to the name, it is easy to think of positive and common metaphors such as "ocean of knowledge", but in fact, only those who have entered here know how bad this place is.

To be precise, it is someone who has entered here and can retain the corresponding memory.

And Pu Han, who doesn't know luck or misfortune, belongs to this very small group.

At this moment, he is trudging through the "Ocean of Omniscience"—although there is sea water in his name, the road under his feet is dry. The ground is covered with uneven stones, and the roughness of the ground can be felt even through shoes.

As for sea water, there is actually some. But all in the distance. At the end of Pu Han's line of sight, in all directions, including the top of his head.

The vast sea seemed to be blocked and held up by an invisible force, pushed into a thick and high wall of water, surrounding him far away.

Pu Han couldn't remember how long he had walked in this space. He just kept going as hard as he could. Unlike most people, he can still maintain a relatively clear memory and self-awareness after entering the upgrade space. Therefore, he is very clear about the purpose of his trip:

Go forward hard and hit the Chen level.

To be honest, a month ago, this was absolutely unthinkable for him. After all, he was still being punished by the upgrade space at that time, and his form in this space was just a lump of rotten meat, the kind that could only move by wriggling.

Not long ago, according to Feifei's suggestion, he borrowed the brilliant pen from Xu Tueran, the fairy pen, and the situation finally changed—I don't know if it was because of the other party's fairy spirit or what, during that time he Frequently logged into the "Ocean of Omniscience", and finally realized a real leap.

He pushed open the door between "Hui class" and "Chen class". His tattered body instantly returned to its original shape after passing through the gate, and a new area appeared before his eyes.

I have come to the area belonging to the Chen class - Pu Han is very clear about this. As long as he finds that ball of light again, he can be upgraded to "Chen".

If there is no accident, it will probably be the only "Chen" among the current human beings.

No matter how foolish Pu Han was, he knew that this matter was of great importance. So after waking up that time, I gave a report to the Tzu Chi Institute, prepared carefully for a long time, and finally formally "retired" with the assistance of other capable people, and began to concentrate on going to the Chen level.

Ordinarily, as a "Hui" class, he should be very familiar with the matter of upgrading. In addition, he was walking with his feet, which was many times better than the original state where he could only squirm on the ground—but the fact is that Pu Han was very flustered.

He didn't know where the panic came from. Perhaps it was because of the huge space that was vast but only he existed. Maybe it's because of the water walls that stand tall in all directions and are extremely oppressive. Or maybe it was because his instinct was telling him that this place itself was not safe.

But so what? He has come here. After all, we have to keep going.

Like someone said, it's all here.

Thinking of this, Pu Han stopped to rest for a while, counted a few times silently in his heart, then took a sharp breath, and squatted down—almost at the same time, the wall of water in the distance shook a few times, and suddenly released overwhelming water. The stream of water rushed towards Pu Han in a mighty rush!

Pu Han's face was serious, and he kept his squatting posture, moving forward slowly. The sea water rushed in front of him in the blink of an eye, hitting his eyes and ears hard, causing slight pain, but his mouth and nose were not affected at all—

Although the water is vast and unrestrained, giving people a posture of overwhelming mountains and seas, but the bottom is suspended in the air.

The water flow keeps a short distance from the ground. Pu Han, who was just enough to squat, exposed his mouth and nose, and kept breathing.

This is the experience Pu Han gained during this period of time—in this area, every time he walks a certain number of steps, the surrounding water walls will attack him with water. Once submerged by the current, there is absolutely no possibility of escape, only to be "drowned" alive, and then kicked out of space and returned to reality.

But every time the flood is released, it seems to be overwhelming, but it will actually leave a certain gap for people to escape. As long as he makes good use of these gaps, he can continue to move forward under the attack of the water flow, and when he moves forward for a certain number of steps, the water flow will disappear...

Well, yes, that's right, as long as you walk a fixed number of steps forward, it will be fine.

Pu Han cheered himself up in his heart, maintained a squatting posture, counted silently, and continued to walk forward.

He walked with his eyes closed. The water is sea water, it hurts the eyes if it gets in. And according to Pu Han's experience, no matter under any circumstances, it is best not to let your eyes look into the depths of the sea.

