MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 76 massacre!

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 Chapter 76 Massacre!

 The transaction with Qin Yumo and Dai Yu went smoothly.

Ye Fan thanked him for raising the price of goods, otherwise the goods he brought might not be enough.

 Be it the airport base or the hot spring base, the people in these two places are basically relatively wealthy.

Whether it is a person who survived or a person who became a zombie, there is a lot of gold and silver jewelry on his body.

 So these two families brought the most abundant gold and silver.

 He sold more than half of the goods he had and got two large bags of jewelry from two people.

Especially at Dai Yu’s place, there is even a golden bull ornament, which was originally the treasure of the hot spring base. This thing alone weighs twelve kilograms!

 Dai Yu got almost 20 kilograms of wealth here, and Qin Yumo also got 15 kilograms.

If all these things were turned into money, it would be more than 30,000 gold!

The conversation between the few went very smoothly. Qin Yumo immediately agreed to whatever Ye Fan suggested. Later, he simply handed over all the gold to Ye Fan and offered to drive a heavy truck with him and Dai Yu.

Ye Fan agreed. The heavy truck contained ordinary supplies, no mutated animal meat and no guns and ammunition. In exchange for more than 30,000 gold, he made a lot of money.

 Ye Fan nodded, and Qin Yumo immediately left with Dai Yu, not even making subsequent transactions.

Dai Yu was still a little confused and followed Qin Yumo downstairs. He didn't have time to ask a word before the two of them got into the car.

“Chief Qin, are you really moved by Mark?”

Qin Yumo sneered at himself: "How can I be moved? I don't dare to move."


"Because Ye Fan has already put the heavy machine gun in the bathroom, people like Xing Hai will suffer a big loss. Let's not talk about it. We can't stay in the place of right and wrong for a long time. Let's go further and divide the supplies, and then go our separate ways."

 Dai Yu broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't know how Ye Fan did it. He was able to place a heavy machine gun in Liu Long's lair.

 Thanks to being out early, gunshots may sound soon.


When Ye Fan and the others were trading, Xing Hai and Liu Long were watching with cold eyes. It would be better for Qin Yumo and the others to go out. The only people to deal with were Ye Fan and Chen Hao.

Liu Long said a few words over the walkie-talkie, and then nodded to Xing Hai.

Xing Hai looked at Ye Fan where the old **** was present, and felt that there was something wrong there, but he could no longer think about it at this moment.


Xing Hai slapped his palm on the table and said sternly to Ye Fan: "Ye, you killed so many of us. The debt should be settled today."

 “How do you want to calculate it?”

"eye for eye!"

Xing Hai turned to the other veterans: "Everyone, whoever is willing to help me Xing Hai will be my brother from now on. Ye Fan also has a lot of supplies and vehicles. Let's take his things and share them equally. Anyone who is willing to do it with me, Let’s do it now!”

Wu Xiao and others also disliked Ye Fan and left rationally. The remaining ones among them all had the character of bandits. With such a big threat like Ye Fan around, they were restless.

Maybe one day Ye Fan will get stronger and kill them easily.

 In this case, it is better to strike first now. It is safest to kill Ye Fan while he is still young.

 But before they could take action, Ye Fan took action.

The three men suddenly burst into flames and fired ferociously with the submachine guns in their hands. The roaring bullets hit the table with splinters of wood, and the surrounding glass shattered.

Three guards and two superpowers were beaten into pieces on the spot due to lack of preparation. Even Wang Huai at the forest farm base was shot in the head by Ye Fan.

Wang Huai was also a person with supernatural powers, but he was caught off guard and died of frustration.

Xing Hai and others took a step slower and fell into a passive state. They were pinned under the table and unable to raise their heads.

Ye Fan and the other two took this opportunity and jumped directly over the table.

Before Ye Fan started, he pointed at a corner to Chen Hao, so as soon as the incident happened, he quickly retreated to that corner with two of his men.

Although he didn’t know why he was hiding here, he thought it would be fine if he obeyed.

