MTL - What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub-Chapter 121 Two conjectures

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At this time, the night was dark, and the squad slammed open wings and hugged He Ruge to fly into the sky, and He Ruzhi hugged the treasure hunt for the treasure hunt in his arms.

He Ruoge folded his hands and gently protected the treasure hunt rat, he was the first time to take the passengers at high altitude, for fear that the fluffy ball would fall from his hand.

It seems that the temperature of the palm of the hand is captured, and the treasure hunt rat is brave and looks down from the finger.

"What conjecture?" He remembered what he had just said, and He Ruge asked curiously.

Xi Guizhen did not answer immediately. "Some things should not be heard, even if they are young."

The named drug-seeking rat cub was still looking down at the fingers of He Rue song. When he saw the black pressure and heard the sound of Xi Gui, he couldn’t help but tremble. A slammed down in the palm of his hand and pretended to die.

He Ruge took the treasure hunt rat, infused the spiritual power into the throat, the gentle black sly quietly stared at the palm of the baby, how to sing a lullaby: "Sleep, sleep, my dear baby..."

The treasure hunt rat cub blinked with a small claw and yawned in a low voice. The sleepy thought swept the cub. He hadn’t really slept for a long time. At this moment, in the palm of his song, he got a long absence. The peace of mind, he curled himself into a ball, closed his eyes and slept.

"The game mission is to let us find Mao Zhengqi's lab." The huge wings slowly swayed, and the sound of the guilty smack was blown away by the wind. "The game reminds us that Mao Zhengqi's lab has human experiments. The problems we have been troubled with before, How to find this lab like a needle in a haystack."

He Ru song sighed softly.

“Just right, I found out that our ideas are wrong.” Lan Lan slipped through a glimmer of light. “Why do we have to find this lab instead of letting the lab people look for us?”

He Ruge: "???"

He is honest: "I don't understand."

Xi Guiyi whispered a low voice. "This is another conjecture." The wind blew his silver hair, and the speed of the squad was very fast, because now there is no need to control the speed to follow the gray pigeon, he will not take long I can fly back to the Tower of Eternity. In the very short return time, why did you return to the first conjecture?

“Do you remember the pigeons, elephants, and rats in the animation?”

He Ru Ge nodded.

"The pigeons found the bad guys, and found the bad guys on the dynasty. What did you use to find the bad guys today?" Xi Guizhen followed the temptation, and He Ruge blurted out: "Good evil!"

"The pigeon tells the news of the bad guys, and the news of the bad guys on the dynasty tells the sin. How can he tell the news of the bad guys?"

In the mind of Xi Guifei, Wu Chengdeng answered his words: It seems to be a criminal information system discussed with Xiang Zhongyu.

The parrot told him indefinitely.

"It is through a monitoring system composed of good and evil instruments. This detection system may also include a system of information about crimes." The fog gradually dissipated, and the idea of ​​blaming is becoming clearer and clearer. His authority is sufficient to query these systems. Then there is a key issue -"

"The image in the animation stuns the bad guys. In the middle of the game, these bad guys lose their ability to act. How can they make these people lose their ability to act? He is only a judge, he is only responsible for the trial. The judge who killed the prisoner himself It is no longer a judge, but a hangman." The original idea that was suddenly clear was covered by thick fog.

He Ruom suddenly said: "No, the image in the animation does not hurt the bad guys. He just stuns those people. The real executioner is a rat, and Mao Zhengqi kills them."

"Mao Zhengqi killed the bad guys...the heart of the doctor...the human experiment..." He Rujing whispered, he read faster and faster, and seemed to realize something in a flash, so he took a breath: "Go back Hey, do you have a possibility that the bad guys are used by Mao Zhengqi to do human experiments?"

He still remembers the game's comments to Mao Zhengqi, using meat to make soil, using blood to water, and let the flowers of sin produce good fruits.

Use sinful people to do human experiments, those experimental products are the flower of sin, and the experimental result is the fruit of good.

"This is one of my conjectures." After Xi Guizhen saw the Aion not far away, he slammed the wings again, as if it were teleported on the ladder. He Ruge stood on the higher ladder, and Xi Guiyi was behind the fourth stage, so that they could look at each other.

