MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 65

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In the darkness, Jiang Shuyi sighed.

Wen Yao opened his eyes.

Very annoying. This is Jiang Shu's fifth sigh.

Jiang Shuyi turned over in ten seconds under the quilt, and after a while, he sighed again.

the sixth time.

Because her actions were too contrived, Wen Yao didn't say a word and let her turn over, and closed her eyes with her back to Jiang Shuyi.

But after a long time, Jiang Shuyi still did not calm down.

When Jiang Shuyi sighed for the eighth time...

"What the **** are you trying to do?"

Wen Yao asked coldly in the dark with some impatience.

Jiang Shuyi hesitated for a while in the dark.

Maybe because he knew that Jiang Shuyi was only so promising, Wen Yao rolled his eyes, "Don't slur your words when you speak."


In the darkness, Wen Yao felt Jiang Shuyi's shoulder approaching.

Jiang Shuyi coughed and cut straight to the point, "Then can I hug you to sleep?"

"You can hug me to sleep." Anyway, I want to hug.

Wen Yao didn't seem to speak in the dark.

But not long after, Jiang Shuyi felt Wen Yao's left hand pass under his right armpit, and her body was softly leaning against Jiang Shuyi's chest. The whole body has a more intense rose smell than before.

"Don't move." Wen Yao ordered in a low voice, his voice was indifferent.

"...Oh." Although it was Jiang Shuyi's own request, Jiang Shuyi really never thought that Wen Yao would hug her directly like this. Her heart was beating fast, and she also stretched out her arms to hug Wen Yao's back.

"You hug me..."

Jiang Shuyi grinned and read a sentence, leaning his forehead against Wen Yao's, like a large animal playing.

Her lowered voice made Wen Yao feel that her ears were a little itchy, but Wen Yao didn't respond, nor did she say that Jiang Shuyi made this request, she just followed through.

Wen Yao guessed that if he didn't do what Jiang Shuyi said, maybe Jiang Shuyi could roll around on the other side of the bed all night, and no one would want to fall asleep by then.

Two minutes passed.

Jiang Shuyi hugged Wen Yao's shoulders and began to heave regularly, "..."

Wen Yao knew that Jiang Shuyi's sleep quality was surprisingly good, but he never thought that this person would fall asleep after hugging her for two minutes.

Even though Jiang Shuyi's sleeping position was the same as what she stated, unexpectedly peaceful, but it was an excuse that she couldn't sleep alone.

Wen Yao moved his shoulders and leaned against Jiang Shuyi's arms, the refreshing scent of lemon balm spread into his nasal cavity.

This saved her a lot of time.

Wen Yao closed his eyes quietly thinking about it, and unexpectedly fell asleep faster than usual.


The next day, because the final exam will be next week, the homework that the students are required to write during the school winter vacation has been printed and put in the school library. A few catties back.

When it was about to start physical education class, Wen Yao was called to the head teacher's office,

"Wen Yao, go ask a few classmates to send back everyone's homework."

"Just give this to the person in charge when you go, and put it in my office after you get it back. Don't send it yet."

Li Roujia, the head teacher, gave her the roster given to the librarian.

Wen Yao nodded and planned to leave the office.

"That's right." Li Roujia stopped her.

"Now some universities have started to sign up. Have you decided which university you want to go to in the future?"

Wen Yao paused, "I haven't thought about it yet."

"Is that so?" Li Roujia was a little worried. This is not like the usual Wen Yao. She has always been decisive and purposeful in her work. "Is it because of the registration fee? There should be an invitation from a school, right?"

"Yes," Wen Yao lowered his eyes, "I just want to think about it again."

"Registration for the exam will close in April."

"I understand." Wen Yao nodded respectfully.

"Now the university has preferential policies for students like you, so you don't have to worry about it. If it doesn't work, the teacher can help you."

Teacher Li's voice gradually faded away.

Wen Yao looked out of the window quietly, and the people in the class were having physical education class.

Today is the last physical education class of this semester. The first half of the class is a physical fitness test, and the second half is free activities.

The physical education exam seemed to be over, and there were no people on the track and field, and the students in the class seemed to start to gather on the basketball court.

Jiang Shuyi was sitting on the side of the basketball court, chatting with the classmates beside him.

After a while, a few people with basketballs in their arms walked up to Jiang Shuyi, and Jiang Shuyi limped to his feet after saying something.

Wen Yao narrowed his eyes and watched Jiang Shuyi walk to the center of the basketball court with a red face.

Li Roujia seemed to have noticed that Wen Yao had been watching the class, thinking she wanted to go back to class early, so she said:

"Ah, speaking of which, today is the physical education exam. Did it delay you?"

Wen Yao shook her head, her test had already been completed ahead of schedule.

"Then you go back to class first, but you have to seize the time when it comes to school registration, understand?" Li Roujia asked solemnly.

"I understand, thank you Teacher Li."

Wen Yao nodded, thanked him politely, and walked out of the office.


When I returned to the playground, the classmates in the class were surrounding the basketball court and shouting for cheer.

Among them, Jiang Shuyi's name flashed from time to time.

"..." Wen Yao walked to the edge of the basketball court in silence.

Lin Qing was also among this group of people, and she greeted Wen Yao when she saw Wen Yao came back.

"Squad leader, you are back, they are playing basketball now."

Wen Yao nodded and looked towards the court.

In the center of the court, Jiang Shuyi was immediately seen standing among several people. Like a wild horse that had run loose, she limped past people and threw the ball into the basket.

