MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 109

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Li Yun didn't know how long he had been trapped in this broken forest.

I don't know when to start, it seems that people are already here when they open their eyes. Since then, all I can do every day is pick up brooches, hide from black bears, pick up brooches...

Later, the activity of exchanging brooches with other people developed. Although the actual harvest is not much, but at least it is one more hope. And in this ghostly place where you get separated from your companions at every turn, communicating with the same kind is also a good way to maintain your sanity and memory. Therefore, Li Yun gradually developed the habit of exchanging regularly—

The scope of his usual activities is the large area between the tea room and the office. He would go to the teahouse regularly to find his companions there, and he would also arrange time to wait in the middle of the road running through this area. Some people are too far away from the tea room, so they will come to him to exchange things first, and then he will bring things to the tea room for a second round of exchange.

Right now, it was his usual time to wait by the roadside. Li Yun was carrying a badly damaged black hiking bag, squatting on the side of the road and looking around from time to time. At the same time, take a notebook and record in detail what you have seen and heard in the past few days—

Actually nothing special. He was used to everything in this forest, and he was so used to it that he wanted to vomit. To be honest, apart from the novelty of seeing a half-tree man walking on a flower pot not long ago, there is nothing worth recording at all...

At this moment, his ears moved slightly, and his face suddenly changed.

He heard footsteps—dull footsteps, coming from the south. More than one person.

No, there should be more than one bear... Hearing the voices getting closer and closer, Li Yun instinctively covered his pockets, quickly put away his pen and notebook, and retreated into the woods.

This is where he lives. He was worried that other people would come to look for him at this time, but would be caught by the black bear instead, so he didn't go far, but hid behind a tree dozens of steps away, looking cautiously in the direction of the gravel road.

After a while, the figure of the **** bear finally came into view. What made Li Yun's scalp tingle was that there were actually eight of them - he thought it would be too much to have three or four of them get together to act together at a time, but who would have thought that there would be eight of them!

Are they gathering together? Why?

Li Yun couldn't help holding his breath nervously. For the existence of the **** bear, it was hard for him not to be afraid. When their eyes glow red, it seems that all the nightmares will be evoked in an instant, like a colony of ants flooding the top of their heads; but at this moment, the strong curiosity overwhelmed the fear in their hearts and supported him to stand. In situ, continue to observe secretly.

Then, an even more unbelievable picture appeared—the eight **** bears were divided into two columns, moving along both sides of the road. Because their bodies were too large, Li Yun didn't notice them at first. And just when they were about to walk obliquely in front of Li Yun, a black bear suddenly dodged forward as if avoiding something.

Only then did Li Yun notice that there was actually a person in the middle of the two rows of black bears.

It appeared to be a girl walking on the gravel path between two rows of bears. Wearing a long-sleeved thin coat, carrying a black bag on the back of his chest, holding a slender thing in one hand, and a leaf-shaped thing in the other... What is that, a brooch? Or ordinary leaves?

Someone, in front of the **** bear, held up a brooch. And the **** bear not only didn't respond to this, but also acted like a bodyguard, guarding her around?

Who is this person? Black Bear Godmother?

Everyone in Li Yun was dumbfounded. Especially the posture of the girl holding the object always gave him a sense of mystery. After a little thought, he suddenly realized—isn't this like the Queen of Spades on a poker card, with a plant in one hand and a weapon in the other? Athena, this is .

With such an association, a sense of sacredness suddenly rushed to the face. Li Yun clenched his fingers nervously, wanting to get closer to get a better look, but he didn't dare to move rashly because of caution. Seeing that the group of people was about to leave, only their backs remained. He gritted his teeth, and finally leaned forward again, changed the angle, and continued to observe secretly.

As soon as he stood still, he saw another black bear dodging to the side. Through the exposed gap, he could see the girl's hand frozen in the air, before she could take it back. Judging from that posture, it seems that she stretched out her hand to pat the black bear, and the latter hid aside out of fear...

Although the girl was still holding a brooch in her hand. However, Li Yun felt that this should not be the point.

"No way." He couldn't believe what he saw at all, and was secretly wondering when he suddenly saw a **** bear standing obliquely behind the girl quietly raised its paw, and stretched towards the girl's shoulder—


Li Yun raised his heart in an instant. Although he didn't know the girl's details, but his vigilance against the **** bear had already been deeply rooted in him, and his first reaction was to sound a warning—

However, before he could open his mouth, he saw the girl turn around suddenly, waving the stick in her hand. The **** bear looked tall and big, and was forced by the stick, but backed away again and again, looking too nervous...

No, what's going on here?

Li Yun was completely dumbfounded.

Then again, why does he always find that stick vaguely familiar?