How to shield the outside world from ecstasy.

"My second conjecture is related to good and evil. The residual instinct tells me that the good and evil is full of evil, and many formations need this kind of thing full of malice and evil."

"Do you remember the shadow in the animation?"

He Ruge certainly remembers the weird shadow, and he thinks that the shadow monster symbolizes embarrassment.

"From the beginning, the pigeons stood in the shadows to observe the bad guys. And tonight, the upper dynasty used the good and evil instrument to observe the bad guys."

Xi Guizhen raised his hand that crushed the good and evil, the hand with clear bones and pale skin was immersed in the night. "It is better to say that it is capable of detecting negative emotions and is suitable to act as a good and evil instrument." The instrument of the evil array."

"The negative emotions detected by Good and Evil are related to greed, color/desire, and killing. It is actually the same as the original mysterious live broadcast. Does this mean that you can absorb negative emotions from good and evil? Do you remember that when the pigeons, elephants, and rats appear in the animation, the shadows will become bigger and bigger?"

Xi Guizhen said his own guess: "The farms in the hustle and bustle are almost destroyed by us, so he needs a new food channel now. They are affected by the shackles of the dynasty. The monitoring system is equal to the predation of cockroaches. The net."

He Ruo Ge’s heart has set off an uproar. If the guesswork of Xi Guizhen is correct, then they are doing a terrible thing. When the monitoring system is truly covered, the area of ​​predation will be bigger than the mysterious broadcast!

The mysterious live broadcast is an area that few people will know, and the monitoring system can cover all the planets with greatness! By that time, all the planets were awkward farms!

"Let me be more convinced that what I guess is the value on the good and evil. Mao Zhengqi believes that good and evil can detect the spirit of the sea, but in the ancient times, we are more willing to call it spiritual." Song, "The human spirit does not have the distinction between good and evil, swinging between good and evil. But Bai Ze and the poor have already jumped out of the existence of mortals. Bai Ze symbolizes pure goodness."

Xi Guizhen pointed to himself, "the poor represents extreme evil."

So one value is 0 and the other is 100.

"I think, I use the carrier to arrange a huge array." If the arrangement is successful, then all the negative emotions will continue to flock to the cockroach, enough to feed the monster.

The same as the evil demon, Xi Guizhen thought of the scene after the completion of this formation, just like seeing the full feast. But soon he was depressed.

Although Xi Guizhen is a stranger, he does not have to look for food as crazy as he is. Because he had just killed the Zerg, and regained his strength, coupled with the power of the faith gathered throughout the Federation, it has been a long time for him to worry that he will be hungry.

But it is not the same. He has lived for a long time. Even if he avoids consuming energy, he does nothing, just sleeps. After a long time, he will still be hungry. When people are hungry to the extreme, they will do what they want to eat, not to mention a beast that has no moral concept.

At this moment, Xi Guizhen suddenly blessed the soul and understood the embarrassing thoughts.饕餮 Separating yourself into twenty copies is actually sharing hunger. If you only wake up one time and the other 19 cuts are sleeping, then you can barely endure one-hundredth of the hunger, not sensible. Nothing.

Starcraft has long been unable to tolerate, waiting for only two endings, one is that he eats the energy of the interstellar, and the other is that he leaves the interstellar and goes to the upper bound.

The upper limit of energy is more abundant.

But why, why didn't you go to the upper bound? The world seems to have some problems.

Xi Guiqi looked up and looked at the starry sky, and there was a hint of inquiry in his eyes. He said to himself: "Who created the game "Your lover"?"

He Ruge also looked up at the starry sky above his head. Every time he stared at the vast sea of ​​stars, the more he realized his own smallness, "...what does He want to do?" He Ru Ge uses the **** who calls the god, and the power can be higher than The existence of the ancient demon may be only a god.

He opened his head and stared at the mission. "Give me, you said that you have the idea of ​​completing the task, what does it mean to let the people in the lab come to us?"

"Play." The blue dragon is deep, like a cruel predator. "Our mission is to find a laboratory, a laboratory for human experiments, so that one must need something in that lab-"

"Experimental body."