He only tried it once. For the first time, he only glanced at it from a distance, and instinctively felt that something was wrong when he saw some huge silhouettes. He immediately closed his eyes, and then quickly "offline", so he didn't see things in the sea at all.

Even so, after he woke up, he still fell into an inexplicable fear for a long time, and the cold sweat on his back was covered layer by layer. It took Feifei and him a long time to relax.

After that, he learned to be smart. Once the eyes are in the water, it is right not to open them.

...eight, nine, ten...well, just ten more steps and it should be fine...

Pu Han calculated silently, but suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

…he heard the sound of water.

Not the sound of water flowing, but the sound of water being hit.

Someone's moving in the water...and toward him.

Realizing this, Pu Han's heart tightened, and he immediately stepped forward. However, the sound of splashing water behind him approached in the blink of an eye, and the next second, he felt a pain in his scalp—something was grabbing his hair and dragging him into the water desperately.

Stimulated by the pain, Pu Han opened his eyes involuntarily, followed by his eyes widening in astonishment.

—I saw that what was holding him was a black shadow.

The black shadow was round and flat, and looked very huge, with countless long and short tentacles protruding from the outline, one of which was grabbing Pu Han's hair and trying to pull it up.

Not only that, more tentacles stretched towards Pu Han, trying to wrap his neck and shoulders.

Pu Han finally recovered from his astonishment, struggled vigorously, and waved his hands frantically, while slapping away the tentacles stretched out by the other party, while tearing apart the two hairs that were holding onto his hair. Immediately leaping forward, the whole person prostrated himself on the ground, speeding up and crawling forward.

...what the **** is that? !

Pu Han thought in shock. Is it human? Or an abomination? Is it an existence that is attacking the Chen level like him? But he had never seen other figures in the area before!

And why can it move in water? And why attack yourself? !

There were more and more question marks in his mind, and a panic that he had never felt before hit Pu Han's heart. He silently chanted Feifei's name, trying to crawl forward, trying to find a glimmer of life, but what greeted him was deeper despair——

Ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps... He has obviously walked the full number of steps, but the water hanging above has not disappeared for a long time.

They were still flowing and surging above his head. The sound of the tentacles smacking against the water followed him—the thing, the shadow, it had been following him.

It is like a hunter with a well-thought-out plan, watching Pu Han struggle and escape with leisure. Till he got tired of watching, Fang stretched out his tentacles again, wrapping layers upon layers of Pu Han's neck and body.

Pu Han's body was dragged upwards, forcibly dragged into the sea water.

The cold sea water rushed into the nasal cavity, poured into the ears, and choked into the lungs. Whether it is the brain or the body, the pain seems to be torn apart by life.

Pu Han struggled desperately, but he couldn't break free no matter what. A huge silhouette could be faintly seen in the sea water, and a murmur sounded in his ear, which exacerbated his headache.

Wake up, wake up, wake up—that's all he could hope for. However, the self who should have been kicked out of the space a long time ago is still struggling and suffering here, his consciousness is gradually blurred, and the strength of his struggle is gradually weakening.

The black shadow approached him again. Pu Han opened his mouth in vain, but couldn't do anything.

He could only watch helplessly as the black shadow approached him, completely enveloping him—

Pu Han lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

The first thing I saw was the heavy runes painted on the ceiling.

Pu Han raised his eyebrows mockingly, a golden flash flashed in his eyes. Immediately, he pretended to yawn and planned to get up from the bed.

—The next second, a hand fell from the sky!

Pu Han opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and before he could say anything, he was slapped on the face by that hand. He cursed secretly, and reached out to move the hand away, but he couldn't do it, not only that, but the hand kept hammering him.

In the monitoring room, the two ability users who were observing Pu Han's room stood up on the spot in fright.

Immediately afterwards, the alarm was sounded, and the warnings of the ability users resounded throughout the floor:

"Emergency alert! Pu Han is in danger!"

"It's domestic violence! Feifei is beating him!"

"No, wait! She's murdered! Where's the security guard! Go in and save her!"

