MTL - Welcome To the World of Strength [Unlimited Stream]-Chapter 17 werewolf and village

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The two people approaching seemed to be newcomers, with a bit of jerky and vigilant expressions on their faces.

One of the newcomers is a boy with a fat body and an ordinary face, which belongs to the type that people don't have much impression after seeing;

But at the same time, his appearance can also make people relax their vigilance, it is that kind of kind appearance.

And another...

Jiang Yu's eyes fell on her, and her eyes moved slightly.

Although the light is dim now, it still cannot hide her face.

She is undoubtedly a very beautiful type, with black hair and black eyes, but her face is pale, she looks like she is seriously ill, and even her lips are a little pale.

It was precisely because of her pale face that her eyes became darker and darker, and she seemed to have an inexplicable... unfathomable illusion.

But when Jiang Yu looked over again, the illusion just now had disappeared, and the other party was still a weak little white flower, looking as if he needed protection.

The chubby boy came over and tentatively asked, "You are also players, right? What is the task you mentioned just now?"

Although Zhao Yuan is not the warm-hearted type, she still gave an answer to the newcomer who was trying to survive together, and the other party was also very likely to "suffer" because of herself and Wu Xing.

"Turn on your mobile phones, and there will be a task icon, which will say the tasks we need to complete in this copy."

The slightly chubby boy nodded quickly when he heard the words, and immediately took out his mobile phone to check.

The beautiful girl's eyes flickered slightly, and her eyes inadvertently flicked across Jiang Yu's face, and then she also took out her mobile phone to check.

She moved her fingers slightly, squinted her eyes, and asked inadvertently, "I accidentally clicked on a message." She raised her eyes and looked over, as if there was water in her eyes.

Girl: "Why is the task level of our dungeon C-0%?"

The slightly chubby boy looked over suspiciously, but he didn't understand the key for a while.

But Zhao Yuan's expression changed slightly.

The girl pursed her lips, seeming to smile lightly.

"I just came out of the novice dungeon, and my level is only D-25%. Why does the level of the second dungeon jump directly to C level?"

Hearing this, the slightly chubby boy immediately reacted, "Yes! My level is also D-25%. How come the dungeons I encounter are so difficult? This is unreasonable."

The girl looked over and raised her eyebrows lightly.

"When I was on the transit island before, I read the forum and knew that some organizations would give some promises and conditions in order to attract newcomers, including bringing newcomers to the dungeon. So..."

The chubby boy suddenly realized: "Are you bringing newcomers through the dungeon?"

Such words are not stingy to criticize, but neither Zhao Yuan nor Wu Xing changed their expressions.

Because this is simply too common in the power world.

Zhao Yuan and Wu Xing had encountered the same situation when they were newcomers.

Li Nanmeng listened to their conversation in a daze, "So, what does this mean?"

Jiang Yu explained softly: "It seems that if there are players with a higher level in the dungeon, the dungeon will also be 'upgraded' from the original level, that is, the difficulty will be increased."

Li Nanmeng understood.

Zhao Yuan and Wu Xing, one C level and one B level, must be higher than the original level of the second dungeon. In order to prevent some things from happening, the power world will consciously adjust the dungeon according to the level of everyone entering the dungeon difficulty.

To Zhao Yuan and Wu Xing, this was nothing, even to Jiang Yu and the others, it was not a big deal, after all, they were covered by someone.

But for the two newcomers in front of me... it's a bit difficult.

If the veterans they encounter are not good people, then they are likely to die in it because of the increased difficulty of the dungeon, or be used over and over again, and then die.

Zhao Yuan told Jiang Yu and the others: "The difficulty has increased, and the rewards obtained after clearing the level will also increase."

This can be regarded as the coexistence of danger and reward.

At the same time, there are also some newcomers, in order to give it a try, they will find seniors with high levels to complete the dungeon together, so that even if they pass the level lying down, the rewards will definitely be higher than the rewards they get for passing the normal dungeon alone.

Zhao Yuan: "When the difficulty of the dungeon is higher than the character's level, *125, *15, *2, etc. will be calculated according to the higher level."

Lin Hui: "So this dungeon is grade C, we are grade D, and the final points will be *125 times?"

Zhao Yuan nodded.

The chubby boy felt a little uncomfortable, "Then what should we do..."

Wu Xing glanced at him, "Don't talk too much, do things honestly, this dungeon is not difficult to pass."

What he implied was that he didn't mind bringing the two rookies to win together.

After understanding Wu Xing's implication, the chubby boy's eyes lit up, "Okay, okay, thank you, big brother!"

The slightly chubby boy introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Shen Yuan. I'm a newcomer who just passed the novice level. I haven't joined the organization yet. Now I'm going through the dungeon alone."

Shen Yuan. A very fitting name indeed.

The girl standing next to Shen Yuan coughed lightly, and then said: "My name is Zhong Yu, and I am also a newcomer."

Zhao Yuan didn't pay much attention to it, because at this moment, a person walked out of the village.