 Jumping over the table, the two scouts continued to suppress the fire, while Ye Fan rushed to the bathroom door as quickly as possible.

With a twist of his body, he disappeared into the bathroom with two military dogs.

Shen Ruihuiqiao Sanyou continued to fire, the bullets of the submachine gun were all gone, he shot the pistol with his left hand, and changed the submachine gun magazine with his right hand. This skill is not something ordinary people can do.

 It took two seconds for the pistol bullets to be exhausted, and the submachine gun continued to fire. The people like Xing Hai were beaten so hard that they had no chance to fight back. They could only hide under the table, and some people were shot from time to time.

  Da da da~~~!

Before the second round of ammunition was finished, the door of the hall was kicked open, and a large group of armed men rushed in.

These people took the elevator down from the top floor. This way they could not only avoid Ye Fan's people in the stairwell, but also concentrate their superior forces to deal with Ye Fan and others instantly.

However, Ye Fan's early start disrupted the rhythm, and they were a step late.

These people rushed in, and a dense rain of bullets immediately enveloped the hall!

 There were a lot of sparks in front of the bathroom door, and the entire door and wall were riddled with holes.

 Unfortunately, it was too late. Shen Ruihui and the others had already retreated quickly as they entered.

At this time, Xing Hai and others finally crawled out from under the table, their faces livid: "Get in immediately! They can't get out of the bathroom, now is the only chance!"

People shouted and rushed up. They all knew that Ye Fan's men would soon come to support them, and they had to kill Ye Fan before those people arrived.

But in such a short time, a **** iron guy appeared in front of the bathroom door.

 The dark metal baffle and thick gun body prove that this is a killing weapon.

 “Whew...oh oh!”

Wu Xiao from Baihua County, who was running ahead, could no longer even speak a complete sentence.

 Next, is the roar of death!

 Heavy machine guns opened fire in the trading floor. It was a disaster!

  A 12.7mm caliber bullet can literally break a person's body into pieces if it hits it!

 It can literally knock people away!

 Dang Dang~~~Dang Dang Dang~~~Dang Dang Dang Dang~~~~!

Broken flesh and blood spun in the air, and the broken limbs were directly carried by bullets to the far wall, and blood like splashing ink spattered on the ceiling.

Wu Xiao himself is a powerful superpower, but in this environment with no escape, he charges forward and faces the heavy machine gun, which is completely courting death!

The body was easily torn apart, and large amounts of blood burst out from the body. It was beaten to pieces without saying a word!

 Those Liu Long's men who rushed in from behind became the focus of heavy machine gun fire.

People fell down like grass. Some people were still firing their guns, and their bodies had been beaten into sieves.

The flying bullets hit the chandelier on the ceiling. The chandelier fell down, and the sky was filled with broken glass shards.

Zhao Xiaohao from Fuchun is considered smart. When the heavy machine gun opened fire, he stood relatively far back and ran out the door with his life in danger.

However, his whereabouts were still locked by the heavy machine gun soldiers. The storm of bullets was like a torrent of metal, directly penetrating the wall and locking Zhao Xiaohao who had already run out of the door through the wall!

 This is a total massacre!

The enemy huddled behind the metal baffle. There was only a small door, and no evolution could possibly break through the crazy firepower of the heavy machine gun.

Xing Hai immediately grabbed Liu Long and huddled in a corner, his heart filled with despair.

Ye Fan, this bastard, was so gloomy that he even placed a heavy machine gun here. How did he do it?

Liu Long's team is about to be wiped out here. Seeing his men being harvested by heavy machine guns like grass, Liu Long has lost his ability to think.

Xing Hai still had some sense, and he forcibly pulled Liu Long up: "Jump off the building! Implement the second plan. My Dongfeng Warriors are still down there, and people are stationed not far away to assist us and give us all the gold and silver we have hidden." They will help, as long as we jump down, we still have a chance of survival!"

  Thanks to the book friend (please call me Little Dumb) for the 13,000-coin reward, I was promoted to the hall master and became the second place on the fan list of this book!

 (End of this chapter)