After the voice fell, several armed security guards broke into the door. On the bed, Feifei still kept covering Pu Han's face with a pillow, and when she saw someone coming in, she even polished her nails provocatively.

She hurt herself somehow, and the blood dripped down her palm, which looked horrifying.

And Pu Han, who was covered by the pillow, was already motionless, and he didn't know if he was in shock or what.

The security guards immediately became tense and rushed forward to pull Feifei away. Feifei frantically scratched in the air, refusing to leave the top of the pillow. Seeing that one of them finally pinched the back of Feifei's hand, the person who was pressed under the pillow suddenly coughed, slowly raised his left hand, and waved it in the air.

The security guards stopped immediately. Feifei also slowed down, stopped on the pillow for a while, jumped down silently, and took the pillow away.

Pu Han took a deep breath, sat up with his left hand propped up, and waved at others again.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, it's all a misunderstanding. I'm sorry to trouble everyone, let's go, ah."

security guard:"…"

One of the capable users looked at the camera on Pu Han's bedside, and said euphemistically: "But we just observed that Feifei's performance seems to be a little strange..."

"It's not her who is strange, it's me..." Pu Han opened his mouth to say something, but Feifei gently pulled him, so he changed his words decisively, "It's my restless heart."

Those who can:"…?"

"It's too boring to be bored in the room recently. I want to play with her, but I can't control it well." Pu Han's tone is affirmative, "I'm really fine, don't you think I'm not doing well?"

Are you all so wild?

Several ability users present looked at each other in blank dismay, but in the end they didn't say anything, instead they asked about Pu Han's physical condition and briefly checked his mental state, before they all retreated.

The room suddenly fell silent. Pu Han lowered his eyes, revealing a little of his left hand that had been hidden under the quilt. I saw that finger was still trembling.

He rolled his throat and gave Feifei a wink. The latter understood, and used the remote control to turn off the camera on the bedside.

Only then did Pu Han completely relax, and the discomfort he suppressed forcibly counterattacked instantly. The coldness creeps out from the bone and blood layer by layer, and the teeth are chattering. He tried to sit up, only to see that the bed was already wet with sweat.

Feifei leaned over worriedly and rubbed his face. Pu Han touched the back of her red hand distressedly, noticed the blood in her palm, felt even more sad, suddenly seemed to realize something, opened the pillow that Feifei used to cover "him" just now.

I saw a rune drawn with blood in the center of the white pillow. It was a pattern that Pu Han had never seen before.

But he was very sure that it was this rune that temporarily "repulsed" that thing, allowing him to return.

"But that thing...what the **** is it?" He muttered to himself, still in shock. "It kill me? Then, replace me?"

Fortunately, Feifei reacted quickly enough to directly knock the opponent back to the upgrade space, while she still had a sliver of consciousness, struggling to escape... Otherwise, it's hard to say what will happen afterwards.

"Why don't you want me to tell other people?" Pu Han said thoughtfully, trying to restrain the trembling of his fingers, got up and took out a disinfectant tissue to wipe for Feifei, "Are there any concerns?"

Feifei was blank for a moment, as if she didn't understand what he said. After a while, Fang tapped Pu Han's palm and began to write in the other's palm:

[Because, I'm not sure, who is good. 】

[I don't know what they are. But there is more than one of them. I don't know who else. 】

They... Pu Han's heart skipped a beat just because of this word.

Meaning, something like that just now...something that can kill and replace in the upgrade space...

More than one?

Pu Han froze in place.

There was wind blowing in through the screen window, blowing on his back covered with cold sweat, sending bursts of biting coolness.

the other side.

hours later.

A small, damp bedroom.

The alarm clock rang, and a girl in her twenties sat up neatly on the bed, put on her clothes in twos and twos, and walked to the bathroom with a rattle.

Her reflection was reflected in the dirty and flowery mirror. Her curly hair was very eye-catching, but it was obvious that the hair had not been taken care of for a long time, and a large area of ​​black was exposed at the root of the hair.

The girl brushed her hair indifferently, tied it up casually, and reached for the toothbrush. The back of her hand suddenly felt a pain—the next moment, she saw a long opening on the back of her hand. The opening opened, revealing trembling golden eyes.