Li Yun suspected that he might have lost part of his memory unknowingly. So after the group of people completely out of sight, they immediately opened the book again, flipped through the records under the sunlight that leaked out, flipped through the pages, picked up the pen again, and quickly wrote down the words on the blank paper.

【Record No. 12986】

[Today, apart from the half-tree man stepping on a flowerpot, I encountered another scene that was enough to blow my skull away. I saw a girl who was human by visual inspection, but her identity was definitely not simple. I would like to call it [Black Bear Big Sister], or [Black Bear Athena]...]

at the same time.

On the gravel road.

The legendary "Black Bear Athena" maintains the sacred posture of holding a brooch in one hand and a stone spear in the other. From time to time, she glances over the surrounding black bears, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Why do these guys have to follow me all the time?" She skillfully swung the stone spear, and she didn't know how many times she drove away the bear's paw from the side, her voice was low as if she was talking to herself, her tone was half truthful "It's also a headache."

A few small bubbles of ink floated out of the unzipped backpack, forming two lines of small characters in front of her—really small characters, each of which was no more than the size of a pinky finger, as if afraid of being discovered.

The first line is, [Didn't you ask for this. 】

The second line is, [When you meet the first batch, you can obviously run. 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She glanced at her backpack angrily, but she couldn't deny that the all-knowing pen was right this time.

She could have escaped—if she hadn't been obsessed with capturing a black bear alive.

This matter has to start from twenty minutes ago.

At that time, a big white bear led four **** bears excitedly looking for it, and then ran away on the spot because of Xu Tuoran's provocation. Only Xu Tuoran and the remaining four **** bears were left looking at each other in the forest.

Although the person in charge of saving the game has already left, everyone has arrived, so we can't just say "Hi" to each other and let it go. So of course—then they fought, and it was dark.

Strictly speaking, it was the **** bears who tried to fight Xu Tueran, and Xu Tueran tentatively "touched" it a few times, then turned around and ran away.

Nonsense, she is not stupid. Four came at one go from the opposite side, and she stabbed one with a stone spear in her hand, and the other three took advantage of the opportunity to pounce on them.

Unless she can freeze these bears with ice - but Xu Tuoran tried, which seems to be very difficult. The condensed ice layer cannot reach the desired thickness, and these bears themselves are quite strong, so they can break free very easily.

She could vaguely realize that she could do far more than this in the case of Ning Bing. It's just that she doesn't know if it's because of the limited content of her memories that her performance is also quite limited.

Unable to freeze the bears, Xu Turan could only turn to freeze the ground, forming a thin layer of ice on the ground, taking advantage of the time when the **** bears were slipping, he turned around and ran away, trying his best to distance himself from each other and at the same time The outer compartment of the backpack releases a small pink flower hiding inside, allowing the other party to guide him.

It wasn't until he stepped on the surface of the gravel road following Xiao Fenhua's guidance that Xu Tuoran stopped again.

Then he turned around and jumped back to the other side of the gravel road in front of those **** bears who had been late.

"Come here." Xu Tuoran stood on the ground with a stone spear, and became arrogant again.

Perhaps it was because this sentence angered the **** bear on the other side, and the prompt "Add 500 to the mouth value" sounded in her mind again. Xu Tuoran looked around subconsciously, but found no more dangerous elements, but the **** bears on the other side of the gravel road really rushed over desperately—

But rushing over is useless. They really can't cross gravel roads. And it seems that because of the problem of their body structure, they can't jump directly, they can only stand on the edge of the gravel road, constantly waving their paws at Xu Tueran, like a group of polar bears squatting on the ice floe trying to catch fish.

They dared to swing their paws, so Xu Tuoran naturally dared to swing his spear. The black bear was also afraid of the stone spear, and did not dare to be too presumptuous, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

— A one-sided stalemate in the Big Black Bear. Xu Turan was in high spirits. Across the gravel road, with a weapon in her hand, she felt that she could do it again, she didn't think about running at all, instead she couldn't stop being provocative, and at the same time quietly took out another brooch from her bag.

She never gave up the idea of ​​experimenting with the brooch again on the **** bear. He even began to think seriously about how to get a **** bear from the opposite side to kill him solo. She has already thought out the steps of her action—continue to provoke first, and at the same time spread ice under the opponent's feet, then grab the bear's paw stretched out by the opponent, and use the slippery ice surface to tear the opponent down on the gravel road, and then use the stone spear and silver Attack and control the box, take the opportunity to hang a brooch on it...

It's a pity that before the official implementation, reinforcements from the other side came.

And I don't know if there is any way of communication between them. The four **** bears that appeared just happened to be on the same side of the stone road as Xu Turan.