Xi Guizhen looked at the stunned He Ruge, his lips slightly smacked, he could even use the joke tone to say the scars. "You know, I have experience as an experimental body."

"Yes, but you are not a cub." He Ruge's thoughts are a bit confusing.

"The experimental body chosen by Mao Zhengqi is not a cub, but a sinner." It is always wonderful to go through the fate. In 17 years, he was forced to become the experimental body of Mao Zhengyi. However, today he volunteered to play the experimental body of Mao Zhengqi. . "My value is 100 in the good and evil instrument. If I am Mao Zhengqi, I will not miss this experimental body. I will definitely try to catch him."

"But you are the Marshal, you guard the federation, even if Mao Zhengqi wants to catch you, Shang Kaiqi and Xiangzhong will not agree." He Ruge found out a lot of reasons to refute.

Xi Guizhen looked at He Ruo's slightly flustered black scorpion. The clear eyes of the eyes reflected the endless starry sky and his face. Xi Guizhen took the hand of He Ruo, saying: "Do you remember the last mission? I can use the possession again. No one knows that person is me."

"But you have to participate in the day-end enclosing ceremony, you can't be absent." He Ruge holds the treasure hunt in one hand, and the other hand unconsciously grasps the hand of Xi Gui. He didn't know what he was afraid of. He didn't want to let the blame from the past come out and play the experimental body again.

He didn't want the person in front to break through the scars that he couldn't easily heal.

"One day, enough for me to solve all this. I have to destroy the sly plan, or when he solves the food problem, he can control all the carriers, even I am not sure I can kill him." He kissed the lips of the song, and he put his forehead on the forehead of the person. The tip of his nose touched the tip of the other's nose and whispered: "The day after tomorrow, when the day after the ceremony begins, I will definitely return."

I will solve all the troubles and come back to propose to you.

The huge wings silently fanned, and the kiss on the lips touched away. It was almost a moment, and the silver-haired blue man was thrown into the endless darkness. He Ruge reached out and only had time to touch a white feather.

"Oh the day after tomorrow..." He Ru Ge’s heart was empty, and he sighed and broke the quiet enchantment set, holding the treasure hunt rat to the Tower of Eternity. On the first day without the big white tiger, I can barely maintain my life by squatting.

The author has something to say: I feel that I may stay up late and stupid... I forgot the story to be written next, vaguely remembering is a symbolic story, why is it like when the song is broadcast live, why didn’t I take it at the time Written on the outline? I really overestimated my brain (dementia face) (it is not an important story anyway) (think of it or feel blue and thin)

I will finish the matter very quickly, and then there will be a very magical reward. When the time comes, the little angel will vote for it or not, and it will be a welfare for the little angels who are chasing the serial!

Next there will be a second, the second is estimated to be late, you can see it again tomorrow _ (: 3 ∠) _

Then quietly Mimi ask for the collection of the pre-received "Rolling Live Room (Star)", open this book in July! After you finish the koi, you can get it in advance, and you can roll it! ! !

There are hundreds of millions of fans on the earth. In the Panda Live Room, he can easily overturn the crowd by flipping his belly and spitting his tongue.

After crossing the interstellar to the top of the strong, the barrage of the panda live room is brushing "I really don't know what it means to live this animal for life."

Rolling: Are you serious?

The giant panda, the bite force is second only to the polar bear, and the brown bear is flush, and can play the three or four wolves as cushions. When he does not make a living for sale -

The whole star is shaking at his feet! ! !

The h5r planet is the base for selecting the strongest fighters, and everyone's performance is broadcast live.

The proportion of males and females in the interstellar age is 1:1000, and female animals are weak and harmless animals, such as white rabbits. When everyone becomes a human figure, there are animal prints on the male face, and the female face is white and clean.

Rolling through to the h5r planet, his animal type is too large, coupled with his horrible fighting power, everyone thinks he is a strong male.

Until one day, the billowing became a human figure, and the barrage bombed:

#啊啊啊 Our precious and precious female is actually bullied in h5r star ah ah#


#这是最爱的女性, I was cute crying#

Barrage: I want you to sell it again, qaq

Attack is a candied fruit ~ scientific name candied, Jianghu people called Pingtou brother 2k novel reading network