The girl rolled her eyes impatiently, took the toothbrush in another hand, squeezed the toothpaste and said calmly, "Are you dead?"

"...Ah." The eyes were silent for a moment, and he replied unhappily, "There was an accident."

"Let me guess. You have been mysterious and secretive for a while, so you should be looking for prey yourself." The girl said quietly, "Your main tendency is 'war'. The best prey is a Zhanhui-level ability user or Abomination. There are almost no ability users who meet the requirements, but there is one abomination that can be spotted at a fixed point."

"You went to Jinxiangshu Academy? Then you were beaten by it?"

Eyeball: "..."

Eyeball: "Ah."

"But it's more than that." Sensing the contempt in the girl's eyes, Yanzhu hastily added, "I also met a star there. The focus is on her."

The girl brushed her teeth for a moment.

After a moment of silence, she spat out the foam in her mouth, and said hesitantly, "Why is she there? Didn't she wake up not long ago?"

"Who knows her. It's like cheating. But I think she seems to have entered a charity institution, and she should be on a mission." Eyeball was obviously not happy to talk about it, "It's a pity. I picked it for a long time Just picked an orderly..."

"It must be you who made a fool of yourself to provoke her. Otherwise, why would she beat you?" The girl said bluntly, and put the toothbrush cup down heavily, "If you lose your body, you can find a new one? What are you doing here? Give me extra meals, or expect me to support you?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just haven't figured out what to attack next." The golden eyes rolled, "I...I need a place to think."

"We have four full upgrade spaces, so many places can't accommodate you? Do you have to come to my place?" The girl snorted, "And, what's the trouble? Since she's in the Charity Institute, then you go to the Charity Institute." Almshouse. There just happens to be a Hui-level Omniscient there."

Eyeball: "...I've been going."

Girl: "? Then?"

Eyeballs fell silent. What can he say? It can't be said that he was beaten up by his wife and kicked out just after successfully hacking his account.

"He is not a suitable target." Yanzhu finally chose a roundabout way of saying, "We need to make good use of this opportunity and not be reckless."

"It's you who can't be reckless. Don't bind me." The girl's tone became more impatient, "I already know that she is in the charity house, so what is there to worry about? Just pick one at random? She can't be the second." He jumped ship and left."

Eyeball: "..." That's true.

"So, can you get out now?" The girl looked at the mirror and said coldly.

"Why is it so fierce? We are one body after all, even if we are separated now, we will be together in the future..." Eyes trembling, he started talking nonsense again. The grey-haired girl with grandma closed her eyes and tilted her head, suddenly picked up the toothbrush, and slammed it into the eyeball!

A deafening scream resounded through the small room. The girl stared at the mirror indifferently, holding the toothbrush in her hand firmly, without any wavering.

A few seconds later, the pain came over. She squinted and found that the eyeballs on the back of her hand had disappeared, leaving only a long wound.

She snorted, pulled out the toothbrush, and washed the wound with the tap. The moment the water flow stopped, the skin on the back of the hand had basically healed, leaving only obvious red marks on the surface of the skin.

Looking at the red mark, the girl frowned unhappily, and suddenly heard a knock on the door.

She pulled on her slippers and went to open the door, only to see a courier standing at the door.

"Jianlin...really?" the courier confirmed to the list, "There is your express."

The girl blinked and nodded indifferently:

"Well, yes, it's me."

Another two hours later.

Star Park Villa Area.

Yang Buqi drove the car into the community where Xu Tuoran lived familiarly. When he got to the front door, he saw Xu Tuoran pushing the door and rushing out, dragging him into the house.

"Well, it's over. I've already passed one round of interviews. I read on the Internet that this kind of multi-round interviews requires some kind of stress test? I seem to have encountered it! Do you have any experience?"

Yang Buqi: "..."

One thing to say, if there is such a thing, shouldn't it be the other side who will really feel the pressure?

"Don't worry, tell me about the previous situation? Did you turn on the camera for the interview?" Seeing that he was about to be dragged upstairs, Yang Buqi hurriedly pulled him back, "Wait, I still have a Got something. This has to be in the freezer."