However, when Xu Tuoran was provoking those **** bears on the opposite side, the "mouth value" in his mind kept increasing by five hundred and five hundred. It made her numb. And when the new batch of black bears appeared, the value given was exactly five hundred—Xu Tuoran didn't react for a moment until she heard footsteps.

Ordinarily at this time, if Xu Tuoran wanted to leave, he could do so. However, she struggled for a while between the two options of "forcibly choose a direction and walk away in embarrassment" and "resist them as much as possible for a while, and observe more to see what I can get." She chose very obediently the latter.

So she stood directly on the gravel road.

And then, things became like this—

Because Xu Tuoran is located on the gravel road, the **** bear can't directly come up to chase him down, so he can only choose to accompany him. And because Xu Turan can dodge flexibly and protect herself with a stone spear, and will release ice to restrain her when the situation is not good, the **** bear can't do anything to her for a while.

As for Xu Tuoran, surrounded by **** bears, no matter how fast he walked, he couldn't get rid of him. He wanted to secretly hang a brooch on the other person, but he would be avoided every time. I haven't seen any other gains for the time being, but the "mouth value" in my mind keeps rising, and the more I go, the more it rises. She can't remember how many five hundred she has heard.

...Don't say, this scene is annoying at the moment, but when she heard the voice of the "mouth value" rising, for some reason, she felt a strange sense of joy in her heart.

But no matter how happy it is, it's not a problem to be followed all the time—Xu vainly withdrew his thoughts and pursed his lips slightly.

Especially the outline of a new building has appeared in front of it. If I remember correctly, it should be the "office". And the location beyond the office can only be crossed through the forest...

Xu Tuoran's eyes turned lightly, and he soon had an idea in his mind. But she didn't move for the time being, but just continued along the gravel road until she came to the outside of the office.

The office looks like a small wooden house, with an office sign hanging on the door. Looking in from the door, you can see a white bear front desk, with a pile of sundries on the table in front of it, and two large filing cabinets behind it...

Xu Tueran wanted to take this opportunity to see more clearly, but unexpectedly, the white bear at the front desk was very vigilant. Seeing her approaching so loudly, he immediately stood up, staggered to the door, and slammed the door shut——

It's not over yet. After closing the door, the curtains of several windows were drawn one after another, as if some big monster was passing by outside the door.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

How petty.

Seeing that she couldn't get a glimpse of the situation in the office, she had no choice but to look away. After tentatively walking along the gravel road for a while, I personally confirmed what the woman in the tea room said—

The gravel road behind the office cannot lead to the next building. It's a pointless cycle.

The reason why it is determined to be "circulation" is because she has gone a long way, but these black bears have always followed her firmly - black bears have a range of movement, and they cannot leave their own range too far. And they are still following her now, there are only two possibilities, either Xu Tuoran's hatred has accumulated so much that they do not hesitate to hunt across provinces. Or, she actually never went out of their range of activities from beginning to end.

Combined with the characteristics of the endless extension of the gravel road, Xu Tuoran naturally prefers the latter.

So far, everything that wants to be confirmed has been confirmed. As for the brooch experiment... It's a pity, but I really can't find the right time to do it now.

So Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, and in front of those black bears, put the brooch in his hand that said [I'm not loved] back into his bag.

Instead, he took out a silver box.

She touched the box casually, and she didn't know what was in it, anyway, it couldn't be a fairy pen—the latter just wanted to stay in a separate cell at the moment, and she still had time to spit bubbles at Xu Furan to urge her to hurry up run.

Surrounded by such a large group of abominable hunters, she wouldn't love it!

Xu Tuoran just pretended not to see it, throwing the silver box in his hand up and down. In the next second, there was a sudden pause in the footsteps, and the stone spear in his hand suddenly hit the ground—

The heart moved freely, and the ground covered with fallen leaves suddenly filled with cold air, and the formed ice cubes were like spring bamboo shoots, rising upwards, freezing the feet of the two rows of black bears in front!

At the same time, there was also a layer of ice spreading under the feet of the four black bears in the rear, but it was a smooth ice surface—Xu Tuoran had noticed before that these guys in bulky puppet costumes had no holes in their headgear, but they were still visible. Objects still use the position of the eyes. This also means that they cannot detect the changes under their feet in a timely manner...

Sure enough, the last four bears all slipped, and most of them fell forward, while the front four were concentrating on tearing off the ice cubes on their feet, and couldn't move for the time being, just happened to be hit by the bear behind!

A bunch of **** **** fell into a ball at once, their short limbs were held up in the air by their fat stomachs, and their thumping posture was a bit funny.