The basketball went smoothly into the hoop and bounced off the ground.


As soon as the ball was scored, the students in the class shouted even louder, "Come on, Mr. Yi!"

"you can!"

"A lot of people are cheering for her." Lin Qing sighed.

Wen Yao took a look at Jiang Shuyi who was happily smiling at the classmates in the class.

She was sure that there must be louder cheers in this Alpha's head than now.

Jiang Shuyi wiped the sweat off his forehead, and when he turned around, he saw Wen Yao outside the basketball court.

The two looked at each other.

Jiang Shuyi stood on the court with one foot standing, the other limping, sweating profusely.

Wen Yao had no expression on his face, his long black hair fell by his ears, and his eyes were very calm.

Jiang Shuyi subconsciously felt his whole body trembling.


She swallowed cautiously, and bounced out of the basketball court, looking as peaceful as a kindergarten kid.

Several other people looked at her, "Boss Yi, why don't you stop fighting now?"

"No more fights, no more fights." Would she still dare to fight?

"Didn't you just have a good time?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao and quickly waved his hands, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't."

Jiang Shuyi sternly divided his relationship with the basketball player and walked in front of Wen Yao. He was as obedient as a child and put his hands behind his back, just like the person who was running on the basketball court as if he had entered a nightclub just now. Not like her.

Lin Qing looked at Jiang Shuyi, pointed to his nose, "Boss Yi, your nose is covered with dust."

"Oh, is there any ashes?" Hearing Lin Qing's reminder, Jiang Shuyi touched her body without a tissue, so she picked up her sports shirt and wanted to wipe her nose with the collar.

Jiang Shuyi's clothes were lifted up, and she could vaguely see her belly outlined by lines.

Lin Qing glanced at Wen Yao.

"Wipe with a paper towel."

At this time, he hit Jiang Shuyi on the back of his hand with one hand, and handed her the tissue.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, and took it without daring to say anything, "Oh...thank you."

Wen Yao glanced at her, and replied alienatedly, "You're welcome."

"You, were you playing basketball just now?" Wen Yao asked as if remembering.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know why, but he was afraid of this kind of behavior that asked questions even after seeing it.

Jiang Shuyi looked into Wen Yao's eyes and didn't dare to answer. After a long time, Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, like a patient suffering from Alzheimer's disease, "It seems to have been hit..."

Coincidentally, Zhou Jingtang walked over at this time.

Zhou Jingtang, as always, was not stingy with his compliments to Jiang Shuyi, "Squad leader, you didn't see, Mr. Yi was so good just now! He even scored a three-pointer with his leg injured!"

Wen Yaoyun looked at Jiang Shuyi calmly, and repeated lightly, "I really didn't see it."

What else could Jiang Shuyi say? She just felt a chill down her back.

"Let's go to the infirmary first." Wen Yao said coldly.

"...Okay." Jiang Shuyi obediently nodded and followed.

Wen Yao walked forward in silence, as if to match Jiang Shuyi's limp, she deliberately slowed down her pace, Jiang Shuyi followed her out of the playground, not knowing what to say.

On the way to the infirmary is the ginkgo forest of the school.

Because it is winter, the leaves on the trees are almost gone, and the scenery becomes very bleak.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her, feeling that his palms were a little empty, and she put them into her pockets in embarrassment.

With his free hand, Jiang Shuyi pointed to a dead tree in the distance.

"Wen Yao, look there is a pigeon over there."

Wen Yao glanced at the "pigeon" Jiang Shuyi mentioned, and said quietly, "That's not a pigeon."

The gray bird shook its tail as if mocking Jiang Shuyi.

"That's a cuckoo."

"Ah... Cuckoo." Jiang Shuyi shrank his fingers.

"Cuckoos in winter are quite rare." Wen Yao commented.

"Really?" Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, she didn't quite know what season the cuckoo appeared in.

"Cuckoo has many other names, Zigui, Dujuan, Guogong, Huogu..."

Wen Yao looked at the sky quietly, "The cuckoo is a summer migratory bird. It will migrate to warm places in September and will only appear in spring."

"This bird's call lasts from April to June. It will prey on pests. From its name "cuckoo", we can see that its call urges people to work."

"That's it."

Jiang Shuyi hummed, she actually didn't have a good impression of the cuckoo, she always thought it was a bad bird.

The gray bird jumped up and down in front of the two of them, turned its head flexibly, and then flew away in an instant.


Jiang Shuyi reached out and took Wen Yao's hand, but Wen Yao's hand was still so cold.

"..." Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi's hand, but did not let go.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao and said in a low voice, "They insist on me going, I think it's not good to refuse them."

"..." Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi silently, and immediately imagined how this soft-eared Alpha walked over with a smile as soon as he was praised.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Shuyi said in a low voice.

"Why are you apologizing to me?"

Wen Yao looked ahead, without any change in tone, and said: "Whether it's the exam, your grades, or your health, it's your own thing, not mine."

"Liar," Jiang Shuyi peeked at her face as if probing, "You're obviously angry."

"..." Wen Yao didn't speak.

Jiang Shuyi put Wen Yao's hand into the pocket of his sportswear, and his shoulders were also touching Wen Yao's.

She bumped Wen Yao's head lightly with her head, her fingers tightly wrapped around the other's fingers, and after seeing that no one was there, Jiang Shuyi quickly kissed Wen Yao's face again.

Seeing Wen Yao's expression, Jiang Shuyi smiled carefree, feeling a sense of happiness in his heart.

"Then I'll pretend you're not angry."