"Hey, come when you say you're coming, bring something." Xu Tuoran complained, and glanced at the black bag in Yang Buqi's hand, "What? Milk tea?"

"Hmm... no." Yang Buqi paused, "It's that, the Jianglin part..."

Seeing Xu Tuoran's face change suddenly, he quickly added: "It's not a corpse! At least it doesn't look like... I've already dealt with it, and now it looks like a stone, and it doesn't smell at all, really!"

He thought that Jiang Lin also had an inclination towards order, so he might be able to extract part of the energy for Xu Tuan to use. When submitting the corpse, he left a small part against his conscience.

...The corpse was incomplete anyway, and the ability users stationed in the Great Sophora Flower Domain also took part of it. Even if the courtyard wanted to check, they couldn't find out.

Knowing that Xu Tuoran hated this thing, he even stayed up all night to deal with it with props—but judging by Xu Tuoran's expression, even after dealing with it, she didn't really want it.

"Okay, then I'll put it in my car first." Yang Buqi sighed secretly, thankful that he had the foresight to bring a refrigerated foam box. Xu Tuoran was silent for a while, but still pointed to his refrigerator.

"Forget it, don't waste time. Come with me quickly."


Yang Buqi looked at her in surprise, nodded, quickly put away his things and rushed over.

He was still a little strange—he heard Xu Tuoran say last night that she had found a new job, and that the other party was very enthusiastic about her. Why did Xu Tuoran feel uncomfortable during the daytime interview?

Is the other party deliberately making things difficult for others?

Yang Buqi's expression became more serious, and he followed Xu Tuoran into the bedroom.

In her room, a laptop was placed on the table. Different from the usual online interviews, the interview at Old Man Jiang's shop was conducted through a special web forum - the interviewer opened a restricted post in the forum, only giving Xu Tueran access. The two of them responded to each other in the forum throughout the whole process.

The interview started at nine o'clock this morning. The ID used by the interviewer was "Little Jiang", and Xu Turan was a tourist, completely anonymous.

Before Yang Buqi came over, they had completed the first round and were about to enter the second round of interviews.

Xu Tuoran is the kind of person who is not easily affected by the attitude of others. But when she brought Yang Buqi to the table, she made it clear that this round of interviews made her "not very comfortable".

Yang Buqi patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, and scrolled through the webpage to read the previous exchange records, frowning more and more.

... In fact, there is nothing special to talk about. It's just some common interview conversations, even more routine than the interviews Yang Buqi has seen.

Moreover, the attitude of the other party can be said to be quite enthusiastic—in a sense, it can even be regarded as overly enthusiastic.

For example, in a normal interview, the interviewer would never say something like "Sister, if you are dissatisfied with my store, you must say it. Your doubts are our motivation", right?

What was even weirder was the conversation afterwards - Xu Tuoran replied very normally [I am not dissatisfied, it is very good].

The reply given by the other party was: [If you are worried about unfriendliness among colleagues, it's okay. The company can provide [Lone Wolf Mode] to minimize your contact with others! 】

Yang Buqi: "..."

He read this conversation several times, but he couldn't see the purpose of the other party's reply.

Xu Tuoran, on the other hand, said slowly, "When I was answering that question, what I actually thought was that that fellow Jianglin really deserves a beating."


In other words, Xu Tuoran gave a reply of "no dissatisfaction" on the premise of secretly slandering Jiang Lin, but the other party directly replied about the relationship between colleagues.

Although the answer is also wrong...but in a sense, it can be regarded as reading Xu Turan's mind.

…Yang Buqi now knows why Xu Tuoran felt that the first round of interviews was a "stress test".

This kind of interview that reads your thoughts directly is really stressful.

He scrolled down a few more lines and found that similar things abound. For example, when the other party asked about his preference, Xu Tuoran deliberately lied and replied that he didn’t like taking risks, but the other party responded that the store allows the staff to choose and accept difficult tasks, as long as you dare to accept them, I will give them; After answering the group Pu Han pinched for her, the other party replied that it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, and these materials are not necessary.

Yang Buqi frowned more and more, and Xu Tuoran lay beside him: "Does she have foresight like you?"