Xu Tueran pretended not to hear the weird "Aww" sound coming from the bulky puppet costume. He turned his head and ran out of the gravel road. While running, he didn’t forget to put a brick on the head of the first **** bear that got up from the ground—the silver box hit the bear’s head heavily, and there was the sound of things rolling inside. . Xu Tuoran suddenly realized that it should be the singing pen inside.

Then without hesitation, he hit the **** bear's head again, crossed the stone spear again, and pushed back hard. The black bear was scalded by the stone spear and couldn't help backing away. Add five hundred plus five hundred" prompt, and quickly got into the nearby woods.

She didn't know how long her little bit of ice could slow down these black bears, and she didn't look back to confirm. I just tried my best to run forward, and I don't know how long I ran before the "plus five plus five hundred" in my mind finally subsided.

Xu Tuoran acquiesced that this meant that he had already got rid of them. He breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had the intention to slow down, and continued walking while observing the fallen leaves on the ground.

What she is now is still surrounded by red light. But Lin Zi's state was obviously different from what she had been in before—with every step she took, fallen leaves would take the opportunity to fly up, swirling and trying to stick to her body.

Here the leaves no longer conceal their insectlike mouthparts, and the menu of consumption is no longer limited to the carcasses of dead things. Even when Xu Tuoran leaned over to check the brooch, some fallen leaves would take the opportunity to come over and try to stick it on the back of her hand.

"Hey." Xu Tuoran quickly shook off a sticky leaf, and carefully looked at the brooch he saw.

"'I like mouth to mouth' come this again."

She had picked up a similar brooch before. She didn't know whether the two came from the same person or pointed to the same person. After thinking about it, she put this one in the bag as well.

The little pink flower that was originally huddled in the backpack poked her head out at this time, holding the edge of the bag with two leaves, stretched her body and looked out for a while, then suddenly turned her head to "look" at Xu Tuoran, lifted a leaf, and desperately Point in one direction.

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"Let's say it first, I won't go to Shizi Road now." She said seriously to Xiao Fenhua.

Xiao Fenhua nodded her head vigorously, and pointed forward obliquely.

Xu Tuoran suspected that it might still want to take him to find its master. But anyway, I couldn't tell the direction at the moment, so I simply followed the direction it pointed.

Thinking in a good direction, maybe the other adults will see that they have returned the child later, and exchange some information if they are happy.

Xu Turan thought about it, and picked up a lot of new brooches along the way. Soon, she knew why the little pink flower was in such a hurry all of a sudden—

Every now and then, as she rummaged through the brooch, she could see a pink flower buried in the fallen leaves. These flowers are obviously also regarded as food by the fallen leaves here. When Xu Tuoran found them several times, there were still a few fallen leaves lying on them and eating them. The petals were gnawed incompletely, which made people uncomfortable for some reason.

Xiaofenhua was obviously not too happy to see these little flowers that had been gnawed, and the petals were all wilted. Xu Tuoran nodded its head reassuringly, picked up a brooch again, and couldn't help being startled.

"...Huh? Why is this again?"

I saw that this brooch said [I like mouth-to-mouth] again. During this journey alone, Xu Tuoran has already picked up five brooches of the same style, including the first one, there must be six.

...Forget it, six is ​​six. Sixty-six Dashun.

Xu Tuoran tried hard to convince himself, and with a delicate mood that he didn't understand, he also stuffed this brooch into his bag.

After stuffing it, I walked forward about dozens of steps, and suddenly there was a bit of the color of an earthen wall among the clumps of trees. Xu Turan's heart moved, and at the same time, the little pink flower sitting in the backpack was obviously more excited, and kept patting the outside of the backpack, as if she was about to jump out in a hurry.

In fact, it was about to jump out. However, when he saw the large fallen leaves floating around below, he silently retracted his protruding feet and continued to pat his backpack to show his anxiety.

"Okay, okay, I got it." Xu Tuoran absent-mindedly comforted her as she quickened her pace and walked forward. Soon, the building was more completely displayed in front of her eyes—

"Wow, what a big house!" She looked at the at least two-meter-high wall and the magnificent main building inside the wall, and said in surprise, "Your family lives quite well..."

Before she finished speaking, she had already turned to the front of the building.

Next to the open door, there were three large characters written in a high-profile manner:

【Execution ground】

"...It's quite miserable." Xu Tuoran stopped and finished the second half of the sentence slowly.

After finishing speaking, he lowered his eyes, and saw the little pink flower standing in the bag, with two leaves obediently placed on the outer edge of the bag, looking up at her expectantly.

At this moment, Xu Tuoran suddenly became very suspicious of the purpose of this little guy trying to lure him here.

...Does it hope that it will help its master to escape the prison, or collect the corpse?