Zhong Yu...that is, Shi Jun in disguise, glanced over them one by one, and finally settled on Jiang Yu.

I have to say that the other party's appearance is very eye-catching, even Shi Jun, who is used to seeing beautiful people, is still willing to look at her more.

It's just that Shi Jun's gaze didn't stay for long before being caught by Jiang Yu.

Shi Jun didn't panic, just smiled at her lightly, then calmly looked away.

The sight perception of outsiders is quite keen.

Jiang Yu didn't find any malice from the girl named Zhong Yu. The other party seemed to be just looking at her, so Jiang Yu didn't care, and focused on the person who came out of the village.

The person who came out was wearing clothes that fit the season. He looked a little old, but his body was flexible and strong, which didn't match his appearance at all.

When he got closer, his pace slowed down again, and he set up his crutches, as if to support himself.

Zhao Yuan and Wu Xing exchanged glances, and then Wu Xing stepped forward to greet her.

When the man saw them, he said first, "You are here."

It seems that they already know them.

The others didn't know the situation and didn't answer indiscriminately; Wu Xing had some guesses based on the mobile phone's task content, so he answered, "Yes, what's your business with us?"

He said: "It's getting late, you follow me into the village first, and I'll talk to you slowly on the way."

Wu Xing turned his head and motioned for others to follow.

On the way, Shen Yuan asked in a low voice: "Are we just following him in? What if there is a fraud?"

Zhao Yuan explained to him: "This is the second dungeon for novices, even if the difficulty increases, they will not set a death checkpoint at the beginning.

And according to the mission prompt and his appearance to greet him, he should be the village chief in the mission, so bringing us into the village is probably related to the mission, so don't worry. "

Shen Yuan touched her head in embarrassment, "Oh, that's it."

Jiang Yu's eyes fell on the village chief who was leading the way ahead. She didn't know if it was her illusion. This village chief made her feel something was wrong.

Or are the npcs in such good health now?

Jiang Yu slowly looked away, and found that at some point, the girl named Zhong Yu had actually walked by her side.

But Jiang Yu never noticed it.

Seeing Jiang Yu's eyes looking over, Shi Jun smiled at her lightly, as if nothing had happened, with a pure smile.

If someone in the know saw it, they would definitely appreciate her acting skills.

"What's the matter?" Shi Jun asked softly.

Jiang Yu shook her head slowly. It's really nothing, and she can't doubt anything just because the other party is walking by her side.

After all, it is quite normal to find someone to hug because of fear... It is quite normal.

Shi Jun bent her lips, and then coughed a few times.

Jiang Yu asked casually, "You seem to be in poor health."

In fact, you don't need to listen to the cough, you can easily get this information based on her complexion.

Shi Jun paused for a moment, then nodded, frowned slightly, with a trace of sorrow on her face, "Yes, I have suffered from illnesses since I was born, so I have always been in poor health. Li slowly treated until healed or died, but I never thought that one day I would come here."

Jiang Yu didn't know how to evaluate it, or she didn't expect the other party to give so much information just by asking casually, which made her a little uncomfortable.

There is a very subtle... the illusion of being trusted and becoming a confidant big sister.

Jiang Yu could only answer: "You are in this world like this..."

She paused.

Shi Jun slightly bent her eyes, "Yes, if I encounter any monsters chasing me, then I will be in trouble."

Her eyes fell on Jiang Yu's face, "If... there are any monsters chasing us, you don't have to worry about me, just run away."

What she said was abrupt and strange, Jiang Yu frowned, feeling something was wrong for a moment, but looking back carefully, there was nothing wrong.

Jiang Yu glanced at the other party, the emotions in her eyes slowly changing, and then asked her softly: "After coming out of the novice dungeon, everyone should get points. Your level is D-25%, so it's not like you don't have no points."

Shi Jun paused, and immediately understood what she was going to say.

She lowered her eyes, a playful smile appeared in her eyes.

Jiang Yu: "The transit island will also distribute newcomer handbooks, so you should know how to use the points. When you are not in good health, have you ever thought about using points to strengthen your body?"

Her words seemed to be non-aggressive, but with some slight temptations.

When Shi Jun raised her eyes again, she regained her innocent appearance.

"Oh, no." She said it quite naturally.


Shi Jun: "I used those points for other things."

Jiang Yu frowned slightly.

She thinks it's fake, but...but it's not suitable to ask any more.

Because this dungeon does not need to doubt the teammates around her, it is a bit inappropriate for her to press the question like this. And, what if the other party is telling the truth?

Jiang Yu pursed her lips and looked away.

The author has something to say:

I hope everyone will not be confused. From Shi Jun’s perspective, or God’s perspective, the name [Shi Jun] will be used.

From Jiang Yu's perspective or other uninformed perspectives, [Zhong Yu] will be used

In short, Zhong Yu = Shi Jun = size = one person

(I am really useless in naming, dungeon names are so difficult) (Well, it may be that my dungeon itself is so-so orz)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2202:02:23~2021-11-2401:30:55~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Ma Liu; 18 bottles of dark grass; 5 bottles of broken;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!