"...Not quite." Yang Buqi pondered for a while, then shook his head, "I can only tell the truth from the fake at most, but I can't read minds."

But let’s talk about mind reading, it’s not very accurate. If you really want to say it, it's a bit like the kind of conversational AI that talks about intelligence but is not completely intelligent.

Yang Buqi pondered for a while and asked Xu Tuoran, "When is your second round of interviews?"

"It's almost now." Xu Tuoran nodded, "She said that I think it's time to start."

After speaking, he started typing on the keyboard and asked the exact time of the second round.

The other side responded quickly:

[Okay, let's start now. 】

[Sister, don't be nervous, the second round is actually an opportunity for you to ask me questions, just speak freely. After all, it is a two-way choice, and we want to show it well. 】

[Ah, by the way, is there anyone else over there? To be on the safe side, it is recommended to go to a place where there is no one to continue. 】

After it was over, I sent a cute emoticon package.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She and Yang Buqi looked at each other, Yang Buqi nodded understandingly, and immediately wanted to leave.

But Xu Tuoran immediately replied in the post: 【It's my family. Don't worry about it and want to take a look at it, can't you? 】

Family...Yang Buqi's ears felt slightly hot because of this address, and he paused when he left.

Immediately afterwards, the other party's reply appeared:

【Oh, so it's your boyfriend? That's okay, keep going. 】

Yang Buqi: "..."

He stopped again, and looked at Xu Tuoran again, who was concentrating on typing on the keyboard, with his hair falling down to cover his side face, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Yang Buqi hesitated for a moment, pulled the chair from the side a bit stiffly, sat down, and stretched out his hands to cover his hot ears pretending to be calm.

On the other side, Xu Tueran pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, and typed out his first question as if nothing had happened:

【Excuse me, do you know Jiang Lin? 】

Yang Buqi: "...!"

His hand on the table almost slipped.

No, are you so straightforward?

"Why, she said that I can ask whatever I want." Xu Tuoran was confident.

The other person quickly replied: [Personally, I don't know him. Did that employee offend my sister? I can look it up if needed. However, if the other party has applied for the high-secrecy mode, even I can't find too many things, please forgive me. Also please don't be prejudiced against our company just because of an employee's evil deeds! 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She looks to the side. Yang Buqi stared at that paragraph for a while, then shook his head.

"She wasn't lying."

Xu Tuoran nodded and continued to ask:

[Okay, it's okay, I'll just ask. No need to check. ] After all, some of the corpses are in my refrigerator.

After thinking about it, I added another sentence: [I personally still like your company very much. 】

Another happy emoji was sent out on the other side.

[Thank you sister for trusting me! 】

It is specially emphasized that it is the trust in "her". In other words, what she said was not trust in the entire company, but only the words to her.

Yang Buqi pursed his lips and reminded: "Perhaps you can test her ability by side effects? She might...?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Tuoran sent out another line:

[Do you have any special abilities? I feel like you can read minds. 】

Yang Buqi: …

The other side actually answered directly:

【Um. My inclination is Long Night, and I happen to have the relevant skills. 】

[? ] Xu Tuoran continued to speak bluntly, 【I thought it was foreknowledge or omniscience. 】

[No, it’s really just a long night. 】

Xu Turan: ...

She looked at Yang Buqi again, who nodded again: "It's all the truth."

Long night... that sounds pretty safe. But can Long Ye develop the ability to read minds?

Xu Tuoran pondered for a while, and then asked about the grade. This time, the reply from the other side was slower. After a while, he said: [It's the torch level. 】

Next to him, Yang Buqi frowned instantly.

"No, what she said was false—uh!"

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly turned pale, and he stood up abruptly, in front of Xu Tuoran, covered his mouth and ran into the bathroom.

There were bursts of retching. Xu Tuoran frowned worriedly.

At this moment, the other party's reply popped up on the webpage again:

[Sister, your boyfriend's ability is quite interesting. Is this foreknowledge, or omniscience? 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Knowing that Yang Buqi had kicked the iron plate this time, she thought for a while before replying: 【Sorry. no offense. He just doesn't worry about me. 】

【fine. understand. I don't always have skills on here. But to be honest, I just want my sister to feel more at ease when she joins the job, and I didn't expect it to bring pressure to my sister. 】

...Honestly speaking, it is hard for anyone not to feel pressure when faced with this kind of thing.

Hearing the real retching sound coming from the bathroom, Xu Tueran closed his eyes, bit the bullet and continued to reply: [Well, my friend is still not feeling well. 】

Opposite: [Sorry, this is not something I can solve, it is the backlash brought about by his own ability. Sister, why don't you let him drink more hot water? 】

Xu Tuoran frowned slightly.


She suddenly turned her head to look at the bathroom, as if realizing something, her eyes widened suddenly.

Generally speaking, there are only two situations that will cause backlash, excessive use of abilities, or leapfrog challenges. The essence is all because of exceeding one's own limit. As for Yang Buqi, he had no problem in appraising bright-level ability users and abominations before...

The only time he was injured was Jiang Lin's hand, but after they analyzed it afterwards, it should be due to Jiang Lin's personal ability, not backlash.

Only when he identified the lie of the person opposite him did he suffer backlash...

Could it be that the guy interviewing her now has a higher level than Hui?

Xu Tuoran pondered for a moment, then turned his attention back to the computer desktop.

[I have nothing to ask for now. 】

【OK! ] The other side quickly responded, 【I know my sister is a smart person, and may have discovered something. I hope that I can get along with my sister in the future. The elder sister is also a person who needs to hide her identity, and she wants to treat others like herself. 】

Translated into adult words—I know you have already guessed my real level, I hope you are smart and don't go around talking nonsense.

Xu Tueran exhaled and gave an affirmative reply. The other party was obviously very happy, asked for Xu Tueran's approximate size, and gave her a link, asking her to go in and fill in the information.

[It doesn't matter if it's not real. It's just used to pinch a character. Think of it as a character card. 】The other party said so.

Xu Tuoran didn't know what a "vehicle card" was, so he just clicked in and looked at it before exiting. Just when Yang Buqi came out of the bathroom, he asked casually, "By the way, did you ask her about your working hours?"

Xu Tuoran: "..." That's right.

At the Charity House, Yang Buqi has already helped with the discharge and elimination files. On Zhu Tang's side, Xu Tuoran's explanation was that he was going to help his brother take care of the family business, plus study, so he quit this job.

For the older brother, the reason given was that he wanted to take a gap year, so he had to apply for a leave of absence.

Although Yang Buqi felt it was a pity, he also agreed with the decision to suspend school—since Jianglin was able to find Xu Turan's house to set up an ambush for her, who knows if there will be any tricks arranged on campus in the future.

In this way, it means that Xu Tuoran can find a full-time job when he looks for a "job".

When Xu Tuoran was at the Tzu Chi Institute, he always went whenever he wanted, and he didn't have the concept of clocking in for work for the time being, so he immediately asked a question.

The other side replied quite quickly:

[You don’t need to check in specially, we have a special forum, just go up and sign in every week. My sister wants to be a supplier, right? Then if you have time to flip through the information collection section in the forum, just look for the task you want to take. If you get something, you can send it to the headquarters by yourself, or you can leave a message and wait for someone to pick it up. After verification, you can get the corresponding rewards, which can be converted into props. 】

[However, it needs to be reminded that we will not interfere too much with highly confidential suppliers. Correspondingly, the protection and insurance we can provide are also limited. If you have an accident, unless you specifically go to the forum to ask for help, we will not send reinforcements, and the collection of corpses is not within the scope of our guarantee. 】


Xu Tuoran thought of the things in the refrigerator, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

That would be great.

[Of course, for my sister, you can also contact customer service directly. Your VIP status with us will not change! 】

[In addition, if necessary, you can apply for prop support on the forum before setting out the mission. Abominable props need a little collateral, and seal props depend on the level. The silver seal box is limited to one of each size, and the supply of silver colored paper is unlimited. 】

Xu Turan: ...

She stared at the last sentence for a while, then turned to look at Yang Buqi.

"Okay. I think I jumped in the right place."

Yang Buqi, who was frowning worried about the bad benefits offered by the other party: "..."

ah? ?